Coyotes Journal Begins Today


Earning My Ears
Aug 12, 2003
O.k. I have been motivated by all these journals and feel that I can do this.
I am weighing in at a whopping 220 lbs and that is after I lost 10lbs in the last 3 weeks.

I am doing this weight loss thing by eating real food and controlling portions/no aspartame except 1 diet coke each day, drinking lots of water.

Today is the first day of a loss of 60 lbs. I probably have more to lose but that is my goal.

I weigh in at ww tonight so I will begin their program.

I will need help to be motivated to exercise. I love to when I have the time but with 3 kids time for myself is hard to come by.

I plan on writing in my journal from Monday to Friday and report on diet and exercise and probably whine a bit too.

A bit about myself.
Live with my husband and three kids
Work full time
Love hiking and cycling
Eat when I am alone or overtired or happy or sad or entertaining on holidays, on weekdays. So you can see that there is a lot of obstacles to success. BUT I AM DOING IT THIS TIME!!


I have some computer things to learn in order to keep this journal.
I see others have on the sidebar under their names a message that welcomes others messages. I would like this too but can't seem to get it there.
I edited my message but it still did not appear.

On to the journal

Weighed in at WW last night.
My official weight is 121.6lbs
That is 1.6lbs more than I thought.

I started off today with piece of bran bread with cheese whiz
and a tea with milk.

I feel tired today. Unsure of the reason why. I got the most sleep last night that I have had in a week. My son has been sick but finally slept through the night last night.

I did not walk the dog this morning as planned. I just nudged my husband at 6:30 and he got up. I feel guilty about this as that is one way for me to get exercise.
I have joined a recreational badminton team.

I think I can... I think I can... I think I can...


Welcome to WISH! Send a note to Native Texan and she'll get you help to get your clippie if you can't figure it out. She helped me.

It looks like you're right on track with your goals and WW'ers. We have a group called ONDERland by Christmas that you might like to become part of. We all hope to be at 199 by then. There's also a ONDERland by spring group, too.

We're all here to help each other. Keep up the journal. It's been a big help to me.

:wave2: :wave2:
some computer difficulties but I am bac,

Nancy - thanks for the tips and I would love to join the onederland by Christmas group.

Our family was away all weekend and for me that is tough. I was not in charge of food nor did I have any input.

I did eat small portions and hoped for the best. That is not the WW way but I was not comfortable pulling out my points book each meal or asking ahead about the menu plan.

However, I think I did better than usual and avoided all snacks and desserts.

Then I went to my mom's. Now I know that is a trigger for eating. I love her cooking and I always overeat. This time I filled up on soup and had just a little of the rest of the dinner.
I know I could have done better but it was pretty o.k. for my first try.

This weekend I walked each day and rode my bike once. However, I do need to go further. Finding the time is such a challenge.

All in all I am trying and am so glad I have this place to journal.
I am considering adding in my daily intake of food and may do that in the future. Is that helpful for others???

Onderland by Christmas here I come...

october 15, 2003

Had a really good day minus time for exercise yesterday.

Breakfast - Fibre Crisp 1/2 cup for 3pts

Lunch - roasted veggies

Snack - protein bar

Supper - 1/2 cup potatoes
Roasted veggies
2 oz of turkey

Snack 1 rice cake
Drinks for the day - 1 tea, 1 diet coke and 7 glasses of water

Weigh in is tonight so I am hoping for the best. I must get the exercise time into my day. The thoughts of waking up before six and going out in the dark to exercise is not appealin g but next week I will make more of a commitment.
I also start badminton tonight. Wednesday is my one night out so I go to the weight watchers meeting and then play badminton.

Good luck on your weigh in tomorrow. From the looks of your eating plan, you should do very well.

I wish I could play badminton. Nobody around here does that. They all belong to a gym. I probably couldn't keep up with it anyway at my age, but it sounds like a lot of fun...a lot better than a treadmill which I hate.

Make sure to register for the WISH Challenge. Look at the top of the WISH boards. That way your weight loss will be counted and you can get clippies. They're a great reward.
Nancy J - I am so glad you are posting. I do not know how to sign up for the WISH Challenge but I will figure it out next week.

