Christmas, a birthday, and one very big question... Now with a taste of London!

wow, what a truly magical trip. Congratulations:goodvibes Looking forward to reading the end
just caught up with your trip report. it's fabulous! so much to say!

firstly, CONGRATULATIONS!! engaged in disneyland paris!:lovestruc how beautiful! must have been so magical! :goodvibes you guys are a beautiful couple and i wish you all the best!

your photos are fabulous, love the colours and the contrast! sweet! hotel new york looks great, you've convinced me to upgrade our stay in a few weeks! :rotfl:

i have thoroughly enjoyed reading your report and looking forward to more!

Thank you so much, what a lovely comment! I'm so happy for you upgrading, I'm sure you're going to have an absolutely wonderful time. HNY has a great atmosphere and was perfect for us visiting DLP as an adult couple.

first of all - congratulations :dance3:

I love you TR, I love how you tell things and I'm in love with your photos. Just wonderful

I'm so glad you're enjoying it! I hope you enjoy the final few installments.

I love that lady plush she us so cute I am so excited for the release of this film! X

I love her, it took me so long to decide which plush to get! Last year I bought Duchess and Marie - I'm already considering which to get next year!

wow, what a truly magical trip. Congratulations:goodvibes Looking forward to reading the end

Thanks, I hope you enjoy the last day!
I love her, it took me so long to decide which plush to get! Last year I bought Duchess and Marie - I'm already considering which to get next year!

Lol! I have similar thoughts lol! I get so excited seeing all the plush toys piled up in the shops!
Just catching up with this - lovely, lovely trip report :love:

Love the engagement in the castle - the perfect setting, congratulations :goodvibes

Looking forward to more :)
wow, what a lovely trip report! It must be my favorite in ages :goodvibes

And how lovely to get engaged when it's so quiet, aww it's just perfect!:hug:
Sorry it's taken me so long to get around to posting the next installment, it's been my first week back at uni and things have been non-stop!

Just catching up with this - lovely, lovely trip report :love:

Love the engagement in the castle - the perfect setting, congratulations :goodvibes

Looking forward to more :)

Thank you, it really was perfect! I hope you enjoy the rest :goodvibes

Absolutely love your trip report!
Can't wait to read more!

Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it. :flower3:

wow, what a lovely trip report! It must be my favorite in ages :goodvibes

And how lovely to get engaged when it's so quiet, aww it's just perfect!:hug:

Thank you so much! It was perfect, I'm not sure how I would have felt if he'd asked midday when there were loads of people. I'm glad it was just the two of us :lovestruc

Congratulations! Such a lovely TR - you have a great fiance! Oh, and I love your hat!

Thanks, I love my hat too! I'm glad you're enjoying it.
dont finish it! It will be over if you finish it I dont want it to end!
dont finish it! It will be over if you finish it I dont want it to end!

Neither do I! However I'm splitting the last day into three parts as there are quite a few photos to go with it, and with all of my uni work it's going to take my at least a week to finish it off.

Still, it's been so much fun writing this TR. With no trips in the near future and no TR to write up I'm going to feel a bit lost!
Day 5 - Part 1

Determined to make the most of our last day, we were up at half six and packed by seven. After a lovely, quiet breakfast at Manhattan restaurant, it was time to say goodbye to our room and check out. We now have so many happy memories attached to Hotel New York, I can't wait to go back.


Our first stop was our proposal spot, so that we could experience it once more in the dark. I still can't get over how lucky I am to have got engaged in such a special place. DLP was close to my heart before, but now it will always be tied to one of the most wonderful moments in my life.


Whilst Fantasyland was still quiet we did our usual rounds of Peter Pan and the teacups. I am so glad that we made the effort to do EMH this trip, I can't imagine we'd have done many of the rides with their day time queues, but EMH worked perfectly for us.

Discoveryland was our next stop. We took our last ride on Buzz (I got my worst score, Grant reached the second highest score and was very pleased with himself).


We tried Space Mountain but it was closed, so instead we tried to find a tree decoration that I'd seen in a few shops really wanted. It must have been popular as we had no success on Main Street or in the castle shop.

Giving up on the tree decoration mission (for now) we went for our last morning snack at Cable Car Bakehouse. It's one of my favourite parts of the park now; the decor is so lovely and it was the perfect place to wrap up EMH each day.



We headed over to Frontierland for rope drop, and managed to get on the first Big Thunder Mountain ride of the day for the second time! It's very satisfying, especially since it was our last day.

Feeling optimistic, we tried the Frontierland shop for my decoration. I couldn't find it at first, however on closer inspection I discovered one at the back of one of the lower racks. I was so pleased to have found it - here's a photo I got of it later when we were on the Eurostar.


Our next stop was Phantom Manor. We stopped to take some 'creepy' photos before joining the queue.


By some stroke of luck, as we came out of Phantom Manor Mickey appeared! It was very quiet so I managed to slip in for a quick photo.


Next up - Moteurs... Action! Stunt Show Spectacular!
Aw I love mickey mouse! That decorations is lovely! I can't believe your on your last day! X
Aw I love mickey mouse! That decorations is lovely! I can't believe your on your last day! X

I can't believe I'm on the last day either :sad2: However I am including a few photos of our weekend in London once we returned, so it will live on for a while after!
I can't believe I'm on the last day either :sad2: However I am including a few photos of our weekend in London once we returned, so it will live on for a while after!

