Cruising the Dream on our 1st cruise ever!!! (5 Night Double Dip)

I'm curious about your new camera David got you for your birthday. Was that the D-7000? I'm wondering if I should get one that as an interchangeable lens feature or just a fixed lens. Does it take a lot of getting used to changing them?

Changing the lenses is easy, the problem is if you get a pirce in dust in there, and trust me I have done it several times, the D 7000 has a self cleaning mechanism that I love! I mean it is worth the price for sure.

I would go to a camera shop and play around with the different cameras, it took awhile for me to get used to the weight of a DSLR. But I would not go back to a PnS I love my DSLR.

The D700 is what David got me for my B'Day and it is wonderful.
After the fabulous safari we went on the Pangani Forest Trail.



some nests in the bird area



This big guy was swimming like a mad man under the water. Mary Ellen, MEK, had brought it to my attention in her TR so I purposefully stayed and watched trying to see if I would witness the same feat, and I did, but couldn't catch a photo of it. This is just after all the physical exertion. I just love their cute little ears :)



The meerkats were not out and about that afternoon, we stayed for a while waiting but they never revealed themselves.



he spied something he wanted down the cliff




I don't think we stayed as long as we normally would because I was in great need of the restroom. My bladder is the size of a pea, and I have come to know just about all the BR locations in WDW. The one in Harambe was surprisingly spotless considering how many people go in and out each minute. The CMs in charge of cleaning are gods in my opinion.

We decided to sit and enjoy the sun while eating some pre-made honey and peanut butter sandwhiches for lunch. We really have never explored the dining options in AK, we usually always end up bringing something in. Fully recharged and refreshed we headed over to EE.






Continuing through Asia we found some evidence of abandoned construction.





I'm sure these are really pretty at night all lit up.


No pictures of EE, but we did the single rider line which got us on the ride in less than 10 minutes. Unfortunately my ride stopped for about 30 seconds at the point where you see the Yeti's shadow on the wall, and the Yeti did not come out to scare us at the end... Mom's ride was the one right before mine and was perfect. Oh well. Another reason to go again.

It was 4:30 at that point and we felt that we had achieved all we wanted to at AK so thought of three options for the rest of the afternoon. Go to Hollywood Studios, go to DTD, or go back to the resort and relax before our dinner at Jiko. We chose the last one and I'm so glad we did because by the time we got to the entrance my feet hurt really bad.

Of course on the way out I took more pictures.

We encountered an animal we had never seen before in the Oasis. Normally we go in and out on the same side and this time we went out the side we never have before. It was called a babirusa. There were two, and one was jumping here and there like it was dancing. It was very fun to watch.




This was on the other side, and I think it was a pygmy deer.





We stopped to watch the spoonbills a little more, and witnessed feeding time which was very cool. The handlers had to shoo away the local birds that fly into the enclosure. They were very gentle about it, but made sure the spoonbills got their food. I was so engrossed I completely forgot to take a picture, sorry.


I was so impressed by the magnitude of this nest.


a black goose


At that point I was spent. It was pretty much all I could do to put one foot ahead of the other. I don't know what my problem was since I slept in and we didn't get to the park until 1:00 but I was plum tuckered out. And the bad thing is we were in for about the longest wait for a bus that I can remember. It had to have been at least half an hour if not longer because when we started heading out of the park starting at EE it was 4:30 and we didn't get back to Jambo House until 6:00. It felt like ages!
Hi Pam! My husband and I are planning our first Disney Cruise for our 10th anniversary and your trip report is getting me so excited for that trip! I noticed that you commented frequently about having Diet Coke as your beverage of choice - which is mine as well! I was wondering if the soda was included in your ticket or if you had to pay separately for it?


Hi Pam! My husband and I are planning our first Disney Cruise for our 10th anniversary and your trip report is getting me so excited for that trip! I noticed that you commented frequently about having Diet Coke as your beverage of choice - which is mine as well! I was wondering if the soda was included in your ticket or if you had to pay separately for it?



