Connections $1 trial membership


Earning My Ears
Jan 23, 2002
Does anyone know if you can join with with the $1 offer and get imediate deals on WDW tickets? Or is there a limit due to being a trial membership?
When I e-miled connections directly they replied very quickly. The response was that there is no limit to the number of WDW vouchers that could be purchased. You can go to the connections web site and there is a link to send any questions. I found the response time to be quick and the answer to be thourough. Along with the answer they sent a toll free number to contact with any other questions I may have had. Sorry I can't find the number :( .
1-800-339-0616 I just called and canceled my membership, my 30 days will up on sunday. I ordered tickets on my first day and received them 3-4 days later by Fed Ex?


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