CARYN & MARK's Trip Report****6/8 added more pics, dried bouquet and wedding album***

Crap crap crap! I have a manicure scheduled at Periwigs the day before the wedding! What kind did you get? I'm not doing acrylics or anything.... maybe it will be OK? :scared:

i'd go somewhere else if i were you carrie...they were very very nice there, but my mani was cr@*. i had a french manicure on my natural nails, like i always do. she didn't put any of the sticky coat stuff my regular lady usually does, but i'm not sure that's why it's gone. when i say gone, i mean GONE. like, not a trace left. my pedi, that i got almost a week before my wedding at home is still perfect! also, i'm a real perfectionist and it wasn't perfect or even, it was good enough and i was on a time crunch that day, but if i had it to do again, i'd have gone off property...
your tr is wounderful. i feel like i was there with you. and everything so far looks beautiful.

i do have a question waht was your suite number? it looks identical to mine. i just think it would be funy. o and we are getting ready outfit twins hehe .

well anywaycant wait toi hear and see more
your tr is wounderful. i feel like i was there with you. and everything so far looks beautiful.

i do have a question waht was your suite number? it looks identical to mine. i just think it would be funy. o and we are getting ready outfit twins hehe .

well anywaycant wait toi hear and see more

we were in #1208! it was a lovely suite, i'll never stay in another room there again! i LOVED it!
i have to double check but .... that was my room hehehe. see i left happy vibes for you
Welcome back & Congratulations to you both!

Lovin' your TR - can't wait for the next installment! popcorn::
Part 7: Pics with Randy and Sage at the BW

The only pictures I even cared about were the ones at the BW. We took them EVERYWHERE and I think they got some really great shots. At one point, my hips were KILLING me, I was in a ton of pain for the majority of the day because my dress was so heavy. All the weight was on my hips. Something just wasn’t right under there, something was bunching…I couldn’t take it anymore and standing right in front of the Wyland Gallery, I pulled up my whole skirt and adjusted the pink crinnie. Randy looked surprisingly shocked and Tiffany (the DFTW assistant) blushed or something. I just remarked that I’m not shy, it’s not like they could see anything and I didn’t want to go through a hip replacement while at Disney. Anyways, we went to the Luna Park Pool where we used to work, people looked at us like we were nuts, but we got a few in there. Mark went up and introduced himself to the lifeguard on duty. That cm had just started his cp 2 weeks previous and Mark said to him, “I was sitting in this seat and she was sitting on that seat (at the other guard stand across the pool), that’s how we met and I just married her.” He was very congratulatory and asked if we wanted to take pictures ON the guard stand. I’m sure his coordinator would have LOVED that. We politely declined and were on our way.

Part 8: Reception which was fabulous!

We finished up pics with Randy in front of the BW (I really wanted the “Maggie” shot), we got into the Rolls and headed to the LSS for the reception. This was the first time Mark was actually in the vintage car and he really liked it. He talked classic cars with the driver the whole way. I was having a difficult time breathing and was in such pain that I was seeing spots, but I was so happy it didn’t matter! We arrived backstage at the LSS and I was surprised that we were going through EPCOT in the big poofy dress, passing right by actuall guests! We didn’t go in that way when we had our mini site tour on Monday and it surprised me! I thought appearing in a wedding dress in a theme park was a total no-no. I made a mental note to sneak a few shots on the way out of the reception…

When we got upstairs to the LSS we were met by Marion and TJ (at least, that’s what I think his name was. He was our point of contact at LSS and was amazing!) who had food waiting for us! Mark was thrilled because he hadn’t eaten since the morning. I asked TJ if he would mind getting me my heels. Along with hip, back and rib pain, my feet hurt because I was wearing flats. My father laughed at me because most girls, obviously, are more comfortable in flats, but I felt much much better in my manolo blahnik knock off pink shoes. My mom came to see us and I asked her to come in the bathroom to loosen my corset. She and my aunt did so and they said my back was bright red and I must be in pain. The loosening helped a bit, but not entirely. I remember my mother standing there contemplating just which row of hooks to hook up and I was thinking of that scene in Sex and the City when Carrie was trying on wedding dresses and she screams, "just rip it off." Totally understandable.

