Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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We know the measures being taken by South Korea and China that are WORKING.

Yet, somehow, there is a chorus of people here saying, "those measures would never work and therefore we might as well not do anything."

I’m not saying don’t do anything, but I just don’t see how checking temperatures for a virus that has so many asymptomatic carriers is safe and effective for a theme park like WDW.
But what stops someone from just taking Tylenol or Advil if they have a fever? It would be totally pointless to take temperatures if people know this beforehand and work to prevent it. I don’t know, seems like an easy thing to get around for people who are willing to go that route and don’t want to miss out on their vacation.
That's what they're saying, though. It's better than nothing. Until rapid testing is available, that's the best option there is.

Temperature checks are part of the entire response. Even when you have widely available rapid testing, you still won't be testing everyone. You will also have antibody testing. Contact tracing. Greater use of disinfectants.

Those who are looking for a single magic silver bullet that reduces transmission to risk to 0..... That won't happen.

Instead, there will be a multi-faceted approach, that work together to greatly reduce transmission.

In epidemiology, there is a focus on the R0.... the re-transmission rate. It is is over 1.0, then there is infection growth and you have a developing pandemic. If it's over 0 but under 1, then the infection is slowly disappearing. SOME people will still get sick, but fewer and fewer.
So the goal is to combine tactics to get the R0 below 1.0.. as far below as possible.
As to the "R0" on the micro level, at Disney World specifically... the only way to keep it at 0 is to keep the parks closed. If the park opens in the next 6 months, the R0 will be higher than 0... the question is how much higher.
If temperature checks bring the R0 down from 0.9 to 0.8, then temperature checks should be a critical part of the arsenal. (And the parks should NOT open if the R0 would be over 1.0).
But what stops someone from just taking Tylenol or Advil if they have a fever? It would be totally pointless to take temperatures if people know this beforehand and work to prevent it. I don’t know, seems like an easy thing to get around for people who are willing to go that route and don’t want to miss out on their vacation.

I think the big pissing piece to this is that even mild cases of COVID-19 are at the same level as the flu. idk anyone who would want to go to a theme park with a fever in the summer....
That's what they're saying, though. It's better than nothing. Until rapid testing is available, that's the best option there is.

Sometimes the best that’s available isn’t really a solution. But at the end of the day, if they decide to do it, everyone knows the risks, and it’s up to them to decide if it’s worth it or not.

I agree that it’s part of a widespread solution, not the only one. That’s a good point another poster brought up.
I think the big pissing piece to this is that even mild cases of COVID-19 are at the same level as the flu. idk anyone who would want to go to a theme park with a fever in the summer....

Maybe true, but I absolutely think there are parents who would treat their children who have a fever just so they can still take the other kids. We have seen it before. When people spend a lot of money to go on a vacation they often will do things that are not always morally correct. Now, it might only be one person in thousands, but my point is just this isn't going to change much. Add to that people can be asymptomatic carriers, and temperature checks are pointless.

ETA; I personally feel like these checks are just to make people feel better about going. If it looks like it does something and gets people to go, then it’s a win for Disney.
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It wouldn't completely take crowds out of it, maybe some, but do you think they'd ever to a "soft reopening" and just open the parks for resort guests only? Or would that be just pointless?
So you pop a couple Advil's or Tylenol's and the fever is gone in an hour or so. How is taking temps going to help?

And honestly having a fever is awful. Last time I had a fever was 3 years ago when I had the flu. At just 100.5 I was shivering and felt like crap. Once it went to 101-103 I could barely function. How can you go to a theme park with any kind of fever?

If a kid does have a temp it's most likely not Covid, since kids rarely show symptoms of Covid. It's most likely another bug.
So you pop a couple Advil's or Tylenol's and the fever is gone in an hour or so. How is taking temps going to help?

And honestly having a fever is awful. Last time I had a fever was 3 years ago when I had the flu. At just 100.5 I was shivering and felt like crap. Once it went to 101-103 I could barely function. How can you go to a theme park with any kind of fever?

If a kid does have a temp it's most likely not Covid, since kids rarely show symptoms of Covid. It's most likely another bug.
Right. If the kid has COVID, he or she is likely not showing any symptoms and putting thousands of people at risk.

which is why taking temperatures would be minimally effective.
I think the skyliner would be just as bad as the buses and monorail unless they limited them to only those in a traveling party and disinfected between each use which I can’t see them doing because it would cause the cars to have to wait too long between boarding.

Everyone talks about this mode of transmission: touching things others have touched, the need for disinfecting etc...

But the fact remains the main mode of transmission is still person to person, via droplets, which is why they are preaching social distancing - maintaining a 6' distance at all times, because it's not just sick people coughing and sneezing that spread it. It's the completely asymptomatic people talking to/near you, breathing near you, that spread it.

And THIS is why it is going to be so challenging for Disney to reopen anytime soon. Because they are going to have to come up with some way of keeping people distanced from each other.

