Childfree (by choice) Disney Lovers!

DH and I love Disney more without kids than we did with - course, we started going to Disney before we had kids. So enjoyable when you can take in your surroundings.

I encourage my 'kids' (25, 29, 32) to remain kid-less. Life is so much more enjoyable. I think the biggest mistake people make is forgetting they're reproducing the next generation - me, I was just having babies and surprise! they became adults. While I enjoy my adult children, I think their lives are hard in today's society - economically and emotionally.
DH and I love Disney more without kids than we did with - course, we started going to Disney before we had kids. So enjoyable when you can take in your surroundings.

I encourage my 'kids' (25, 29, 32) to remain kid-less. Life is so much more enjoyable. I think the biggest mistake people make is forgetting they're reproducing the next generation - me, I was just having babies and surprise! they became adults. While I enjoy my adult children, I think their lives are hard in today's society - economically and emotionally.

If more parents encouraged their adult children to at least think about the fact that the children they are having and raising will eventually be adults, instead of the pushy "When are your going to give me Grandchildren" life for everyone (including the grandchildren should they happen) would be so much more fulfilling and enriching. Not just for the people, but for the world in general.

Not that either my Mom or my MIL are pushy, but there are medical issues in our case. My family has a history of mental illness and I do not want to perpetuate that.
I encourage my 'kids' (25, 29, 32) to remain kid-less. Life is so much more enjoyable. I think the biggest mistake people make is forgetting they're reproducing the next generation - me, I was just having babies and surprise! they became adults. While I enjoy my adult children, I think their lives are hard in today's society - economically and emotionally.

That wasn't our reason for making the CF decision, but I have to say the more I hear people talk about the stuff going on at schools, college costs, unemployment for college grads and the challenges ahead for kids I am so grateful we don't have them.

I honestly believe my nieces & nephews will be part of the first American generation in a long time that won't do as well as or better than their parents.
That wasn't our reason for making the CF decision, but I have to say the more I hear people talk about the stuff going on at schools, college costs, unemployment for college grads and the challenges ahead for kids I am so grateful we don't have them.

I honestly believe my nieces & nephews will be part of the first American generation in a long time that won't do as well as or better than their parents.

This is how I've been feeling lately too! It seems like schools are just a difficult mess, and I'm glad I won't be dealing with that in a few years.
That is also one of our reasons for remaining CF. Neither of us really want to bring another human being into the world in the state it's in.
My in-laws are visiting for Thanksgiving and the mother told us about an experience in Walmart back in her home town.

Now they are from a really small town in the North Country of New york so everyone knows everyone. They know all her kids are old enough to have moved away and that those who have kids could not afford to go on a cruise. We invited them on a cruise and DW with us last February while they were vacationing in Daytona away from North Country weather.

She was at the Walmart when a woman came up to her, noticed her DCL shirt (a fleece I think) and gave her the nastiest look. She than proceeded the get really load and obnoxious about "What was she doing on a cruise meant for children?!?!?!"

Evidently we weren't informed of the rules that you MUST have children with you to even dare going to Disney!


Some people are so caught up in what they think something should be like that they miss out on all the fun.

I agree with those who said WDW is romantic! :love: :hug:
So glad I don't have any children yet! But when and if I ever do, I will definitely be bringing them when they are of proper age!
I'm only 25 but I am still just a kid myself ;)
My husband and I have 4 kids (now 21, 18, 13 and 13). We take them all the time to WDW, but we also LOVE to go alone!!!! This past April, my hubby and I went alone. In July, we took all 4 kids, and we are going alone again in March, and I cannot wait!!!
29 trips to Disney World with and without kids and trip March 2014 POFQ:joker:
I'm in my 40's , my husband is older. He has 3 kids from a previous marriage. We've been married for 18 years. When we were younger, people would ask if we would have children. I've always known before I met him that I did not want children. My husband did not want any more.

My mother is kookoo for coco puffs. Her mother is the same way. I don't know if their crazy gene can be passed down but I wasn't going to take any chances and create any crazy kidlets. My mother should have never been a mother but I guess you raise kids the way you were raised. She was also manipulative, a control freak, and a drama queen.

There should be a thread for ladies who has or had issues with their mother. I bet it will be as long as the Childfree thread.

LOL are we related? Sounds like my mom
I'm in my 40's , my husband is older. He has 3 kids from a previous marriage. We've been married for 18 years. When we were younger, people would ask if we would have children. I've always known before I met him that I did not want children. My husband did not want any more. My mother is kookoo for coco puffs. Her mother is the same way. I don't know if their crazy gene can be passed down but I wasn't going to take any chances and create any crazy kidlets. My mother should have never been a mother but I guess you raise kids the way you were raised. She was also manipulative, a control freak, and a drama queen. There should be a thread for ladies who has or had issues with their mother. I bet it will be as long as the Childfree thread.

