DCL Picketers

I agree with you, Ann. We are accustomed to leaving a tip (generally 20%) for our servers at restaurants - therefore to tip our servers the DCL amount recommended is much, much less than we do at home AND try to get that same service from your "hometown restaurant" - Good Luck!

And I highly doubt if any of the servers are getting rich being a server- just ask them how often they get stiffed by guests. I just can't imagine the gall of some people to do that! But it takes all kinds!

Ever wonder why there are so many foreigners doing the work on the DCL - bottom line, there's not enough money for the Americans to work as hard or as long for an income that's based on the generosity of others.
HAH - how many American kids turn up their noses at minimum wage jobs now?! Just ask a McDonalds manager sometime.

BD - No flames here - those "dollar" quarters were a stupid idea, as were the $2.00 bills - they look counterfeit!

Originally posted by Mjasp
So what is this I hear, We are relocating to Indiana and we are going to work for Rae.

Ann, you can work for shrimp and I will work for cruise.


Actually after giving this some thought- I like wine better..infact give me a bottle of champagne and I will clean all the bathrooms ;)

Better watch out for that tag fairy dubbing you with...

TarzANN... works for Grape VINES

Cute Joanna....yes I love the nector of the grape...
You girls just crack me up!!!

Grape byproducts over shrimp?!

I guess it does!!!!!!!!

Okay, if you leave my shrimp alone, I'll let you have all the bubbly!


Boy I didn't mean to ruffle your feathers. :confused: You can tip who ever you want - I do. I'm all for tipping these folks. My point was that they are serving us ALL of the time, and the people who skip out and don't tip them are really screwing the staff over. If you notice on many of the other threads regarding tipping, I'm as big of a promoter of tipping people as you are. I also think that there are many people who don't realize that our wait staff work all over the ship - all of the time.
Ooo jrabbit I just wanted to say that whilst I was on the Wonder - I noticed that when we were on our Triton's rotation our servers worked all day in Tritons, breakfast, lunch and dinner and then our Waiter Ary also worked the Tropical buffet.

When we were at Castaway Cay our Waiter said he would be working over there.

So I appreciate that some of the servers work upstairs at the Beach Blanket - however they can't be working there in the evenings as they'd ahve to be working the dining rooms with their tables so there are CM's up there who do work the evenings and therefore probably don't see a tip. I'm gonna make sure I tip these people next time :)
jrabbit - thanks for the reply. Glad to know that you can appreciate the hardwork these people do to make our vacations special.

I don't know if you realize this or not, but there are A LOT of people who either tip much less or not at all. Very sad but it does happen - on the DCL and in the real world. One individual wrote me and said s/he thought it was ridiculous to tip AT ALL since the cost of the cruise was so much - s/he said they don't go the last night just to avoid it. I couldn't believe this! I hope s/he can look at themselves in a mirror and justify this.

Well, on to other topics - this one has definitely worn itself into the depths of debate!

Happy sailing!

Originally posted by jlp651
I think that just charging the tips automatically is a GREAT idea!
I'm *hoping*and planning on getting great service...I'm even hoping to spend more than expected on tips...

I agree 100%. On our cruise this past week, I was so annoyed with how much the tipping issue has grown among the servers and the staff in general, that I was absolutely disgusted. Yes, excellent service deserves a tip. However, at the end of every meal, do you need the server to go through a whole speech of how he wants to give you excellent service, and then goes around to each person at the table and specifically asks if he is delivering excellent service? That's a bit annoying. At our table, we learned very quickly that you do not say something was "very good", you had to say "excellent". On Thursday evening, not only did we get the daily speech about excellent service, we also got a reminder that we should think about the service over the past week, with obvious references/implications to giving a tip appropriate to excellent service. Further, during our disembarkation meeting on Friday afternoon, the cruise director had only a brief comment on tipping "we know this is a touchy subject, I won't spend any time on it, and our suggested tipping is simply what American Express Travel gives as their guidelines". It's always stated "you should not feel obligated to tip, but it is customary...blah, blah, blah", but that is exactly what was being done - you were being made to feel you were obligated to tip.

By contrast, our stateroom host was beyond fabulous. The guy made up our room and changed towels 3 times a day - morning, afternoon, and then turndown. I spoke with him in the hallway or other room he was doing each morning, he was always pleasant, never once spoke a word with anything having to do with a tip, and at the end of the cruise I was more than happy to give him an appropriate tip for the enjoyment he was able to provide us during the week - and I specifically brought him/that up in the comments. They have a job to do, they should do it, and if the customer feels they deserve a tip, they should provide what they feel is appropriate - not what some "tipping guideline" recommends.

Prior to our disembarkation meeting, I was talking with a couple who said that NCL has gone the route building the tip into the total cruise price. Having been on DCL twice now, and seeing all of the other great things they do, I am very surprised that they have not moved in this direction. Especially in this economy, where peoples budgets are stretched to begin with, paying premium pricing for a DCL cruise, to recommend coughing up another $200 to $300 (in our case) for tipping on a 7 day cruise is a bit much.