As we entered the reception it was like a whirlwind. There was no announcement, but because of how LSS is set up, everyone could see us making our grand entrance and they all clapped and cheered!
Here we are as we entered…

I had strategically placed Mark and I at a table of 4, with our best friends in the corner. Courtney later told me that the servers were very strict with them about us sitting in the corner. I wanted to be out of the way because I knew I would be STARVING and didn’t want to be bothered while we ate.

Now, the thing about our family is that the only people we actually see on a regular basis are Mark’s parents. We live halfway across the country from everyone else, this was the first time we had seen any of them in quite awhile and we were bombarded! All I wanted to do was see my cake and the fishies, which I did eventually, but it took awhile.

The cake was amazing. Everyone thought it was so beautiful and loved that it was so different. The aquarium windows were so fun! The kids loved them! One of Mark’s little cousins is autistic, his parents were worried about how he would behave at the reception, but he stayed in front of those windows the entire time, jumping around smiling, laughing. Jonah was one of the highlights of my day, it was so nice to see him so happy! Divers in the tanks kept swimming by to say hi! The LSS is a GREAT place to have a reception!

I wasn't thrilled with my centerpieces. They just weren't what I was expecting, cross that...I liked the ones with the flowers, but the ones with the candle's weren't so fun. I shouldn't have even done centerpieces, but oh well. It brought a little extra yellow into the room, and that's what i wanted...



The cool thing about a Disney reception is that there are CM’s EVERYWHERE. I didn’t know this at the time, but one of my family members fell down the stairs and my father later told me that cast members just “appeared” to make sure she was ok! We had our own personal servers (one for me, one for Mark) who took us around the buffet and saw to our every need. I felt a little odd being served, but Johnny was so nice to me. Their professionalism was amazing and because of him, I actually ate at my own wedding! The food was pretty good, I didn’t want to eat too much because my dress was so tight. , Lindsay and Megan had a great time at the bar.

I however, didn’t drink anything (there is NOTHING tackier than a drunken bride), but apparently the two of them were pretty entertaining…

I think our reception was very different from other weddings. Our pianist was amazing. Mark actually had a long conversation with her at the end. I loved her. Since Mark owns a night club, we have the dj/dancing/loud music almost every night. In our personal lives, we are a bit more subdued. After it was all said and done, many people commented that it was a lovely, classy affair and the most fun wedding they had ever been to. They didn’t have to worry about yelling over music and it was nice for people who hardly ever see each other to have a chance to sit and talk. The reception was to take place between 12-3. I shortened it by one hour, it was supposed to end at 4. I’m so glad I did this. A bit after the buffet ended, the choice was made to cut the cake. This is the only traditional thing that went on during our wedding. I didn’t wear a garter or throw a bouquet and we didn’t feed one another (we had just eaten after all;)). Before we did so, my dad made a little speech/toast about how much he liked Mark and was happy that he was a part of the family now and he hopes our relationship will be as strong as his and my mom’s. He talked about milestones in life, you were born, you receive communion, you receive confirmation and I made a joke to Mark, “you are married by a rabbi,” and he toasted to our marriage.
Dad making the toast

us watching dad toast

us drinking (the only drinks we had the entire time…)

I had kind of forgotten our toasting glasses on the table, and TJ magically appeared with both! How did he do that? We cut the cake and it was served to our guests.

The cake was a huge hit, especially the almond flavor. I think the layers were yellow cake/chocolate mousse and almond cake/Bavarian cream and the top layer was milk chocolate/peanut butter cup. They also had little kids cakes as well for them to decorate! They were adorable!

even megan, in her altered state of mind had a field day with the kids cakes...

