CSE-- Pg. 74 SATAN'S HAMMER, Ch.18, pg.160 "Goodnight Sweetheart" epilogue

Ah yes, Laura and Ponzi and Nebo,,,, the three stooges. Can I be Curly?

I don't think like either of the remaining options for me.

I only look at the screen,,, unless I'm typing in numbers,,,,or tyring to find the dreaded exclamation mark.!!!!

tyring? You were just boasting about your no-looking-at-the-screen typing skills, right?

However,,,I have most of the next chapter written,,,
and I LIKE it!

join me, tomorrow, won't you?

Can't wait!
I took typing in high school :thumbsup2
I remember a long time ago (probably 20 years) walking through Sears with DD and passing a display of typewriters. DD got all excited and said "look at those keyboards mom, they have printers attached to them!" :lmao: I guess kids these days don't even know what they are!
Aw, c'mere you big lug,,,:hug:

Melk! Once more, unto the breach?
great to see you again, but I still hate saying your user name,,,, where did that come from? and no, "Got Melk?" is not an answer.

Haha, no its not "got Melk?"... It's the first three letters of my first name and the first initial of my last name. I wish that when I first signed on I had picked some wonderful witty Disney related name, but I guess I guess I am just not that quick!

Looking forward to this TR, but really looking forward to your August adventure...nothing like seeing WDW through the eyes of a child (your grandson, not Nebo ;)).
I've finally got a little time to catch up...but before I do, and because I believe you would understand...I have to say....

:bday: to Gary Burghoff, otherwise known as, Corporal Walter Eugene "Radar" O'Reilly. Happy 69th Radar! party:

OK...Now i'm off to catch up again.
What's wrong with me? I got a message and it still took me 3 days to get over here! I'm glad to be following along real-time though. I'm still reading your old TRs and I keep wanting to respond before I realize I can't. Sorry to hear about your back, but if you're going to be in pain it might as well be at the happiest place on earth, right?

Looking forward to the stories.
I've finally got a little time to catch up...but before I do, and because I believe you would understand...I have to say....

:bday: to Gary Burghoff, otherwise known as, Corporal Walter Eugene "Radar" O'Reilly. Happy 69th Radar! party:

OK...Now i'm off to catch up again.

Happy Birthday Radar.

I wonder if they let him keep the teddy bear? If not, we should send him one for his b-day. :rotfl:
Makes you wonder what they'd say if something really awesome happened.

That's easy, they just add more exclamation marks.

I don't think like either of the remaining options for me.

tyring? You were just boasting about your no-looking-at-the-screen typing skills, right?

Can't wait!

Tyring was not a typo, I just can't see the screen, either.

I took typing in high school :thumbsup2
I remember a long time ago (probably 20 years) walking through Sears with DD and passing a display of typewriters. DD got all excited and said "look at those keyboards mom, they have printers attached to them!" :lmao: I guess kids these days don't even know what they are!

you know, when you put it that way, it almost sounds state of the art, keyboards with built in printers.

Haha, no its not "got Melk?"... It's the first three letters of my first name and the first initial of my last name. I wish that when I first signed on I had picked some wonderful witty Disney related name, but I guess I guess I am just not that quick!

Looking forward to this TR, but really looking forward to your August adventure...nothing like seeing WDW through the eyes of a child (your grandson, not Nebo ;)).

Now that's just silly, my grandson can't even type, Melanie.
What's wrong with me? I got a message and it still took me 3 days to get over here! I'm glad to be following along real-time though. I'm still reading your old TRs and I keep wanting to respond before I realize I can't. Sorry to hear about your back, but if you're going to be in pain it might as well be at the happiest place on earth, right?

Looking forward to the stories.

Hi, better late than never, now you can take part in the live version.

Happy Birthday Radar.

I wonder if they let him keep the teddy bear? If not, we should send him one for his b-day. :rotfl:

Doesn't that seem impossible? For him to be 69?
Nothing gets past you nebo I am a guy with a normal family unit consisting of one wife & two kids one of each Son at unni & girl still at school. I first posted on your stanger tides report & I have been following ponzis trip to Hawai which is equal to your banter but can"t post on it because I dont know any cookie recipes.I normaly just follow trip reports & have done for a few years Been comming to wdw since 2004. But this year have got a free dinnig plan but boy is it hard to plan your day around a meal we gave up in the end booked a few but wiil take a chance once on the property in October.
Now that's just silly, my grandson can't even type, Melanie.

