COVID-19 travel contingency plan for Canadian


May 7, 2012
I need some opinion on “preparing for the worst” so I can decide on what to do if something bad were to happen.

1. If there is a confirmed case in WDW while you are there, do you?
A. Continue your trip as usual and hope it’s just like a flu case.
B. Stop your visit to the park and stay in resort until your visit ends.
C. Stop your visit immediately and spend more money buying the next flight home.

2. If you are sick with breathing and require hospitalization, but the hospital would not run COVID19 test because there is no travel or contact history. So you are not officially diagnosed yet. Does your partner?
A. Book the next flight home with the kids and leave you there until discharge to come home later yourself.
B.Continue the park visit while waiting for you in hotel get discharge from hospital.
C. Fly in a family member like grandparent from Canada to stay with the kids while the partner visits you daily in hospital.

I would love to hear what you would do. If there is suggestion other than the choices, feel free to let me know.

My trip is next week.. I am getting ready!
With all the uncertainty this minute, I wouldn’t leave Canada next week.

If I have to pick from your choices, if a case was found at Disney, I’d end park visits and stay at resort until the end of the visit. There is lots to do!

If you fell ill, tougher choices. Probably fly the family home and stay alone. But I wouldn’t call anyone down to Florida.
We just cancelled our park plans and will stay at the resort if we decide to go. I leave next week so don't have a lot of time to plan. I booked on DVC points which would move into holding as it is too close to check in to do anything else. Florida has fewer cases than Canada and the weather is a lot warmer. I do think panic and fear is a bit out of control. My daughter came home from school in a complete state of anxiety. She doesn't have the greatest lungs. Once I told her we would forgo the parks, she did calm down somewhat. Still a bit on the fence and will wait to see whet the next couple of days brings.
I need some opinion on “preparing for the worst” so I can decide on what to do if something bad were to happen.

1. If there is a confirmed case in WDW while you are there, do you?
A. Continue your trip as usual and hope it’s just like a flu case.
B. Stop your visit to the park and stay in resort until your visit ends.
C. Stop your visit immediately and spend more money buying the next flight home.

2. If you are sick with breathing and require hospitalization, but the hospital would not run COVID19 test because there is no travel or contact history. So you are not officially diagnosed yet. Does your partner?
A. Book the next flight home with the kids and leave you there until discharge to come home later yourself.
B.Continue the park visit while waiting for you in hotel get discharge from hospital.
C. Fly in a family member like grandparent from Canada to stay with the kids while the partner visits you daily in hospital.

I would love to hear what you would do. If there is suggestion other than the choices, feel free to let me know.

My trip is next week.. I am getting ready!

Question 1 - if there is a confirmed case at WDW, I think Disney would decide what would happen with the guests in the parks and their resorts. So don’t worry too much about this one since you have decided to go already.

Question 2 - if you are symptomatic and hospitalized there, I would send the family home ASAP before they get sick or show symptoms also. So they can get care in Canada when they get home.

These are all such good questions and honestly, they went through our minds too, before we decided to cancel our March break trip to WDW. My mind was spinning from all the what if’s. The worst scenario for us was what if my husband and I both got the virus and needed to be hospitalized, what would happen to our school aged children by themselves in Florida.
I have a follow-up question. Does anyone have a list of good tertiary care hospitals near WDW, similar to SickKids and UHN in Toronto? I need to know where to go if i want the best tertiary care pediatric care, for example.
Wow. I am not going until next March Break, but I don’t think I would have cancelled had we been going this one. I understand the fear of this illness, but if you are healthy and no underlying medical conditions, you really aren’t at too much of a risk from what I can see. Certainly elderly, and those who have issues would be a different story. But I still feel the risk is low at this point.
We are still going, driving down starting this Wed coming and staying till following Sat. Even if there is a case in the parks, the % is low so we will still be there. Only have 5 park days booked, and 1 day waterpark. Since we are driving, if the need arises we would drive back earlier, but not seeing that happen.
You can only make the decision that feels best for your family.
I have a follow-up question. Does anyone have a list of good tertiary care hospitals near WDW, similar to SickKids and UHN in Toronto? I need to know where to go if i want the best tertiary care pediatric care, for example.
The concierge at your resort will know, and Disney generally will arrange transportation if offsite medical care is required. Guests need offsite medical more often than many realize and the procedures are well practiced by cast members at the resorts. I have heard that the hospital they refer guests to is a very first rate facility.

The odds of being hospitalized are EXTREMELY low. The vast majority of cases are like the flu and just need isolation. The pneumonia that lands the most serious cases in hospital generally takes days to develop and is most likely in the elderly, very young (infants) or those who are immunocompromised.