After the cake was done, there was a bus leaving, so a lot of our guests took off for the parks. For a minute that threw me, but afterwards I realized that we had done everything there was to do and it was nice, our immediate family and my best friends stayed with us and we did our first dance to Frank Sinatra’s, “The Best Is Yet To Come.” After that I danced with my dad to, “It had to be you.”
Here’s Dad and I

Randy and Sage left shortly after most of the guests, I gave Sage our music for the video and thanked them both profusely.

After our dances Lindsay discovered that the cameo she was wearing (family heirloom, very important) had gotten lost. Since she was in her not so normal state of mind, she became hysterical and kept apologizing profusely, which I, in my sober state of mind, thought was hilarious.
Here she is, tan line Lindsay herself

I kept telling her that it was somewhere in her dress, but she didn’t believe me. All of our left over guests, the wait staff, Marion and Mark (not me, I couldn’t crawl in the big dress, I took pictures) were crawling around LSS looking for the cameo.
See the people crawling around on the floor?

Someone finally convinced tan line Lindsay (who by this time had gotten rid of those ugly lines…) to go to the freaking bathroom, take her dress off and see if it was in there and what do you know…there it was! We all cheered and clapped when she came back in and she hugged my mother in law! I thought it was pretty funny, but she felt bad for causing drama at my wedding. Whatever. Soon it was time to board the buses back to BW. The wedding was over-but my trip wasn’t!!!

We all headed out of LSS and I got my park shots! I was so happy!

There were a lot of guests in the area and it was so super cool. We were really tired when we got on the bus, but this was the first time I got to talk to my 2 college roommates who came to our wedding. I hadn’t seen one of them in 4 years and it was her birthday! I was so happy she was able to come! The other one caught me up on the news of our other mutual friends, it was really nice to talk to both of them. We made plans to meet that night at 10 in front of the Comedy Club at PI.

The bus dropped us at the BW convention center and Mark and I got into the ghetto fabulous mini van. I remembered that my saline and glasses were in my reception bag and I thought my dad had it, but he didn’t. Lindsay had it and she was on her way back to POFQ! It took awhile to get in touch with her, so Mark and I just went over there to get it. She wasn’t answering her cell phone, so I had to have Courtney call her room to get it! At this point I was in so much pain I could barely speak and my eyes were really dry. I really needed my glasses. It was also the first time Mark and I were totally alone that day. I don’t know how to describe how we felt at that moment, but it wasn’t good. We felt very very awkward. It was a horrible feeling actually. At the time, we thought it was because his business partners (well, just one of them really) acted snotty, aloof and like our wedding was big inconvenience for him. Also we felt odd that people left so early. I’m sure that was all part of it, but more so than not, we were TIRED. Exhausted. We had just gone through a huge moment in our lives and I think the emotions were overwhelming us. My rib cage felt bruised, I could barely see, weird feeling. Still, it felt miserable at the time and it makes me almost cry writing about it, so I’m going to stop.

Next up: Do we start to feel better? Checking into the poly...and PI where i finally got to meet Kristen14!
Oh my gosh! I can't believe your guests left a THREE-HOUR reception early! They must have been scarfing down their meals... and who makes plans directly after a wedding?! :sad2:

I know things get better for you guys, but it makes me sad that you were feeling so crummy after the reception. However, none of that will show in the pictures and the video! :thumbsup2

I'm so glad you were there to get Disney accustomed to the idea of a non-traditional reception - ours will be very similar, and when I first told our planner our ideas, she was shocked, simply shocked that we didn't want a DJ, a garter toss, announcements, etc. Thank goodness you could be the standard bearer for a NEW type of DFTW! :goodvibes
Oh my gosh! I can't believe your guests left a THREE-HOUR reception early! They must have been scarfing down their meals... and who makes plans directly after a wedding?! :sad2:

i know, it was weird. one of mark's bus partners even wore jeans. he had a jacket on with them, and they were designer jeans, but PUHLEASE. no freaking class at all. i think it was an early morning for most of our guests, since the ceremony was at worked out for the best though. we had our close loved ones around us for the end of it and it was just lovely!

