***Can't keep us down...OFFICIAL MAY 2021 THREAD...come heck or high water we're going to WDW!!!***

Inspired by @SaintsManiac , I watched a walk through of Gran Destino and then just of CSR today, since this is where we will be staying. CSR looks so sprawling, lush and peaceful. I can't wait to just wander it!

Everyone feel free to post your favorite videos! or I can post other hotel walk throughs if you wish!

Sigh I had to cancel a May trip this year (I was taking my mom for Mother's Day - I had it all planned!! It was going to be great!!) but I am willing to move heaven and earth to go May 2021. Nothing is reserved yet, but that is the goal. The idea is for it to be a mother-daughter trip again, since my mom was disappointed we had to cancel(I think I talked everything up too much - she was looking forward to F&G and I even had her ready for a RotR early morning trek). Fingers and toes crossed!!
Sigh I had to cancel a May trip this year (I was taking my mom for Mother's Day - I had it all planned!! It was going to be great!!) but I am willing to move heaven and earth to go May 2021. Nothing is reserved yet, but that is the goal. The idea is for it to be a mother-daughter trip again, since my mom was disappointed we had to cancel(I think I talked everything up too much - she was looking forward to F&G and I even had her ready for a RotR early morning trek). Fingers and toes crossed!!

Hi there and welcome! :)

I think we all have every cross-able parts of our bodies crossed at this point!
So we had a call today, as above I have to use 4 vacation days in May and no more money into pensions and no more retirement matching. And no pay increase this year. Then in June and so on, unless in June they either cut staff or hours. Now I'm senior, so unless they let the entire Compliance Audit Program go (which is mandated for any physician billing to have if they want to receive Medicare money), I should (hopefully) still have a job. If they reduce hours, it would be temporary, but still hurt. And basically let it be known that our two newest hire's jobs may be in jeopardy. :(

Anywhoo...our boss and her boss sent us this email after we got all this news from conference call...the phone call was very depressing. Email said, "oh just FYI - we sent the admin two $100 gift-cards to Amazon and Whole Foods for being at work and watering the plants for everyone, scanning some records and we signed all your names."
Now she is very nice, but she's not in danger of losing job and she's not going to have cut hours. She chooses to go to office everyday.

I know I'm super-sensitive and upset right now, so I'm just venting on our little thread, but I thought it was a rather tone-deaf thing to do. We are working our butts off, covering outside audits that outside companies can no longer do, taking classes after work to learn about audits outside of our scope of knowledge and no thanks for us. Not even on the call today, just telling us to hope patients are ready to come back or we will be in trouble come June. 😳

I'll get over it, of course I didn't say a word to anyone. I just think it was kind of thoughtless.


Okay, off to dream of WDW!
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I'm so sorry. Sounds tone deaf to me too. This is such a difficult time. Our department of seven from a year ago is down to just me and my hours have been cut in half. I am grateful however to have a job and also to be able to distract myself with Disney planning. It is such a great way to escape, now if Touring Plans would only release their May 2021 hours so I could fool around with touring plans...
I'm so sorry. Sounds tone deaf to me too. This is such a difficult time. Our department of seven from a year ago is down to just me and my hours have been cut in half. I am grateful however to have a job and also to be able to distract myself with Disney planning. It is such a great way to escape, now if Touring Plans would only release their May 2021 hours so I could fool around with touring plans...

Thanks! I'm so thankful I still have a job, but still nervous at what's coming in the future. But for now I'll just enjoy my (forced) days off I guess!
I’m so sorry @Farro. I hope things settle and everything is ok with your job.

We’ve been on a rollercoaster at mine, working from home has been the football and my whole team has been Charlie Brown the last couple of weeks. Senior staff at our agency have no idea what we’re doing from day to day. I had to go out Wed-Fri this last week to train at a satellite site. Today I had to as well, but in a support role for the vendor’s trainers. 6:40pm and I still have no idea if I’m literally coming or going tomorrow, we could be looking at 3 different possibilities 2 of which have us going out to these other sites. Meanwhile I have an 80yo mother with COPD at home. It’s infuriating and crazy making.

The good news is I am still taking my planned vacation days, which were supposed to start Friday. Saturday was when we were supposed to fly down. I’m trying not to let it get me down, but it’s hard. Especially knowing my gf was supposed to come down Friday. We’re gonna look up recipes and try to have a Twilight Feast over FaceTime.
I’m so sorry @Farro. I hope things settle and everything is ok with your job.

We’ve been on a rollercoaster at mine, working from home has been the football and my whole team has been Charlie Brown the last couple of weeks. Senior staff at our agency have no idea what we’re doing from day to day. I had to go out Wed-Fri this last week to train at a satellite site. Today I had to as well, but in a support role for the vendor’s trainers. 6:40pm and I still have no idea if I’m literally coming or going tomorrow, we could be looking at 3 different possibilities 2 of which have us going out to these other sites. Meanwhile I have an 80yo mother with COPD at home. It’s infuriating and crazy making.

The good news is I am still taking my planned vacation days, which were supposed to start Friday. Saturday was when we were supposed to fly down. I’m trying not to let it get me down, but it’s hard. Especially knowing my gf was supposed to come down Friday. We’re gonna look up recipes and try to have a Twilight Feast over FaceTime.

Oh thank you! I know we are all going through some hard times right now. But let's hope we see the light at the end of the tunnel soon!

I wonder if packages will come out on time this year. Very curious to see pricing!
I got the idea from you to look at resort tours again on YouTube and I forgot Resort TV1 had some too! I love their relaxing strolls also.

Right now I’m watching this tour of the GF:
I got the idea from you to look at resort tours again on YouTube and I forgot Resort TV1 had some too! I love their relaxing strolls also.

I love their relaxing strolls! I put it on my tv and watch from the couch with a glass of wine sometimes. Makes me happy!
I was hoping some of this might be done by May 2021, now I just hope this Experience Center is open so I can see it in person!

I have so many people on ignore. I hate that, but I won’t let them ruin my DIS experience. :)
Wait...what?? You can do that on the boards?? Introduce me to the ways of the Jedi, Master........!

ETA: I guess if you don’t answer, I’ll know it works.....🤣🤣🤣
So tomorrow is a year out from May and there are still....4 of us booked, and a couple tentative!!!

I'm going beginning of month, @mickey916 is going middle and @SaintsManiac and @kylenne are taking us to the end!

May is covered, no one else needs to book. ;)

Just kidding people! Come one, come all!

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