DDA Chapter 15

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Marci - I am sorry you are having economic problems at your job too. I agree with your assessment that just having a job at this point might be a blessing for many. :hug:

All of this is just heinous, as Kathrin said this morning. She called The Princeton Review back on Tuesday because they had not contacted her about the very promising job. They were extremely apologetic, but said they were so slammed at work that they had just not even had a chance to make a decision. They were to get back to her within a week now. She is hoping, as am I, that the decision goes in her favor. But her real fear at this point is that they will decide that they cannot afford a copywriter at all. :sad2:

She has been trying to apply for unemployment. It is a full time job on its own, apparently. The lines at the office in Boston were around the block and when she calls the number there is a message stating that there is over a 30 minute wait and to try back later. Then the call is disconnected. :eek: She has been calling for 4 days now and cannot get through. It is very sad and scary.

Can she file on line???
She has yet another interview today. She has been on at least 15 in the past month. :sad2:

Hopefully the perfect job is out there just waiting for her :wizard:

That is scary about the unemployment office :scared1:
Janet and Anne Marie - both of your checks came today. Thanks!
I had such a rough night last night sleeping that I was awake most of the night. When it came time to take Leighanna to school, we were almost late because I dozed off. I cam home and slept the rest of the day. Good thing, since I have to work the next 5 nights in a row. Thanksgiving is a busy time for us!
Anyway, I popped on and got another surprise from another MAW family. The mother on this one has given care packages full of "pixie dust" for 32 MAW families traveling to WDW in the last couple of months. So I thought I would make something for the entire family. She likes to match and coordinate with her family.
Anyway here is her post! The kids look so cute and happy! http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=28819025&postcount=181
Have a great day all!
Off to make the donuts!(or buns and rolls in MY case!)
Sophie had a half day so we had lunch at Friendly's, Everyone else from her school had the idea so it was packed. They had no idea about the school schedule so there wasn't enough staff & people we standing at the kitchen door complaining. It was a good learning lesson for Sophie on patience. We must have had good karma for not complaining because we got our food before some who came in before us. No ice cream though as we were there for almost 2 hours! I felt so bad for the lady who was serving the whole place. She was in her 60's-70's & people were not nice to her. I used to waitress so I have alot of respect for that job.

Anyway! I have to go find something for dinner for the kids..I am stuffed.
New from ALLEARS..


Tusker House (Animal Kingdom) Lunch to offer reserved seating for Finding Nemo - The Musical! Beginning December 1st, anyone booked for lunch at Tusker House between 1:00pm and 1:40pm will receive a ticket for reserved seating at the Finding Nemo 3:15pm show. If you are already booked during that time frame you will qualify for the reserved seating ticket. Only reservations between 1:00pm and 1:40pm qualify. One ticker per person dining.
Welcome to the Christmas edition of getting to know your friends. Okay, here's what you're supposed to do, Just copy & change all the answers so that they apply to you.

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? wrapping paper

2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial

3. When do you put up the tree? This year it's going up this weekend or else it'll never get done.

4. When do you take the tree down? Sometime after the first.

5. Do you like eggnog? Yuck! No!

6. Favorite gift received as a child? Maybe my Care Bears?

7. Favorite person to buy for? Bob.

8. Easiest person to buy for? Bob.

9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, but it goes on top of my entertainment center beause the cats can't get to it there.

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail

11. Best Christmas gift you ever received? A winter leather jacket.

12. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? A surround sound system a few years ago. The speakers take up half the living room.

13. Favorite Christmas Movie? A Christmas Story and The Santa Clause.

14. When do you start shopping? Whenever.

15. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yes. :blush:

16. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? I always do a breakfast bake the morning of so I look forward that that every year.

17. Lights on the tree? Multi-color

18. Favorite Christmas song? Anything Gene Autry.

19. Travel at Christmas or stay home? We alternate every year with Bob's family...this year we are home for Christmas.

20. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Yes

21. Angel on the tree top or a star? Angel.

22. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? We open one Christmas Eve - normally something we wear to church (new tie, socks, shoes..etc..) and then everything else Christmas morning.

23. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? I get frustrated with the thought that everyone needs to get something. I'd rather have help washing dishes or bring a dish to pass after a holiday party than get lotions, soaps or finger towels...hopefully that makes sense!

24. Favorite ornament theme or color? Bob's Paddington Bear and my meringue snowflake.

25. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Anything I didn't make myself.

