Confirmed New Security measures coming to Disney Parks

So you're taking a break because of added security?

No, I'm taking a break because we've been 4 times in 3 years and I'm having another baby in 3 days. I don't do Disney with infants.

I just said the added "security" sounds unpleasant.
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No, I'm taking a break because we've been 4 times in 3 years and I'm having another baby in 3 days. I don't do Disney with infants.

I just said the added "security" sounds unpleasant.
Ok understandable.

I experienced the added security but it was nothing like the PP. I was just asked to walk through the metal detector and that was that.
I agree, it should be everyone or no one. What made it so bad for you tho? Did it take extra time? Was anyone rude to you? Were you just offended that you were picked? I understand everyone has a different opinion with this but personally it wouldn't bother me at all, if it wasn't taking extra time. You said it was a terrible way to start the day. I just don't understand why
walking thru a metal detector would bother you so much. I am just wondering why it aggrevated you so much?

It is a good question, and before experiencing it myself I'm not sure I'd have understood either. However, I think it's probably a combination of the fact that it's been so hastily set up, and the guards seem very poorly trained. The conflicting information I got about their policies in screening pregnant women was also very annoying, because it meant that we started four mornings on an adversarial note because we needed to push back when we were brought to the side (again, my mom and them are incorrect, the metal detector is safe, but instead of just saying this they said we should "let them know", which only made my mom think she was right and made it awkward.) I honestly know less about the wand and would have preferred a pat down, but the man who got huffy got very huffy and I felt really cowed and embarrassed, even though I was just following directions I had been given elsewhere. A pat down was never offered.

It didn't ruin my vacation, but it was terrible show. It's clearly not truly random and if you're the type to be selected, either out of expediency (like my mom and I) or out of profiling, it does cast a negative tone over the start of your park days. There are ways they could randomize to at least avoid the expediency grabs, and they clearly are not utilizing those techniques. With fewer than a quarter of folks getting selected (at eyeball), the random chances of our selection rate (5/7) are extremely low. We were also disproportionately pulled aside for surveys, so I think the expediency bias is real, and clearly not a good thing to be factoring in when making random security checks. The inconvenience and annoyance of having to empty your pockets and hand over your stuff right after going through bag check and getting recombobulated is hard to describe. Again, not day ruining, but very bad show by relatively unfriendly staff for a process that I believe is ineffective.

I think she stated that being selected over and over and over again is what was irritating. Plus she's pregnant. I'm overly sensitive and don't like being messed with when I'm pregnant, especially once I'm showing. It's just kind of stupid- let's ask the pregnant lady and her elderly mother to go through the detectors repeatedly. I get it.

Agree that it should be all or none. At Six Flags, everyone goes through the metal detectors- men, women, children, the elderly... Everyone.

Thanks for getting it! It's hard to describe the feeling.
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Thanks for getting it! It's hard to describe the feeling.

I totally get it... I'm 3 days away from delivering and we were at Disney in late October when I was just shy of 7 months.

It's like at the airport when you hear these stories of TSA practically full body searching 6 year olds. Gimme a break!
I think people need to understand that added security is for people's own good. I have to go thru a metal detector on a daily basis and empty my pockets and put my pocketbook everyday for work (work at a county government building). I don't think twice about it, it's the rules to work at the building and it's the building's decision, so if I want to work, I must comply. We were going thru airport security around around 4 years ago and they stopped us because they said our son's car seat showed up with a chemical? (My husband is in law enforcement and it's the car seat from his car, he is also a shooting instructor, so maybe there was some gun powder on it?), anyway, they took me aside, went thoroughly thru my pocketbook/diaper bag and then a woman searched me which included rubbing her hands up and down my body. It was a little annoying and we almost missed our plane because it took so long, but I wasn't mad because I realized that security is imperative. Unfortunately, there are sick and evil people in this world that want to harm innocent people going about their normal lives. I know security isn't 100% but it's better than no security at all IMO.
I think people need to understand that added security is for people's own good. I have to go thru a metal detector on a daily basis and empty my pockets and put my pocketbook everyday for work (work at a county government building). I don't think twice about it, it's the rules to work at the building and it's the building's decision, so if I want to work, I must comply. We were going thru airport security around around 4 years ago and they stopped us because they said our son's car seat showed up with a chemical? (My husband is in law enforcement and it's the car seat from his car, he is also a shooting instructor, so maybe there was some gun powder on it?), anyway, they took me aside, went thoroughly thru my pocketbook/diaper bag and then a woman searched me which included rubbing her hands up and down my body. It was a little annoying and we almost missed our plane because it took so long, but I wasn't mad because I realized that security is imperative. Unfortunately, there are sick and evil people in this world that want to harm innocent people going about their normal lives. I know security isn't 100% but it's better than no security at all IMO.