I know things get better for you guys, but it makes me sad that you were feeling so crummy after the reception. However, none of that will show in the pictures and the video! :thumbsup2

it really does get better, especially when we got a really good nights sleep that night!

I'm so glad you were there to get Disney accustomed to the idea of a non-traditional reception - ours will be very similar, and when I first told our planner our ideas, she was shocked, simply shocked that we didn't want a DJ, a garter toss, announcements, etc. Thank goodness you could be the standard bearer for a NEW type of DFTW! :goodvibes

carrie, there was no way i would have done all that stuff. it's just not me! i got lucky with marion, she's great! she really is. she let me do whatever i wanted and we were so happy with her!
Hi Caryn, you looked beautiful! I hope that you both enjoyed your trip, I can't wait to hear more. I forgot that you and Mark were on the CP. I'm from the UK and have just applied to do the CRP, to work at the UK pavillion for a year! I'm just waiting for a phone interview at the moment, hopefully I'll hear soon. Anyway, I have a selfish question to ask you, do you have any more pictures of the LSS? I'd love to see how it looked all dressed up! Looking forward to hearing (and seeing) more!
WoW :eek:

I'm just shocked. It seems like it was such a mixed bag of emotions. Between snooty :snooty: guest(s?) and the wonderful CM experiences.... it seems very up and down. I'm so sorry you were in such physical discomfort!!! And I'm sooooooo sorry that it upsets you to write about it!! I know you're not saying it was all bad... I just want to get to the happy parts!!! Or at least where you're more happy than sad, ya know?? :hug:

I can't wait to hear about the turn around! pixiedust:
Wow both of you looked amazing!!! :thumbsup2
I think mishaps and problems are all part of a normal wedding, everything looked great!

Now comes the fun part life as Mr. & Mrs.

:cool1: :cool1:

I'm so sorry your dress was causing you so much pain(you looked wonderful though, no way I could have pulled off a cage and the big veil). I was so excited for you when I read that the BW pool re-opened early.:banana:

You used to be a ballet dancer? I used to dance until I hurt my knee pretty badly playing soccer at age 13, just in time where those nasty point shoes were getting at least tollerable.

Was your family member that fell okay? What can I say about some of your guests, my mom always used to say most people don't know how to behave in such situations(she was clearly dismayed people never learned or ignored proper etiquette). It's rude to leave early, like I can't wait to get out of here. It wasn't like you had a later ceremony and people were getting tired.
Glued to my 'puter :surfweb:

So glad to hear that you got the wedding YOU wanted pixiedust:

And very glad to hear that you both got to feeling better after some (much needed!) sleep!
OMG Caryn,

I'm sitting here at my puter....blubbering like an idiot! :sad: What a beautiful story. :hug:

Your pictures take my breath away. What a beautiful couple. I hate that you were so uncomfortable on your wedding day! I would have loved to have seen their faces when you pulled up your dress to adjust! :rotfl:

I can't even keep up with what is racing through my mind. You looked absolutely stunning and that bouquet! WOW! Yellow roses are my absolute favorite. (our first Valentine's Day together [dating] my sweetie gave me a dozen GORGEOUS yellow roses) Yours were just fabulous!

It's been a busy thread today. I checked earlier and was up to the wedding morning...I come back after lunch and there are 3 pages of thread after that! :lmao:

Wow Caryn, words can't even describe how beautiful and glamorous you looked. It's so nice to see all of your planning come together. I love your bouquet and Mark's outfit looked great with it! I especially like his yellow tie (or was it an ascot?..) Sorry you were stressed and uncomfortable on your special day, but you looked beautiful anyways! Congrats on a gorgeous wedding!!! :dance3:
Wow your pictures are lovely, and you look beautiful in your dress.
Congratulations to you both ! Can't wait to read more!:surfweb:
Since I just got back from my trip, i have very limited pics. i wanted to get my tr started as soon as possible...i'll post more/better pics at the end of this thread as soon as i receive them.

Part 3: We’re finally ready! Can I go yet??????