26. What do you want for Christmas this year? I'm going to be selfish and say Iron Chef America for Wii.

27. What does your family do at Christmas for fun? This year I'm trying to get Bob to go to the zoo with me.

28. Do you go to church? Tradition for us is to go to Christmas Eve service.
Welcome to the Christmas edition of getting to know your friends. Okay, here's what you're supposed to do, Just copy & change all the answers so that they apply to you.

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? depends on the gift

2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial

3. When do you put up the tree? depends

4. When do you take the tree down? after Christmas.

5. Do you like eggnog? Yum maybe with a little rum-----even better

6. Favorite gift received as a child? Transistor radio

7. Favorite person to buy for? grandkids

8. Easiest person to buy for? Stephanie

9. Do you have a nativity scene? No

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? neither

11. Best Christmas gift you ever received? picture collage of Disney trip pictures

12. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? vaccumn cleaner

13. Favorite Christmas Movie? A Christmas Story

14. When do you start shopping? Whenever.

15. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yes.

16. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? turkey

17. Lights on the tree? Multi-color

18. Favorite Christmas song? too many to mention

19. Travel at Christmas or stay home? We go to whichever kid's house is having the get together

20. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? no

21. Angel on the tree top or a star? star

22. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Morning

23. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? getting stressed about what gift to give

24. Favorite ornament theme or color? the nyco ornaments I have collected and Disney

25. Favorite for Christmas dinner? turkey, mashed potatos, sweet potatos.

26. What do you want for Christmas this year? another trip to WDW

27. What does your family do at Christmas for fun? eat, eat, eat. play games, watch football, sleep :lmao:

28. Do you go to church? no
Welcome to the Christmas edition of getting to know your friends. Okay, here's what you're supposed to do, Just copy & change all the answers so that they apply to you.

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Both

2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial

3. When do you put up the tree? Depends on my work schedule

4. When do you take the tree down? Depends on my work schedule

5. Do you like eggnog? Yuck! No!

6. Favorite gift received as a child? Velvet, (The doll who had hair that grew)

7. Favorite person to buy for? Brandon

8. Easiest person to buy for? Brandon

9. Do you have a nativity scene? No

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail

11. Best Christmas gift you ever received? Precious Moment

12. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Greek Olives

13. Favorite Christmas Movie? A Christmas Story

14. When do you start shopping? It varies

15. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yes

16. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Stuffing

17. Lights on the tree? White

18. Favorite Christmas song? Merry Christmas Darling by the Carpenters

19. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Stay Home

20. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? If I sing the song

21. Angel on the tree top or a star? Minnie

22. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas Eve, on Christmas morning we go and see what Santa left for our DGS

23. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Rude people!

24. Favorite ornament theme or color? My collection of Disney ornaments in white and gold, I've started collecting the Lenox ones.

25. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Stuffing

26. What do you want for Christmas this year? The new park exclusive Precious Moments, "A magical Moment to Remember"

27. What does your family do at Christmas for fun? We visit with other family members.

28. Do you go to church? We haven't in a while.
Tom no wonder you are so tired, how you find the time to make all those wonderful outfits just amaze me!
I think I have ANOTHER sinus infection. This would be the third one since July. I have had a constant headache for a week now, so I'm going to go to the doctor this afternoon.

I think I've told you all before that Kevin and I never exchange presents for any occasion...we're just always saving for our next Disney trip. Well, I asked for a present this Christmas. I made a deal with him that I would find our laundry room floor, organize all the toys and closets, make a huge donation of various items to the next local charity who calls and asks for them, etc. and I would be rewarded with a cleaning lady!

Our neighbor cleans houses and she's agreed to come over and get down to the nitty-gritty while we're up in Huron for Thanksgiving. I am so excited!

That's exciting. It will be wonderful to come home to a truly clean house :banana:
I agree 100%! Of course, since I have practically clear eyelashes I NEED mascara at all times to not look like a zombie! :rotfl:

Yeah, that's facebook for ya! I swear though, sometimes people click on every single name they see and add them to their friends list, just to get thousands of friends! Personally, I'm in the "removing friends" stage of my facebook relationship :rolleyes: because I am tired of getting updates about people I never talk to anymore! :rolleyes1

I am glad Lucy had a decent night. Thankfully the antibiotics should make her feel better in no time! I hope that's true this time! :goodvibes

I used to swear Tylenol was junk, both as a patient and a nurse, but when it's all you can have while pregnant (and you take it religiously, around the clock, for months :rotfl:) you realize that it works wonders for some pains. I agree with Elizabeth though, that in some situations it's worthless. It really just depends on the type/source of pain.