I've worked in buildings with daily metal detector screening for years, as well. That would never bother me. A policy where everyone is screened makes sense. In the case you described, something instigated the in-depth search. The checks right now that they are conducting feel like window dressing designed to make people feel more safe. They would love to screen everyone, but can't do it quickly enough, so instead they are opting to screen as many people as possible without adding a wait time.

Either you aren't targeted, or are targeted at a truly random rate, which is nice, or you are targeted due to some combination of training or bias. Being continually targeted as you are entering a theme park feels really crappy. Again, it's hard to explain why, and maybe if they were slightly more pleasant and kind (like the bag check guys!) it would be different. But they can't have it both ways in my opinion. Either be committed to safety and put everyone through the metal detector or just don't do it.
We just returned from WDW - 12 park days. My oldest son (18yo) was chosen every single day for "random" screening after going through bag check. Sorry, it is not random and it got to be a running joke after a few days. We were asked to move along once and I refused - told security that I would stay with my son and they saw in my look that they were going to have to escalate to say no so they let me stay - they were not happy and it was obvious, but they didn't say another word to me. Don't remember which park this was at, but it happened only the one time. The other times Security didn't even seem to notice me coming over with my son and watching.

Our entire family was screened every time that we entered through the International Gateway - all of us. My wife cannot go through the metal detectors (medical appliance), so she was wanded each time.

The reality - it added almost no time to our entrance. My son learned that he was going to be "randomly" selected every day, so he started putting everything in the pockets of his jacket until we made it past security every morning, which sped things up considerably.

But they are clearly profiling, hence my son's daily screenings. I guess that they are looking for German/Irish teens and who don't smile much.
It is a good question, and before experiencing it myself I'm not sure I'd have understood either. However, I think it's probably a combination of the fact that it's been so hastily set up, and the guards seem very poorly trained. The conflicting information I got about their policies in screening pregnant women was also very annoying, because it meant that we started four mornings on an adversarial note because we needed to push back when we were brought to the side (again, my mom and them are incorrect, the metal detector is safe, but instead of just saying this they said we should "let them know", which only made my mom think she was right and made it awkward.) I honestly know less about the wand and would have preferred a pat down, but the man who got huffy got very huffy and I felt really cowed and embarrassed, even though I was just following directions I had been given elsewhere. A pat down was never offered.

It didn't ruin my vacation, but it was terrible show. It's clearly not truly random and if you're the type to be selected, either out of expediency (like my mom and I) or out of profiling, it does cast a negative tone over the start of your park days. There are ways they could randomize to at least avoid the expediency grabs, and they clearly are not utilizing those techniques. With fewer than a quarter of folks getting selected (at eyeball), the random chances of our selection rate (5/7) are extremely low. We were also disproportionately pulled aside for surveys, so I think the expediency bias is real, and clearly not a good thing to be factoring in when making random security checks. The inconvenience and annoyance of having to empty your pockets and hand over your stuff right after going through bag check and getting recombobulated is hard to describe. Again, not day ruining, but very bad show by relatively unfriendly staff for a process that I believe is ineffective.

Thanks for getting it! It's hard to describe the feeling.