My dad disappeared for a minute, I think he went to the car to drop something or whatever, I’m not sure where he went…but he came back pretty quickly and bell services came to take our luggage. How easy is that?

I now began the, what seemed to be, endless wait to leave the GS and go to the lobby for my pics. They were doing a ton of construction on the GS’s that were in between us and the lobby, I had just seen all the workers arrive for the day and was worried about how their equipment was going to be set up and if I would be able to get around it since the path was so narrow (narrow paths were a problem for me that day…). I was ALSO worried about how I was going to get out of my suite…we were in the honeymoon GS with the heart shaped shrubs in front and there were shrubs leading up the super tiny path to the room from the gate. I took all of the sheets off the beds and the extra blankets and had my sisters cover the shrubs so it didn’t shrub stain my dress. At one point, a lady from mousekeeping walked by and started to disassemble my dress stain saving device and I was none too pleased with her. Megan had to run out of the GS screaming, “nooooooooo!” until she stopped. Back to the construction workers…they were super aware that there was a bride waiting to move, so it shouldn’t have been a problem for them to set their paint up elsewhere, but they gave Randy a problem when he asked them to wait. There were some words exchanged (gooooo Randy!) so Lindsay went out and yelled at them. I thanked them profusely on my walk to the lobby. They looked annoyed. Oh well. I’m sure they’ll understand when their daughters get married one day…

While I was not so patiently waiting to get the heck out of there, I was practicing stairs and discovered the issue with my hoop skirt, so my mom had to cut the white part out. Randy did some shots of me in the room and on the stairs and we left-FINALLY!

Part 4: And we’re off (to the lobby, for pics…)

I swear, I felt like Britney spears cruising around LA. There were paparazzi EVERYWHERE! And not just the ones that I hired! Our first stop was the steps leading up to the lobby. I took lots of pics outside there. Then we headed inside to the lobby and took pics in front of the doors that lead down the stairs to the GS’s. Sage appeared at this point with a camera in hand and I introduced myself to her. She is a super cute little blond thing and so so so bubbly! We made our way into the lobby and out onto the BW verandah. I saw most of my guests at this point and I began to feel really overwhelmed. We were standing downstairs outside and they were all just gawking at me. Randy noticed my discomfort and ushered me under the stairs until they were all taken to SBP. We then headed back upstairs (stairs were REALLY fun in my huge dress) and took tons more pictures. There were people everywhere just staring at me…it was kind of odd. They wouldn’t even say anything, they’d just gawk. This is when my ballet training came into good use. I just ignored them all, smiled and waved at the little girls and focused on Randy. Marion and Keri-Ann from DFTW were waiting in the lobby. They were great, I was really glad that I had met Kerri-Ann a few days prior. At one point, Mark’s business partners and their girlfriends (herein referred to as the Barbie doll look a likes who refused to eat all day) were passing through the lobby on their way to SBP. Their snarky looks were obvious to many and Keri-Ann noticed and said, “are you here for the Craig/DeLange wedding? Please move away from the bride.” HILARIOUS. Marion soon told us that the Rolls had arrived and she escorted my sisters to SBP to await my arrival. My parents and I were waiting in the BW lobby near the big couch, where I actually got to sit for a precious moment. The dress was starting to hurt…

Part 5: And we’re off (in the Rolls to the altar…)

My mother was in paparazzi heaven. All she could keep saying was, “this is so coooool.” The Rolls picks Mom, Dad and I up in front of the BW lobby. There was a DFTW guy named Andrew there and bless his heart, they made that boy RUN in front of the car, all the way behind the BW, in front of ADH, down the boardwalk until we reached SBP. I felt so bad for him and remarked that it was a good thing it was January and not July…

So we’re in the Rolls, Mom is doing the celebutante waive to all the well wishers staring at me and I remarked to my father that this was the time where he is supposed to say, “now Caryn, if this isn’t the right decision for you, we can just take the Rolls and head to Miami.” He said, “uh no. I’m not telling you that.” We paused on the boardwalk in front of Spoodles, all the CM’s were outside watching, there were a bunch of people sitting outside the bakery and I got my first glimpse of Mark standing with his parents. I saw the Rabbi enter, then Mark and his parents.