I hope Noah sleeps better with the Tylenol going forward! My girls have been getting it scheduled since the teething started.

Speaking of teething, someone tell me this -- I hear that the insane crankiness settles down between the first tooth/teeth breaking through and the 2-year molars. If this is true, does it start when the teeth literally "break through", or when they're in and the child has forgotten about them altogether :rolleyes1 Elise's two bottom teeth are totally through, but of course they still have a ways to go before they're finished coming in. Am I making sense? I have what might be the worst teethers on the planet, and I'd love for them to chill out some day! Am I getting close, at least with one of the two?! :rotfl:

My kids weren't cranky when teething, but the kids I babysat were cranky until they finally broke through, after that they were fine.

I just want to share this mini-trip report with you all. This was written by my dear friend, Jenni. She and I met in college, and I was her maid-of-honor many years ago (she and her DH are a Miami Merger, Jen! :) ). They have four beautiful children, Nicholas (8), Connor (6), Lauren (4), and Anna (5 months). They've had a rough year, losing a couple grandparents, work stress, etc. and three days before their WDW trip, their beloved dog died. I prayed for them to have a magical trip, and I'm moved to tears this morning reading the details she sent me late last night. Enjoy! :goodvibes

We got back LATE last night. It was an AMAZING trip and it took our minds off all the sludge of the past year. POR was great. We moved things around in the room and had lots of extra space. Anna slept wonderfully in her bassinet and Lauren slept on the mattress of the pullout bed in between the two other beds. She felt very secure there. We were close to the main building this time and at the first bus stop. The busses were 1000% better this time and we never had any problems.

We spent the first two days at DHS. Both boys were decked out in their Star Wars shirts and ready to go. After studying lots on strategy for the Jedi Training Academy it paid off because both boys got in the same show on the very first try. I thought they were going to bust they were so excited. We had dinner at 50's Prime Time Cafe' and it was soooo awesome. Ths kids loved it and the meatloaf was so yummy. The new Toy Story ride was one of my all time favorites. You will love it. Lauren got to dance in the High School Musical 3 show. The only thing we did not like was the new parade. It was sooo loud and obnoxious. The only real characters in it are the Incredibles. It is more a party than a parade and it is loud! I liked the old parade with all the different characters in it. There is lots of dancing, singing, etc. but moreso from staff than characters and did I mention it is very LOUD! Weather was very hot - mid 80's all day.

The second day was at DHS and we started off with Ohana. We took the monorail over to Grand Floridian and got to see them building the gingerbread house. That was really cool. We then went to DHS. Aside from that, there really were not many Christmas decorations other than the ones at MK. There was a space shuttle launch that night but right as it was supposed to go up it started pouring down raining. We all ran for cover in one of the stores and missed seeing it. Others said you could see it going up for about 10 seconds. Weather was very hot this day too.

We went to AK in the morning on the third day and then to MK that afternoon. We had dinner at LTT. We had excellent service, the food was way too good but the atmosphere was really horrible. There was a dad in there with two little boys that I thought was going to kill them right there in the restaurant. I have no idea where the mom was but this dad was terrible and very loud. The boys just wanted some love and he kept yelling at them and telling them how many toys he was going to take away. The boys were crying through their meal and did not eat which made the dad even more disgusted with them. I kept praying that he would settle down but he kept getting louder and you could almost see steam coming off the top of his head. He seemed like a NY type with a very short fuse and no sense of humor. All of the characters had already been to our table once and were now coming by just for fun. Minnie headed over to us and I gave her a heads up on what was going on at the other table and asked her if maybe she could try to get the kids to stop crying so he would calm down. She did not hesitate and went right over there and grabbed Goofy on the way. Bless their heart they tried to settle the boys down but the dad was not having anything to do with the characters at this point and demanded his check. He immediately paid and took off. I thought of those boys the whole rest of the night and prayed that they were safe. When he walked out of the place the boys were a good 10 feet behind him and he didn't care. I would say they were probably about 3 and 4 years old. I spoke with Minnie's supervisor and told him what a good job she and Goofy did. That was pretty crazy. I kept trying to focus on our kids to make sure they had fun but my heart was breaking for these two little boys behind us. I just wanted to let them join our table for awhile and let the dad regain his composure. We had fun and enjoyed the warm weather that evening.

