

DIS Veteran
Aug 31, 1997
Botanic Name: Hemerocallis

Common Name: Daylily

Description Hemerocallis or Daylily, is a very hardy lily whose beautiful blossoms live only from sunrise to sunset. Despite being short-lived, old blooms are quickly replaced by fresh new ones. Grown under ideal conditions, it will flower for up to 6 weeks. Breathtaking flowers grow in loose clusters at the top of a leafless stalk, 90 to 150 cm high. Each bloom is open, slightly trumpet-shaped and has prominent stamens. Long, smooth, soft, strappy leaves emerge from fleshy, fibrous roots. A range of flower forms and colours is available, from plain, single specimens to ruffled and double blooms. Some cultivars have single colours, others a mix.

A new range of miniatures is also available.
Flower - yellow, orange, blood red, apricot, orange, purple, pink
Flowering time - late spring to summer.
Type Perennial

Height 60 - 70 cm

Spread 60 - 70 cm

Soil Prefers fertile, moist soil, but will tolerate most soil types or soil pH and relatively dry conditions.

Aspect Full sun is best or part shade, particularly for plants with red and purple flowers.

Propagation Propagate by division in autumn or spring.

Uses: Lovely as a massed display or singly in a perennial border. Smaller cultivars are suitable for large tubs or containers. The frost sensitive cultivars can be grown in pots and moved to a frost-free area. Be careful when using daylilies for the kitchen. In the past some have been used for their medicinal properties, others are hallucinogenic. (YIKES, don't let the dog eat it)

Climate: Cool temperate to subtropical. In the coldest and most exposed Tasmanian gardens and in areas where hard winter frosts are severe, the dormant varieties may be more suitable. Trial using cheaper plants first rather than more expensive new hybrids.

Cultivation: Water well during summer. Mulch well and feed with a well-aged compost containing high potash and phophorus but low nitrogen levels. Clumps should be divided every 3 - 4 years, in April and May for increased flower production. Slug and snail protection may be necessary, especially in early spring when new growth emerges. When planting, never set crowns too deep otherwise this may adversely affect flowering.

More pics of my lillies
Great info! I planted 5 daylilies last year but they aren't blooming yet. I could really get crazy buying different varieties.
A timely plant profile, Deb! :)

We're looking to buy more daylilies, but I've been overwhelmed by the volume of varieties to pick from. :) Some of them have very bizarro names! At the garden centre the other day, we found one named Crotchless Panties!!!!! :eek: I'm not :o

I have Stella de Oro, and Pardon Me (just planted last year) daylilies.

Great info! Thank you very much! :) :flower3:

Oh! I almost forgot! I couldn't view your pics, it said I have to sign in? I hope I get to see them, they're always so nice. :)

Stella D'Oro for you Kim

Sorry, no pics of Crotchless Panties!!!!!!Unbelievable!!!!

Image Station does make you sign in sometimes. It's free if you want to join or rejoin and they don't bother you. They let you keep and upload a lot of pics. No problem.

I just planted more Happy Returns and also more Stella D'Oro. I seem to have more luck with those two. The old SDO's are full of buds:sunny:
I planted some pink ones that aren't even breaking ground yet:( I too get a little carried away with daylillies. They are so exciting to see when finally open. Too bad I haven't labeled them better. I never know what's going to pop up where.
I have a bunch in my side yard which will be trampled before they get a chance to bloom by construction guys putting on new clapboards. very sad!
Thanks for the wonderful information!
I think I have recommended this before but the BEST are from Gilbert H Wild. They have a website. Descriptions are full and accurate. Buy them when they are on sale. They always ship plants that are 2 or 3 fans and very healthy. I have never had a problem with one of their plants. I try to buy only those that rebloom and preferably fragrant ones.
Picked up a couple more yesterday! :) Strawberry Candy. Yummy name, I hope it looks as good as it sounds! :)
Daylillies are easy to grow, but I have no stalks yet. Usually blooms around the 4th of July. Doesn't rebloom like "Stella de Oro." "Buttered Popcorn" is my favorite and it has a slight scent (although not a popcorn scent). Oh well, they seem to grow better than my other varieties. Have a pink bloomer "Catherine ..." that blooms on less foilage.