I understand and the guard should of never gotten huffy with you, that's unacceptable. I don't blame your mom being nervous, when your pregnant, you worry about anything that can possibly effect your baby. It is strange that you got picked so many times, wonder what they base it on? It's unfortunate that so much more security is needed in our lives, when we were kids, we never saw security at anything (airport (no going thru security), concerts, football games, amusement parks etc). It's sad but a different world now. Good luck with your new baby, it's the best experience in the world.
I think people need to understand that added security is for people's own good. I have to go thru a metal detector on a daily basis and empty my pockets and put my pocketbook everyday for work (work at a county government building). I don't think twice about it, it's the rules to work at the building and it's the building's decision, so if I want to work, I must comply. We were going thru airport security around around 4 years ago and they stopped us because they said our son's car seat showed up with a chemical? (My husband is in law enforcement and it's the car seat from his car, he is also a shooting instructor, so maybe there was some gun powder on it?), anyway, they took me aside, went thoroughly thru my pocketbook/diaper bag and then a woman searched me which included rubbing her hands up and down my body. It was a little annoying and we almost missed our plane because it took so long, but I wasn't mad because I realized that security is imperative. Unfortunately, there are sick and evil people in this world that want to harm innocent people going about their normal lives. I know security isn't 100% but it's better than no security at all IMO.

I understand that added security is supposed to make everyone safer. However, I find it interesting when the reports are released annually detailing how many banned and unsafe items slipped through airport security. So maybe it makes us safer, maybe it doesn't. What's going on at Disney right now just sounds like song and dance. It'll get better though- they need to send everyone through metal detectors and going forward people will just need to build that in to their expected wait times to get into the parks. When the NFL implemented the clear bag policy two years ago, they were very good at getting the information out so people could plan accordingly. Every single person entering an nba or NFL game either goes through a metal detector or a wand. So it CAN be done efficiently at Disney too, especially with their resources.
We just returned from WDW - 12 park days. My oldest son (18yo) was chosen every single day for "random" screening after going through bag check. Sorry, it is not random and it got to be a running joke after a few days. We were asked to move along once and I refused - told security that I would stay with my son and they saw in my look that they were going to have to escalate to say no so they let me stay - they were not happy and it was obvious, but they didn't say another word to me. Don't remember which park this was at, but it happened only the one time. The other times Security didn't even seem to notice me coming over with my son and watching.

Our entire family was screened every time that we entered through the International Gateway - all of us. My wife cannot go through the metal detectors (medical appliance), so she was wanded each time.

The reality - it added almost no time to our entrance. My son learned that he was going to be "randomly" selected every day, so he started putting everything in the pockets of his jacket until we made it past security every morning, which sped things up considerably.

But they are clearly profiling, hence my son's daily screenings. I guess that they are looking for German/Irish teens and who don't smile much.

The thought of these guys profiling at Disney makes me giggle. You need years of studying psychology to correctly and efficiently learn how to profile, and even then it's never an exact science. Just emphasizes even more the need to send each and every guest through a detector. Because with what they're doing now, they could easily miss someone who is actually dangerous.
The thought of these guys profiling at Disney makes me giggle. You need years of studying psychology to correctly and efficiently learn how to profile, and even then it's never an exact science. Just emphasizes even more the need to send each and every guest through a detector. Because with what they're doing now, they could easily miss someone who is actually dangerous.
More then just years of psychology itself, its a very specific field in psychology which I looked into joining (I'm now working on a phd in psychology and have been taking cources in it for about 10 years.), but as they told me profiling in psychology is nothing like you see on tv.
I was never chosen to go thru scanner when I was there, but would have had no issue since I've been used to seeing scanners and going thru them in my town since they were enforced in my junior high/high school in '97.
Went to Epcot yesterday and had no bags. I was pulled out and surrounded by 4 Security people for a "random" screening they said. I was escorted to another area where I was made to take off all outer clothing, empty all pockets of everything I was wearing, Guard pat down my clothes, then go through detector if I wanted to enter the park. My friend who was waiting was told to go away. I watched several strollers loaded with bags walk right through. The Security people were rude and acted like wanna be cops. All for security but do it to all or none. Universal does all. Stop profiing Disney!
I just saw this and I have not read this thread for a while. You were patted down? The rent-a-cops touched you? Both my DH and I were sent through the scanners. I was the first person to go through the side entrance at DHS and the security person pounced on me. We had no bags. My DH was also selected at the MK, again with no bags. *sigh* The scanners are one thing but if a freaking rent-a-cop wanted to pat me down and touch me? Oh hell no. That's not happening. If a requirement for me to enter a Disney park is for some questionably trained "security officer" to put their hands on me or my daughter, my relationship with Disney would be over.
I just saw this and I have not read this thread for a while. You were patted down? The rent-a-cops touched you? Both my DH and I were sent through the scanners. I was the first person to go through the side entrance at DHS and the security person pounced on me. We had no bags. My DH was also selected at the MK, again with no bags. *sigh* The scanners are one thing but if a freaking rent-a-cop wanted to pat me down and touch me? Oh hell no. That's not happening. If a requirement for me to enter a Disney park is for some questionably trained "security officer" to put their hands on me or my daughter, my relationship with Disney would be over.