The next day the cold front hit and for the rest of the trip the highs were in the upper 50's and lows in the 40's. It was cold but lots of fun. We had CRT for lunch the next day and the party that night. Lunch at CRT was fabulous. I had pasta with various squash in it and it was sooo good. We then headed over to where Pirates of the Caribbean was. This was really where the amazing part of our trip accelerated. I went up to one of the character handlers to ask where the Captain Jack Sparrow Pirate Tutorial was. The lady showed me and then told me that a bunch of characters were about to come out. She mentioned Peter Pan and escorted us over to where he was going to be. We have been trying to see him for 3 years now and have only seen him in the parade so we were all very excited. We see him and then head over to where the tutorial show is supposed to be. Dave and I start talking with another character handler for about 20 minutes. This guy was so nice and kept making googly eyes at Anna while talking to the boys about pirates. Both boys had POTC shirts on so they were all set to go. He told them exactly where to stand to have a good shot at getting picked. I had been researching how to go about seeing Tinkerbell each night when we got back and had pretty much given up the prospect of that happening because the wait times were off the chart. I asked him if he had any tips on when to try to see her - he says "meet me outside the tent around 7:00 tonight". Dave and I both kind of thought to ourselves, "yeah right". He tells us to make sure we see the castle lighting show and then come and meet him over there. OK so the pirate show starts and he tips off Mack to make sure to pick both boys. They both get picked! I could not believe it! Connor got to fight Mack and then at the end Nicholas got to duel Captain Jack. It was amazing! After the show was over the character guy sent Mack out to sign the boy's autograph book (he refused everyone else) on his way to another area. It was crazy. So we saw the castle lighting and grabbed dinner. Around 7 we wandered over to the Judge's Tent and the same man comes up to us, tells us he was waiting for us to come, and tells us to follow him. We had no idea where we were going but we followed. The next thing we know, we are in a side hallway to the Fairies and another man comes around the corner. He then leads us right into the room with Tinkerbell and the Fairies - no line waiting or nothing! I could not believe it - Lauren's eyes were the size of watermellons. We got to spend a huge amount of time with each fairy. It was incredible. Then as we were walking out he asked us if we wanted to see the princesses too. Since we had just been at CRT, we had that covered but I could not believe how kind he was. We went and enjoyed the rest of the party. Amazing fireworks and the parade was simply something that will never be topped. Seeing the toy soldiers and hearing their feet was no doubt one of my favorite parts. The hot chocolate was soooo yummy since it was sooo cold. We had a blast!.

The next day was cold again but who cares. We headed back to MK and we finally got to see Daisy Duck! We had never been able to get her either and we finally got her. We hit a bunch of stuff we had not seen yet and had lunch at the Plaza. I am embarrassed to know the caloric intake of this trip as every single meal was scrumptious! That night was extra magic hours and well, since our kids had been up til midnight the night before, why not??? The boys went off to do some thrill rides while Lauren and Anna and I took part in the calmer Peter Pan type rides. It was getting to be close to the end and we got on Dumbo. I look over and see that Donald is next to the ride. Lauren really wanted to see him so we got off and managed to be the last ones to visit. We then went over by the castle because Mickey and Minnie had been there earlier. They had taken their last family and were walking toward the carousel. I looked up and saw that Pluto was getting on the carousel and hoofed it over to the carousel. I quickly moved Lauren through the line and got her on because I could see Mickey and Minnie coming to the carousel out of the corner of my eye. A few seconds later Mickey and Minnie got on the carousel as well. Soon after that Goofy came on. And a few seconds later Dale sat in a seat ride right in front of Lauren. She and Anna and I got to ride with all those characters. It was like we were in a commercial or something. I couldn't believe it. The boys were so jealous when they found out.

The last day was very cold. They were saying temps would be down in the 20's that night. I think we might be the only people that could have pulled off going to FL the one week when the temps were nearly the same as they were in OH going into winter. We packed up everything and had enough time to run into MK, grab a few keepsakes and get Fairy Godmother's autograph. Nicholas was in tears as we were leaving he had soooo much fun.

We got to the airport ok. I do have to say that I think TSA in Orlando have to be the rudest people in the industry. I won't bother going into all of that but I about wanted to boot them by the time we got through security. Our flights were great. Anna was unbelievable. She sucked on her thumb and slept most of all the flights. We had to fly into Atlanta and change concourses both ways so that was a bit stressful but all the kids did great. I think she is thankful to be home and back to a little more quiet. She really did amazing. Lauren was very funny - she decided that she was scared of everything and only wanted to see characters. She did not want to see Voyage of the Little Mermaid because of Flotsam and Jetsum. She was worried about Pooh's Honeypots because of crashing into the doors. It was a bit bizarre but once she got on the ride, she was fine. We did think of you everytime we saw Genie or the gang from Aladdin. I loved your pictures!!!

