*Come Share Your Positive DCP Experiences!*


Oct 10, 2011
I just thought it would be nice to read some positive DCP experiences. I know nothing is perfect, especially a minimum wage job, but it just seems to me that all I read lately are the negatives of the DCP. I love Disney and I know that personally if I go that I can make the best out of it - it's a great opportunity for my major and career goals.

As far as actually being there though - I mean there has to be some reason people are applying for extensions, seasonal jobs, campus rep, etc.

So, what are the positives from your DCP?

My CPs were the best times of my life. I ended up doing 6 programs, and had the time of my life! So much so, that I am now FT at Disney (and will be 2 years in May). I can't see myself working anywhere else.

I met so many great people (and I am still in contact with a lot of them) while on the CP. It's great being able to go to the parks whenever you want, especially during the holiday seasons. I highly recommend the CP to everyone
Guest interactions are really what made it wonderful for me(well besides the obvious working for Disney :D) though I have my fair share of not fun guests, 9 times out of 10 you have awesome guests! I loved making kids smile as I pixie dusted them or gave them stickers. I loved doing PACtivities with guests and teaching people the hoedown throw down. It was a blast making magic for people, because to the guest, YOU were Disney, and you made their day special :)
I am not certain why people feel the need to post negative experiences. Perhaps it's to gripe, or they feel that they need to "warn" other potential CP's about whatever it is that bothered them during their particular experience. So let's put it out there: You will not be paid a significant salary, but you DO have the opportunity to pick up shifts. You WILL work significantly, however, when you are through, you are free to do as you please, like any other job. And let's not forget that you have the ability to roam at will...through parks that CHARGE the rest of the population to come in. Some people save for YEARS to visit Disney with their families just once. For many it is a dream long in the making, and I think that certain cp's take this for granted...until they go home, and life is business as usual.
My experience was positive. I met people...CP's and Guests alike...from all over the world. I have seen the faces of children and adults alike...happy just be here. I was charmed by music all day and the beauty of the lights at night. I have seen people smiling in the heat, the torrential downpours that washed out their vacations...if they can make the most of it...why is it so hard for others to do the same? I won't lie and say I was never tired. Or that babies never cried or adults were never rude. But those things were always irrelevant. The thing that I loved the most was the ability to REPRESENT something near and dear to me...and that is why I remain seasonal now. This place is magical...it has withstood the test of time and I really do believe it will be here long after we are all gone. We are part of something so much bigger than ourselves. So please...enjoy yourself. You will make friendships and remember yourselves in photos for years to come. And you will smile here, I promise, at least once!
I am not certain why people feel the need to post negative experiences. Perhaps it's to gripe, or they feel that they need to "warn" other potential CP's about whatever it is that bothered them during their particular experience. So let's put it out there: You will not be paid a significant salary, but you DO have the opportunity to pick up shifts. You WILL work significantly, however, when you are through, you are free to do as you please, like any other job. And let's not forget that you have the ability to roam at will...through parks that CHARGE the rest of the population to come in. Some people save for YEARS to visit Disney with their families just once. For many it is a dream long in the making, and I think that certain cp's take this for granted...until they go home, and life is business as usual.
My experience was positive. I met people...CP's and Guests alike...from all over the world. I have seen the faces of children and adults alike...happy just be here. I was charmed by music all day and the beauty of the lights at night. I have seen people smiling in the heat, the torrential downpours that washed out their vacations...if they can make the most of it...why is it so hard for others to do the same? I won't lie and say I was never tired. Or that babies never cried or adults were never rude. But those things were always irrelevant. The thing that I loved the most was the ability to REPRESENT something near and dear to me...and that is why I remain seasonal now. This place is magical...it has withstood the test of time and I really do believe it will be here long after we are all gone. We are part of something so much bigger than ourselves. So please...enjoy yourself. You will make friendships and remember yourselves in photos for years to come. And you will smile here, I promise, at least once!

Where did you work? Just wondering :) also I smiled a lot on my cp! I think the only day that I have been as happy as I was on my cp was on my wedding day ha ha.(my husband makes me happy but gosh darn it I was in heaven down in Florida! I want to go back but take him with me.)
Where did you work? Just wondering :) also I smiled a lot on my cp! I think the only day that I have been as happy as I was on my cp was on my wedding day ha ha.(my husband makes me happy but gosh darn it I was in heaven down in Florida! I want to go back but take him with me.)

I am statused to Merchandise at Hollywood Studios. I was fortunate that during my program, I was deployed to both Epcot and the Magic Kingdom as well for 2 weeks at a time. That way, I was able to enjoy the wonderful things that the other parks have to offer, as well as meeting cast members and appreciating what they contribute to their respective locations as well:)
I was a CP BBB Hostess at DTD fall 2010. I didn't live on property, but I did love my role. I stayed seasonal for a while and now I'm part-time at the MK location. I still love my job :)
I worked on Main street at the Magic Kingdom from January-May 2011 and it was the most amazing experience of my life. Working PAC most of the time, I did have several not so great guest experiences during the parades, but overall the guests were great. Sure there are always a few guests that are not feeling the Magic, but most guests are there to have a great time and create lifelong memories.
The great thing about working for Disney is that it is like no other place in the world. Unless you continue to work for Disney, you will never experience another job like it. You also get to become the face of Disney for guests. How you interact with guests will, even in a small way, affect the company. I loved being able to get guests into VIP areas for the parade and make other "magical moments". It makes you feel good and can make your day, but to that guest or family it can make their entire vacation. They will most likely not remember your name, but they will remember what you did for them.
I worked on Main street at the Magic Kingdom from January-May 2011 and it was the most amazing experience of my life. Working PAC most of the time, I did have several not so great guest experiences during the parades, but overall the guests were great. Sure there are always a few guests that are not feeling the Magic, but most guests are there to have a great time and create lifelong memories.
The great thing about working for Disney is that it is like no other place in the world. Unless you continue to work for Disney, you will never experience another job like it. You also get to become the face of Disney for guests. How you interact with guests will, even in a small way, affect the company. I loved being able to get guests into VIP areas for the parade and make other "magical moments". It makes you feel good and can make your day, but to that guest or family it can make their entire vacation. They will most likely not remember your name, but they will remember what you did for them.

Fellow former main street cm here! I loooooove PAC and miss it so much!
so you get paid minimum wage and work more hours because if it and i was ready to come home but i miss it and you meet some of the best people! I became good friends with one person who did not like it and went home but he did miss the people also. I loved it but i was already disney crazy before i went also. and u also have some fun. There are plenty of things to do in that city outside disney. The one thing i am sad about is not taking advantage of all the benefits. so take full advantage of everything and have fun!


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