DCP Termination


Second Star to the Right and Straight on till Morn
Oct 30, 2012
I know you can get terminated for alcohol if you're underage, or its found in your wellness apartment, or if you're caught with drugs. But what are other ways you can get terminated? And any stories of termination you'd be willing to share? Just thought it would be helpful to know what not to do! Even though I'm sure its mostly common sense :)
Think of Company housing as an extension of where you work. If you could get fired from work doing it, you will probably get terminated within housing by doing it. Theft, drugs, alcohol, fighting...

However, there are some policies that they have that are non-negotiable that will get you terminated, even on the first offense.

Weapons: Pocket Knives, firearms (including paintball, airsoft, and the souvenir ones they sell in the merch shops), tasers, look-alikes.

Unauthorized persons: if you try sneaking someone into housing (in the trunk). Everyone in the car will be terminated.

Arguing with housing security: This one is common sense, if they tell you to do something, just do it. If you feel they are being out of line, go to the housing office and make a formal complaint.

Breaking housing policies: The housing complexes have a "Homeowners Association" type of conduct policy (Things in windows, towels hanging on balconies, parking, noise). There is a "strike system" in place, break enough small rules and you can get terminated as well.
Breaking housing policies: The housing complexes have a "Homeowners Association" type of conduct policy (Things in windows, towels hanging on balconies, parking, noise). There is a "strike system" in place, break enough small rules and you can get terminated as well.

you don't get termed for these, you get housing violations
That is true, you do receive 'housing violations.' However, those violations are issued by the College Housing Office, which is part of Disney. Housing violations are like reprimands (but they don't show up on your record card and are solely maintained by that office). And if you get enough housing violations, you get booted from housing. And getting booted from housing gets you terminated from the Company. You sign a contract stating this on your check in date.
On my program there was a girl who worked in merchandise who was terminated. She made up a really detailed lie and was caught. She went to a QSFB cart and said a girl dropped her food and she wanted to get a replacement for her. The server gave her the food and once she was a bit away from the cart she ate it herself. :sad2: Obviously not cool and she was terminated.

I also know a kid my boyfriend's roommate worked with in quick service ate a french fry at his work location while on the job and was terminated.
Someone at my location got terminated. At first I felt bad for her but then I changed my mind.

So first the story was that another CM overheard her say that she "traded" herself pins off her lanyard. Meaning she took one of her personal pins and traded it for a pin on the lanyard that Disney gave her. This normally isn't a big deal and management doesn't really care as long as you still have 12 pins on your lanyard at the end of the day.

I felt really confused as to why she would get fired over this when I know people did it all the time, and even a manager had told me it was okay...

Well then the story changed that she had traded a Vinlymation out of our mystery box (Normally guests come and pick a number). Still didn't seem like a big deal to me...

Then it came out that she TOOK a vinlymation out of the mystery box, I guess with the intent to trade herself and bring in another one later. That's why she got termed. They made her go to this meeting in one of the corporate buildings and she had to be off property by the next morning.

Basically don't steal from the company in any capacity. Don't take items home with you that you aren't supposed to, Don't borrow items with the intention of bringing them back without explicit permission from your manager.
My daughter managed through the CP without getting termed but I imagine she went through 10-20 different roommates that got termed. In one weekend she lost three all to different reasons. The annoying thing is that was in February and the program was up first of May. Middle of April they made her and the remaining roommate (there was a third but she stayed with her boyfriend off housing all the time) change apartments for consolidation reasons and gave them one day notice. They both ended up having to call in (or be late) for work to accomodate that. My daughter talked to her manager and they worked with her a bit but I think it was really bad of housing to do that with only two weeks left.

Some that come to the top of my head:

Too many reprimands for attendance

Calling in sick and then using company ID to get into the park

Just going AWOL for several days and then showing up to work

The classic one wasn't on the CP and was a potluck roomate of hers at UCF. This girl collected Halloween Party bracelets and she and her boyfriend would use them stay in the parks and go to the parties. My daughter said she asked for our bracelets one day and she knew what her plan was and said no we saved them as souvenirs...anyway they got away with it for awhile and then one day security approached them at the park and they ran but got caught as they had been tracking them and they were termed.

I know you can get terminated for alcohol if you're underage, or its found in your wellness apartment, or if you're caught with drugs. But what are other ways you can get terminated? And any stories of termination you'd be willing to share? Just thought it would be helpful to know what not to do! Even though I'm sure its mostly common sense :)

To completely answer this question I'd need a book the size of some of the Harry Potter books....

Anyway some of the ways I've heard of people getting fired:

Taking several pins from the pin trading book in our location,
Someone on left block NC/NS a week straight,
A fist fight between two girls in the apartment below mine got out of control and 6 people got termed,
A guy and girl who were dating got fired in Adventureland for clocking each other in on time when one or the other was running late,
On One More Disney Day there were a handful of CPs who got fired for being drunk, underage, and causing a disruption in the Magic Kingdom at 4am.
I am not advocating underage drinking just for the sake of getting drunk, but we have allowed DD19 to have a small glass of wine with us at home at dinner or on special occasions. Last time we were in Epcot, she and I shared one of those lovely grand mariner/vodka orange slushies in France. If she were visiting the parks with me on her day off and was seen sharing my beverage, could she get termed? We probably wouldn't take the chance, as it technically IS underage drinking on property, but would they really terminate her for tasting my drink?

