Color-themed page kit swap ***Group 2 update- page 11***

Non-Bazzill group... do you want to:

A-wait for 2 more people to sign up
B-take one person from group a and move to group b, making 2 groups of 5
C-combine both into one group of 10

What do you think??
Here's my two cents:

I'm in there twice and don't have to be. With that in mind, could we maybe find an alternative to the one duplicate color - green - and then create a group of 9.

I'm open to whatever the whole group decides. I just thought this might be another alternative! :thumbsup2
calanniebu said:
Here's my two cents:

I'm in there twice and don't have to be. With that in mind, could we maybe find an alternative to the one duplicate color - green - and then create a group of 9.

I'm open to whatever the whole group decides. I just thought this might be another alternative! :thumbsup2

I don't mind doing the group of 9, it's a great idea, but I'm also open to whatever. :hippie:
I'd like to join the Bazzill group, if there is still a spot open. I'll have to check my stash for color choice . . . LMK if there's room. Thanks!

You can have the last slot in the Bazzill group and then I will take a slot in the non-Bazzill group which leaves us with just one opening and solves my original problem :)
oh - i guess i can take one for the team! ill take the last spot in "any paper" with the color purple - let me know how that works for you!!
Roxy -- we're full in group 1a and you're already in group 1b -- plus we have purple in all groups. Shall I keep you on the "standby" list in case someone has to drop out?

Aunts2Topher -- I need to know your color.

Thanks for playing Janice!

We're all full now!!
Has Ohana decided between blue and brown? My first choice would be blue (if she chooses brown), but I'd happily take brown (if she chooses blue).

Just let me know, thanks!

Hi bazzill group swappers....I just finished my tags and squares and I'm so excited!! I've done my shopping and just have to finish my library pockets and make the photo mats. YAY!! :yay:
For the libary pockets, is there a size for these? I saw that Sizzix has a die cut for one and I wasn't sure if it was big enough. :)
Okay - list is updated and everyone has been PM'd the mailing info.

Mamacentral -- The library pocket should be large enough for a decent block of journalling. No minimum size... I didn't know Sizzix made one! I cut mine on my wishblade.

Jedi Librarian -- you can have my spot in group 1B if you want to participate! I haven't started yet. Let me know.
But then you wouldn't be participating in your own swap! :guilty:
No, that's alright. Just keep me as a standby - :thumbsup2
Another newbie question.....what is a deco square? I've seen them in examples but more curious the size and what you would use them for. Sorry to sound dumb!


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