Christina and Mark's PJ - Can I do it all again please?! A few photos....

Signing of the licence/certificate/register (whatever we have to sign).... All I Want is You - U2... Or.... You're the Best Thing by The Style Council. We are both U2 geeks so want to include them somewhere, but its just what to choose and where to put it thats the problem. I find U2 love songs a bit bitter and twisted... probably because i'm a nerd who reads too much into them!

Walking out of the chapel.... Everlasting Love (U2's version)... This is a given and completely set in stone.... for now! Perhaps... Maybe!!
Love U2! Their songs are a bit bitter & twisted, but that's ok. I've been hearing Trip Through Your Wires in my head for the past few months and I don't know why. I'm old -- my favorite live show was seeing them in 1987.

I'm just catching up, but I didn't start at the beginning. How did you lose 70 pounds? You look fantastic in your gown, which is beautiful. I'm sorry about the work thing, even though I didn't get to that part yet and I don't know what happened.
You are gorgeous girl!!!
Beautiful dress... you will look stunning on your wedding day.
Can't wait for the pictures!

You look stunning!!!!!!!! Congratulations and Best Wishes!

your dress is beautiful :goodvibes:
:rotfl: love the chicken filet things! I got 'em too--

Thank you all very very much! You all have no idea how much more cheerful I feel this evening! Amazing what a few 'best wishes' and kind words can do! :grouphug:

Chicken fillets are rocking my world right now!!!

Love U2! Their songs are a bit bitter & twisted, but that's ok. I've been hearing Trip Through Your Wires in my head for the past few months and I don't know why. I'm old -- my favorite live show was seeing them in 1987.

I'm just catching up, but I didn't start at the beginning. How did you lose 70 pounds? You look fantastic in your gown, which is beautiful. I'm sorry about the work thing, even though I didn't get to that part yet and I don't know what happened.

Around last April or so, before any mention of weddings, I decided I was becomming really really unhealthy! I was 188lbs and started to have the most bizzare heart rhythm so decided something had to give. I joined a weight loss website online that lets you keep a diary... and joined a gym. It hasn't always been easy but I'm glad I kept at it as I feel fitter than I have in years.. and its staying off because I didn't do it for vanity... I did it because as a 34 year old I wanted to be around to see my grandkids etc! So... that was 71lbs ago... Now i'm 117lbs and i'm quite happy to stay around this weight... at least until the wedding anyhow! I'll cut loose the calorie chains that bind me during the second week of our vacation. :rotfl:

Ah... U2! (Yeah, thats a Bono painting hanging over our bed in one of the photos!!) We spend way too much time, energy and most importantly CASH on those 4 guys from Dublin! Funny, first time I saw them was in '87. I bunked off school to watch them in Leeds during The Joshua Tree tour... and i've seen them 20+ times since! I guess they've always been the most constant thing in my life which is why they have to feature somewhere in the wedding!! :lmao:
Around last April or so, before any mention of weddings, I decided I was becomming really really unhealthy! I was 188lbs and started to have the most bizzare heart rhythm so decided something had to give. I joined a weight loss website online that lets you keep a diary... and joined a gym. It hasn't always been easy but I'm glad I kept at it as I feel fitter than I have in years.. and its staying off because I didn't do it for vanity... I did it because as a 34 year old I wanted to be around to see my grandkids etc! So... that was 71lbs ago... Now i'm 117lbs and i'm quite happy to stay around this weight... at least until the wedding anyhow! I'll cut loose the calorie chains that bind me during the second week of our vacation. :rotfl:


Wow you look amazing!!! The dress is absolutely stunning! Congrats on the weight loss.
Gorgeous girl!! You look great in your dress!!!

You look beautiful in your dress and I still absolutely LOVE your bouquet!! Gotta love the sparkle!!! :wizard:

So sorry about work - being a nurse is such a noble profession and I'm sure that some days bring you heartache. Here's hoping for brighter days! :hug:
Thank you all for your kind words! :grouphug: I'm actually at work right now and so far, its a good shift! When things go wrong its good to be with work friends to debrief.... Its also good to absolutely bore them ridgid with my babbling about how many more sleepies we have left to go...

... which incase anyone is interested..... :rotfl:

13 until we fly

19 until we sign our lives away!!!!

:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:
You look really really REALLY gorgeous in your dress!

