* * * Clipart Restrictions Reminder * * *


<font color=3366FF>Domestic Goddess<br>
Feb 11, 1999
Effective immediately, the webmasters have set up the following restrictions:

1) no more than 2 pieces of clip art per post

2) clip art should be no more than 15k in size (to find out the amount of kb used by a graphic, right click on the graphic in your browser and select "properties". 1000 bytes = 1k, 15000 bytes = 15k). You may have one piece of clipart up to 30K in size, or any combination of two that add up to no more than 30K.

3) Clip art should be no more than 200 pixels in any direction (the above process will show the number of pixels as well).

If your clipart is too big in pixels, you can resize it using the following code (substitute your own url for the red portion.) You only need to use height or width, not both.

&ltimg height="200" src="<font color=red>http://disney.store.go.com/Images/I-Catalog/DS/Products/005181/20248/20248_P.jpg</font>">

will give you:

<IMG height="200" SRC="http://disney.store.go.com/Images/I-Catalog/DS/Products/005181/20248/20248_P.jpg">

These restrictions apply to clipart in the signature. You may add other clipart or pictures to the body of a post on occasion, if it is pertinent to the post.

Here are some other posts that may be helpful with your clipart and signatures.

Font hints - dressing up your posts

Creating a DIS website

If you need any assistance with your clipart or other technical matters, visit the Technical Support Board. We love to help. :)

[This message was edited by LisaTx on 04-02-01 at 01:19 PM.]

<IMG SRC="http://www.wdwinfo.com/sites/ltexas/fairy2.jpg" align=left><p align=center><font color=#CC0066>Co-moderator:
Recipes & Scrapbooks,
Technical Support,
& Community Boards
<p align=center>
</p align><font color=#3399FF>Beach Club '99
Port Orleans '00
Dolphin '01
Polynesian '02
<A HREF="http://www.wdwinfo.com/sites/lisatx/index.html" TARGET=_blank><font color=#9933CC size=2>Visit my DISney website-trip reports and scrapbook pages.</A>
Last year when I needed to set up the photo for my posts, y'all in the DIS Tech Support Team were a great help. My guess is that the size of the photo now exceeds the current limits. Can you help to make it the right size? If I need to do anything, please advise in non-tech terms. Thank you.

<img width="250" src="http://www.wdwinfo.com/sites/family/pdd.jpg">
Hope this is going to all boards. It had looked like recently some of the clip art had really gotten out of hand.



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