Christmas look or not to look???


<font color=magenta>Cook, clean and foot massage.
Mar 4, 2000
First let me say that I really like to be surprised by gifts. I don't want to know what others are getting me. Now for the most part I do know because pretty well everyone thought I should know. My DS went and bought me the Along I-75 book. I know because he showed it to me so he was assured that that was the book I wanted. He couldn't show it to his df, oh no that wouldn't have been good:rolleyes: Anyway, I know he has it and it is in a bag on the dining room table. No one is here and he is not expected back tonight until after midnight..gone to a show...My dh isn't here right now but will be home for dinner. After dinner will probably go to his computer room and leave me alone again. Do you think it's cheating to take a peek???? I am so anxious to see the book and start planning our route.
Yes, Tigercat, I think that it is cheating to peek at that book.

Now, that said, I'm not really sure that I would be able to resist the temptation myself. He left it right out there where you could see it, how cruel. He must want you to look at it right?

Well now you have a dilemma, which will you decide?
bliss on Christmas Day...full of turkey, curl up in a corner and PLAN!! ::yes::

....but I'd take a *quick* peek;)
I'd say you should wait :p Thursday isn't too far away ... maybe you can even open it late late on Wednesday night/Thursday morning. Sometimes my family opens one present at midnight and then the rest the next morning :)
No we don't open gifts until sometime in the afternoon on Christmas day. This year because my ds has to work Christmas night and will have worked Christmas Eve night as well we are delaying lunch (our big meal) until about 1:30. That way it will be about 3 -- 3:30 before we start to open presents and we will wake him at about 4. Well, I did take a really small peek at it but not long. I decided that there was too much I really wanted to see in the book and thought (as was said) I would have more fun Christmas night sitting and planning my route. Boy was it hard though, I mean he left it right wrapping no nothing...He has now come home and put it away. Talk about temptation.
Good for you that you resisted!!! :teeth:

My DH used to set up very elaborate traps where he had hidden my presents. If they were in his closet, he'd arrange things in particular ways so he'd know if I'd been snooping. Sometimes he would even use thread (kind of like trip wire), lol......:rolleyes:

I don't look anymore, I don't even feel tempted too. I think I'm too preoccupied worrying about getting everything ready for the big day. :)
I love suprises but can't resist looking at gifts I am so bad for that I unwrap all my gifts before hand so I know everything I am getting every year well from within my own house anyhow.
Originally posted by DSNY FN
I love suprises but can't resist looking at gifts I am so bad for that I unwrap all my gifts before hand so I know everything I am getting every year well from within my own house anyhow.

I did the same thing too when I was younger! My parents no longer put Christmas presents under the tree until 12/24 :) Don't worry, I'm a little better now ::yes::
You would have thought I would have outgrown that by now being 34 and all but I still love to peek.
As I sit here and type this all my presents are right behind me, in a closet, not even wrapped but I can't look because I need to be surprised. I am really hoping that in that closet is the Mickey tin of hot chocolate I seen at Disney.
Actually usually I don't peek either. I really like to be surprised but this time the book was on the table. I put it in the bag and put the bag by the stairs. When my ds came in I gave it to him and told him to take it to his room. Something funny though...My dd gave me a Disney bag with presents for my youngest dgdd in it. She had told her that it contained food for the Christmas dinner. I brought it in to my house and put in on the landing to go upstairs. She went by it several times and didn't even look in. My oldest dgrdd knew it container a present for her ds but didn't tell her. It was kindof funny. No curiousity at all.


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