Cutiesnana Designing Again

Can I make a request?

Can you make the letter from Tink for Kasey and the letter from Pluto for Austyn??

You have some really good work on here. I notice you have a link to your creations on photobucket but it is password protected. Is there a way to see all of your work?
I tried to look at your designs in photobucket, but it says i need a password, so not sure about all the designs you do, I am looking for something with goofy that say's celebrating my 50th birthday at Walt Disney World. If you have something like that made or know someone that does, I would love it, if you can personalize it with my name..Debbie..even better. Thanking you in advance.
I tried to look at your designs in photobucket, but it says i need a password, so not sure about all the designs you do, I am looking for something with goofy that say's celebrating my 50th birthday at Walt Disney World. If you have something like that made or know someone that does, I would love it, if you can personalize it with my name..Debbie..even better. Thanking you in advance.

This happened to me too. Cutsienana, your designs are so cute!!
I must say it's not nice when a "designer" starts to design and then just disappears without letting people know. I'm sure those that have gone away could have written something to say they have stopped or are taking a break. No one designer was more faithful than Amy. She is the absolute best and there are a few others right on her heals in terms of designing skill. I know from reading the boards that the requests can get out of control and overwhelming and the fact that there are other things in life besides designing for other people. But one should never start something they can neither keep up with or intend to keep it going because it gets more demanding. So before anyone else attempts to start designing they should do their research and ask other disgner's how much is really involved. Also, there is a lady designing the most cutiest family faces and made a discalimer telling people to keep it simple becuae they were asking her to do all kinds of things with family faces. So she atleast put it out there and I totally respect that. Some people have to be reminded that the talent and gift of those that contribute their time making our vacations more special, have a life outside of the dis and between PM and posts it is hard to keep up and maybe some have also felt abused but then again like I said before don't start something you can't keep up with.
But one should never start something they can neither keep up with or intend to keep it going because it gets more demanding. So before anyone else attempts to start designing they should do their research and ask other disgner's how much is really involved. .

So are you saying unless you are willing to dedicate your life to this forever, please do not attempt it? I for one truly appreciate each and every person who has shared a design, be it just 1 or to many to count! I am sorry if I am misunderstanding your post , but it sems to have struck a nerve.
I must say it's not nice when a "designer" starts to design and then just disappears without letting people know. I'm sure those that have gone away could have written something to say they have stopped or are taking a break. No one designer was more faithful than Amy. She is the absolute best and there are a few others right on her heals in terms of designing skill. I know from reading the boards that the requests can get out of control and overwhelming and the fact that there are other things in life besides designing for other people. But one should never start something they can neither keep up with or intend to keep it going because it gets more demanding. So before anyone else attempts to start designing they should do their research and ask other disgner's how much is really involved. Also, there is a lady designing the most cutiest family faces and made a discalimer telling people to keep it simple becuae they were asking her to do all kinds of things with family faces. So she atleast put it out there and I totally respect that. Some people have to be reminded that the talent and gift of those that contribute their time making our vacations more special, have a life outside of the dis and between PM and posts it is hard to keep up and maybe some have also felt abused but then again like I said before don't start something you can't keep up with.

But your post comes across to me a WAY out of line,,:scared1:
many things happen in ones life ,,should we never attempt to challenge ourself? Wow --one shocked Diser here

But Hugs anyway
People need to realize that the DISigners are doing this more for US - to make OUR vacations more special and they do this for FREE! - just out of the kindness of their hearts. If they want to create DISigns and all of a sudden are unable to, people have NO right to be mad at them - that is THEIR choice. I for one believe that you shouldn't pass judgement. Maybe the DISigner had some personal issues that did not allow them to continue. I am appreciative of all the DISigns that have been done for my family and I. And if there was a time when they couldn't respond to my request, that was OK because hey let's face it we all have lives and we should all be grateful for the time and talent they are willing to share with us.
I must say it's not nice when a "designer" starts to design and then just disappears without letting people know. I'm sure those that have gone away could have written something to say they have stopped or are taking a break. No one designer was more faithful than Amy. She is the absolute best and there are a few others right on her heals in terms of designing skill. I know from reading the boards that the requests can get out of control and overwhelming and the fact that there are other things in life besides designing for other people. But one should never start something they can neither keep up with or intend to keep it going because it gets more demanding. So before anyone else attempts to start designing they should do their research and ask other disgner's how much is really involved. Also, there is a lady designing the most cutiest family faces and made a discalimer telling people to keep it simple becuae they were asking her to do all kinds of things with family faces. So she atleast put it out there and I totally respect that. Some people have to be reminded that the talent and gift of those that contribute their time making our vacations more special, have a life outside of the dis and between PM and posts it is hard to keep up and maybe some have also felt abused but then again like I said before don't start something you can't keep up with.