Rebecca you are going to LOVE it!!! I was just telling a friend of mine how fantastic our trip was and how much I'm looking forward to the next one. They have two beverage stations on deck 11 that are available 24 hours a day included in your cruise price. The only time you have to pay for soda is at the bars, through room service, or at the movie concession area. My advice for that would be to take some refillable bottles with you and fill them at the beverage station to keep in your room fridge. And if you go to the movies you can go up to deck 11 first and grab a drink, and food too if you'd like, and take it in instead of paying for them at the concession. We didn't leave ourselves enough time to do that so just bought some things.
Thanks for the update! Your animal pictures are just as nice as your flower ones!:thumbsup2

Thank you so much :) I'm getting a bit sad this TR is almost over, only a day and a half left. I have really enjoyed sharing it with you guys.
Rebecca you are going to LOVE it!!! I was just telling a friend of mine how fantastic our trip was and how much I'm looking forward to the next one. They have two beverage stations on deck 11 that are available 24 hours a day included in your cruise price. The only time you have to pay for soda is at the bars, through room service, or at the movie concession area. My advice for that would be to take some refillable bottles with you and fill them at the beverage station to keep in your room fridge. And if you go to the movies you can go up to deck 11 first and grab a drink, and food too if you'd like, and take it in instead of paying for them at the concession. We didn't leave ourselves enough time to do that so just bought some things.
Thank you so much for the tip! We can't wait - your pictures and descriptions are getting me so excited! I'm off to finish reading! :thumbsup2
Oh gosh, you made me sad because you were sad for the sad tortoise! I'm sure he's pretty happy where he least I hope so!

I've never tried a peanut butter and honey sandwich before, but it sounds marvelous, so i'm off to make one right now!

Can't wait to read about Jiko!
Oh gosh, you made me sad because you were sad for the sad tortoise! I'm sure he's pretty happy where he least I hope so!

I've never tried a peanut butter and honey sandwich before, but it sounds marvelous, so i'm off to make one right now!

Can't wait to read about Jiko!

MMM yes PB n honey is something I grew up with, too!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE em! Brings back childhood!

I think I missed the tortoise and pb sammich post somewhere along the road but when I saw your post I just had to laugh about our Galapagos tortoise experience at the Philly Zoo a few weeks ago. We walked up to their "home" only to find one big ol tortoise on top of another (I will assume it was male on female for this story). Well the boy was grunting and doing his "dance" :banana: and all the adults were kind of like "oh um, didn't really plan a birds and the bees discussion with the kids today!" and we all sort of looked at each other giggling. :confused3 There was NO missing what the big guy was doing cuz he was LOUD! Then one little guy (human kind) turns to his family and says "wow, look at that's wrestling the other one!" Yup THAT'S what is going on in there kiddos....wrestling! Oh look, there is a peacock! :lmao:
Well this poor guy did not have any tortoise friends with him, and I know I'm much too sensitive but he looked sad to me. I hope he's happy there.

That story gave me a good chuckle. I'm glad the children weren't mortified.

So Alicia, what did you think? I just love a good peanut butter and honey sandwhich, I actually made one for my lunch tomorrow.
MMM yes PB n honey is something I grew up with, too!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE em! Brings back childhood!

I think I missed the tortoise and pb sammich post somewhere along the road but when I saw your post I just had to laugh about our Galapagos tortoise experience at the Philly Zoo a few weeks ago. We walked up to their "home" only to find one big ol tortoise on top of another (I will assume it was male on female for this story). Well the boy was grunting and doing his "dance" :banana: and all the adults were kind of like "oh um, didn't really plan a birds and the bees discussion with the kids today!" and we all sort of looked at each other giggling. :confused3 There was NO missing what the big guy was doing cuz he was LOUD! Then one little guy (human kind) turns to his family and says "wow, look at that's wrestling the other one!" Yup THAT'S what is going on in there kiddos....wrestling! Oh look, there is a peacock! :lmao:

Well this poor guy did not have any tortoise friends with him, and I know I'm much too sensitive but he looked sad to me. I hope he's happy there.

That story gave me a good chuckle. I'm glad the children weren't mortified.

So Alicia, what did you think? I just love a good peanut butter and honey sandwhich, I actually made one for my lunch tomorrow.

Okay, so as soon as I made that post, I got up and made half a sandwich (one piece of bread folded over) and Oh my! Where I have been and why I haven't I had this sooner!? I guess I was deprived as a child, because all we had was honey and toast for breakfast and PBJ's for lunch, but never combined the two ingredients together. It was delicious! Definitely a keeper so thank you! :banana:
We waited until the sun went completely behind the roof before heading up to get ready for dinner. And who would you know was out and about but my new friend the hog :)


and the feeding trucks were out


I'm sorry but these pictures are not good at all. I don't know if it was the lighting or what setting I had the camera on, but I'm going to post them because I was amazed how fearless that hog was around the giraffes. Something that much taller than me would be given a wide berth, but he just wandered right under their feet.