"Strawberry Candy" is hard to find here, but it's a rebloomer with flowers that aren't yellow for a change.
Deb - Are the Happy Return ones the beautiful pink ones -- #5 in your album? And those white ones are absolutely stunning!

That GilbertWild site looks very interersting. Haven't had time to check out the link with the sale prices. Need to revisit both at a latter time.

Snowwark - Crotchless panties?!! PUH-LEESE!!! Did you get that flower?? You should have!! :sunny:

Tuli, I have no idea what this lillies name is or the white one. DH and I planted them with markers but all the names washed away. Some of the markers are missing too. It's a real surprise when they pop up in the garden. Happy Returns is yellow. Slightly softer color than Stella De Oro.

Orvilleair, I agree, anything but yellow! Strawberry Candy sounds yummy.

I have to find Crotchless Panties, It would be one I could plant without a marker. I'd never forget where I planted my Crotchless Panties.:crazy:
Originally posted by DebºoºS

I have to find Crotchless Panties, It would be one I could plant without a marker. I'd never forget where I planted my Crotchless Panties.:crazy:

LOL Deb!!! :teeth: You know, I was just thinking that maybe all the Buds should have CP daylilies, kind of an intiation into Budhood type thing. :crazy: I almost regret not buying them!

Orvilleair, I was curious and had to find a pic of Buttered Popcorn. Anyone care for some? :cool:

Here's a link to the American Hemerocallis Society. On the left you'll see a link to a Popularity Poll for dayliles. Check it out and see what cultivar is most popular in your area. :)

For my region, the members voted for my newest purchase, Strawberry Candy.

~American Hemerocallis Society~

Kim :flower3:
Beautiful flowers and pics! Mine are in full bloom. I don't know what they are called, as I got them from my Grandmother's yard after she died. I'm sure they are old! They have been transplanted twice as I moved around, but they are huge and beautiful!
Originally posted by marlasmom
I think I have recommended this before but the BEST are from Gilbert H Wild. They have a website. Descriptions are full and accurate. Buy them when they are on sale. They always ship plants that are 2 or 3 fans and very healthy. I have never had a problem with one of their plants. I try to buy only those that rebloom and preferably fragrant ones.
I just filled out the form for a Gilbert H. Wild catalog. The Sale items from the other site have expired.

DH just told me this evening that he wants "those tall orange flowers". He's talking about the tiger lilies we have growing everywhere around here along the roadsides and I can easily get him some of those. However, I have been assessing my little garden in front of my garage windows and I need color there now -- the bearded and siberian iris have come and gone along with the daffodils. The big hosta remaining there has to be moved. I want to fill in the area with pretty colored day lilies and I think I just might order from this site - as adverse as I am to ordering on-line.

One question that I can't seem to find the answer to on the website is the bloom times. They say early, mid and late, but can someone put that into at least a monthly timeframe for me? I want something that will bloom like from now until forever!!! Ha ha! No, really, something long blooming but starting around end of June, beginning of July. Any help guys?.
This is from my own garden. My daylilies have been done blooming for a few weeks, my lilies are just blooming now. I can't remember when they stop. Probably doesn't help much, does it? :crazy:
One variety is called Hyperion. They are bright yellow and mine haven't bloomed yet. They do not rebloom like Stella d Oro, but they are more fragrant than any other daylilly I have. I've been told that this is an old variety. The flower is more basic like the orange ones you find on the road.

As far as constant color, you'll have to go with the rebloomers such as Stella D Oro or Happy Returns, but the ones in our neighborhood have been blooming for two weeks now, so you'd probably need another variety.
My asiatics are coming in now. Happy Return and Stella De Oro are still going strong. Those are the only ones I have that bloom all summer. They're both yellow. Stella is is darker than Happy.
I have some pics I'll upload later.


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