I must say it's not nice when a "designer" starts to design and then just disappears without letting people know. I'm sure those that have gone away could have written something to say they have stopped or are taking a break. No one designer was more faithful than Amy. She is the absolute best and there are a few others right on her heals in terms of designing skill. I know from reading the boards that the requests can get out of control and overwhelming and the fact that there are other things in life besides designing for other people. But one should never start something they can neither keep up with or intend to keep it going because it gets more demanding. So before anyone else attempts to start designing they should do their research and ask other disgner's how much is really involved. Also, there is a lady designing the most cutiest family faces and made a discalimer telling people to keep it simple becuae they were asking her to do all kinds of things with family faces. So she atleast put it out there and I totally respect that. Some people have to be reminded that the talent and gift of those that contribute their time making our vacations more special, have a life outside of the dis and between PM and posts it is hard to keep up and maybe some have also felt abused but then again like I said before don't start something you can't keep up with.

All I have to say is WOW! How ungrateful can some people get?? This is something that the DISigners are doing for us out of the kindness of their hearts, and we should ALL be appreciative!!!!!!!!!!

I would just like to say to any DISigner that may be reading my post: THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes
Maybe none of you can read........and took it the wrong way. So unlike ya'll I will just give you the benefit of the doubt..........
So are you saying unless you are willing to dedicate your life to this forever, please do not attempt it? I for one truly appreciate each and every person who has shared a design, be it just 1 or to many to count! I am sorry if I am misunderstanding your post , but it sems to have struck a nerve.

No what I am saying is that designing takes on a life of it's own and we have developed such good relationships with the disigners that they can become abused it they let it happen. I did say that they do have lives outside of Dis and that it's not the only thing going on with them. Life work, family comes before the Dis. But when you have developed a relationship with each other you mis them and can only wonder as to what has happened to them and they stay in your thoughts. Each one has brought something unique and different to the table including their personalities and hearts.

But your post comes across to me a WAY out of line,,:scared1:
many things happen in ones life ,,should we never attempt to challenge ourself? Wow --one shocked Diser here
But Hugs anyway
Don't need or want your hugs

People need to realize that the DISigners are doing this more for US - to make OUR vacations more special and they do this for FREE! - just out of the kindness of their hearts. If they want to create DISigns and all of a sudden are unable to, people have NO right to be mad at them - that is THEIR choice. I for one believe that you shouldn't pass judgement. Maybe the DISigner had some personal issues that did not allow them to continue. I am appreciative of all the DISigns that have been done for my family and I. And if there was a time when they couldn't respond to my request, that was OK because hey let's face it we all have lives and we should all be grateful for the time and talent they are willing to share with us.

And because some have stopped and we haven't heard from them makes me all the more concerned when they were a big part of everyone's vacation. Not just for the designing but sharing of lives. We talked not just asked for designs all the time. I too wonder how they are doing and have PM to give Pat well wishes long ago. She was going thru something and I for one can't stopp thinking how I hoped what ever it was has only gotten better.

Never said I was mad at them but maybe you just can't read. Amy was able and willing to give an explanation for not being able to do Disney designs anymore, eventhough it's unfair that it seems she was singled out unjustly. A few other have gone and come, gotten sick and so on, but were so caring enough to post and say what the deal was so we could wish them well in whatever choices they have had to make.

Sorry for they headache:hug: , but you have so much talent and given so much to the boards I'd hate to see you or anyone else leave or feel unappreciated when it you that have taken time aside daily to help us design challenged folk have a very personalized and special vacation. And whatever you have done for me I have always been more than appreciative.

All I have to say is WOW! How ungrateful can some people get?? This is something that the DISigners are doing for us out of the kindness of their hearts, and we should ALL be appreciative!!!!!!!!!!
I would just like to say to any DISigner that may be reading my post: THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes
Now you are coming across as sullen and angry again,,,
why can't you just say maybe "I" said something that others misunderstood.
Sweetie call it a night and HUGS.


Thank you so much!!
HI there, I am back for one more request. Your designs are so adorable.
Could you do names like this for me?
Justin - Cars
Jason - Cars
Nick - Mickey Mouse
Jenna - Hanna Montana
Mikey - Mickey Mouse
Kenna - princesses

I must say it's not nice when a "designer" starts to design and then just disappears without letting people know. I'm sure those that have gone away could have written something to say they have stopped or are taking a break. No one designer was more faithful than Amy. She is the absolute best and there are a few others right on her heals in terms of designing skill. I know from reading the boards that the requests can get out of control and overwhelming and the fact that there are other things in life besides designing for other people. But one should never start something they can neither keep up with or intend to keep it going because it gets more demanding. So before anyone else attempts to start designing they should do their research and ask other disgner's how much is really involved. Also, there is a lady designing the most cutiest family faces and made a discalimer telling people to keep it simple becuae they were asking her to do all kinds of things with family faces. So she atleast put it out there and I totally respect that. Some people have to be reminded that the talent and gift of those that contribute their time making our vacations more special, have a life outside of the dis and between PM and posts it is hard to keep up and maybe some have also felt abused but then again like I said before don't start something you can't keep up with.

