DDA Chapter 24

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Deb sending lots of hugs your way :hug::hug::hug:

Theresa good luck today :wizard:

Heidi glad your arm is feeling better.

Robyn nice to see you here.

Amy I hope things slow down a little for you. Do you keep energy bottled up somewhere lol

Thanks for the pm Becky!

Happy Birthday Nicholas!


Thanks Janet.

I need your address too please.
So far 9 DDA have sent me their address. I don't care if you don't send Christmas cards, I do, so please pm the address.

I will be filling out cards and mailing on Friday to thoes who I have an address for.
Heidi - did you still need something from WDW?
I feel so confused and frustrated. My SIL has been talking to everyone and of course everyone has an opinion as to how to treat Hunter. Tonight she sent me a bunch of links to Childrens hospital at Boston. I'm sure that they have a good program, but I think that staying close to home, having lots of support and having a good surgeon are all important too. How do I know if I'm making the best decision for my son?

You know you are making the right decision because you are his parent and you know what is best for your family. The write-up on the surgeon sounds fantastic! Stay close to home where your friends and family can help, and where you can get away to "home" to escape the hospital from time to time. As someone who spent almost 4 months in the hospital with her Mom, home with my family is where my sanity was. :hug:

Becky -- thanks for the link!

Tammi -- Happy Birthday to Nicholas! I can't believe that Andrew is 14 today.

It's a melancholy type of day. Cold, rainy and birthdays always make me miss loved ones more, but just writing it out is therapy! Jake has art after school and Andrew has a basketball game. I'm finally finished decorating -- only half as much as normal, but that's all my shoulder will allow. It's still a lot for most people so I won't complain. I'm glad that's over. Now to do some wrapping before house guests make it in this weekend for the Texas/Nebraska game, as they are staying in the room I pile gifts in. Oh yeah, there's also Andrew's basketball game tomorrow (and Jake's band), as he was picked to be on the traveling squad, his birthday party Friday afternoon, and Jake's soccer tournament this weekend which they STILL haven't given us the schedule for. (and a parade Jake is supposed to be involved in and his best friend's birthday party) It's a good thing I normally have low blood pressure... :)
Morning, everyone! Thanks for the PM, Becky!

I came over here last night, and tried to reply to Deb, but by the time I tried posting, the boards were down. Oh well. I needed to get to bed early, anyway!

Deb - you've gotten loads of good advice from everyone here. I'm sorry your SIL is making you second guess your decision. Trust yourself, and the doctors! Know that the entire DDA is praying for you, Hunter and Chris.

Robyn - Good to see you here! I've missed you posting here, but have been keeping up with you via facebook. Tell Emma happy belated birthday from me!

Tammi - Happy Birthday to Nicholas! I'm so jealous that you can bring homemade cupcakes to school. Nothing homemade for us.

Heidi - I'm so sorry you hurt your arm! Rest it up and take care, ok???

Mary's eczema seems to be doing much better. She's not as red and inflamed as she was 2 days ago. I think the prednisone is working! The doctor told me to watch for any erratic changes in her behavior, as it sometimes makes kids irrationally angry. Well, we saw that last night. Mary is usually so easy going, but something Jacob did really pushed her button, and Evil Mary came out to play. It was not pretty, and I had to remove her from the family for a while so she could calm down. I explained that the medicine she's taking might make her feel angry, and when she gets that way to call me immediately. I almost feel like I should let her teacher know at school, in case something happens. What do y'all think?

Today, I'm going to pick up Alan's Christmas present: a new suit! Huge sale at Macy's the day before Thanksgiving, and dad and I couldn't resist! Then, I'm heading over to my sister's house, to choose a picture of the kids from Disneyland to have framed for my Dad's Christmas present. I'm also delivering Christmas presents to her kids from mine. I need to wrap a few more presents here, as I'm running out of hiding places, and need the few I still have for Santa presents. I never did get to make cinnamon rolls yesterday, so I'm going to try that again today. Wish me luck!
Mary's eczema seems to be doing much better. She's not as red and inflamed as she was 2 days ago. I think the prednisone is working! The doctor told me to watch for any erratic changes in her behavior, as it sometimes makes kids irrationally angry. Well, we saw that last night. Mary is usually so easy going, but something Jacob did really pushed her button, and Evil Mary came out to play. It was not pretty, and I had to remove her from the family for a while so she could calm down. I explained that the medicine she's taking might make her feel angry, and when she gets that way to call me immediately. I almost feel like I should let her teacher know at school, in case something happens. What do y'all think?
Oh yes. I forgot to mention the moodiness when I warned you of the appetite changes. The prednisone made me VERY moody. More than usual. :rolleyes: I would definitely send a note to her teacher explaining it. Poor girl.
Morning, everyone! Thanks for the PM, Becky!

