Commitment Ceremonies


DIS Veteran<br><font color=teal>Suffers from a Tag
Nov 15, 1999
Lisa and I will be celebrating our 5th Anniversary on March 21 and are thinking about having a commitment ( and please correct me if I spelled it wrong....I am having a brain lapse...LOL) ceremony. I know that our friends are loving the idea and our families will be supportive as well. I almost wish we had done one before leaving NYC. Our minister would have loved the opportunity and our church would have been lovely.....but......we made the decision to move one month before we actually came on down to NC and there just wasn't time.

So, now here in the mountains I am sure we can come up with something special.

So, for those of you who have had commitment ceremonies...what were yours like? Details please!!!

Yep, we started the planning portion of it, even checked out some spaces. But then we put things on hold last year because Joe went through a major career change. Plus, we have to move in month or two into a place that's going to involve a 50% increase in rent. Once we're back on our feet $$ wise, the planning will start once again. Bummer is we'd hoped to do something to celebrate our 15th anniversary but that's since come and gone.
Yup, we had one!! It was great...
11 years ago... wow, time flies...
We got in touch with one of our more liberal churches in town, and there was a female pastor who said she could do it for us.
We rented a party house, had the party catered, they had a bar, some open & some cash.
We had some of our family and friends stand up for us. You would have thought it was an actual legal wedding, since we did exactly everything the same, well, except for the legal papers (Darn you NY...)
Anyway, we had the cake, had the photographer, got a DJ, the whole works....
We even got a union certificate from our local Gay-friendly store, had the pastor sign it, and our witnesses...It was great, and we had a wonderful day....

Anytime you can celebrate together, you'll have a great time!!

My cousin and his DH, who live here in the US, asked us all to join them up in Canada so that they could have a legal ceremony. They found a wonderful pastor and a nice hotel that had facilities for the ceremony and reception. It was really beautiful.
Our friends (DS's honorary uncles) had a ceremony at a small church where they exchanged vows and rings in front of a small group of family and friends followed by a reception at home.

Then they went to Vermont with just a VERY few close friends and had a union ceremony and a little vacation. We couldn't join them for that portion but the pictures were stunning. We really need to get to Vermont one of these days. If we can just tear ourselves away from Disney!

I think whatever you choose should just be a reflection of your style - something that is meaningful for both partners that you will always treasure. If you love big parties, then have a huge bash! If you are more introverted then maybe just a small ceremony with a few friends in a place that is special to you.

Enjoy your planning! DH and I have been married for 13 years. It is my sincere hope that some day my GLBT friends can share that same experience, complete with all the legal rights and benefits. :)
In August my fiance and I are going to Windsor Canada for our wedding. We are just planning a very small gathering with our children and a few close friends, outside in the park on the waterfront. We had planned it for last year but unexpected things came up and we had to put it on hold til this year.
:banana: woohoo!! :banana:
Hi Ladies!

We had ours in all aspects like a wedding. You want to see our video, or my planning book? lol We had it at a beautiful place which was a Victorian mansion on the water at Christmas time. Everything was candle lit. Lots of pine, and white roses. We had an AMAZING interfaith women. She customized the whole "Service" for us. We had our friends as our "wedding party" and our family do readings. She was AMAZING at explaining what it means for 2 people to be in love. She made every involved in the ceremony and there were little bonding rituals in there for us. My parents (die hard Christians who go to church everyday) Said it was the most spiritual service they had ever went to. After the service it was your run of the mill wedding reception. Cocktail hour, 5 courses, and a Viennese hour. Ohhh i almost want to shed a tear. I put over a year of my life into planing and making every aspect of that day. If you all want i can posts some pics. Let me know or if you have any other questions.

Eric :love:
Ooooohhh yes Eric! We would love to see some pics! Where was your ceremony held? Oh, and you know it is February now so you can you officially tell us why there are no trips scheduled for you and your hubby yet??? :rolleyes1 Can't wait to see your pics! Kim
Hey Kim & Tiff~

You can see pics here...

Our Ceremony

Here are more pictures where you can see the place better.
You gotta kinda look in the background. Everythign you see i did. lol From the candle placement, to the embossed seating cards. Yes im SUPER GAY! If you have any questions feel free to ask.



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