Closing Time!!

Heres my timeline

Home: Poly
Title Company: First American
Offer Made: 06/22/2020
Offer Accepted: 06/23/2020
Sent to ROFR: 06/26/2020
Passed ROFR: 08/03/2020
Estopple Received: 08/06/2020
Closing Docs Received: 08/07/200
Closing Docs Returned: 08/07/2020
Seller returned closing docs: 08/13/200
Closed: 08/13/2020
Deed recorded: 08/14/2020
Contract showing on membership: 9/10/2020
Points showing on membership: 9/11/2020
Last edited:
This is the worst part. You would think they would want their money...

Sometimes its coordinating getting to the bank for the notary. A few years back it took DH and I almost a week to get there. His job had him on call 24/7 and between that and my job, it took Longer than I would have liked.
I am seller of 3 HHI contracts that went to ROFR on 6/16. One buyer for 2 of them and another buyer for the third. They passed ROFR on 7/27 and 7/28. Got closing docs on Aug 4th and FedExed them back on Aug 5th. Closing company had all signed docs from us and buyer #2 (and their check) on Aug 6th. We closed on Aug 10th and money was wired to our bank that same day. I then asked about buyer #1's docs and our broker contacted them and they claimed to have FedExed them that day, Aug 10th. The contract has closing date by, Aug 17th. Closing company said they'd let us know when they got everything but we haven't heard anything yet. Our docs and buyer #2's docs were received the next day from FedExing. So my guess is buyer #1 fibbed a bit and had not sent them yet. Or maybe they'll just notify me once it's closed, guessing Monday.
Sometimes its coordinating getting to the bank for the notary. A few years back it took DH and I almost a week to get there. His job had him on call 24/7 and between that and my job, it took Longer than I would have liked.

I had to make an appointment with a notary and the notary said it had to be 2 people that knew me, and of course not related. It was harder than I thought to phone friends at the same time the notary was available so I can relate.
I had to notarize as the seller and I went on Nextdoor and asked my neighborhood if anyone was a notary and a neighbor was so he came over and did it for us for a couple bucks. Easy peasy. Can also do an online notary right now too...somehow.
Sometimes its coordinating getting to the bank for the notary. A few years back it took DH and I almost a week to get there. His job had him on call 24/7 and between that and my job, it took Longer than I would have liked.

I didn’t think about the notary. FedEx took 2 days so hopefully we close early next week. In any case, I asked the broker to check with the seller.
Our bank has notaries and they will notarize at the drive through. Small branch so they know us. The process is they watch us sign through the window and we put document and driver's licenses in the drawer after we sign. Comes back notarized. May not work for everyone but thought I would mention this in case it is helpful to someone.
Been following but I guess I'll join. Was planning to do it once with all info but I don't have that kind of patience any more.

Home : Poly
Title Company: Magic Vacation Title
Offer made: 5/27
Offer accepted: 5/28
Sent to ROFR: 6/2
Passed ROFR: 7/17
Closing docs received: 7/23
Closing docs returned: 7/24 (rec'd @ title 7/27)
Seller returned closing docs: no delay
Closing: 7/30
Deed recorded: 8/3
Contract Showing on Membership:
Points in account:

Waiting on Disney for ROFR and membership: 58 days and counting
Waiting on Broker, seller, title, everyone and everything else combined: 21 days

New member. I'm only 2 weeks into the recording wait so I guess we're looking at another 6 weeks before I can make a 2021 reservation.
Home: PVB
Broker: resales.*******.com
Title Company: TRCS, Inc.
Offer made: 5/10/20
Offer accepted: 5/10/20
Sent to ROFR: 5/11/20
Passed ROFR: 6/18/20
Closing docs received:7/8/20
Closing docs returned:7/8/20
Seller returned closing docs:?
Deed recorded:7/14/20
Contract Showing on Membership: 8/14/20
Points in account: 8/15/20

Will update as this progresses. (Edited 8/16)

They're really moving now. This is good to see for sure.
Our bank has notaries and they will notarize at the drive through. Small branch so they know us. The process is they watch us sign through the window and we put document and driver's licenses in the drawer after we sign. Comes back notarized. May not work for everyone but thought I would mention this in case it is helpful to someone.

My bank’s branches are still closed and you have to make an appt which may or may not be in person. It’s was faster for me to use the UPS store.


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