Covid Fatigue

Here we go again.. we had an email late this afternoon from our Manager of Childcare Services. It should prove interesting going forward, after Doug Ford’s announcement re school closures and before and after school childcare being shut down.. we are waiting on clear direction from both the Ministry and the Region on what comes next.

Interesting twist this time around.. regular childcare that is now being utilized by children six and younger is being kept open - business as usual. Regular childcare was closed last year for four months so that emergency childcare could be offered. We are being told we will be once again offering emergency childcare for essential/frontline workers as well... logistics to be determined. smh...

I. am. tired. Not I need a nap tired... emotionally drained, physically exhausted and worn out trying to follow the bouncing ball. It would be so nice to have some stability and continuity.

(I’m sorry now that when I submitted my retirement date a month ago, that I chose to go in the fall rather then now, it’s just become a “done deal” and the date is set irrevocably. **sigh**.)
I was at Shoppers today in line for post office and some guy was right up my backside in line. I literally had to tell him to back the eff up and give me some space! He was like “ugh oh sorry” FML
Good for you for demanding your personal space. I should have done that the other day at Costco pharmacy line. A man was behind me in line (shopping cart distance away) his kids were running back and forth to the front of the cart. I just turned and faced forward and hoped the person behind the counter would call me soon.
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Here we go again.. we had an email late this afternoon from our Manager of Childcare Services. It should prove interesting going forward, after Doug Ford’s announcement re school closures and before and after school childcare being shut down.. we are waiting on clear direction from both the Ministry and the Region on what comes next.

Interesting twist this time around.. regular childcare that is now being utilized by children six and younger is being kept open - business as usual. Regular childcare was closed last year for four months so that emergency childcare could be offered. We are being told we will be once again offering emergency childcare for essential/frontline workers as well... logistics to be determined. smh...

I. am. tired. Not I need a nap tired... emotionally drained, physically exhausted and worn out trying to follow the bouncing ball. It would be so nice to have some stability and continuity.

(I’m sorry now that when I submitted my retirement date a month ago, that I chose to go in the fall rather then now, it’s just become a “done deal” and the date is set irrevocably. **sigh**.)
I understand. To my total shock I arrived at work this morning to a memo from our new Vice President contemplating retrenching our operations back to the (uninformed, panicked and reactionary) conditions imposed this time last year. This would included the suspension of our services to the point we would have to lay off staff again and restrict cash flow such as would require reimposing the wage rollbacks that were restored last fall. It’s totally crazy - not government mandated at all and not warranted based on how we have fared Covid-wise (zero cases amongst any of our employees). It’s not a done deal, thank God, and the management team has collectively advised against it - or more pointedly, over our dead bodies. :faint:
Does it ever still hit you out of nowhere? About a month ago I was contently shopping in a dollarstore kitchen aisle when I cued into the "stay 2 metres apart" rhetoric on repeat over the loudspeaker It was nothing new but at that moment, there I am holding a spatula and thinking what the actual heck! The pandemic feels sometimes so unreal it's like having to live through a bad movie. I remember feeling that surreal feeling after 9/11 as well, but I find it shocking that I still feel that way over a year later.
Does it ever still hit you out of nowhere? About a month ago I was contently shopping in a dollarstore kitchen aisle when I cued into the "stay 2 metres apart" rhetoric on repeat over the loudspeaker It was nothing new but at that moment, there I am holding a spatula and thinking what the actual heck! The pandemic feels sometimes so unreal it's like having to live through a bad movie. I remember feeling that surreal feeling after 9/11 as well, but I find it shocking that I still feel that way over a year later.
Yes. Store restrictions, masks and social distancing rules have been so strict and tight in my area so for so long that the rules/procedures at stores, doctor/dentist offices are just second nature to everyone. The fact that all of this has become just a way of life and no big deal is what makes it surreal at times.

