DDA Chapter 15

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I need to get moving, too. For only the second time since Noah was born, I failed to get a shower in yesterday, so it was imperative today! :rotfl:

Have a great day, DDA! :wave2:
Tom- You are one special person. :goodvibes

Becky- Lots of :wizard: and some for your mom too, :wizard:

Theresa- I vote for the all black one as well.

Vicki- Wow!!!

Deb- I hope you pass "Whiz Quiz"!! Have fun with Colby.

Debbie- Ack, 3:34am, that is entirely too early to be up. I hope work is a little less crazy now that you've been back a few days.

Mac- Please forgive me, I hope that the conversation you had the other lead to bigger and better things for you on both fronts!:wizard:

Great post, so I am going to say ditto! Thanks Robyn :goodvibes
Robyn I am glad Lucy slept well last night, I hope she continues to feel better :wizard:

Amy how cool getting a cleaning lady for a day :cool1: Glad to hear Noah slept good for you last night! Hope you can find some relief from your headaches :wizard:

Jennifer I can't believe your babies are cutting teeth already, seems like they were just born!

Glynis I hope all is well with you & peanut, it will not be to much longer!
I think I have ANOTHER sinus infection. This would be the third one since July. I have had a constant headache for a week now, so I'm going to go to the doctor this afternoon.

I think I've told you all before that Kevin and I never exchange presents for any occasion...we're just always saving for our next Disney trip. Well, I asked for a present this Christmas. I made a deal with him that I would find our laundry room floor, organize all the toys and closets, make a huge donation of various items to the next local charity who calls and asks for them, etc. and I would be rewarded with a cleaning lady!

Our neighbor cleans houses and she's agreed to come over and get down to the nitty-gritty while we're up in Huron for Thanksgiving. I am so excited!
Merry Christmas to Amy! You will love her! My cleaning lady was the best birthday present I ever got. Just remember, her cleaning may not be as spotless or as perfect as you would like, but the carpets are vacuumed, the furniture is dusted and the bathrooms are shiny.
Jennifer - I hope the teething settles down for you.
Two teeth for Elise...yay! Now that they've cut through, she should calm down a bit, but in my experience, it starts all over again with the onset of more teeth cutting through the gums, especially when they are teething so young. Hang in there!

Do you have a chart of the proper dose I should be giving Noah. I'm afraid of over-medicating him. How often are you giving the girls Tylenol?

I should clarify, it's just a one-time thing, but it's the best present

And yes, I always finish up my z-packs! I'm the daughter of a nurse, and a good patient, thank you. ;)

This headache thing is a new version of a sinus infection that debuted right before Noah was born. I thought it was pregnancy-related, but then he was out, and my head was hurting worse than ever. I walked into the doctor's office and she knew right away the left side of my head was throbbing. I need to look into sinus irrigation or one of those breathing pots or something. I'm getting old. :teeth:

Now THAT I could definitely go for! I have this list of tasks I do each week on my calendar (once an exec, always....? :rotfl:) and it's pretty much everything, but I still feel like it's never cleaned to my standards when I have to keep coming back to the same thing a hundred times before it's "done" :rotfl:

I'm sorry it looks like you have sinus "issues" instead of just an infection here or there! :hug:

As for Noah's tylenol, I'm glad you're afraid of overdosing him! Too many people think Tylenol is harmless, when it's in fact one of the worst things to give too much of! At this age it's best to dose by weight. For kids, you can give 10-15mg/kg at each dose. He's 14 pounds you said? So I would give between 60 and 90mg (0.6-0.9mL of the INFANT stuff) at a time. Do you only have the dropper that comes in it? I can give you syringes the next time that measures by 0.1mL (actually more specific if you'd like to get right down to 0.63mL or whatever ;)).... I use those instead because otherwise it's too hard to guess how much to give when the only options on their dropper are 40mg and 80mg. Does that make any sense?

As for timing, you really can give it every 4-6 hours, without exceeding 4 doses in a 24 hour period (so obviously not every 4 around the clock). I usually try to wait 6, but if they're acting like they're uncomfortable I will defintiely redose the girls at 4 hours. They don't really get it around the clock (maybe once at night, at best, after they're down) so for us I never run into any more than 3, maybe 4 opportunities that they need it.

Sorry for the rant..... hope it's helpful! :) And let me know if you'd like the syringes, I have dozens of them becuase they're the same that I used for allergy shots (with the needle removed, obviously :eek:)

ETA: I had to ask about the antibiotics, you know! Literally EVERY time lately that Kyle has been on clinic call (returning calls from home, a few times per month) he gets a call from someone whose "sinus infection came back, but worse".... and they took like 2 pills and stopped when they felt better! ;)
I think that the worst part of teething is them working their way through the gum. Once it's broke through there should be relief. My girls never really were bothered with teething. Lucy was the worst of the 3 of them but those teething tablets worked wonders! Mo always ended up with an ear infection but she never cried. One of the little girls I used watch, I swear, starting teething the minute she was born. Her first tooth came in at 3 months and all she did was cry from the moment she was born. I hope the girls can settle down a bit.

I need to get myself showered. I wasted enough time already.

