Congratulations to Dan Murphy on 28,000 posts!!!


<font color=deeppink>There is hope for the helples
Oct 23, 1999
This should be more of a "thank you" than a "Congratulations" thread. So I thank you for 28,000 wonderful, helpful and very caring posts. Dan, you truly are one of a kind... never change :sunny:

Congratulations Dan!!
My My My, everytime I turn around my friend Dan has added another 1000 posties. :) Congrats Dan! :) Do you think Marie will catch up to you? ;)
Thank you for your presence here, Dan, and for all you bring to our community!

I could say CONGRATULATIONS and that is so true. I could say THANK YOU for helping make the boards a wonderful place to be and that would be true. I could say I APPRECIATE YOU and all you have done and that would be true too. But most of all I sure am glad that you are here or I never would have had the wonderful opportunity to cyber meet you and Marie!
You couldn't have picked a better day to hit a milestone Dan, than to share a special "DIS Day" with my Birthday. :D Thanks Dan, for being you... so special, so kind, so helpful, so caring... so you!!! :D Congratulations on 28,000 posts to one of the DIS' absolute best. :sunny:
Congrats Dan!!!

But tell me where do you find the time to do all those posts between trips to DW and Dis meets and your regular job? Thanks for all your help with picture posting.
Congrats, Dan! 30k can't be far off.......:)

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Congratulations Dan!:) Keep those photo threads coming!;)
Thank you all for your nice thoughts. Much appreciated. And thanks for noticing, Elaine. :sunny:
Dan has a REAL job?!?!:) Hee hee! Congratulations Dan on 28,000 warm and wonderful posts!!
I love all of your photo essays, Dan :) Congratulations on 28,000 posts!



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