Quite honestly, sanitizing the rides and busses and monorails etc... are the least of their concerns.
So you pop a couple Advil's or Tylenol's and the fever is gone in an hour or so. How is taking temps going to help?

And honestly having a fever is awful. Last time I had a fever was 3 years ago when I had the flu. At just 100.5 I was shivering and felt like crap. Once it went to 101-103 I could barely function. How can you go to a theme park with any kind of fever?

If a kid does have a temp it's most likely not Covid, since kids rarely show symptoms of Covid. It's most likely another bug.

Some kids are showing signs and getting sick, but you are correct in saying that if a kid has a fever, it is most likely not Covid. While you and I would not go to a theme park with a fever, I just don’t put it past people to do what they want and go anyway. When we were in Aulani (granted, different then a theme park) there was one family with three sick kids. The mom was giving her kids Advil in the pool a few times and the kids looked bad. Some were lying on the chairs around the pool and looked sick. They were in the restaurant later that day as well. Our family moved to a different area away from them and I am not saying they were at fault, but three days later, I had two sick kids on my hands with fevers and we were stuck inside with them for the rest of our trip. I am just trying to point out that some people will do whatever it takes to enjoy their vacations even if that means taking their sick kids out and infecting others. I think this is all more for show anyway, because I don’t think it is an effective means of catching people as they can be contagious for up to 2 weeks before symptoms. But if Disney can get people through the gates with this measure, then the effectiveness doesn’t mater really.
You wouldn’t catch people who have lower temperatures normally. Not everyone has a base temp of 98.6, mine is 97. Add someone taking a fever reducer and your temperature checks are worthless.

Very good point. And actually to expand on this, there is much research showing that the average temperature has dropped, and is lower than the 98.6 that we're told. This means someone may truly have a fever at 99, even though we're told 100.4, based on data from 100+ years ago.

And, we have a lot of people in this world who take Advil, Tylenol etc... on a regular basis for chronic conditions that would suppress an early fever.

I definitely feel that temp checks are largely pointless, that said, I still say do them, because, they will catch a few people, and a few is better than none. But I think a lot of people put too much importance or emphasis on the temperature check - it won't mitigate the risk nearly as much as some think.
I agree with the rest of your post, except for this part. There's literally another thread on this same board about a guy who potentially visited Disney World while sick with COVID. He was coughing up blood (!) while on a business trip to Orlando and still neglected to visit a doctor until the day after he returned home.

There are still plenty of people that will feel crummy and go. Obviously the most severe cases will need hospitalization, but some that don't will still feel up for going about their day. I know for a fact that others I've spoken with have had fevers with sinus infections, etc. that still went to visit the parks.

This! I have seems dozens, if not hundreds of posts on SM over the years, from people who are sick (anything from sinus infections to stomach flus to influenza) who STILL travel to Disney. Why? Some because they don't want to lose the money or disappoint the kids etc.. But plenty were just from people that just don't think about or care about infecting people. I have literally seen it said, "Oh well. That's the risk they choose to take travelling during cold/flu season." 🤦 There really are a lot of really selfish, ignorant people out there, who no, won't think twice about exposing others, as long as they get to enjoy their Dole Whip and ride on 7D.
Pretty much confirms it, especially if they are already floating it out there.
Shanghai Disney is already doing this and the actual park isn’t even open. Of course, it’s not going to be 100 percent effective, but it’s something, and some thing is better than nothing. Some may think it’s for show or not, it sounds like this is just one piece of their recovery strategy.
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I think the big pissing piece to this is that even mild cases of COVID-19 are at the same level as the flu. idk anyone who would want to go to a theme park with a fever in the summer....

Don't kid yourself. Family trip, planned for months. Thousand spent. There are people who would will themselves to keep going as long as they are physically able to stand.
I am no longer part of the union or work for WDW, but I used to work for the maintenance team as a ride electrician. Today the union sent this out:

Brothers and Sisters,
I hope you and all of your families are healthy and safe. This letter is being written to bring you up to date on the continuing work outlook. The Craft Maintenance Council has been working with Disney executives and Labor Relations on what the staffing levels and makeup of maintenance Cast Members will be moving forward. What we know is, maintenance cast members will be affected. Seniority will be the major factor in determining who is furloughed and how workers return to work. At this time Disney intends to keep paying your health insurance for anyone furloughed. Anyone furloughed will be able to draw Florida’s unemployment at $275 a week and federal unemployment benefits of $600 a week by signing up for Florida’s unemployment. There are a lot of variables and we are working through the details with management. We hopefully will be signing a memorandum of understanding soon and will be able to supply more details at that time.

In Solidarity,
IBEW Local Union 606
If they end up doing pre-checks at the parks there needs to be a quick refund for a ticket or some type credit/guest recovery. That would help to discourage guests from adopting the attitude of..... I bought my tickets so I'm going no matter what.

Plus what if a single child in a large group is singled out as a risk..what then ?
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