I can share my experience as a designer. Someone posted and needed invitations ASAP, so I volunteered to do it and I enjoyed it. Then a couple of other people must have seen the posts and they wanted invitations too, so I made those and again enjoyed the work. However, instead of posting the designs on the Creative DISigns board, I chose to PM the people with my work because I could see where I could have been swamped very quickly. From time to time, I might want to do some more but right now I just can't-too much personal life stuff- my FIL just died. Stuff happens in life. Hopefully, Cutienana is OK and just doesn't have time to post.
Speaking both as a DISigner and a regular poster...sometimes I cannot get to my computer, sometimes my computer breaks down, sometimes my kids are sick, sometimes I have to work many extra hours, sometimes my real life volunteer work keeps me from posting to the DIS boards. While, I, too cherish a lot of the relationships I have made on these boards, sometimes real life gets in the way and I can't spend so many hours on the boards.

I, for one, don't want to do designs if I am not going to be allowed to do it on my own time, in my own time. If I have to explain every absence or lengthy time away, I am not sure that it will be worth it.

Remember, we do this because we enjoy it, take the :love: out, then some of us won't do it.

Just my 2 cents, no one has ever given me any idea that I wasn't appreciated, but some can and do get demanding at time.

Now back to your regularly scheduled program.
Wow, the nerve. I have letters requested on here but I am in no way harping on anyone. Maybe something happened and Millie can not do this right now. Yes, I do feel concern because she is someone who was on regularly and she hasn't even signed in in almost a month. But anything I feel is out of concern and not whether I'm going to get my "disigns" or not. It is not her obligation to report to us if something is going on. If I get the letters I asked for I get them and if not, oh well, it's not going to make or break my vacation. I just hope she is ok and not in any kind of distress. If you want something so bad buy a prgram and make it yourself.
I can share my experience as a designer. Someone posted and needed invitations ASAP, so I volunteered to do it and I enjoyed it. Then a couple of other people must have seen the posts and they wanted invitations too, so I made those and again enjoyed the work. However, instead of posting the designs on the Creative DISigns board, I chose to PM the people with my work because I could see where I could have been swamped very quickly. From time to time, I might want to do some more but right now I just can't-too much personal life stuff- my FIL just died. Stuff happens in life. Hopefully, Cutienana is OK and just doesn't have time to post.
Well atleast you were able to see some of what I was saying verses the other that chose to respond to my comment. People get demanding and have re-posted over and over again and then make it seem like the disigners don't have other real life stuff to deal with. At those times I just want to say come on people do you care more about the stuff or the wonderful person giving up countless hours to share their talent.

Speaking both as a DISigner and a regular poster...sometimes I cannot get to my computer, sometimes my computer breaks down, sometimes my kids are sick, sometimes I have to work many extra hours, sometimes my real life volunteer work keeps me from posting to the DIS boards. While, I, too cherish a lot of the relationships I have made on these boards, sometimes real life gets in the way and I can't spend so many hours on the boards. I, for one, don't want to do designs if I am not going to be allowed to do it on my own time, in my own time. If I have to explain every absence or lengthy time away, I am not sure that it will be worth it. Remember, we do this because we enjoy it, take the :love: out, then some of us won't do it.Just my 2 cents, no one has ever given me any idea that I wasn't appreciated, but some can and do get demanding at time.
Now back to your regularly scheduled program.
If one day you see a regular poster and then after a while you don't see them, I start to think if they are ok. Like you said you are a regular poster who has probably developed some good friendships here and wouldn't those that know you best care if they hear from you in a while? And absolutely you don't have to explain your absence but for those that care, they would never want to hear that something bad has happened to you. A quick line or two is just courteous if one has time to do so.
Wow, the nerve. I have letters requested on here but I am in no way harping on anyone. Maybe something happened and Millie can not do this right now. Yes, I do feel concern because she is someone who was on regularly and she hasn't even signed in in almost a month. But anything I feel is out of concern and not whether I'm going to get my "disigns" or not. It is not her obligation to report to us if something is going on. If I get the letters I asked for I get them and if not, oh well, it's not going to make or break my vacation. I just hope she is ok and not in any kind of distress. If you want something so bad buy a prgram and make it yourself.
It's not about Millie or any one disgner in particuliar. The disigners have done alot for me and when I see some of Pat's old designs my mind still wonders as what has become of her. I still hope to see her back again not to design but to hear of a good report. She was so nice and alot of people here miss her presence. Your right it's not an obligation, just courteous to puts some of our minds at ease that a Diser is doing ok. I dont want or need anything badly. I haven't asked and don't remember me asking for anything in my previous post. And I stand by what I say in it is not being nice to leave w/o a line or two, if it were at all possible to do so and in some circumstances it's not, for those of us that care to keep them in our prayers that life is well with them.
Wanted you to see Sophie in her Birthday shirt made by: Cutiesnana!! SHE LOVES IT!! THANK YOU:yay:


Just returned from the Wonder, I wanted to show you a pic of my parent's cabin door, they got so many compliments and well wishes! Thank you again so very much!! :goodvibes

Can I have a letter from Mickey that say Dear Scarlett and Liberty

And another that says Dear Sydney and Kelsey



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