(yes there was a zoo in Southport but it closed a while ago now)
what size box did you buy from that empty box company?? i KEEP LOOKING BUT not sure what size to get
what size box did you buy from that empty box company?? i KEEP LOOKING BUT not sure what size to get

Hiya Sarah.

Its the 'Wedding Travel Maxi' that I bought (Basically the biggest one) When it first arrived I was really worried that my dress wouldn't fit and had planned to take it to the Bridal shop to have them pack it for me. However, I decided to give it a go myself and it fits with room to spare. My dress doesn't have a train but the skirt is really full with lots of net petticoats underneath but the dress fits fine, along with my veil, hoop and underwear.

The box comes with instructions on the best way to pack, along with loads of sheets of acid free tissue to wrap it in!
You look amazing honey!! The dress is beautiful!! princess: I bet you cant control your giddy levels at the moment, I can feel your excitement from here :cutie:
You look amazing honey!! The dress is beautiful!! princess: I bet you cant control your giddy levels at the moment, I can feel your excitement from here :cutie:

My giddy levels are sky high right now! I'm just sitting here emailing various vendors to double check times etc etc and it is all seeming so much more real! I never thought i'd feel like this... The last time I was ever THIS nervous was when I was 19 and sat my driving test but right now I have that 'butterflies' thing going on, and not particularly in a good way either! God knows whats up with me! Possibly the realisation 5 minutes ago that we are 10 days away from flying, and I've completely forgotten to book transport to get to the airport as 4 of us plus cases have got absolutely no chance at all of fitting in my Ford Ka! D'oh

On the bright side, I only have to go to work 5 more times :cool1:
i have a street ka so no where your coming from on that front!! I'm nervous and I have 6 months to go so i dread to think how i will feel wheni get as close as you
I've completely forgotten to book transport to get to the airport as 4 of us plus cases have got absolutely no chance at all of fitting in my Ford Ka! D'oh

There are worse things you could have forgotten to arrange!

I'm very excited for you.
Oh... and did I mention that DF 'decided' :scared1: to start a new job a week ago which he needs to work a month in hand at... Not a huge problem in itself, except he's gone from being paid weekly to now not being paid at all for a month or so!!! Ah well, only a 40 mile walk to the airport down the M62! I'm sitting here shoving stuff on Ebay and Amazon... if it ain't nailed down its getting flogged so our overdraft doesn't wind up going overdrawn (which it probably already has... I daren't check!!) Thank God I already have all our dollars sorted! Oh i'm just feeling sorry for myself!!!

Thanks for the well wishes! :goodvibes

Oh, and I love my Ford Ka... Shes called 'Flossy'... I just wish she had a bit more boot space! I'm in the process of coming up with a grand plan which involves fluttering my eyelashes at Darling Daddy and getting him to come and collect our cases and taking them to the airport for us along with his and Mums in his BIG car!! Then we'll fit in my car and I can leave it at the airport... I think that SHOULD work!!

*Bangs head on the keyboard*
Eeeek!! Only 4 more sleepies until we fly! I'm beyond excited now that i've started packing and i've finished work for nearly 4 weeks! Huzzah!!!!!! :cool1: I went and had my hair coloured a couple of days ago and my hairdresser is pretty confident its grown enough that it should be able to be pinned up! I'm off back to have my hair done on Thursday (prior to flying on Friday) and i'm going to take my veil, tiara and camera with me so she can have a bit of a fiddle. Mark finishes work today and then its just time to play the waiting game until Friday morning rolls around!

I got an email from the Manager at Citricos last night with an attatchment showing the personalised menus she had made up for us... They look absolutely great so will be a nice memento to take home with us! I've already completely chosen what I'm going to be eating and drinking! I've also had emails from our Photographer and can't wait to meet up with him! Its a bit daunting really as I haven't seen one single Bride on here who has used the same guy so all i've had to go on is his portfolio. I've loved all his emails though... he seems really friendly with a great sense of humour, and seems to be completely in tune with the kind of shots we want, and more importantly the kind we DON'T want!!!

Right... time to go and throw some more clothes in suitcases which will hopefully make the day fly by a bit quicker!! I'm starting to wish my life away here in the same way a kid wishes the days away until Christmas arrives!!

Oh i'm so excited for you :yay: :yay: :yay:

I can't wait to hear all about it when you come back. And see the photos.

That is so cool about the personalised menus, I hope I will be able to have something like that as well.


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