Can't wait to go to Food &Wine with her once she is 21 (fall 2014)!
I am not advocating underage drinking just for the sake of getting drunk, but we have allowed DD19 to have a small glass of wine with us at home at dinner or on special occasions. Last time we were in Epcot, she and I shared one of those lovely grand mariner/vodka orange slushies in France. If she were visiting the parks with me on her day off and was seen sharing my beverage, could she get termed? We probably wouldn't take the chance, as it technically IS underage drinking on property, but would they really terminate her for tasting my drink?

Can't wait to go to Food &Wine with her once she is 21 (fall 2014)!

Unfortunately, yes she can be termed, but she'd have to be seen by someone who knows that she is both underage and a cast member.
I am not advocating underage drinking just for the sake of getting drunk, but we have allowed DD19 to have a small glass of wine with us at home at dinner or on special occasions. Last time we were in Epcot, she and I shared one of those lovely grand mariner/vodka orange slushies in France. If she were visiting the parks with me on her day off and was seen sharing my beverage, could she get termed? We probably wouldn't take the chance, as it technically IS underage drinking on property, but would they really terminate her for tasting my drink?

Can't wait to go to Food &Wine with her once she is 21 (fall 2014)!

On my program I was 19 and went to Food and Wine and brought a virgin drink. There was no one checking to see if there was alcohol in it or if I was a cast member.
When they say underage drinking on property, I'm thinking on property like, Disney Housing property which if caught or even a beer can is found in the trash in the apartment, they will term you.
On my program I was 19 and went to Food and Wine and brought a virgin drink. There was no one checking to see if there was alcohol in it or if I was a cast member.
When they say underage drinking on property, I'm thinking on property like, Disney Housing property which if caught or even a beer can is found in the trash in the apartment, they will term you.

The issue isn't whether there are cast members checking to see if you're underage and if your drink has alcohol (there aren't), the issue is being seen, incidentally, by someone (one of your leaders for example) who knows you're a cast member and underage that can get you in trouble. Is it unlikely you'll be seen? Yeah. Is it worth the risk? That's for the drinker to consider.
On property refers to all Disney property, parks, resorts, and CP housing.
Well, as I said, we wouldn't take the chance, but I was curious as to what others thought. There's always the next trip, when she is of age... Because as we learned a long time ago, there is ALWAYS another Disney trip!
Here are some funny ones:

*2 Chinese ICP´s got termed for "hunting" a duck from the commons lake

*For taking pictures of the backstage MK cafeteria and posting them on Facebook with the tag: "cheap character breakfast" (I hope you get this one!!)

*For trying on belle´s gown (really obsessed girl in my opinion)

It is actually very easy to get termed, Disney is very strict in its policies.

You can get termed for being in backstage areas while not working. Specially in AK.

If you receive a personal guest complaint could be reason for termination.

Several violations of the Disney look policies.

It was once rumored that you could get termed in the MK for walking onstage with a costume not appropriate for your land (but I have never know anyone who got termed for that)

And as for characters........they can get termed for very simple reasons that violate character integrity that I can´t post here.
And another: if you get a speeding ticket on Disney property and somehow it gets back to your leaders, you get a reprimand. And too many reprimands of course leads to termination.

So don't speed :)
And another: if you get a speeding ticket on Disney property and somehow it gets back to your leaders, you get a reprimand. And too many reprimands of course leads to termination.

So don't speed

Thats only if you're driving a company vehicle while on the clock because its a safety issue. You can't get a reprimand if you're on your own time. If you could get a reprimand for speeding on property on your own time, the Unions would throw a fit...

If you get reprimanded for speeding, grieve it...
Thanks for all the responses! If I get in *fingers crossed* I do not want to do anything to compromise it!
I knew someone who got termed for pissing up the side of a building at DTD. No idea why he would do that as the loos are right there. Idiot!

Also know of a number of people who would go out for the night drinking (when underage) and then post it on Facebook! They always seemed to get termed and it makes me wonder if there is someone higher up who is paid to check FB pages!

I got really paranoid towards the end of my contract as people seemed to be termed for really minor things. However, there were ten in my arrival group and by the end of the year there were still ten! We were the only group to make it through without losing anyone! The group before us had seven and the start and one that finished!
Here are some funny ones:

*2 Chinese ICP´s got termed for "hunting" a duck from the commons lake

*For taking pictures of the backstage MK cafeteria and posting them on Facebook with the tag: "cheap character breakfast" (I hope you get this one!!)

*For trying on belle´s gown (really obsessed girl in my opinion)

It is actually very easy to get termed, Disney is very strict in its policies.

You can get termed for being in backstage areas while not working. Specially in AK.

If you receive a personal guest complaint could be reason for termination.

Several violations of the Disney look policies.

It was once rumored that you could get termed in the MK for walking onstage with a costume not appropriate for your land (but I have never know anyone who got termed for that)

And as for characters........they can get termed for very simple reasons that violate character integrity that I can´t post here.

Yikes. I did this one all the time. I always had my ID lanyard on but it sounds like I was lucky.

I knew A LOT people that got termed, although most were probably for underage drinking. Others were for too many call-ins, and another big one at my work place was having a cell phone out at safety critical positions like dispatch and video monitor. Be careful with that last one; it's so tempting to look away from your console for a second to answer the text that just went off in your pocket (often in a small room you have to yourself), but if your coordinator walks in, you're screwed.

I too became a little paranoid toward the end of my program, for several of my coworkers were fired in the last two weeks for excessive pranking. One of my attraction coworkers noted that I was the first person of my arrival date to successfully go home from his last shift still employed. Scary.


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