Yay! I lost 1.4lbs. I think I have had a great week for me.
A long way to go but it is a start.

Yesterday I ate

A bowl of fibre Crisp

A bowl of bean soup

roasted veggies
2oz of Turkey

A chocolate bar - oh no!
and two rice cakes.

The ww meeting was good. I did go play badminton after. All this done with guilt as our house is so chaotic at homework time.

I will not be posting until Monday as I am away for work for the next few days.
Have a good weekend. I will be trying my best.

Nancy - do you have a journal that I could check in on?

Hi Coyote,
I'm glad to see they fixed your clippie and you're an official WISH member. I pm'ed native texan and let her know you were having problems with it, and she contacted the nice people that help those of us who can't seem to get the hang of it. Make sure you're registered with native texan at the top of the WISH posts. That way you'll be included when they post the member list.

My journal is under Disney Grannie. There's quite a few of us Nancy's on WISH. Sometimes it's hard to believe I'm a grannie (MomMom to the grandkids). I was 46 when I became one. I feel a lot younger now that I'm losing weight, exercising, and taking better care of myself.

I hope you have a great weekend! They're the hardest times for me. Be sure to post on the official wish checkin when it comes out next week.

NancyJ - what would I do without your help? Thanks

I have registered with Nativetexan. I am commited to the onderland challenge.

The story of the weekend away.

I was at an education forum for two long days.

Stayed at a hotel and each meal was served in buffet style.
I know ww tell you to ask for the meal plan but I did not feel comfortable drawing that kind of attention to myself. I decided to develop a mantra while going through the buffet and do the best I could.

Here is how I handled it.

I went through the line once without a plate so I could see all that was offered. Then I rejoined the end of the line and thought about what foods I would eat.
My mantra .. This is the first meal of the rest of my life...not the last.

Day 1 -breakfast - Bran Flakes with skim milk
english muffin with a light spread of P.butter

Lunch - vegetarian pita wrap 1/2
fruit salad

Supper - chicken leg done in raspberry sauce (ate it all even though I was just going to eat half
-salad with a small amount of caesar salad dressing
- peas and carrots
Day 2
breakfast - the same
lunch - now this was a problem as the menu was lasagna, caesar salad with dressing already on it, garlic bread, and bean salad, and fruit. I ate a portion of the bean salad and fruit and had a small raspberry square.(bad girl)
supper - was Thai food. I had no idea of pts and things.
I ate some sticky rice with peanut sauce and two spring rolls. I think I could have done better but my lunch didn't really hold me over until dinner and I was too hungry to make the best choice possible. I also have an allergy to seafood and was reluctant to try some of the healthier looking dishes.

This is my first time away for work since I started ww. All in all I think I did o.k. If I had it to do over again I would not have had such a large breakfast. I would have just had the cereal like I do at home. Looking back I am not sure why I didn't.
I would also pack a snack in my bag. I don't usually do this tip of WW because if it is there I will eat it whether I need it or not.

Hi Coyote,
It sounds like you handled yourself pretty well. I don't know much about the point system of WW, but the choices you made seemed the best you could make under the circumstances. Weekends are always the hardest.

As long as you get right back on your plan and keep trying you'll do fine.

Talk to you soon.

Welcome Coyote! This is a great board and it (or the people on it) have helped my immensely! Everyone is so supportive and they are quick to offer tips and encouragement.

I started a journal b/c I felt I would be more accountable so that helps me stay on track. I am doing WW on my own and it's great. I love the points and that I can eat foods I like but just in moderation.

You mentioned in an earlier post that you need motivation with exercise. I'm not much of an exercise person but knew I had to do something. Several people on this board do WATP (walk away the pounds tapes) so I bought them and love them. They have pretty much become routine for me now I do them approx 5 times a week. I like it because I'm not coordinated enough for pilates/yoga so WATP works great for me. It's hard to find the time to exercise but once you do, I bet it will become a routine for you. The exercise really saves me from the times I cheat on the points. Good luck and welcome again! Please let me know if I can help you with anything. :D

Thanks for posting. I had wondered what those tapes were but hadn't gotten organized to ask.
Any idea where you buy them in Canada.

Nancyj - thanks for the vote of support. I weigh in tomorrow.