That's wonderful. I'm glad that they had at least a brief period of happiness in their crazy year

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Both

2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial

3. When do you put up the tree? Whenever I can find time after Halloween

4. When do you take the tree down? Whenever I find time after New Years
5. Do you like eggnog? The vanilla and sugar cookie isn't too bad

6. Favorite gift received as a child? Mrs. Beasley Doll

7. Favorite person to buy for? the kids

8. Easiest person to buy for? The kids

9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail

11. Best Christmas gift you ever received? Laptop

12. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Clothes that were ugly and many sizes too big.

13. Favorite Christmas Movie? Cartoon is Frosty Movie: Home Alone

14. When do you start shopping? January 2nd :rotfl:

15. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Hell yeah

16. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Desserts

17. Lights on the tree? White or Multicolor as long as there are a lot

18. Favorite Christmas song? Silent Night or Jingle Bell Rock

19. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Home

20. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Yes

21. Angel on the tree top or a star? Star

22. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Both

23. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Stress

24. Favorite ornament theme or color? One tree is entirely homemade the other will be Disney

25. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Ham

26. What do you want for Christmas this year? Health and Financial Stability

27. What does your family do at Christmas for fun? Get together with extended family

28. Do you go to church? No

Does anyone have a suggestion on a book on parenting a tween?:rolleyes1

I am not kidding, I need help. The way I was brought up does not seem to work during these times & since my mom did not raise me I have no guidance. Thanks.

I have not heard of a book. I just try to keep in mind that I need to be the parent and set the rules and make sure they are followed. I cannot be a friend and the parent. I know that times can be rocky as we want to be friends with out kids, but once they've grown they will understand and appreciate the b*tch that I can be if needed.

I had such a rough night last night sleeping that I was awake most of the night. When it came time to take Leighanna to school, we were almost late because I dozed off. I cam home and slept the rest of the day. Good thing, since I have to work the next 5 nights in a row. Thanksgiving is a busy time for us!
Anyway, I popped on and got another surprise from another MAW family. The mother on this one has given care packages full of "pixie dust" for 32 MAW families traveling to WDW in the last couple of months. So I thought I would make something for the entire family. She likes to match and coordinate with her family.
Anyway here is her post! The kids look so cute and happy! http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=28819025&postcount=181
Have a great day all!
Off to make the donuts!(or buns and rolls in MY case!)

I bow to you yet again.
I have not heard of a book. I just try to keep in mind that I need to be the parent and set the rules and make sure they are followed. I cannot be a friend and the parent. I know that times can be rocky as we want to be friends with out kids, but once they've grown they will understand and appreciate the b*tch that I can be if needed.

I agree..my kids know I am not their friend. (I hope to be when they are grown). I was raised with great respect for my Uncle & Grandmother.
Welcome to the Christmas edition of getting to know your friends. Okay, here's what you're supposed to do, Just copy & change all the answers so that they apply to you.

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Love wrapped presents but hate to wrap!

2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial

3. When do you put up the tree? Usually the 1st weekend in Dec. This year I am thinking it may not ever get done.

4. When do you take the tree down? When I've had enough of yelling at the daycare kiddos to stop touching it!

5. Do you like eggnog? Yep, the spiked version only though!

6. Favorite gift received as a child? My Cabbage Patch

7. Favorite person to buy for? The girls

8. Easiest person to buy for? Eric, because we don't exchange gifts!!

9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail

11. Best Christmas gift you ever received? Molly crawling for the first time on Christmas morning.

12. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Post it notes

13. Favorite Christmas Movie? Charlie Brown Christmas

14. When do you start shopping? When I have money

15. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yes

16. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Cookies

17. Lights on the tree? White

18. Favorite Christmas song? Silent Night

19. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Stay Home

20. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Yes

21. Angel on the tree top or a star? Snow White

22. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Morning

23. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Not enough time to do all the fun stuff and remain relaxed

24. Favorite ornament theme or color? A little of this and a little of that with popcorn garland.

25. Favorite for Christmas dinner? My Grama's ham loaf and my Nan Nan's egg omelet

26. What do you want for Christmas this year? Peace

27. What does your family do at Christmas for fun? Decorate gingerbread houses, watch Christmas movies and visit with our friends and family.

28. Do you go to church? Yes
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