D-D4's Journal & Ramblings


<font color=teal>Just happy to be here.
Apr 1, 2001
:mad: OK, I guess this is as good of a place to come to vent as any other. This way here I can talk to myself and no one will hear me.

I am SO sick of this darn scale. For the last two weeks as least, the same two pounds keep coming and going! I truly wouldn't mind too much, but I don't cheat...not once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:( :( :( I've been so good, even when temptation has been so strong. I could cry when I step on the scale some days. Now, I know I don't really excersise as much as I could, but I chase 5 children around every day...they're all under the age of five...that must count for something.:confused: Plus there are the crunches that I do faithfully. Yeah, the inches are coming off...I know to keep that thought in my head, but really now:rolleyes: pounds count too, at least in this head of mine.
Ahhh, that little pity party was fun...I'll have to do this more often.
Alright, lets see. I'm going to keep track of what I eat today on here, maybe I'm missing something.

Breakfast- 6:30 AM 2 mini crustless quiches - 3 cups black coffee.

Morning snack-9:30 EAS Chocolate Shake

11:am can't get warm.... black tea(caffine)

Lunch-12pm- 2 burger patties w/ 2 oz cheese & 1.5 C steamed Asparagus

water comsumption by 12:30...48 oz.

PM snack-3:00 2 oz cheese

dinner-7pm grilled steak tips 8 oz diet cherry soda

water total for day 96 oz
Food for today:

breakfast 8:30-2 scrambled eggs to go...3 cups black coffee

lunch-11:30 2 burger patties with 2 oz cheese...8 oz diet cream soda

36 oz water by 12:30
Jeeze, I've been busy. Ate late Friday night...8:30 after soccer practice and grocery shopping.

Saturday, up early for 8;00 soccer game, they lost 7-0 :( . Had a low carb bar and cofffee. Home to shower and wrap mother's day gift for Jan.

Went to Bob's for new sneakers, its about time...had the same pair since we went to WDW in 2001. Had lunch at the 99 with Jand and the kids. HAd diet Pepsi, grilled chicken, spinach, and mushroom salad with dressing on the side. Snacked on some cheese in the afternoon and had some broccoli, cauliflower casserole for dinner with a couple of cups of diet vannila coke.
well...I finally have found a way to loose more weight...be love sick.
Married and 32...and in love with someone from over seas.
How do I find my self in these predicaments???
I guess this journal will finally come in handy...lost 7 pounds in the last 9 days. Don't know how...I've been eating and drinking lots of wine...must be the red wine...and the lovesickness...
If anyone reads this...just ignore me...I'm truly in need of professional help.


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