Daniella & Phil's TR( WP/ADH/Italy) Complete with pics/ video added 6/18

You know what, I think now it is guaranteed - my contract specifies that the comp night is in a concierge-level room. :banana:

Daniella, I love your trip report, especially all the pictures.

How did you get them to deliver all the flowers and leftover cake to your room? I was told that we were responsible for transporting all that stuff ourselves... :confused3

We called the bell hop to come down to the dance hall, yes we were responsible so we called at the reception. He brought a golf cart type vehicle and loaded it all up.
New Installment: 1st Day of Marriage

We woke up the next day pretty early surprisingly. We had to be out of the room by 11am. That was th down side of getting your complimentary room and not booking an extra day but we were not going to pay $500 for one additional night when we still had our room over at the POFQ.

Anyway we woke up, showered and head over to the concierge level for breakfast. THis was the first time we ever stay on this level so we didn't know what to expect. There was a room with pastries, bagel, ceareal, coffee and juice. When we go there there was quite a few people. We grabed a table and grabbed a small bite to eat.


I didn't wash my hair because we were having the MK photoshoot the next day and I wanted to see if the curls could last a bit so its easier to do my own hair:

We went back to the room to gather our belongings. We called the bell hop to come down to load all our flowers and items from the wedding. Phil had parked the car in the lot the morning of the wedding when he checked into our room. I am so glad we thought of that because we would have had trouble trying to find people to help us get everything back to our hotel. We arrived back at the room and had to carry all the stuff to the room, NOw our room looked like a funernal home...lol That was my first impression..lol. Plus it was a mess. We ended up giving the large flower arrangments to Phil's sister because she was headed home that day. She loves about 1 hr away.

Today was an alone time for the 2 of us. It was the first day we were alone so far on the whole trip. We decided to head to Downtown disney have lunch at Fulton's . We took the boat ride over from our hotel. We both had never been there before and with our DDE card we got 30% off. It was a yummy lunch.



After lunch we head over to the MK for the day. We went on some of our favorite rides. Here is a picture we took in the Haunted Mansion. I can't believe it actually came out even though its fuzzy.


We decided to take a break and grabbed a snack and sat on the benches around Frontier land. All of a sudden this huge bird comes flying into the people passing by us. Everybody screamed and ran...it was rather funny. Then the bird landed on the post across from us and I got this great pictures.
We spend the entire day there, I guess I didn't take that many pictures. We had ADR's for CRT around the time of wishes. We head over t here eventually as time got closer. I though this would be the perfect place to have our first dinner together married. We checked in, got our picture taken with Cinderella an waited for our name to be called.

the host brought us in and I had asked is we could have a wand and sword , she said no problem and we walked to our table. We were head over towards the window. Yes, we sat right at the window, I was so excited. A perfect view for Wishes! We got there our table was decorated with confettie and streamers too.




So wishes was about to begin, the lights dimmed and they piped in the music. It was very exciting and we had the perfect seat!







The perfect ending to a perfect day.

Up next, our farewell breakfast meet at the Cape May Cafe.....
Malibelle, Your wedding was beautiful. Thank you for sharing. My daughter is planning her disney wedding for 2009, she has chosen all the same venues as you had, so I appreciate getting to see everything set up so beautifully. I hope she is able to book it at the one year mark in Feb. 08. Thanks again!
Malibelle, Your wedding was beautiful. Thank you for sharing. My daughter is planning her disney wedding for 2009, she has chosen all the same venues as you had, so I appreciate getting to see everything set up so beautifully. I hope she is able to book it at the one year mark in Feb. 08. Thanks again!

Thanks! Just let me know if you have any questions.
I forgot to mention at the end of our dinner at CRT. The waiter came over and brought us a box. In it were 2 CRT champagne glasses and he congradulated us again on our marriage. The Fairy Godmother in the middle of her show asked who was celebrating anything, our waiter yell out about our marriage. Fairy Godmother asked us when did we get married, we said yesterday. She made a big fuss about it so everyone in the restaurant new we got married in Disney the day before. It was alot of fun and made us feel special.
I am working on uploading the next installment, our farewell breakfast. Its taking forever to go through my pictures. I promise to get them up soon.
I love those pictures from CRT during wishes. Eating dinner there during Wishes is on my to do list for our next trip.
I love those pictures from CRT during wishes. Eating dinner there during Wishes is on my to do list for our next trip.