I came over here last night, and tried to reply to Deb, but by the time I tried posting, the boards were down. Oh well. I needed to get to bed early, anyway!

Deb - you've gotten loads of good advice from everyone here. I'm sorry your SIL is making you second guess your decision. Trust yourself, and the doctors! Know that the entire DDA is praying for you, Hunter and Chris.

Robyn - Good to see you here! I've missed you posting here, but have been keeping up with you via facebook. Tell Emma happy belated birthday from me!

Tammi - Happy Birthday to Nicholas! I'm so jealous that you can bring homemade cupcakes to school. Nothing homemade for us.

Heidi - I'm so sorry you hurt your arm! Rest it up and take care, ok???

Mary's eczema seems to be doing much better. She's not as red and inflamed as she was 2 days ago. I think the prednisone is working! The doctor told me to watch for any erratic changes in her behavior, as it sometimes makes kids irrationally angry. Well, we saw that last night. Mary is usually so easy going, but something Jacob did really pushed her button, and Evil Mary came out to play. It was not pretty, and I had to remove her from the family for a while so she could calm down. I explained that the medicine she's taking might make her feel angry, and when she gets that way to call me immediately. I almost feel like I should let her teacher know at school, in case something happens. What do y'all think?

Today, I'm going to pick up Alan's Christmas present: a new suit! Huge sale at Macy's the day before Thanksgiving, and dad and I couldn't resist! Then, I'm heading over to my sister's house, to choose a picture of the kids from Disneyland to have framed for my Dad's Christmas present. I'm also delivering Christmas presents to her kids from mine. I need to wrap a few more presents here, as I'm running out of hiding places, and need the few I still have for Santa presents. I never did get to make cinnamon rolls yesterday, so I'm going to try that again today. Wish me luck!

Glynis -- I'm glad it is a little better. Jake has a similar problem, and once we started using a special shampoo, soap and lotion, it has helped a lot! Once you get to the next phase with the topical cream, if you are vigilant about using it every time it gets worse, she should do well. Good luck!
Thanks, Robyn. Good to see you around!

NOW WE HAVE BIG FAT SNOWFLAKES COMING DOWN! Andrew is so excited. We won't have any accumulation is what they said, but it's amazing how something we see so rarely can improve the mood over that stinking rain we had earlier. (Now, if we had 6 inches I might feel differently!)
You know you are making the right decision because you are his parent and you know what is best for your family. The write-up on the surgeon sounds fantastic! Stay close to home where your friends and family can help, and where you can get away to "home" to escape the hospital from time to time. As someone who spent almost 4 months in the hospital with her Mom, home with my family is where my sanity was. :hug:

Becky -- thanks for the link!

Tammi -- Happy Birthday to Nicholas! I can't believe that Andrew is 14 today.

It's a melancholy type of day. Cold, rainy and birthdays always make me miss loved ones more, but just writing it out is therapy! Jake has art after school and Andrew has a basketball game. I'm finally finished decorating -- only half as much as normal, but that's all my shoulder will allow. It's still a lot for most people so I won't complain. I'm glad that's over. Now to do some wrapping before house guests make it in this weekend for the Texas/Nebraska game, as they are staying in the room I pile gifts in. Oh yeah, there's also Andrew's basketball game tomorrow (and Jake's band), as he was picked to be on the traveling squad, his birthday party Friday afternoon, and Jake's soccer tournament this weekend which they STILL haven't given us the schedule for. (and a parade Jake is supposed to be involved in and his best friend's birthday party) It's a good thing I normally have low blood pressure... :)

Just had to reply about the Texas/Nebraska game...my son is on the Texas football team. So I'll be watching it with you! :goodvibes
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