Corral Placement Question from a rundisney newbie

These people probably shouldn't be in the half in the first place but want the medal.
As a life long runner, I do not agree with this line of thinking. There are no people who "shouldn't be" in one of these races. Even people who are at risk medically have the right to make that decision for themselves. Some struggle with the distance or pace, but anyone who has run distances has had at least one bad day and understands how those who struggle feel in that moment. We have all been there, though our reasons for that struggle may differ.

I know that Disney races are going to be congested, and that the average finish time is much slower than other races, but these are also the best races that I have run in because they are so "Disney". A huge part of that is the supportive and inclusive environment. I hope that never changes.
I think they'd be better off in the end by not relying on a self-submitted estimated finishing time to move people up from their proof of time. Yes, that penalizes the handful of people who submitted a slower time than they are now able to run with their current training. It also prevents people from gaming the system by estimating a fast time to move up a few corrals so they have more time to complete the race. Using estimated times to move people back makes perfect sense, though. As you point out, you included time in your estimate for character stops or for running with someone slower than you so rD logically moved you back.
As a life long runner, I do not agree with this line of thinking. There are no people who "shouldn't be" in one of these races. Even people who are at risk medically have the right to make that decision for themselves. Some struggle with the distance or pace, but anyone who has run distances has had at least one bad day and understands how those who struggle feel in that moment. We have all been there, though our reasons for that struggle may differ.
I don't seems after every Disney race, I see a lot of complaining (not here, but on facebook and various blogs) about how "unfair" it was that someone was swept because they were unable to keep the pace. And if you look at those people's splits, sometimes they weren't even close to being able to maintain the required pace. That's really a lot of money wasted, a lot of disappointment, etc.
My mom (in her 60s) told me she would really like to do a Disney race. She has had multiple knee/foot surgeries and proudly tells me that she maintains a 3 mile/hr pace on her walks. I think she "shouldn't be" in a Disney race, and I have told her this.
I don't seems after every Disney race, I see a lot of complaining (not here, but on facebook and various blogs) about how "unfair" it was that someone was swept because they were unable to keep the pace. And if you look at those people's splits, sometimes they weren't even close to being able to maintain the required pace. That's really a lot of money wasted, a lot of disappointment, etc.
My mom (in her 60s) told me she would really like to do a Disney race. She has had multiple knee/foot surgeries and proudly tells me that she maintains a 3 mile/hr pace on her walks. I think she "shouldn't be" in a Disney race, and I have told her this.
That is another story. Even Disney can't include everyone - they have to set limits. A 16:00 m/m pace is the most reasonable that I have seen anywhere. And Disney is very open about that pace requirement. If someone gets swept at any race, they knew going in that it might happen. It is their money/their choice.
I would never pay the obscene amount rD charges if I thought there was a chance I couldn't train up enough to be well above the minimum pacing.

A friend attempted to run the WDW Half this year. Her training was only sporadically on a treadmill, at a 17-18/mm pace and NEVER than four miles.

She was easily swept at the first opportunity and was upset about it because "it's Disney and everyone should get to finish!!"

I mean, maybe it's just me - but I don't want to be in a spot for a race where I'm not capable of keeping up. I almost purposely start at the very back of the races I run, just because I'm a learning runner and it also takes me a mile or two to get my stride right and get my head in the right place. I don't want to be an obstacle for people.

I also think it would really upset me and screw with everything if I was in a spot where I shouldn't be and people are just blowing past me.
don't seems after every Disney race, I see a lot of complaining (not here, but on facebook and various blogs) about how "unfair" it was that someone was swept because they were unable to keep the pace. And if you look at those people's splits, sometimes they weren't even close to being able to maintain the required pace. That's really a lot of money wasted, a lot of disappointment, etc.

That's completely on the person who signed up knowing they couldn't keep the pace....RunDisney makes it very clear that if you cant maintain the 16 mpm pace then you will be swept, This pace is a lot more generous than a good portion of races out there, Disney has to do this for a number of reasons so if someone signs up knowing they cant do it and then they get swept they have no one to blame but themselves
If you know you can't meet the minimum pace, and/or don't train on a regular basis, then I agree, you have no right to be in this race.

If, on the other hand, you are serious about training and are currently at a 17:00-18:00 pace, then I would encourage them to think hard, because I wouldn't want to tell them no, and then in 9 months time they are at the minimum pace. I think as long as someone trains, and they're at or close to minimum pace, they should enter, but they also need to be aware that they are NOT ENTITLED to finish the race and medal if they get swept.

This is my first time out and I'm training as hard as I can, despite working overnights and watching my 2 yr old during the day, but I can still find time to get my 2x a week and my Saturday long runs in. I've dropped my pace from 13:00 2 months ago down to 11:21 if I really push myself hard. I've never raced before in my life until 2 weeks ago in a 10K, with a Half coming up in 2 days, and I'm planning on signing up for the Dopey if I get a sub 13:00 pace on Sunday. I am well aware of the training needed and I'm willing to give it my all, and I'll see ALL of you at the finish line!


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