My girls started, oh, right about the time they got over the colic and feeding issues! :rotfl:

They're pretty cranky, but Tylenol does seem to help with the discomfort. The worst is definitely their wakefulness, though. They cry in their sleep something awful, which - in addition to meaning I'm up every hour again, even though they're "sleeping" all night - is just heart breaking!

The teething tablets don't seem to help at all, though I've heard great things about them. My girls just spit them out -- "dissolve quickly" my butt! Not nearly as quickly as my girls' crazy tongues move! :rolleyes:
Welcome to the Christmas edition of getting to know your friends. Okay, here's what you're supposed to do, Just copy & change all the answers so that they apply to you.

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Both

2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial

3. When do you put up the tree? Day after Thanksgiving

4. When do you take the tree down? January 6

5. Do you like eggnog? Yuck! No!

6. Favorite gift received as a child? Barbie wedding set

7. Favorite person to buy for? Daniel. He is very grateful.

8. Easiest person to buy for? My neices & nephews

9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail

11. Best Christmas gift you ever received? A pair of Mickey earring hidden in a box of Godiva truflles. Surprise from Dana

12. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I pottery set for my daughter. It looked unsafe so when we tried to return it they told us it was a free item that they got with a purchase & therefore not returnable since it was $0. Nice.

13. Favorite Christmas Movie? It's a Wonderful Life

14. When do you start shopping? October

15. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Nope

16. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Chocolate

17. Lights on the tree? Multi-color

18. Favorite Christmas song? Little Drummer Boy (Bing Crosby & David Bowie)

19. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Home

20. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Yes

21. Angel on the tree top or a star? Star

22. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning.

23. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Traveling

24. Favorite ornament theme or color? Waterford crystal "Our 1st Christmas together"

25. Favorite for Christmas dinner? MIL's pork dish

26. What do you want for Christmas this year? Peace. Good health.

27. What does your family do at Christmas for fun? See the tree at Rockefeller Center

28. Do you go to church? Yes
I'm sorry, could you let them chew on cold, wet washcloth? Lucy loved that a lot.

Question for you, it seems Lucy's ear drum burst, there is nothing that I can do, right? There was yucky stuff all crusted over her ear and her crib. Since the dr's not open yet I figured I'd asked you!

My girls started, oh, right about the time they got over the colic and feeding issues! :rotfl:

They're pretty cranky, but Tylenol does seem to help with the discomfort. The worst is definitely their wakefulness, though. They cry in their sleep something awful, which - in addition to meaning I'm up every hour again, even though they're "sleeping" all night - is just heart breaking!

The teething tablets don't seem to help at all, though I've heard great things about them. My girls just spit them out -- "dissolve quickly" my butt! Not nearly as quickly as my girls' crazy tongues move! :rolleyes:
The ornament I ordered is out for delivery, so someone will be getting a visit from the UPS man today.
Wow! Some pretty lady pictures posted!:goodvibes

I just read something that made my day.
I participate in the Make a Wish Big Give. I made a Christmas set for a little girl and her Mom loved it. I was moved to tears.
She posted it in her trip report here.

Tom, you are a treasure! :goodvibes

that's what I gotta do tonight....try out my new makeup...so I look like I know what I am doing tomorrow when I put it on for the interview.

After telling me I get to put another mailing together before I go, Richard offered a letter of recommendation. Makes me wonder what SPRC told him last night. :rolleyes1 The staff is taking me out to lunch on Monday...they weren't given a choice from what I can tell:rotfl: Between now and when I leave I won't go hungry....3 out to lunch dates and 2 in house lunches (if I decide to eat Pow Wow food tomorrow again)

Mmmm! Lunch! I like the solid black dress, too!

Elizabeth -- look for the boxtops! :rotfl2:

never mind.... ignore the post above. :rolleyes1

Thanks, Elin!! :)

I heard sometime after the first of the year. But the construction doesn't look like it is coming along very fast, does it? I wonder if things are slowing down because of the economy??

You know, the strip center next to us dug up part of their parking lot and built a little building. They worked on it every single day, even planted some little plants around the outside, then everything just stopped. You can see through the windows that they haven't finished the interior - there is no sheetrock inside. Well, that building was custom built for something but now they have stopped working on it and there are big "For Lease" signs in the windows. It is a some sort of little coffee shop or donut shop or something. There is a walk up window on one side and a drive-thru on the other side but no door, so all of the customers have to stay outside. We were going nuts trying to figure out what it was going to be, but now it may not be anything!

I think I have ANOTHER sinus infection. This would be the third one since July. I have had a constant headache for a week now, so I'm going to go to the doctor this afternoon.

I think I've told you all before that Kevin and I never exchange presents for any occasion...we're just always saving for our next Disney trip. Well, I asked for a present this Christmas. I made a deal with him that I would find our laundry room floor, organize all the toys and closets, make a huge donation of various items to the next local charity who calls and asks for them, etc. and I would be rewarded with a cleaning lady!

Our neighbor cleans houses and she's agreed to come over and get down to the nitty-gritty while we're up in Huron for Thanksgiving. I am so excited!