You should definitly request a window seat, its very magical. It was our 2nd time sitting at a window table.
OK, I am so frustrated with uploading pictures. I am posting our farewell breakfast next but it takes forever. Maybe its my computer, Phil just messed it all up. I will have to try later when I get home from work.
I loved seeing the pictures with the two of you watching Wishes. We have eaten there earlier in the day and I think we need to make a reservation for a later dinner during the fireworks! The picture of your room at PORFQ is pretty funny you definitely had quite a lot of stuff. :goodvibes
I loved seeing the pictures with the two of you watching Wishes. We have eaten there earlier in the day and I think we need to make a reservation for a later dinner during the fireworks! The picture of your room at PORFQ is pretty funny you definitely had quite a lot of stuff. :goodvibes

I have never eaten during the day at CRT, you should definitly check out the fireworks there.
Doesn't our room look like a funeral home! I ended up giving all the flowers to DH's sister who lives close to disney. I didn't know what we were going to do with them all.
I loved seeing the pictures with the two of you watching Wishes. We have eaten there earlier in the day and I think we need to make a reservation for a later dinner during the fireworks! The picture of your room at PORFQ is pretty funny you definitely had quite a lot of stuff. :goodvibes

I have never eaten during the day at CRT, you should definitly check out the fireworks there.
Doesn't our room look like a funeral home! I ended up giving all the flowers to DH's sister who lives close to disney. I didn't know what we were going to do with them all.
I just may be able to post my wedding video montage on here. I have to talk to a few people to see if it possible. I will let you know soon! Oh an I will be finishing up my trip report. I hope I can get to it this weekend.
I am just bumping this up so I remember to finish my trip report. I am in the home stretch but having trouble finding the time.

Also if anyone know the trick to get your wedding video online please let me know. I havn't been able to figure it out yet.
Ok, I am finally getting back into the swing of things with hopes to finish up this TR report:

March 20th: Farewell Breakfast at the Cape May Cafe

We decided to go to breakfast on Tuesday as alot of our guest were leaving that day. We did not have this booked throught the wedding or anything like that. I simply made ADR's for about 15 people( estimating that our close family would be going) For everyone else we advised to make thier own ressies and let them know you were with our party. We all paid our own way. I thought this would get complicated but it turned out great. I really didn't expect everyone to sit together as we all know how ADR's go. We basically put in our news letter that we were dining for breakfast at 9am and listed the disney dining for people to call on thier own to make an ADR.

We chose the Cape May cafe because we wanted character meal but the main reason was because me and my family are from Cape May, NJ so it was appropriate.

We showed up a little before 9am to check in. There were several of our guest who also showed up after making thier own ADRs. We ended up haveing about 30 people show up for breakfast. The hostess was very accomodating to us. We waited for about 15 minutes and got seated. To our surprise we got our own private room! It was perfect. The characters came in to greet us and we took loads of pictures. The kids had a great time and so did the adults. It was so special that we were in our own room and got private time with the characters. Breakfast was really good too!


The food:







Me and my cousins and brother:

My brother getting picked on by Minnie: He was so embarrassed!


After breakfast we all gathered in the lobby to say good bye to most of our guests as they were leaving. .

Then we headed off to Epcot. The weather was perfect. We dined with my mother at the Rose & Crown pub. It was great food.

We walked back and ran into chip and dale and walked to the car that was parked at the beach club and got some shots of the beach and boardwalk area.


Later in the day we headed over to the Magic Kingdom and did a few rides with my mom as we were her ride home and she was left alone. We hit some rides and ran into Alice and the Mad Hatter. They were really funny , great acting.

We had ADR's at the Crystal Palace and were meeting up with Phil's cousins ( our ring bearer and parents)and Aunt. Bryce loves Pooh so he was so happy. It was so great being with a little kid in the MK. His face was priceless. I made us enjoy the day even more.
Bryce Poking Pooh's but:


We sat at the table and they had decorated it with conffetti shaped in a heart for us.

Piglet came over to us and presented us with a certificate from YOMD.

Dinner was good and finally we headed back to the room to crash for the night. We had just one more day left of the World.

I am almost dont my Trip report! Up next, our last day at AK and dinner at Wolfgang Puck and the guest sitting next to us...Cory Feldman.
Thank you so much for commenting on my PJ. It's actually awesome because you're PJ was the inspiration for my whole wedding. I had originally wanted to do a ballroom but after reading your PJ, I decided on ATlantic Dance! I hadn't even seen it and I booked it! Well, I once went there with friends 7 years ago but I can't really remember.

Anyway, I also got inspired by your invitations and am now doing my own as well. You are honestly so creative and you have helped a lot with planning my own wedding.

Thank you for writing so much and inspiring me with my own plans. I hope to update my PJ soon. thanks again (and you looked sooooo happy in all your pictures!!!)


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