Corey, Judy Dench is...


Friend of Walt's
Sep 13, 2006
Judy Dench is the chick who plays "Q" is the James Bond Movies...

He probably slept through 'Shakespeare in Love', I know I did.
Ummm, try that one again....

Judi Dench plays "M" in the James Bond movies. She's not the original "M" though, I think she only appears in the Pierce Brosnan Bond films and the newest one.
Ok, I finally figured out what movie I was thinking of...Notes on a Scandal.
For shame Corey Martin!!!! Not knowing who Dame Judy Dench is - tsk, tsk, tsk. :sad1:

I was going to cut and paste a list of all of her roles to enlighten everyone but the list is wayyyyyyyyyy to long. So check out

Now go log on to Netflix and put some Judy Dench in your queue. :love: :love: :love:
I know, shame on me. I'm better with faces than names. ;)

My mom actually sent me an email about it yesterday...

"Subject: Lol......

Who's Judy Dench? Haha… Here are some photos:"


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