Yay for a cleaning lady!! :banana:
One of the moms I know had constant headaches, and it turned out she had a benign tumor in her sinus. Definitely have that checked out!

I'm sorry, could you let them chew on cold, wet washcloth? Lucy loved that a lot.

Question for you, it seems Lucy's ear drum burst, there is nothing that I can do, right? There was yucky stuff all crusted over her ear and her crib. Since the dr's not open yet I figured I'd asked you!

Nope, nothing you can do. She will probably feel much better now! :hug:
Welcome to the Christmas edition of getting to know your friends. Okay, here's what you're supposed to do, Just copy or forward this email. Change all the answers so that they apply to you.

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping Paper, except for a few gifts for acquaintances (ie previously co-workers, etc), exchanges...

2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial (x a few :blush:)

3. When do you put up the tree? The weekend after my birthday, so between Nov 15-21, usually

4. When do you take the tree down? The Saturday after NYD

5. Do you like eggnog? Yuck! No! (I second this!)

6. Favorite gift received as a child? Hmm.... I'm not sure. I still have a few things, but maybe a special Christmas book I received when I was about 15, because I had totally destroyed the same I had had since infancy. (I still own both, and purchased 2 copies for my girls this year!)

7. Favorite person to buy for? My sister, becuase she doesn't have or ever expect much.

8. Easiest person to buy for? My girls, now!

9. Do you have a nativity scene? Several, although I'm still looking for the perfect one for under the tree.

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail

11. Best Christmas gift you ever received? (I remember that, Anne Marie! :goodvibes ) I assume you're looking for something more material than cheesy answers like "babies" or "my husband"? :rolleyes1 :teeth: I would say.... I have no idea. I've sat here thinking for several minutes. I think I need to get on Kyle! ;) :rotfl:

12. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Oh... why is this one easier? :blush: Probably this ridiculously huge, ugly cutting board. It would take up my entire countertop, and I didn't even need a cutting board. My MIL just liked it and "didn't want one for herself". Huh? :rotfl:

13. Favorite Christmas Movie? ooh.... so many good ones! I will have to go with A Charlie Brown Christmas :lovestruc

14. When do you start shopping? Throughout the year

15. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? For "exchanges/games", yes. And for White Elephant gifts, of course! :teeth:

16. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Wassail (to drink, obviously!)

17. Lights on the tree? White

18. Favorite Christmas song? These questions are too hard! For today, "The Gift" by Aselin Debison.

19. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Home

20. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Yes

21. Angel on the tree top or a star? Star (sort of), Bow "topper" and Tacky Crown (on the little princess tree :blush:))

22. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning.

23. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Stupid Drivers and crowds!

24. Favorite ornament theme or color? Snowmen, and now the WDW resort ornaments

25. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Ham? We always have it, but I'd love a roast instead this year, I think! :thumbsup2 Or steak.... :idea:

26. What do you want for Christmas this year? Kyle home with us.

27. What does your family do at Christmas for fun? As much as possible! We have a list of festivities -- tree lightings, light displays, balloon glow, live nativities, shows/concerts, etc. We never have time to cram it in!

(So now do you understand why I "have to" get the gifts done so early?! :blush:)

28. Do you go to church? Absolutely
Here are mine

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? For Christmas, paper only.

2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial

3. When do you put up the tree? Whenever I can find the time.

4. When do you take the tree down? The weekend after New Years.

5. Do you like eggnog? Yes, especially with the Captain (spiced rum)!

6. Favorite gift received as a child? Barbie Jet Plane

7. Favorite person to buy for? My kids of course.

8. Easiest person to buy for? Kids again.

9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail

11. Best Christmas gift you ever received? A sweatshirt with Nicholas' handprints, the first Christmas after becoming a mom.

12. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? PDA

13. Favorite Christmas Movie? The Polar Express

14. When do you start shopping? November

15. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yes, that's what XHs are for, right? :thumbsup2

16. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Cookies

17. Lights on the tree? White

18. Favorite Christmas song? O Come All Ye, Faithful

19. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Home

20. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Yes

21. Angel on the tree top or a star? Angel

22. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning.

23. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? The cold!

24. Favorite ornament theme or color? Everytime I travel I pick up and ornament, so I have a collection of 'vacation ornaments' and when we decorate we go down memory lane

25. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Turkey, again.

26. What do you want for Christmas this year? For XH to not be a thorn in my side.

27. What does your family do at Christmas for fun? Go to Disney World!

28. Do you go to church? Yes
I'm sorry, could you let them chew on cold, wet washcloth? Lucy loved that a lot.

Question for you, it seems Lucy's ear drum burst, there is nothing that I can do, right? There was yucky stuff all crusted over her ear and her crib. Since the dr's not open yet I figured I'd asked you!

:rotfl: I'm FAR from a good substitute for that!

Generally though, if the eardrum bursts, you're right -- there's not much to do. Most of the time the child should feel much better after (!) even though it looks terrible, and it should heal just fine on it's own. The doctor might want to see her in a little while to make sure it's clearing up, but I doubt it since she's already on antibiotics. If it wasn't healing on it's own, that's usually what they would prescribe anyway.
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