Sometimes I just stop and look around at everyone going about their daily routine with all these restrictions and it strikes me as bizarre at how quickly we’ve all adapted. It kind of feels like a Twilight Zone episode at times.
It hits me when people won't even walk beside each other on the sidewalks. One person stays, the other veers onto the street and then back onto the curb as they are past the other person. Talk about a wide berth! lol
I know - I do that and feel like such a snob. Also, when passing on a pathway like a bridge, waiting on the other side for people to pass, or when put in a situation that you're passing you're both on the edge as much as possible, and turning your head and holding your breath. If someone talks to me now while passing I'm annoyed.
It hits me when people won't even walk beside each other on the sidewalks. One person stays, the other veers onto the street and then back onto the curb as they are past the other person. Talk about a wide berth! lol
It’s lIke a game of chicken. Who’s going to do the last minute veer first. :rotfl:
It’s usually me. I don’t mind.:)
Well TBH I can see why you guys would all do it, since you have so many cases. But here in NS, it's kinda silly LOL
I mean, I do it too without even thinking about it at this point.

When this is all under control, I think I will still want the personal space thing to happen. I love that part!
Yes. Store restrictions, masks and social distancing rules have been so strict and tight in my area so for so long that the rules/procedures at stores, doctor/dentist offices are just second nature to everyone. The fact that all of this has become just a way of life and no big deal is what makes it surreal at times.

Sometimes I just stop and look around at everyone going about their daily routine with all these restrictions and it strikes me as bizarre at how quickly we’ve all adapted. It kind of feels like a Twilight Zone episode at times.
My husband and I were watching a documentary style show last night that was filmed just before this all started. It was so bizarre to see people hugging and crowding around a table eating together in a restaurant. It hit us hard that we took that stuff for granted :(
Covid fatigue is real. People are mentally and emotionally exhausted. We have sooooooooo many different pieces of information thrown at us daily, New numbers, hospitalizations, new restrictions, vaccine numbers etc etc etc etc. It is endless. We are all done with this. I know personally, as a family we are exhausted.

At my second job (HomeSense), it is exhausting dealing with the public who don't want to follow provincial, municipal, and business rules and guidelines. Two weeks ago, a large family (with different households ) come in without masks. I of course was working the door. At this point, it was just a Mom and her young 10-11ish yr old son. I asked them if they had masks, and the adult looks at me as mumbles some bulls$%t about how they are exempt. Fine...TJX stance is, we can ask customers if they have a mask....and if they don't wear one, we can't ask them to wear one, even though we provide a mask for anyone if they don't have one.

Anywhoooo....the boy looks as his mom with this little smart a$$ grim and smugly walks past us at the door. I wanted to slap that smug little grin off his face and out the door. Several other members of this family enter the store at staggered times. This family proceeded to stay in the store, follow customers around the store too closely, not listen to management who several times to leave 6 feet of space between themselves and other customers. I was approached 5 times that day by other customers asking why they are not wearing masks blah blah blah. That family was still in the store after 2 hours when I was finished my shift. It was the most stressful and uncomfortable day ever working during covid. This is also while are numbers are greatly increasing in out city. The family was just there to do this to people and abuse the corporate rules that we have to follow. They enjoyed purposely sitting on furniture, touching surfaces and making people uncomfortable. And doesn't pay to call the RCMP as they don't even come when we have drug addicts acting out in our store.

After that made me seriously rethink my job there. Especially when we can't ask people who are purposely doing that to leave if they can't follow protocol.

I mean I wouldn't go into their home wearing just my shoes, and my birthday suit ( which would seriously scare the crap our of them and leave trauma to them :rotfl:) into their homes and sit on their furniture and touch all their surfaces - even though there are not actual rules and laws about wearing clothing in other people's homes. But hey...if I do that at my own home, I should be able to go into their home and do that!

I'm so done with all of this. I need to be able to spend time with my other family members sitting around their table sharing a meal, laughs and hugs. And I'm sorry...but...I WANT TO TRAVEL!!!!!!!! I want to travel with my family and see my family, see new places and have new experiences with them.
@Pumpkin1172 I would have been upset! I honestly don't understand why stores can't force people to wear masks. I thought they could or ask the people to leave. People like that, just cause problems for everyone. Sorry you have to deal with those types. I couldn't do it.
Covid fatigue is real. People are mentally and emotionally exhausted.

It's been one of the best things to happen for me. I suffer from major social anxiety and being able to walk around a store distanced, show my face or engage in conversation has been amazing. Even better at the awkward checkout (small talk) process... that barrier has been a miracle. There is one particular checker at my local store who LOVED to talk about everything you purchased. Now she stands behind the glass distraught, not that I want her to feel distraught but now I don't have to explain why I bought everything I did.
@Pumpkin1172 I would have been upset! I honestly don't understand why stores can't force people to wear masks. I thought they could or ask the people to leave. People like that, just cause problems for everyone. Sorry you have to deal with those types. I couldn't do it.