HOWEVER, who and what are PORTERS?? Are they the guys that handle your luggage...I'm sorry but I am more than capable of carrying my own...and with today and security...I'm really not comfortable with someone else handling my bags...sorry...and I don't appreciate it when they just grab at your bags looking for the tip..know what I mean?

Your view of the porters is completely wrong.

First, if you are so concerned about someone else handling your luggage, there are more/bigger concerns for you. What about the baggage handlers at the airport - you know everyone who touches your luggage between the time you check in at the airport until the time you get them back at your destination - or if you use the direct transfer to DCL, even more people handling it. Second, when you use a porter - you are standing right next to them - what is the security issue you are concerned about? They might slip something into or out of your bag when you're not looking? Me, I get the all the bags from the claim area, move them over and out of the way, then grab the porter to load and wheel the bags out.

What if you have too many bags to carry out on your own, or they are too heavy? We have used the porters twice, and not only do they serve the purpose of handling the bags for you, but, you give them your customs form, and you will notice, they go to the right side of the customs officer - where there is no line, they hand them the form and do not stop. Handle it yourself, and you will go to the left side of the line with everyone else doing it themselves and wait in the line. If you use the porter, you will not wait - been our experience every time. On Saturday, our total time from having our luggage to boarding the DCL bus was about 3 minutes. Spend the $5 tip - it is well worth it.
Originally posted by rae519
Ever wonder why there are so many foreigners doing the work on the DCL - bottom line, there's not enough money for the Americans to work as hard or as long for an income that's based on the generosity of others.
HAH - how many American kids turn up their noses at minimum wage jobs now?! Just ask a McDonalds manager sometime.

Actually, if you consider what they are earning in relation to what they would earn in their countries of citizenship, they are doing extremely well. Yes, maybe it is too much work for the pay for an American, but for someone from Asia who does not have to pay any taxes on the earnings it is much, much more than they would earn at home. Further, they have the same option as everyone else - there is nothing that says they have to take the job - they take it by choice. If the job depends on the generosity of others or terms that they are not happy with, again, it is their choice to take such a job.

I've spoken with a number of staff. They say they work 6 months straight on the ship - as in they get no break. Then they get 8 weeks off and then either return to DCL or take another cruise ship assignment. All of the folks I've spoken with are single. They take that kind of work/living by choice.

We had the same thing happen with our server, however, I think it had more to do with the DCL survey than tips. He kept asking us to make sure everything was excellent, and then on Thursday night we got the big speach about the survey and marking it excellent. I'm guessing that their jobs, especially staying a server and not assistant must be dependent on the rating they get on the surveys. I don't think that the hard sell for excellent service would change if tipping were included, as long as the surveys were still handed out.

Has anyone else had the hard sell on the survey from their servers? Our server seemed like he may have been recently promoted, so I am wondering if maybe he was on probation or something, and keeping the server position was dependent on getting excellent ratings.
Sort of ! Our waiter did mention to us that it was important for us to fill in the survey but didn't comment on what we should be indicating on the survey. I guess he was ever so subtle as we put excellent anyway :)
Hi kajohn.

Has anyone else had the hard sell on the survey from their servers?

Yes. The speech was unnecessary, however, as over the length of the cruise our server and assistant server had earned well beyond an "excellent."

The head waiter was another story. He never said hello nor did he acknowledge us in any way. At thursday night's dinner the head waiter stopped over to "demeat" our lobster. It was, in my opinion, a shameful ploy for a tip. I was unimpressed...
The survey is fallible and needs to be changed. I also agree that there is often an oversell of the word "EXCELLENT" - I think this is something DCL needs to review and revamp.

There isn't enough space to write any suggestions/comments or concerns.

Personally, if something wasn't right, I'd mention it immediately and not wait for the survey.

BD - he "demeated" your lobster! Oh my! I just wouldn't stand for that!!!!! (But I have had head servers who "showed up" only on Friday night!)


I agree with you that the survey doesn't give enough room for comments. This is why I write DCL a two to three page letter after each cruise and specifically mention <b>everyone</b> who went out of their way to make our cruise extraordinary. I keep an ongoing list while we're on our cruise and I write down the castmember's name, country and what makes them so special. I also share some ideas with DCL and I always get a very nice reply. :D
I have been on NCL and found no reduction in service. If you did not like your service, you can go to the Purser and reduce or eliminate your pre-paid tip. However, while you can sit anywhere for dinner, we chose to sit at the same table with the same waiter/assitant waiter because getting to know them is half the fun.
What a wonderful idea! I have often asked for paper at Guest Relations to write Department Heads to commend special CM's before I get off the ship. It's just takes a few minutes and it does make a difference.

Positive comments or positive suggestions for changes are always welcome!



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