Can he type Hope? How about Fred? Let's try Smidgy. Now Nebo. OK, so maybe your grandson can't type any of those names including Melody, but he should be able to type my name. Really tough.... 2 letters..... DJ. C'mon Nebo, work with me here! :surfweb:
Think that title is melodramatic enough?

The abend before the flight, ( I'm trying to win some points from Marita, too), I stayed dowstairs and slept on the couch.

No point in going up to bed, I'm only going to toss and turn and moan and groan all night anyway, besides, sometimes my back does better on the squishier couch.
I found out a long time ago, that everything my folks had taught me about how you need a hard bed to avoid back trouble is horse hockey!

I barely slept at all, and when I finally did fall into a real sleep, suddenly there was this face over me:

"Steve,,, Steve, wake up, it's time."

And I slugged her,
right between the eyes!

Well, I wanted to.

I tentatively took care of business, while thinking it might be a little bit better today.

The power of suggestion.
The power of optimism.

The power of stupidity.

But I was also so tired,,kind of punch drunk, slaphappy.

At 3:20 we were ready, at 3:25 the doorbell rang, I told her I'll get it.

"Who is it?" I yelled through the door.
Now, doing this, suddenly made me think of Cheech and Chong, and I had to play:

"Taxi", a voice on the other side replied.

"Taxi"? I said back.

"Yes, taxi" once more.

"Oh, taxi" I said, "Taxi's not h".

Smidgy reached over and flung open the door with this huge, "TSK".

As they are loading up the cab, I'm running through my checklist one last time:
Water heater lowered
Ice maker off
food out for the cats
extrat litter boxes out
shut off the water to the washer and dryer

Actually, just the washer, our dryer runs on gas and electric power, not hydroelectric power.
It's a good idea to turn the washer water off before a trip, that hose is under constant pressure, and if it should pop when your not home, there will be no stopping it.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnd, we're off!

No, I didn't say it this time, that can only be said in the Santa Fe.

Turns out the cab driver once picked up Smidgy at the VFW after work and drove her home on a night it snowed.

In the taxi.

To OUR home.


It's over a half hour to O'Hare, and now I've got time to worry.

I have a total of 12 Vikes in my script bottle, and an extra
12 stronger, Percs. Let's just say I found these at the back of the medicine cabinet from a long, long, time ago.

But no script bottle for them, which is why I dumped them in with the vikes.

Totally, undeniably, against the law, narcotics must always be transported in their own prescription bottle, and the penalty isn't just getting sent to bed without dessert.

I have made sure there is nothing objectionable in my carry on to attract attention, even my toothbrush is in my checked bag, in case they thought I might want to overpower 200 passengers on the plane with my Oral B.

So, that's 4 doses of vikes and 5 from the others.

But all I'm doing is picturing Brad Davis playing the part of Billy Hayes, as he tried to leave a Turkish airport with Hashish strapped around his waist, which is where the line in Airplane comes from, and no, I don't want to see the inside of a Turkish Prison.

However; "Looks like I picked a bad week to quit painkillers.":lmao:

By the way, the actor Brad Davis?
Died from AIDS quite a long time ago.

Once again, we got the talkative cabby.
I never really like to hold conversations to the back of somebody's head, but not much choice with this guy.

At least he wasn't as bad as one guy we got on the way to the airport:
He would just not shut up, and even when I talked to Smidgy, he would answer, thinking I'm talking to him.

One time,, after Smdgy said something to me, he actually said,, "You talkin' to me?", and I know he didn't realize what he, the taxi driver, had just said. She and I almost died.

The cab pulls up outside the United terminal, (terminal? hate that word)
, unloads our stuff and I take the new suitcases with the wheels and retractable handle, Smidgy is doing the heavy lifting.

Then, we couldn't get inside, the doors were locked with a sign on the glass,
"Please use other door" with an arrow pointing to the left.

"What is this, a mom and pop airport?" I said.
I have expected to see, "Out to breakfast, back in 20 minutes."

Then we walked, and walked and walked, "The runway isn't this long!"

Finally, we get in, find out where we have to go and get in what just amazed me,,,,, a huge, loong line.

There was ONE window open, taking about 10 minutes for each person.

After 15 minutes of standing there, my back was starting to scream, and I kept looking at the carry on with great longing.

Suddenly, about 4 more workers came out from the back and opened new windows, while others were directing people to use these electronic touch machines, which are totally useless because a worker had to walk us through it anyway.