My mom is a wack-job too. I stopped the madness and married a man with a child. I'm 44 and just became a grandmother. This is my idea of perfect.
I am glad to have found this thread! We too made the decision to be child free pretty early in our relationship. I'm an only child so it was a little rough on my parents when they started hounding us on marriage and kids (been together over a decade and feel married). But one day my mom tried to give me a guilt trip by comparing our decision to be CF to my gay cousin (?!?!) and I put my foot down and said, look. You're not the one that would have to take care of the kid, we are. And we don't want that. So you can't really try to tell us what to do. Harsh, yes, but she realized we were serious and hasn't brought it up since.

We fully admit that our personalities are a bit too selfish to lend itself to having kids. We like being able to set our own schedules (like going to DL in the offseason!) Sure some people just have that parental switch click on when their kids are born, but others don't. It's not like you can give them back if you realize it's a mistake, and it would be terrible to harbor resentment towards a helpless child for the rest of their lives. Frankly I've known some women that treat their babies more like a trendy accessory than anything else. And the only reason they had them is because "that's what you're supposed to do". No, actually you're supposed to do what is right for you. I have a good friend who's about to give birth, and I think she'll be a great mom. But we know that it wouldn't be the right decision for us.
I am glad to have found this thread! We too made the decision to be child free pretty early in our relationship. I'm an only child so it was a little rough on my parents when they started hounding us on marriage and kids (been together over a decade and feel married). But one day my mom tried to give me a guilt trip by comparing our decision to be CF to my gay cousin (?!?!) and I put my foot down and said, look. You're not the one that would have to take care of the kid, we are. And we don't want that. So you can't really try to tell us what to do. Harsh, yes, but she realized we were serious and hasn't brought it up since.

We fully admit that our personalities are a bit too selfish to lend itself to having kids. We like being able to set our own schedules (like going to DL in the offseason!) Sure some people just have that parental switch click on when their kids are born, but others don't. It's not like you can give them back if you realize it's a mistake, and it would be terrible to harbor resentment towards a helpless child for the rest of their lives. Frankly I've known some women that treat their babies more like a trendy accessory than anything else. And the only reason they had them is because "that's what you're supposed to do". No, actually you're supposed to do what is right for you. I have a good friend who's about to give birth, and I think she'll be a great mom. But we know that it wouldn't be the right decision for us.

I want to 'like' this post :thumbsup2

I'm an only child too, and I feel a little guilty about the prospect of never giving my parents grandchildren. Fortunately they are very supportive and want only the best for me and what is going to make me happy. Plus, they're not really big on kids and babies either.

I have a lot of friends having babies at the moment, and am feeling the pressure from society, but I know what's right for me :goodvibes
I want to 'like' this post :thumbsup2

I'm an only child too, and I feel a little guilty about the prospect of never giving my parents grandchildren. Fortunately they are very supportive and want only the best for me and what is going to make me happy. Plus, they're not really big on kids and babies either.

I have a lot of friends having babies at the moment, and am feeling the pressure from society, but I know what's right for me :goodvibes

:thumbsup2 That is great that your parents are supportive of you! Having (or not having) children is a very personal decision that should be left up to the potential parents.

I have gotten comments from others when I mention that that we don't want kids..."Won't your parents be sad that they won't have any grandchildren to dote on?" Wouldn't it be more sad if we bring a child into this world that we don't really want just because it is a societal norm? Everyone is different! Anyway, my cousin has kids and my parents sometimes go to their games/concerts/school stuff activities so they get to do the doting grandparent thing to a certain extent. I have also told my mom she should just get a puppy :lmao:
The way society is today I am so glad we decided not to have kids.

That was not a factor in our decision to never have children, but i agree 110% with that.

When I see what is going on in the world (unemployment, violence, overcrowding, lack of access to good healthcare, cost of schooling, etc) I'm so grateful we aren't having kids.
I honestly believe that my nieces & nephews are probably the first generation in a long time that won't have it better or easier than their parents.
That was not a factor in our decision to never have children, but i agree 110% with that.

When I see what is going on in the world (unemployment, violence, overcrowding, lack of access to good healthcare, cost of schooling, etc) I'm so grateful we aren't having kids.
I honestly believe that my nieces & nephews are probably the first generation in a long time that won't have it better or easier than their parents.

It actually was a factor for us. They say that the new generation will be the first to actually have a shorter lifespan than their parents.
It actually was a factor for us. They say that the new generation will be the first to actually have a shorter lifespan than their parents.

That doesn't surprise me.

I also don't see how, between unemployment, underemployment, stagnant wages & the erosion of benefits how those kids will ever really be able to own a home, a nice new car, or retire in their lifetime? The idea of them having time for luxuries & hobbies.... not gonna happen unless they hit the lottery.
Recently mentioned that I was on my way to Disneyland, and was asked, "So, how many kids are you taking?"

I replied that I don't have kids, it was just me and the hubby. I got a weird look, but laughed it off! Had a blast at the park, and as always, felt that having kids tag along would ruin the experience!


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