DDA Chapter 11

okay the game went to 11 innings. They have a weird way of starting the 1th inning. But USA won
OH I got my ME documents yesterday.:woohoo:
You should have got your documents too, not just ME. (Right? I don't think I would've DHL'ed the ME only...)
But it's a job and you manage. :goodvibes

I was hired three days before Princeton started, and two of my AP 11th grade classes had summer reading. Of course, they read three books I had never read. Believe me, you manage. :rotfl:

Sending you lots of :wizard: Jen!
Lots of student group discussions then? :teeth:
Yup. You manage. I was hired the week before school started and had about the same amount of time Jen will have to get ready. Imagine my shock when I went into my room and found NOTHING! No desks, no books, no supplies, etc. When the old teacher had left, all the other teachers came in like locusts and took everything. It was a challenge to round up enough desks and textbooks from teachers who really didn't want me around in the first place.
I cannot imagine NOTHING in a classroom! That is just shocking!
not enoght time is right---first day would be sept 3...orientation is tuesday wednesday and thursday
Like Deb said - good luck on both counts!!!
they have a new OREO out!!!!
It's Banana Split Cream
I saw that at the store yesterday! I'm not fond of the chocolate cookie though... Hostess also came out with the originial twinkie again a few months ago (I never knew that twinkies started off being stuffed with banana flavor!).
I'm gonna be weird and say our thread title reminds me of the wrong chapter 11.

(ETA: Are there other threads out there that are further along than ours?)

they have a new OREO out!!!!

It's Banana Split Cream

Um, that sounds gross. Did anybody try the strawberry milkshake ones? I was tempted to try those. Anything with artificial banana makes me gag. :scared: Even fresh banana isn't my first choice of flavors, but i do like banana shakes, banana splits and banana pudding (the good kind with Nilla wafers and fresh bananas).
You should have got your documents too, not just ME. (Right? I don't think I would've DHL'ed the ME only...)

I saw that at the store yesterday! I'm not fond of the chocolate cookie though... Hostess also came out with the originial twinkie again a few months ago (I never knew that twinkies started off being stuffed with banana flavor!).

yes we did. The envelope got a little wet and as Jeff went to pick it up off the porch it came open and the Documents spilt out. Luckily he saw the Mickey ears before Olivia did and picked it up before she saw anything.

I did not know that either about the twinkies. I might have to try them some time.
Um, that sounds gross. Did anybody try the strawberry milkshake ones? I was tempted to try those. Anything with artificial banana makes me gag. :scared: Even fresh banana isn't my first choice of flavors, but i do like banana shakes, banana splits and banana pudding (the good kind with Nilla wafers and fresh bananas).

no I did not. Have you tried the Cakesters. They have Niial wafer ones. Well last night I saw the Nilla wafer ones with strawberry cream.
For a short time they had Twinkies with chocolate chips in the cake part. They were called leopard tails or something. Those were TASTY.

Hostess also had these mini blueberry pound cake things years ago that were really yummy, but they had like 30 grams of fat in them. :scared:

Ah, the good old days!

I am irate that WDW got rid of the Nestle ice cream sandwiches from the ice cream carts. :mad: Those were my favorite. A CM told me it is because they have trans fat in them. :rolleyes: I don't like the ones they make in the bakery - I like the packaged ones! I did have an ice cream cone with "cookie swirl" ice cream but it wasn't quite as good as the sandwich would have been.
I'm gonna be weird and say our thread title reminds me of the wrong chapter 11.

(ETA: Are there other threads out there that are further along than ours?)

I'm not sure. I know the Disboutiguers are on thread 8. Not sure about any of the threads on the community board as I very rarly go over their.
no I did not. Have you tried the Cakesters. They have Niial wafer ones. Well last night I saw the Nilla wafer ones with strawberry cream.

I bought a box of the Oreo Cakesters and I was REALLY disappointed. I thought they were nasty. We haven't tried the Nilla ones - regular or strawberry.
I bought a box of the Oreo Cakesters and I was REALLY disappointed. I thought they were nasty. We haven't tried the Nilla ones - regular or strawberry.

I did not like the Oreo ones either the regular or chocolate cream. I like the Nilla ones. I might try the Strawberry if I find an individual package on sale some where.
I LOVE Nilla cookies. I use those for the "crust" of my mini cheesecakes. YUM! I now have to go home and see if I have a box in the pantry.

they have a new OREO out!!!!

It's Banana Split Cream

I know! I found them at the store yesterday. They are pretty good, but awfully banana-y (is that a word?) My kids love them!
Um, that sounds gross. Did anybody try the strawberry milkshake ones? I was tempted to try those. Anything with artificial banana makes me gag. :scared: Even fresh banana isn't my first choice of flavors, but i do like banana shakes, banana splits and banana pudding (the good kind with Nilla wafers and fresh bananas).

Well, of course the pregnant woman tried the strawberry milkshake oreos!!! At this point, Alan won't deny me anything!!! I have to say I liked the strawberry ones better than the banana ones, but my kids were just the opposite.
Well, of course the pregnant woman tried the strawberry milkshake oreos!!! At this point, Alan won't deny me anything!!! I have to say I liked the strawberry ones better than the banana ones, but my kids were just the opposite.

I need to go to Target tomorrow. I'll have to see if they still have the strawberry ones.
I LOVE Nilla cookies. I use those for the "crust" of my mini cheesecakes. YUM! I now have to go home and see if I have a box in the pantry.

That's what we did for our wedding reception!!! My sister and I had a double reception, so we wanted to help keep costs down. We made over 500 mini cheesecakes in the weeks leading up to the wedding. We put a Nilla wafer in the bottom of a cupcake liner and then poured the cheesecake filling on top. They were so yummy!
so whats for dinner?

I just put some pork chops in the oven that Jeff had marinating. He has to work late He wont be off till 6 or later. He was going to grill them. I will make macaroni to go with it.
so whats for dinner?

I just put some pork chops in the oven that Jeff had marinating. He has to work late He wont be off till 6 or later. He was going to grill them. I will make macaroni to go with it.

That sounds delicious! Not sure what we're having because we haven't been to the grocery store yet! We had pizza Sunday, rotisserie chicken from Sam's Monday, an Applebee's last night. Maybe DH bought some food while DS was playing with his friends!


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