Our two bags are checked, yes, all the alcohol is in them.
(darn Smidgy)

And, on cue, as we turn towards the security checkpoint, my heart starts pounding.
"Oh please don't send me to prison, I really don't like men, that way, Oh please, oh please, ,, what if I end up sharing a cell with, with,,,,,,

Rod Blagojevich!

(It's possible that joke fell on it's face to folks outside of Illinois, I don't know how national news our governor going to prison is anymore when it happens every 8 years or so.:rotfl:)

Do you realize that both of our last two governors are in prison?

I was 11 years old and shook hands with Governor Kerner at the State Fair when I was there for an accordian concert, then they sent him to prison, too.

Maybe it's me.

Back on track;

I have found that the workers at the airport,, ok, ok, TSA, fall into two categories, they are either somnambulists, or Sargeant Hulka drillmasters, or IQ 83 morons.

We started with the sleepwalkers checking our boarding passes and ID's.
Then we got IQ 83 who didn't know which way we should now go,
followed by:


I just knew I was dead meat, yes, even I was intimidated, on top of being scared to death. That's a great combination.
This is all taking place at quarter to 5 in the morning, I thought it would be a breeze walkthrough.

I kicked off my shoes, Smidgy put them in a basket for me, I whipped off my jacket and through that in too, and '
carefully, oh, so carefully, place my carryon right behind my basket.

Then, I started to follow Smidgy into the golden scanning archway.

This time it wasn't Sargeant Hulka, but Lou Gossett Jr. himself in my face:

"What part of "take your hats off" didn't you understand?

I'm six one, and he towered over me.
I thought he was going to make me drop and do 20,,,,

,,, which means we'd still be there today.:rotfl2:

I am about to pass through, when suddenly, the nickel once again drops in, and I remember that in my pocket is One, Single, Lousy, Ativan.

This is similar to Vallium or Xanax, not in the same category as the percs, but still needs to be in it's original bottle I think.
The point is, I was supposed to have swallowed this little, tiny thing by now, and there it sits in my pocket!

"See Ma? That's one of the reasons!"

"What is that in your pocket Mr. Nebo,, and while we are at it, let's see what's in your bag."

Well....nothing I can do about that now, I'd look like I'm trying to swallow contraband.

I walked through.

And nothing happened when I walked through, which always surprises me because I was told that the hardware still in my foot may set off metal detectors, if pills in the pockets don't.

I caught up to Smidgy who was waiting for our stuff to come out of the "Tunnel of Love", and here comes her fanny pack/purse/whatever, then her carry on, then comes our "personal item" we can bring on the plane provided it fits under the seat, which has books and snacks in it. :confused3

Then, finally, comes my basket.

Followed by a lot of empty space.

No, I didn't bring any empty space, as a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure I used it up when I put my carry on down.

My hear is bursting out of my chest by now,, nothing, still, nothing,, "Where in the hell is it?"

As Diane and I both leaned over to look into the tunnel,,

the conveyor shut down!

What a great place to end the chapter, no?
ok, see you all tomorrow,,

All right, all right, dang, every time I say I'm going to shorten a report, I end up making it into War and Pieces.

When the conveyor stopped, I just stood back, ready to hold my wrists out to be cuffed, either the technology is now so sophisticated that it can tell percocets in a vicodin bottle,,,,
or they have a little tiny dwarf hidden inside the tunnel of love, and he's still sampling them.

Yep, Istanbul here I come! Midnight Express, Part Deaux.

Diane sees the look on my face, and says quietly, "Steve, this is no time to panic."

"It's a GREAT time to panic! Join me, won't you?"

You know what it's time for now, right?

Lou Gosset Jr. walked over, came right up to me and I was waiting for a, "Well,, May-o-Naise, what have we got in the bag?" Instead, he gave me a "move it' look, which I readilly did, then, without even bending over and looking, reached all ten feet of his tentacled arm into the tunnel and withdrew my carry on, and a small, child's, gym shoe.

He then nodded his head to God and the conveyor started up again.

Apparently, sometimes things fall out of the basket, then hang up on the sidewall and everything jams up behind it.

I grabbed my carion and we took off!

but I'm still keeping an eye out for codeine sniffing dogs!

Finally, we stopped at a bench and put our shoes back on.
I let out a big sigh of relief, a lot of worry for nothing.
Hey, I'm good at it, they say you should do what you're good at.