They can and some do. A lot of places in my area have special greeters that will turn people away. Although in one instance the person turned away ended up shooting the greeter. :oops:
@Pumpkin1172 I would have been upset! I honestly don't understand why stores can't force people to wear masks. I thought they could or ask the people to leave. People like that, just cause problems for everyone. Sorry you have to deal with those types. I couldn't do it.

They can. Many just don't.
Covid fatigue is real. People are mentally and emotionally exhausted. We have sooooooooo many different pieces of information thrown at us daily, New numbers, hospitalizations, new restrictions, vaccine numbers etc etc etc etc. It is endless. We are all done with this. I know personally, as a family we are exhausted.

At my second job (HomeSense), it is exhausting dealing with the public who don't want to follow provincial, municipal, and business rules and guidelines. Two weeks ago, a large family (with different households ) come in without masks. I of course was working the door. At this point, it was just a Mom and her young 10-11ish yr old son. I asked them if they had masks, and the adult looks at me as mumbles some bulls$%t about how they are exempt. Fine...TJX stance is, we can ask customers if they have a mask....and if they don't wear one, we can't ask them to wear one, even though we provide a mask for anyone if they don't have one.

Anywhoooo....the boy looks as his mom with this little smart a$$ grim and smugly walks past us at the door. I wanted to slap that smug little grin off his face and out the door. Several other members of this family enter the store at staggered times. This family proceeded to stay in the store, follow customers around the store too closely, not listen to management who several times to leave 6 feet of space between themselves and other customers. I was approached 5 times that day by other customers asking why they are not wearing masks blah blah blah. That family was still in the store after 2 hours when I was finished my shift. It was the most stressful and uncomfortable day ever working during covid. This is also while are numbers are greatly increasing in out city. The family was just there to do this to people and abuse the corporate rules that we have to follow. They enjoyed purposely sitting on furniture, touching surfaces and making people uncomfortable. And doesn't pay to call the RCMP as they don't even come when we have drug addicts acting out in our store.

After that made me seriously rethink my job there. Especially when we can't ask people who are purposely doing that to leave if they can't follow protocol.

I mean I wouldn't go into their home wearing just my shoes, and my birthday suit ( which would seriously scare the crap our of them and leave trauma to them :rotfl:) into their homes and sit on their furniture and touch all their surfaces - even though there are not actual rules and laws about wearing clothing in other people's homes. But hey...if I do that at my own home, I should be able to go into their home and do that!

I'm so done with all of this. I need to be able to spend time with my other family members sitting around their table sharing a meal, laughs and hugs. And I'm sorry...but...I WANT TO TRAVEL!!!!!!!! I want to travel with my family and see my family, see new places and have new experiences with them.
It's one thing to not believe in the restrictions or Covid or that the earth is round.. whatever... :rolleyes2, but to come in a store and purposely be an ignorant slob for hours and make other people uncomfortable for no good reason is just pathetic.
So thank you for doing your job and being there for people during this stressful time and please know there are so many of us who appreciate people who have to work out in the public. It's not easy and we thank you.:hug:
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I feel like I have hit a wall when it comes to trying to explain what the orders are and why. One thing that has me frustrated is having to ask people constantly to put their mask on or pull it up over their nose. I find my entire shift is policing this and it is so frustrating. I have stopped going out to get groceries, we do an order online and pick up curb side just to save myself the stress of dealing with more people. Maybe I am overly paranoid and a rule follower but I really want this to end and feel like if people would follow the rules, stay in their towns and not travel right now maybe just maybe we could get on top of the cases. In BC our cases are over the top but the only thing that has changed lately is no indoor dining etc.

We all want our old way of life back, but for those of us who are following the orders are banging our heads against the wall watching others who just have total disregard for them and are living their lives like nothing has changed.
I am in BC too. Lower Mainland. I find mask compliance at my work is near 100% with very few not on the nose. BUT, where I work, anyone who enters has paid to be there so I think that helps. I would find it exhausting to work in retail or food right now.


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