Can't anything be done about the speed of this site?

Folks, the site is slow due to....

The number of users/posts...

The use of images for avatars and sigs....

It's popular for us DI$ geeks and the resulting posts (see reason #1).

-Kevin <== years of Web dev experience
its not slow for me at all. You have to clean up your pc from time to time, delete spyware and temp internet files. bogs load time down

I clean it daily. If you are reading through the posts, how is it possible that everyones PC is the issue here.

The site can be slow at times. However, this is a very popular site and hosting/bandwidth/support staff is not cheap. Unless we all decide to start clicking some ads or start donating I wouldn't demand anything from the admins :)
YES! I'm using Safari on a Macbook that's only a few months old, with settings to clear the cache weekly. I'm actually surprised when I DON"T have to wait.
For what it's worth, I decided to test the speed with avatars, pictures and signatures turned off, and I'm happy to report it actually does load quicker, by anywhere from 20 to 50 percent.
Dis boards is the only site that is slow for me. I go on this site very early in the morning, and it often slows down so much, I decide to leave for the day.
more often than not it's soooo slow. It also double posts at least 50% of the time for me.
Interesting not having any problems with it loading quickly.

Me either.:confused3 The speed is great. The pages seem to change almost instantly.

For those who are complaining about the speed: have you cleaned your cookies/temporary internet files/cache recently? What kind of internet connection are you using? What browser are you using? These may be contributing to what you are seeing speed wise.
I am a big firefox guy but just did a downloaded google chrome and the site works much better for me from there.
I'm getting this message: "503 Service Unavailable. The server is temporarily busy, try again later!" If you can have 6 tabs open and they're all opening at "normal" speed & disboards isn't, the problem is with disboards, not with the computer. It's frustrating, and it has definitely impacted how much I read and post. :sad2:
On 95% of the users I will promise it's just hit or miss if the site is slow for you. If you have people that are pulling a lot of threads with a lot of pictures all at once, if you just flat out have lots of users clicking stuff at the same time, you WILL get slow response times. To those that say 'you never have speed problems' you are either VERY lucky or check at lower traffic times of days. I can have days where it is slow all day, I just give up. Could be a combo of traffic between me and the DIS, the DIS itself etc etc. This will be at different locations, computers from old to new, OS's from xp, to vista to win7, IE, chrome, firefox etc etc. It will usually clear up in a few minutes, sometimes it takes longer, sometimes you get a 'done blown up' error (different then just a browser error).

I've checked out some sites that the web masters here go to dedicated to getting BIG vbulletin sites to run as quickly as possible. Knowing the number of views they get, plus some of the businesses they also run, seeing some of the hardware they say they are running on, they do sink some cash into this site, but you still cant be bullet proof.

While cleaning you cache and cookies and stuff sometimes isnt a bad idea, it's not normally the underlying cause of the site running slow.
One of their biggest problems is that they are using vbulletin as their forum software. the script itself is a resource hog. Next some of the ad banners uses flash, meaning action script needs to be parsed from another site, slowing things down as well.

Yes, vb is a hog in and of itself, I run a VB board with a few thousand users, but never more then 130 or so on at a time and it will slow a 'decent' dedicated server down if people are looking at posts with a lot of database pulls. PLUS it is heavily modified, plus the ads, etc etc. The quoted poster here pretty much has it nailed. VB is a nice forum software to use, and it's very price attractive, but it has it's limits. And HUGE forums like this one, can and will bring it to it's knees..
Hopefully they address the issues with the 4.0 release that should be out in Q4 of this year. Unfortunatly I don't believe we will see 4.0 here for a while since this board is so heavily modded that it would take months to port the mods to be 4.0 compatible
The site would be tons faster if they just restricted animated avatars and signature images on the board. that alone, generates a lot of bandwidth especially for the amount of traffic on the board.
It has been slow for the ten plus years I have been here. I have never seen it 'normal'. It can be any month, any day of the week, and time of the day, or night. It is a chronic problem. I have never been on any other consistenly slow loading forum site other than this one. I just expect it to be slow and deal with it. I visit other sites, pop open a window here, and when it finally loads, look at it. I do not visit much anymore so it does not really affect me too much.
The site would be tons faster if they just restricted animated avatars and signature images on the board. that alone, generates a lot of bandwidth especially for the amount of traffic on the board.
Agreed. Seems they could optionally disable display of avatars and images when the site is maxed out.

Of course, there's alway my way... I've gone into my User CP and under Edit Options -> Thread Display Options -> Visible Post Elements unchecked sigs, avatars, and images. Helps a lot...
Agreed. Seems they could optionally disable display of avatars and images when the site is maxed out.

Of course, there's alway my way... I've gone into my User CP and under Edit Options -> Thread Display Options -> Visible Post Elements unchecked sigs, avatars, and images. Helps a lot...

But what if I want to know when TinkerMouse6592 is going back for their 4th stay at DVC, and first time for MVMCP?


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