Ooh, remind me to bring some Yummies with next time, just in case I need to throw a dog off my trail.

So, we survived so far, and as we walked the three miles down to gate 32. This started with a long, moving walkway, then a two story escalator ride down, another long, moving walkway that ended with an escalator ride back up.

Why? I have no idea.

Tell me;
Do you walk, on the moving walkways?
Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose? Ditto for escalators?

We still had a long walk after all this, eventually we landed at Gate 32, which is in central Indiana.
But the whole way there, all the while as we trudged along;

I had only one thought that kept going through my mind, one thought....

That security scanner was for carry on and personal items to be scanned,,,,,

You mean there's a kid walking around with only one shoe?

Good night, and may God bless
We still had a long walk after all this, eventually we landed at Gate 32, which is in central Indiana.

Hey, you should have stopped by for breakfast. Oh, wait, I wasn't up yet. :lmao:
Nothing gets past you nebo I am a guy with a normal family unit consisting of one wife & two kids one of each Son at unni & girl still at school. I first posted on your stanger tides report & I have been following ponzis trip to Hawai which is equal to your banter but can"t post on it because I dont know any cookie recipes.I normaly just follow trip reports & have done for a few years Been comming to wdw since 2004. But this year have got a free dinnig plan but boy is it hard to plan your day around a meal we gave up in the end booked a few but wiil take a chance once on the property in October.

Hey MB, I totally agree with you on the dining part, that's why lately when we get free dining, I prefer to use the table service credits on signature restaurants, face it, you'd probably never eaat there otherwise, and it gives you days when you don't have to worry about a ressie. I can live easily on one counter service meal per day.

Can he type Hope? How about Fred? Let's try Smidgy. Now Nebo. OK, so maybe your grandson can't type any of those names including Melody, but he should be able to type my name. Really tough.... 2 letters..... DJ. C'mon Nebo, work with me here! :surfweb:

Hey, Deigh Jaye, you just tell your wife to get back to work on her report.
Nothing gets past you nebo I am a guy with a normal family unit consisting of one wife & two kids one of each Son at unni & girl still at school. I first posted on your stanger tides report & I have been following ponzis trip to Hawai which is equal to your banter but can"t post on it because I dont know any cookie recipes.I normaly just follow trip reports & have done for a few years Been comming to wdw since 2004. But this year have got a free dinnig plan but boy is it hard to plan your day around a meal we gave up in the end booked a few but wiil take a chance once on the property in October.

Hey Mac, cookies aren't necessarily a requirement to post on Ponzi's page (although it does help to grease the palm for enterance LOL) you could always gain entrance by posting a recipe for Haggis or something equally as interesting from your neck of the woods.:thumbsup2
I concur.... squishy mattresses, or couches in your case, are much better. My folks said the same thing---a firm mattress for an aching back---they were, respectfully, wrong!

OK, I was nervous right along with you!! Glad you made it through OK, hope you made it to a restaurant to grab a coffee or a pastry and could take the Ativan, anything to help take the edge off!! And flying makes even a HEALTHY back hurt!

Thanks for the quick update!!
Think that title is melodramatic enough?

No. You need to add explosions and maybe a tornado.

The abend before the flight, ( I'm trying to win some points from Marita, too), I stayed dowstairs and slept on the couch.

DWs favorite story from a trip to Germany with my parents. DW speaks some german, my DMom does too... and forgets that DW does. We sit down to "abendbrot" and my DMom turns to DW and says, "See? Abendbrot. Abend, evening. Brot, bread. Abend, brot. Evening, bread. Abendbrot. Evening bread. Abend, evening. Brot, bread. Abendbrot. Eveningbread."

I think DW has known what abendbrot means since she was two.
I think my DMom was a teacher and will always be a teacher.

No point in going up to bed, I'm only going to toss and turn and moan and groan all night anyway,

I hear ya. Usually it's a relief when the alarm finally goes off after trying to get to sleep for the last few hours.

I found out a long time ago, that everything my folks had taught me about how you need a hard bed to avoid back trouble is horse hockey!

Yes sir! Col. Potter!

I barely slept at all, and when I finally did fall into a real sleep, suddenly there was this face over me:

"Steve,,, Steve, wake up, it's time."

And I slugged her,
right between the eyes!

Well, I wanted to.

But you were smart enough to know that if you'd tried she would've blocked, countered and knocked you senseless.

I tentatively took care of business, while thinking it might be a little bit better today.

