Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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Since we can discuss the Fed and interest rates, I think the ability to be at near zero is a good move from the reserve. I fully expect that my non-equity positions being in cash will earn much less this year with this cut. But, that is not important right now as injecting monies into corporations is mission critical.
Since we can discuss the Fed and interest rates, I think the ability to be at near zero is a good move from the reserve. I fully expect that my non-equity positions being in cash will earn much less this year with this cut. But, that is not important right now as injecting monies into corporations is mission critical.

Dropping it a full point is basically the fed admitting a recession is coming and trying to act proactively to lessen the impact which is a good thing.

Disney/universal might be ok due to having other streams of income but places that rely soley on tourist money like six flags, seaworld, cedar fair and of course small businesses like a helicoper tour company are going to hurt and their ability to get loans cheaply will help a lot to lesson the impact of all of this... at least that's the hope.
Dropping it a full point is basically the fed admitting a recession is coming and trying to act proactively to lessen the impact which is a good thing.

Disney/universal might be ok due to having other streams of income but places that rely soley on tourist money like six flags, seaworld, cedar fair and of course small businesses like a helicoper tour company are going to hurt and their ability to get loans cheaply will help a lot to lesson the impact of all of this... at least that's the hope.

Quite possibly. Companies that have adequate cash reserves are better positioned for this scenario, but the near zero % loan is a solid bridge for the others in my opinion.

Also, the Fed also said that it will buy at least $500 billion in Treasury securities and $200 billion in mortgage-backed securities over the coming months.
Quite possibly. Companies that have adequate cash reserves are better positioned for this scenario, but the near zero % loan is a solid bridge for the others in my opinion.

Also, the Fed also said that it will buy at least $500 billion in Treasury securities and $200 billion in mortgage-backed securities over the coming months.

More then just cash reserves. Even with parks closed Disney and Universal have other revenue coming in from movie business and other places so are better able to handle a shutdown. Places that don't have that are going to be in worse shape since they may have close to zero revenue coming in.
More then just cash reserves. Even with parks closed Disney and Universal have other revenue coming in from movie business and other places so are better able to handle a shutdown. Places that don't have that are going to be in worse shape since they may have close to zero revenue coming in.
Disney has stopped releasing movies for now and theaters are basically empty. Studios aren’t generating revenues through theatrical releases right now.
Disney has stopped releasing movies for now and theaters are basically empty. Studios aren’t generating revenues through theatrical releases right now.

Not on new ones but still residuals from DVD, streaming, disney+, etc. Disney still has money coming in. Not as much but they still have revenue streams. Plus still merchendise and things as well.
Not on new ones but still residuals from DVD, streaming, disney+, etc. Disney still has money coming in. Not as much but they still have revenue streams. Plus still merchendise and things as well.
They still have some streams, but even most of those are going to take a heavy hit. I canceled my ESPN+ subscription a month early because like the ESPN cable channels, they have no programming. They lost all kinds of revenue by losing Championship Week.
Not sure how new this is but friend spotted this on the CDC website. Something to keep in mind when you’re trying to estimate re-openings.
As I stated on another thread, it is quite possible, if the curve continues to grow exponentially and does not start to flatten soon, the President or the state Governors may start declaring Martial Law. It has happened before and may be necessary again. At that point, WDW will be one of our lesser worries.
Not sure how new this is but friend spotted this on the CDC website. Something to keep in mind when you’re trying to estimate re-openings.

Circling this back to WDW/DL, I think this sets your earliest target date to have a staged reopening.
Domestic travel at airports is completely normal (and less crowded than usual, so security lines are faster). International travel into the USA is a mess, but that's not relevant for current WDW guests.
O'Hare had 4 hour lines to get through security yesterday.
As I stated on another thread, it is quite possible, if the curve continues to grow exponentially and does not start to flatten soon, the President or the state Governors may start declaring Martial Law. It has happened before and may be necessary again. At that point, WDW will be one of our lesser worries.

I hope it doesn't come to that but I think measure like CA just issued in regards to restaurants and bars may spread accrosss the US.

And I still can't believe there are people who still think this is a media hype and is "just the flu" and all this is overreaction.
Just adding a non-disney comment so feel free to delete. This just hit real home to me. I work in a small 4 story office building in the subburbs of atlanta. We just got told somebody at one of the other companies in the building (not ours) has been confirmed COVID19. The work I do I can do remotely and was remote most of last week and was only in the office monday so I think/hope I'm good. Still though for it to hit so close to home is a bit scary. Makes me appreciate even more what disney is doing even though none of us like it and I'm almost positive my upcoming trip in April isn't happening. It is one thing to think about Italty. It is something else when you hear somebody in the building you work in has it.

Sorry for the off-topic to WDW but needed to say that.
I’m not sure why beaches would be closed as long as social distancing practices are observed. But I’ve never been to these beaches. Are they typically crowded?

Since a portion of the WDW audience was going to be Spring Break college students, some may visit these beaches (keeping it WDW related).

Realistically, those beaches would be packed with Spring Breakers. Governor DeSantis just finished a press conference about what good is having schools and larger crowd events closed only to have ~500 students at a bar until 2AM in close proximity. I think closing the beaches might lessen the desire to visit this area. I suspect he is looking at closing the bars in that region (Broward County) as it currently is among, if not the, highest concentration of cases.
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