Good glad it will last a bit longer :D

I really want to do a day in London!
Day 5 - Part 2

We headed over to Studios to watch 'Moteurs... Action! Stunt Show Spectacular!'. We'd intended to wait for half an hour or so to get good seats, however the rain was really coming down by now so we went and did Armageddon whilst we waited. I hadn't done this since 2006, a decision I don't regret. It's not terrible, but at the same time it's just lacking something.

We finally headed for 'Moteurs... Action! Stunt Show Spectacular!', and weren't waiting long before the crowd starting moving into the stands. We weren't expecting everything to be on quite such a large scale, however were happy to be seated out of the wet (although the same couldn't be said for the wind - it got very chilly up there!).

We were grateful that the show was in both French and English, however at the same time we didn't expect quite so much talking. It was interesting, but did start to drag. Thankfully when the action did start it was pretty impressive.




The Lightning McQueen cameo was a cute little addition - if I'd been there with my little brother and sister then I definitely think they'd have appreciated it.





I think my favourite part was all of the pyrotechnics, I had a lot of fun snapping away with my camera during these bits!





We were both getting hungry by the time we finally got out, and I fancied a last trip to Bella Notte. We headed back to the main park and were soon sat in a quiet little corner of Bella Notte facing two lovely cheesy pizzas. It's definitely overtaken Colonel Haithi's as my favourite counter service restaurant, however I wouldn't want to face it in high season!

It only seemed right to do It's A Small World whilst we were so close, however while we were taking some photos outside I accidentally dropped my engagement ring in a puddle. Thankfully I managed to fish it out before anyone trampled it, but there was still a slight moment of panic (don't worry - it's been re-sized now!).

After IASM, I noticed that La Pays des Contes de Fees was open, and since this was my favourite ride when I visited in 1997 it only seemed right to jump on for a quick ride.








Our next stop was Pirates for a last ride, however on the way over we saw the doors of Princess Pavilion open and caught a few princess photos as they changed over.



I really want to meet some princesses on our next trip, so Auberge is at the top of my to do list. princess:

We continued on to Pirates, and really enjoyed our last ride. It was starting to hit me that our time in the park was ticking away, but I refused to get emotional until we made that poignant last walk up Main Street.

When we came out of POTC Jack was out, so we tried to get Grant a photo. Unfortunately his minder was utterly useless and there were two families who were completely dominating him. Eventually we gave up and headed over to Big Thunder Mountain for FPs.

Next up - Our last couple of hours in the park... :sad2:

Not the end!

:lmao: Great Update though!
I've loved reading your trip report. Lots of great photos. Congrats on the engagement by the way.

Can I ask... the winter Minnie hats? How many variations were there? Can you remember a few of the designs? Also, how much were they?
Day 5 - Part 3

I've been doing some serious stalling, but I can't put off writing the final installment any longer! It's been lovely sharing this trip report with all of you, and reliving all of the wonderful memories. For now I must resign myself to the hardships(!) of planning our next trip.

We got our FPs for Big Thunder Mountain, and with half an hour to kill we went for our last Disney refreshments. Grant was curious about Fuente del Oro, and I wasn't about to argue the opportunity for churros. We got one of our hot chocolates for free with the receipt from Cable Car Bakehouse that morning - result!


The hot chocolate was dreamy as ever, and the churros were everything you want from theme park food; a little greasy but deliciously sugary and doughy! I liked Fuente del Oro's Christmas decorations, however at the same time I was glad we were only stopping there breifly for a snack - there was a lingering smell of old food and floor needed a very good clean.

We really enjoyed our last ride on Big Thunder Mountain, and probably made complete idiots of ourselves by mouthing along with the "Hold onto your hats and glasses, cause this here is the wildest ride in the wilderness!" safety warning.

Final photos with Big Thunder Mountain - parting is such sweet sorrow!


Saying goodbye to Fantasyland was probably the hardest part - it holds so many special memories for us now! It was nice to get some parting photos though, and to revisit the castle balcony one last time.





Before saying goodbye to Fantasyland, we bought some sweets from the sweet shop beneath the castle with our last remaining euros; some for my family, and some for us on the journey back.

We couldn't hold it off any longer, it was time to make our way down Main Street and back to the hotel to collect our luggage. I got a bit teary eyed as we said our final goodbyes.



Checking into the Eurostar was easy as anything, and we were soon enough sat down on the train. I was a little quiet, but cheered up a little as I finished my trip report notes. I spent the remainder of the journey tucked up against Grant's side and looking through my photos. I got a bit hungry after a while so Grant fetched me a ham and cheese toastie from the buffet.

Back at St Pancras we got through customs very smoothly and organised to meet my family beneath the Lego Christmas tree (which my little brother was very excited about seeing!). They were five minutes late, but it was lovely when we were finally reunited. My mum started crying when she saw my ring, and my little sister got very excited when I offered her my hat to wear for the journey back to the flat!

The tubes were far easier this time with everyone's help, and the usual Disney withdrawal symptoms were numbed by my excitement about spending the weekend in London with everyone I love.

Back at the flat my parents surprised us with a celebratory bottle of champagne, and the six of us spent the evening playing pool and looking through all of our DLP photos on my laptop.

Next up - A few snapshots from our weekend in London!


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