Yeah.... I'm with you on this one.
So you're taking a break because of added security?

Let's think it through ...

Either the security is necessary, or it's unnecessary.

If it's unnecessary because there isn't a threat, then having to endure the stress of being profiled, singled out and humiliated is not worth it.

If it's necessary because of the threat level, then why would you choose to expose yourself to that kind of risk on your vacation?

The whole thing is unpleasant. I know it isn't a WDW-specific problem, but a society where the simplest form of public activities and amusements can't be enjoyed without being screened, scanned, profiled, targeted, questioned and frisked is a society that is really messed up.
Let's think it through ...

Either the security is necessary, or it's unnecessary.

If it's unnecessary because there isn't a threat, then having to endure the stress of being profiled, singled out and humiliated is not worth it.

If it's necessary because of the threat level, then why would you choose to expose yourself to that kind of risk on your vacation?

The whole thing is unpleasant. I know it isn't a WDW-specific problem, but a society where the simplest form of public activities and amusements can't be enjoyed without being screened, scanned, profiled, targeted, questioned and frisked is a society that is really messed up.

Yes, we are perhaps a messed up society, along with others, Paris, Germany etc. I believe a lot of it is also the fear of lawsuits. Let's face facts, if someone gets a gun inside Disney and does the unthinkable, do you know how many multi-million dollar lawsuits would be against Disney? I am sure they are "trying" to do everything to avert a crisis. There is no security that is foolproof but I am sure this kind of security is just the beginning.
About the clear bags: my undergrad alma mater adopted the NFL policy for most of their sporting events a few years ago, but once I got my hands on clear vinyl bags (especially drawstring backpacks), I LOVED them! Clear bags are super easy to bring to parks! Not only are they security-friendly, they're also dirtproof and waterproof. (perfect to keep electronics dry on water rides)
About the clear bags: my undergrad alma mater adopted the NFL policy for most of their sporting events a few years ago, but once I got my hands on clear vinyl bags (especially drawstring backpacks), I LOVED them! Clear bags are super easy to bring to parks! Not only are they security-friendly, they're also dirtproof and waterproof. (perfect to keep electronics dry on water rides)
I'm glad that works for you, but I personally don't want everyone and their dogs to be able to see what I'm carrying in my bag.
About the clear bags: my undergrad alma mater adopted the NFL policy for most of their sporting events a few years ago, but once I got my hands on clear vinyl bags (especially drawstring backpacks), I LOVED them! Clear bags are super easy to bring to parks! Not only are they security-friendly, they're also dirtproof and waterproof. (perfect to keep electronics dry on water rides)
RunDisney uses clear bags for bag check during race events.
It is not a matter of a messed up American society , it is a.matter of a mess up world society.

It is also not a matter of all or none being scanned/patted down. I would expect that guests are being svanned/profiled from behind the scemes, from the time you arrive at the ferry boat dock/ bus and monorail stations. Those that for what ever body language or clothing or type of bags or whatever raises the behind the scenes scanner/profilers concern , that is why you are picked.

As sad as it is, that is the new rules to get into the Disney parks( other parks venues, biuldings,etc). If you want to enter , you will comply.

We have to remember the last few 2 years have shown that some people just want to kill and kill anyone. A target like Disney would be the top of the list to create the terror.



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