TBH, I think if I was feeling symptomatic, I would probably rent a car and drive home with the family (so as to minimize contact with the public) and self-isolate at home using our own health system if needed. I would not get on, or put my probably compromised family on, a flight home and risk infecting all of the others on the flight.
The concierge at your resort will know, and Disney generally will arrange transportation if offsite medical care is required. Guests need offsite medical more often than many realize and the procedures are well practiced by cast members at the resorts. I have heard that the hospital they refer guests to is a very first rate facility.

The odds of being hospitalized are EXTREMELY low. The vast majority of cases are like the flu and just need isolation. The pneumonia that lands the most serious cases in hospital generally takes days to develop and is most likely in the elderly, very young (infants) or those who are immunocompromised.

TBH, I think if I was feeling symptomatic, I would probably rent a car and drive home with the family (so as to minimize contact with the public) and self-isolate at home using our own health system if needed. I would not get on, or put my probably compromised family on, a flight home and risk infecting all of the others on the flight.

Yes! If you are that Ill and have reason to believe you’ve been exposed sending your exposed family home and exposing Every one they come into contact with
I just got back from Myrtle Beach with my 4 month old. Covid-19 doesn't scare me or my family. The media is making this a lot worse then it is. The flu kills more people per year then this virus.
I just got back from Myrtle Beach with my 4 month old. Covid-19 doesn't scare me or my family. The media is making this a lot worse then it is. The flu kills more people per year then this virus.
Thank you for stating this ^^^
While this virus is no joke the media is scaring people needlessly. If you are to get it, the vast majority of people will feel like they have a very bad cold. It is just a new mutation of the common cold....coronavirus is not new.

Put it in perspective...... In the past 13 months in the USA there have been 13 million reported cases of Influenza A and B with over 6000 deaths....and these are not considered high numbers. That 13 million is only the reported cases....many, many more have had it.
Stay home, less crowded for the rest of us!

Sure. If you want to buy our plane tickets and hotel reservations, I would gladly sell them to you at cost and give you all the space you want. Otherwise, why would I want to throw away thousands of dollars at this time just to make room for you? Are you that oversize and need that much more room? :P

ok... I say this out of caring and concern... take a deep breath and step away from the internet. Seriously, your stress level is stressing me out on your behalf.

I work in a healthcare setting. I have to be more cautious than most and I am not overly concerned about these situations.

Please remember that stress and worry can negatively impact your immune system, so don’t make yourself sick worrying over if you’re going to get sick. ❤️

The best thing you can do is bring some Lysol wipes, hand sanitizer, make sure your family knows proper hanging technique and uses it frequently. Wipe down your plane seat, tray, buttons and screen with wipes when you get on the plane. Wash your hands well. Don’t touch your face. You’ll be ok. :hug:
Not stopping us from heading down next week.. people just need to use common sense when out in public and frequently wash and sanitize hands , don't touch a hand rail and then out your hands in your mouth
I should not check news or my phone while I am there.
Well, no, you should. But do it with a level head. Disney will probably communicate with their guests as well, but since you are posting that you want a contingency plan in place, and the only way to decide if you need to act is to have knowledge, then you really do have to remain aware.

For ALL risks when travelling, you need to keep your wits about you, assess risks, think things through, and act on your plans. (Hmm, sounds a lot like planning your day and FP+ at Disney). Most of the chatter here is about having a level headed assessment of the situation. And personally I don't blame the media for highlighting this. The ONLY way that we will stay on top of this is by taking appropriate measures, and if they have to scare us into doing what is right, so be it. They DO make it sound a lot worse than it is, but perhaps that will allow us to keep a lid on it here in North America.

A guy had a coughing fit in front of me at the grocery store yesterday, and he didn't sound too well. Could he be our first case of COVID-19 in Ottawa? Don't know, but you can bet I gave him a wide berth and washed my hands well as soon as I could. If he was being sensitive to the current situation, he probably shouldn't have been out shopping. But since the virus has yet to appear here, I would still rate my risk as very low, but I STILL took recommended measures (hand washing, avoiding touching mucous membranes) just in case.
I'm cross-posting this information in case some people are only following the one thread. Putting it here to address the don't look at news or social media while you're away or you'll stress too much and ruin your holiday. AS mentioned by others, we need to stay on top of the accurate information both at home and while away. *Don't forget that Disney will place a bold message on the landing page of the app if changes are made regarding their opening procedures*
I've mentioned earlier and i think it might bear repeating. This is a case of gathering information that has been put out by what i consider the 2 most reliable sources for any health related issues and then deciding what to do with that information in a manner that best suits you and your family's situation. It's not going to be the same conclusion for everyone so we shouldn't belittle others for their concerns or their ultimate decision.

First i look at
WHO Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak

And then for information regarding how this will affect my travel within and outside of our own country i will rely on what OUR government has decided
Government of Canada Health Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Travel advice

It doesn't matter if i agree with either of these sources, they are what should be considered the most reliable for ME to make my decisions.


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