And? Was business better that day? Didn't know you had trouble in that area... oh that's right, you did just have a prostate exam.

"Oh, taxi" I said, "Taxi's not h".

Smidgy reached over and flung open the door with this huge, "TSK".

I agree with Smidgy here. Cause if I'm that taxi driver, I'm turning around and wishing you luck getting to the airport... Or better yet, take you to the airport... via Rockford.

Actually, just the washer, our dryer runs on gas and electric power, not hydroelectric power.

Awww.... shucks. "Why yes, of course. Our dryer is powered by hydrogen. We separate it from water and sell the oxygen to japanese oxygen bars. And of course we always turn off the water when travelling abroad... doesn't everyone do that?"

It's a good idea to turn the washer water off before a trip, that hose is under constant pressure, and if it should pop when your not home, there will be no stopping it.

I knew that. And it's excellent advice. Now guess how many times I've remembered to do it before leaving the house.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnd, we're off!

No, I didn't say it this time, that can only be said in the Santa Fe.

Or at the start of a TR. So you're good.

Turns out the cab driver once picked up Smidgy at the VFW after work and drove her home on a night it snowed.

:cool1: Way to go Smidgy!!

In the taxi.

To OUR home.


oh. nevermind.

Let's just say I found these at the back of the medicine cabinet from a long, long, time ago.

I can still remember
How that Nebo used to make me smile..
And I knew if he took a chance
That he could make some people glance
At his TR and make 'em happy for a while
But May did make him shiver
With every twinge his back did quiver
Bad news for his rear end
He couldn't twist more or bend
I can't remember if he cried
When I read about his wounded pride
But Smidgy reached down deep inside
And took his whining in stride.

Totally, undeniably, against the law, narcotics must always be transported in their own prescription bottle, and the penalty isn't just getting sent to bed without dessert.

Truly, a fate worse than death.

I have made sure there is nothing objectionable in my carry on to attract attention, even my toothbrush is in my checked bag, in case they thought I might want to overpower 200 passengers on the plane with my Oral B.

I'm sure if there was some Oral going on, the entire planeload of passengers would be a captive audience.


But all I'm doing is picturing Brad Davis playing the part of Billy Hayes, as he tried to leave a Turkish airport with Hashish strapped around his waist, which is where the line in Airplane comes from, and no, I don't want to see the inside of a Turkish Prison.

Haven't seen that movie either... and I can't for the life of me figure out why not? :confused3 Midnight Express, I mean. I've seen Airplane. Didn't make the connection.

However; "Looks like I picked a bad week to quit painkillers.":lmao:


One time,, after Smdgy said something to me, he actually said,, "You talkin' to me?", and I know he didn't realize what he, the taxi driver, had just said. She and I almost died.

:lmao: That movie I've seen! That's hysterical. You'd think they would've covered that in Cabbie school, "Oh, one more thing... Never. Ever. Under any circumstances say 'You talkin' to me?' "

The cab pulls up outside the United terminal, (terminal? hate that word)

But it's the last word in fashionable terminology.

Oh boy! I got a twofer on that one!

Finally, we get in, find out where we have to go and get in what just amazed me,,,,, a huge, loong line.

I was so not surprised to read that. :sad2:

And, on cue, as we turn towards the security checkpoint, my heart starts pounding.
"Oh please don't send me to prison, I really don't like men, that way, Oh please, oh please, ,, what if I end up sharing a cell with, with,,,,,,

Rod Blagojevich!

I do know who he is. Of course the only difference between him and every other politician is he got caught. I think I learned about him from Leno, or somebody else in a similar line of work.

I was 11 years old and shook hands with Governor Kerner at the State Fair when I was there for an accordian concert, then they sent him to prison, too.

Maybe it's me.

Probably. Having to listen to accordian music has driven many a man mad or to a life of crime.

I have found that the workers at the airport,, ok, ok, TSA, fall into two categories, they are either somnambulists, or Sargeant Hulka drillmasters, or IQ 83 morons.

Two categories
1. somnambulists
1.5 Sargeant Hulka
2. IQ 83 morons


Then, I started to follow Smidgy into the golden scanning archway.

Did you get fried with that?

"What part of "take your hats off" didn't you understand?

I'm six one, and he towered over me.

Don't be too impressed. He got that way by consuming all the ellicit prescription drugs that he confiscated.

I thought he was going to make me drop and do 20,,,,

I could easily drop and take a 20 minute nap that time of the morning. Especially after being up all night. Wasn't that nice of him to make the offer?