I had to tear myself away from the animals, and as it was I made us five minutes late to our reservation. And we then had to wait another 15 minutes. It was worth it because Mike, our server, was absolutely AMAZING! He went above and beyond the call of duty and just made our evening so fabulous. It was too funny because when I was writing in my journal about the meal, and wrote the word 'amazing' mom said outloud how amazing he was. It was too funny. :)

A little history, mom is allergic to apples and I do not like onions. And do not like is an understatement. This is one of the reasons Mike was amazing. Many of the things we ordered had one or the other ingredients in them, but Mike worked it out. He asked the chef, Jon, to come chat with us about mom's allergy which was wonderful.

Since the regular bread and butter both had onions


he brought me bread and butter without onions.


This was the fourth time we ate at Jiko and no one before that had told me there was another bread. And yes, I told them I didn't like onions those times also.

We ordered the Roasted Artichoke Flatbread, but the artichokes were soaked in apple juice so Mike had them brought on the side so I could have them.


We ended up preferring the flatbread from California Grill, but this one was still pretty good.

We asked for extra lemons at some point and we were brought a mountain of them. Absolute perfection :)

the dressing on the beet salad was made with onions so Mike had it left off my salad.



We noticed halfway through the salads that the pistachio crusted goat cheese had been left off so we started to look for Mike, and another server, Ryan, stopped to ask if we needed help. No no, we're just looking for Mike, but he insisted so we told him about the missing cheese. Instead of notifying Mike, Ryan went and got us the cheese himself. I know this is all probably the service one is supposed to get at a nice restaurant, but it is not often the case.

We also had the Inguday Tibs, and would you believe I forgot to take a picture. :sad2: I have absolutely no idea how that happened. Jon, the chef, had come out again, because the Tibs had shallots in them and he wanted to see if that was ok. I hemmed and hawed, because if they're in big pieces I don't like to crunch into them, but he assured me they were minced and if I noticed them they would find us something else. Well they were fabulous! Mom thought they were too salty so they were all mine :dance3:

I had mom's birthday on the reservation again, well it was a birthday trip, I hope that wasn't wrong. So Mike brought her a key lime creme brulee. She was in heaven.


we also ordered the Coconut Bread Pudding which was divine. I only had a little so thankfully avoided a headache, but I wanted to finish it so badly! The icecream was caramel :)


It was such a fabulous meal, and Mike was truly amazing. He really made it very special with the extra attention. Those little things truly make a difference. On the way out we commented to the hostess how wonderful he was and she asked if we'd like to fill out a comment card which is put in his porfolio. Of course we would! We showered him with praise. :)

I forgot to mention that earlier when we got back to the resort we stopped and picked up two movies to watch that evening since we had so few options on television the night before. We chose Apocalypto and Wall-e, both movies we've seen before and enjoy. Well I made it through Apocalypto, but fell asleep during Wall-e. I woke up at 2:22am and mom was still wide awake watching the ending. I was quite amused to say the least.
Okay, so as soon as I made that post, I got up and made half a sandwich (one piece of bread folded over) and Oh my! Where I have been and why I haven't I had this sooner!? I guess I was deprived as a child, because all we had was honey and toast for breakfast and PBJ's for lunch, but never combined the two ingredients together. It was delicious! Definitely a keeper so thank you! :banana:

I'm glad you've now discovered this delicious treat :cool1: truly deprived I'd say!

I know some people like banana slices in there too, but I've never thought it was necessary. Using sourdough bread is my favorite.
MMM yes PB n honey is something I grew up with, too!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE em! Brings back childhood!

I think I missed the tortoise and pb sammich post somewhere along the road but when I saw your post I just had to laugh about our Galapagos tortoise experience at the Philly Zoo a few weeks ago. We walked up to their "home" only to find one big ol tortoise on top of another (I will assume it was male on female for this story). Well the boy was grunting and doing his "dance" :banana: and all the adults were kind of like "oh um, didn't really plan a birds and the bees discussion with the kids today!" and we all sort of looked at each other giggling. :confused3 There was NO missing what the big guy was doing cuz he was LOUD! Then one little guy (human kind) turns to his family and says "wow, look at that's wrestling the other one!" Yup THAT'S what is going on in there kiddos....wrestling! Oh look, there is a peacock! :lmao:

Made me laugh.... Very good.:rotfl2:


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