B - english muffin w pb and diet jam ( I don't know what it is with these things. Tomorrow I am having high fibre cereal.
L - tomato soup and popcorn
s - grilled veggies with salmon in dill sauce

I did not have a night snack as my two year old woke up and I fell asleep while laying with him.

I did ride my bike this morning but it is so dark I can not see the road. I am going to find out about those tapes.

Hi Coyote,
I bought the WATP tape #2 at the mall in a record store (forgot the name of it). It's still in its wrapper because I prefer to bike outside for as long as the weather holds out. I'm afraid it won't be much longer. It's getting dark earlier and daylight savings time starts this weekend so it'll be dark much earlier. I won't ride in the dark.

So, I guess I'll be testing out my tape soon.

I missed posting yesterday as I was not near a computer.

So two days worth of journalling

B-Fibre Crisp
L - carrot and potato soup
Sn - vector bar - yummy
S -2 slices veggie pizza

B - Fibre Crisp
L - tomato soup
Sn vector bary
D - chicken breast with roasted veggies
sn - popcorn

Well I weighed in last night and lost 2 pounds. Yippee. That is a total of 3.4 lbs since I joined this board. I am well on my way to a 5 lb clippee.

you would think that a 2 lb weight loss would inspire me. But no it caused me to get careless about eating.

B Fibre Crisp
L Tomato Soup
Vector Bar This is too much for lunch. Should of had a salad or veggies instead of the bar
Sn Vector Bar - Got to get rid of these things
S - slice of veggie pizza and 1/2 cup tortillini
Sn - rice crackers
Why is this such a high carb day. I love fruits and veggies Really I do.
Going away this weekend with my husband so wish me luck on the making good choices in restaurants arena.
I bought that WATP tape and I love it. I bought the one mile one and do wish that I had purchased the 4 mile tape. Maybe for Christmas. One mile is not quite enough but 4 seems too much of a time commitment.

I have not posted my eating journal as I have been away 4 out of 7 days this week.

Last night I weighed in and am down another pound.
Since starting here and taking the challenge that is a total of 4.4 pounds. .6 pounds away from my first clippie which I believe come in 5 lbs and up.

So here is a week of good exercise and good eating. This is not hard to do but it is hard for me to get my head around the process. What I put in my mouth counts... sometimes I am still not getting that.

I am away again this weekend. I have never been away this month. Is this sabatage. Or have I always been this busy and not realized cause I was not journalling?

Good luck on your weekend away, Coyote!! It looks like you're off to a great start and learning some valuable lessons about how to eat healthy. I also use the WATP workouts and with the cold weather settling in, I will be relying on them to get me through the winter.

Onward and downward!! :sunny:
B - had fibre Crisp

L - Bean and Veggie Soup

Sn - a vector bar

S - salmon, green beans and Bean Soup

Sn - popcorn

Did the WATP tape. I almost didn't do it but talked myself into giving 15 minutes to myself and I am glad I did. I really do feel better after the tape but sometimes lack the energy to get up to do the excercises I should be doing.

Water consumption is good. Should probably cut out caffeine but I think I will wait until I am not losing then I will use that as a strategy to kick start again.

Happy Halloween


Does anyone know how you edit your thread heading? I don't want to break this thread but I would like to include messages welcome to the title of it.
Good morning, Coyote! Lulu201 here!:D Congratulations on all the success you're having with WISH and WW; these boards are so supportive and WW is such a great program, you've got a winning combination going. Most importantly, though, you sound like you're positive and willing to try hard. Way to go!:Pinkbounc

Here's a suggestion for your thread heading. Go to edit, change what you've got in the title line and then hit "submit modifications." I know I changed my side thingy after I got started to include the "posts/comments welcome" line; I think this is how I did it.

Things have been going pretty good for me lately, healthy-living wise, and so I want to offer these suggestions:D : keep writing down in your journal all that you eat and any emotional aspects that play into it. Celebrate your good choices and accept your bad ones and move on!:moped: It's also been helpful for me to total up those points each day so that I can see them on the screen. Surround yourself with people who are supporting you and what you're trying to do for yourself.

One day at a time, onward and downward, pound by pound!
Best wishes!


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