I am about to pass through, when suddenly, the nickel once again drops in, and I remember that in my pocket is One, Single, Lousy, Ativan.

Terrorist! You could barge into the cockpit, split the Ativan in half, make the pilot and co-pilot take a half each, and take over the plane when they get fatigued! Oh you evil plotter, you!

I caught up to Smidgy who was waiting for our stuff to come out of the "Tunnel of Love",


No, I didn't bring any empty space, as a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure I used it up when I put my carry on down.

But wouldn't it be a handy thing to have? You could bring back so much more useless crap that way!

As Diane and I both leaned over to look into the tunnel,,

the conveyor shut down!

What a great place to end the chapter, no?

No. You have to say, "And the lights went out, all the guards fell to the floor and she walked into my life. She was tall, lithe and an absolute knock out. She had a gun in one hand and my carry on in the other. In a sultry voice she said, "Thank God you're all right Steve. Did you bring the Ativan pill?"

Then Smidgy punched her in the neck and we boarded the plane.

ok, see you all tomorrow,,


All right, all right, dang, every time I say I'm going to shorten a report, I end up making it into War and Pieces.

I'm starting to notice that happens for me too.

When the conveyor stopped, I just stood back, ready to hold my wrists out to be cuffed, either the technology is now so sophisticated that it can tell percocets in a vicodin bottle,,,,
or they have a little tiny dwarf hidden inside the tunnel of love, and he's still sampling them.

I'm voting dwarf. Keeps the unemployment numbers down.

Diane sees the look on my face, and says quietly, "Steve, this is no time to panic."

So when is it a good time to panic, anyway? When nothing's going on?

"Well, I'm bored. Might as well panic now, get it out of the way... except I don't feel like it."

"It's a GREAT time to panic! Join me, won't you?"


reached all ten feet of his tentacled arm into the tunnel and withdrew my carry on, and a small, child's, gym shoe.

Why'd you have a child's gym shoe in your carry on? :confused3

Nevermind. I don't want to know.

but I'm still keeping an eye out for codeine sniffing dogs!

So that's what those dogs are for!

Ooh, remind me to bring some Yummies with next time, just in case I need to throw a dog off my trail.

Nebo. Bring Yummies next time.

You're welcome.

So, we survived so far, and as we walked the three miles down to gate 32. This started with a long, moving walkway, then a two story escalator ride down, another long, moving walkway that ended with an escalator ride back up.

That sounds familiar.

Tell me;
Do you walk, on the moving walkways?
Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose? Ditto for escalators?

A body in motion tends to stay in motion. If you walk to a moving walkway and stop... then you have to get started again. By then, I just want to lie down. So I don't stop...

But I do stop on escalators. That's just weird.

We still had a long walk after all this, eventually we landed at Gate 32, which is in central Indiana.

You landed? I didn't even know you'd taken off yet!

You mean there's a kid walking around with only one shoe?

Haven't you ever seen the one shoe on the highway? There are thousands of kids running around with only one shoe. It's a rule.
Great chapter, Nebo! :goodvibes
Thank Goodness you got through with the Vs and Ps! I was so worried for Smidgy if you didn't. :lmao: I don't blame you for being worried though. I get nervous going through when I'm not carrying contraband.

It is exactly 3 miles between terminals at Ohare. ::yes::

You have to walk on the moving walkway!!! Not on the escalator though. Or, if you're not walking on the MW, keep right, so that quicker walkers can get by you. :snooty:

So many adventures and you haven't even gotten on the plane. This is going to be fun.
I combined aspirin and my BP meds in a bottle this year. I then took the label off the BP meds and stuck it to the aspirin bottle, *just in case*. I try to think of everything that could possibly happen to prevent me from going to WDW at the last minute, and this is one of them. I also refrained from running around with the dog, b/c you know that's how knees get blown out!

People who DON'T walk on the conveyor are actually looked down upon. It's all part of that "running just isn't fast enough" culture, represented by the people who don't have the foresight to get to the airport sooner than 20 minutes before their flight. I gladly allow the kids to stand on it for this very reason. Something in me just wants to be....an-ar-chy.

LOL'd at the "you talkin' to me?" line from the taxi driver! Sounds like he really needs to get himself organizized.

Diggin' your adventure so far. I'm in now, and I'm scared to jump from moving vehicles, so I guess I have to just hang on...


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