Lindsay and Megan entered from opposite sides of the pavilion (I forgot to tell Randy about this important part, so I think pics got messed up. Either way, it caused some confusion…) and then we pulled up in front.

I told my mother on the drive that Mark was either going to pass out from nervousness or sit there and crack jokes until I arrived. Thankfully the latter was true…

Part 6: And I’m off (to marry mark..)

I don’t really remember much of this part, it’s very spotty…so I’ll rely on the spotty memories that I do have and other people’s recollections of the moments…

I fell out of the Rolls, that dress was huge mind you, the driver handed me my bouquet and I went around the front of the car to meet my parents. The first thing I noticed was that SBP was PACKED. Like, to the brim. My mother was happily jaunting along and my father and I kept tripping over one another. I have three of his footprints on my dress…I think I was like, “DAAAD, stop stepping on my dress!” the whole way down the aisle. I was seriously nervous. My uncle even told me that he was surprised at how nervous I looked.

We proceeded down the aisle to my super secret, walking down the aisle song, the theme from “star trek: TNG.” Feel free to laugh at me all you want. I LOVE that song. It took my forever to find sheet music for it. It’s one of our favorite shows and I wanted something that would make Mark smile!

I stopped before Mark, he shook my dad’s hand. I kissed my mom, then my dad and Mark took my hand and we finally were standing before Rabbi Jimmy. I handed my bouquet off to Lindsay and took my gloves off and gave them to her as well. I started to cry and sniffle (totally hypocritical, I know, I was going to banish the criers-oh well), Lindsay handed me a tissue, I dabbed my eyes (which wasn’t easy under the cage) and handed the tissue back to her.

I looked down and saw that Rabbi Jimmy was wearing black crocs and I thought it was so funny! It made me feel a bit more comfortable. The ceremony last all of 10 minutes (inspiration for said short ceremony was “I do, I do, We’re done.). We said our I do’s, then we said some sort of pre-written vow that had the word “beloved” in it and it was time to do the ring thing. Megan was so funny, when the Rabbi asked for the rings, she said, “I didn’t forget them!” that was a relief! I’d given Lindsay my engagement ring to wear, so Mark just had to slip that baby on my finger and then it was my turn…like a nervous, bumbling fool, I proceed to put Mark’s ring on his RIGHT hand and didn’t even notice until Randy pointed it out when we were taking pics about an hour later. See what uncontrollable nervousness does to you on your wedding day???

The rabbi told a story, something about a cup and a saucer and he said Mark could kiss me (he did) and we were DONE!!!

YIPPEEEE! I’ll assume that everyone cheered, but I don’t remember. Lin gave me back my engagement ring and we walked back down the aisle to The Verve’s, “Bittersweet Symphony” which was so very beautiful and clear in that moment. I remember standing on the street in front of the Rolls thinking, “oh, that’s Bittersweet Symphony, it sounds really good!” I think I’d forgotten that was the song I’d chosen.


We were supposed to get back into the Rolls, which was supposed to drive us 3 feet to the side entrance to SBP for our staged bubble exit. I really didn’t want to shove my big self into that car again, so we just walked to the entrance and through the bubble blowers! Lindsay later told me that Randy was so funny, he would yell things like, “left side, we need more bubbles!” When we got back to the altar site, we were congratulated by like, everyone, we took pics with the family and then they all left to go to the pre-reception at LSS. The violinist was fantastic, my dad later told me that he was taking requests at the cocktail hour! So cool! He re-played the Star Trek song because Mark hadn’t heard it. Mark asked him if that was the weirdest thing he’d ever been asked to play at a wedding and he said yes, but that lots of brides walk down the aisle to the “Death March” from Star Wars. See? I’m not that odd after all!

Here are two shots of my parents and I taking pics after the ceremony


wow! you looked so glamorous! gorgeous flowers!


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