DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Well Star Wars rocked! I might go see it again with my brother, just to let it all soak in ^_^.

I still have to work next week, but i'm off 5 days over New Years so looking forward to that! It will be some time well spent with my Son, I feel ilke I don't see him that much with work anymore
Happy Friday. Still need to do some last minute shopping, but mostly done for the year. I ate cookies today -all day - except when I was playing tennis.

The holidays are a strange time around the house. The wife and I agreed this past summer to hit Disney World in 2020 and then try to get her home to Ireland later in the year if we could swing 2 trips in 2020. She waited until Monday to change her mind to Ireland only. Thankfully I’d only booked our DVC space and hadn’t yet bought park tickets or airfare. On the flip side, the time to have the discussion was when I brought in up in June rather than now. Just got to dispose of 59 points we banked from 2018 ...

At least I’m off next week!

Ireland sounds great. I have two trips booked to WDW next year, to save all that money from the APs we are buying. Still haven't figured out how to pay for those trips

That sucks about the travel voucher. Sorry, dude. Nice about the TV, but is it still young enough to be able to accept the download of apps?

Thanks. I can cover the $. Just not the carp from a bad place to work. As for the TV, it's 10 years old, but has the hdmi connection and the firestick works great. Just what I needed - a tv in the bedroom.
missed the new job thing Jeff, same company?

My Dad spent close to 25 years working the night shift. It certainly created a different dynamic at home. He did get to spend his last 15 years before retirement on the day shift so that was good for him.
Yes I’m with the same company. Short story is the company has too much red ink and there were massive layoffs. I was very nervous for a while but got saved in the 11Th hour. It’s just a radical change compared to working office hours. I’ll do night shifts for two weeks, then a week off, then day shift two weeks, week off, and repeat. Not pretty but it keeps food on the table and I still get to go home after 12 hours as opposed to guys stuck on oil rigs.

I'm almost 50 and will have to settle down at some point and decide what I want to be when I grow up. :teeth:
I’m still trying to figure that out.

recall you used to work several weeks traveling / out of the country then a few weeks at home, and repeat
Yes it did the overseas thing for 10 years. Common in the oil business. And before that I was working offshore on a rig 3 weeks at a time. So even though this new shift work will take some getting used to, it could be worse. And I’ve done worse. Sitting in hotel room in Aberdeen alone for Christmas Day was probably the lowest point of any holiday celebration I’ve done.
Yes I’m with the same company. Short story is the company has too much red ink and there were massive layoffs. I was very nervous for a while but got saved in the 11Th hour. It’s just a radical change compared to working office hours. I’ll do night shifts for two weeks, then a week off, then day shift two weeks, week off, and repeat. Not pretty but it keeps food on the table and I still get to go home after 12 hours as opposed to guys stuck on oil rigs.

Glad that you are still working. The alternating between days and nights would be very difficult though.
Morning all. Stayed home from pickleball to watch Man City vs Leicester City and eat even more glorious sugar filled carbs. Once you get out of keto, those food cravings strike back with a vengeance. Time to restart.

I enjoy the holidays for the most part, but have always had to deal with the dysfunction of relatives. As a kid, I remember my dad and grandfather got in a fight and my dad threw him out of the house one year. I guess they say it gets better with each passing generation. So, while no fisticuffs on my part, I still dread the freeloaders and moochers. I know that's the reason for the extra food.

Yes I’m with the same company. Short story is the company has too much red ink and there were massive layoffs. I was very nervous for a while but got saved in the 11Th hour. It’s just a radical change compared to working office hours. I’ll do night shifts for two weeks, then a week off, then day shift two weeks, week off, and repeat. Not pretty but it keeps food on the table and I still get to go home after 12 hours as opposed to guys stuck on oil rigs.

My FIL did the alternating shift thing and he struggled. Still, he made it 40 years and retired with his pension, while he shoed horses on his days off from work. Good luck.
COOKIE DAY! Everyone in the family, and their sister will be here making cookies. My job is "removing" all broken and rejects cookies! 😉

Merry Christmas Brothers and Go Ravens!
Image result for you can do it gif
Happy Sunday. Tennis today. Enjoying Chelsea beat 007's Spurs right now and Jackson and the Ravens later.

About to head out to my folks in Southern California at oh dark early tomorrow. Have a Merry Christmas everyone! Stay safe, safe travels, and enjoy the week!

Safe travels.

COOKIE DAY! Everyone in the family, and their sister will be here making cookies. My job is "removing" all broken and rejects cookies! 😉

Merry Christmas Brothers and Go Ravens!

Make sure you do a good job Randall. No broken cookies are acceptable, so inspect all of them closely. :lmao:
Afternoon, fellas.
Been very busy last little bit. Mostly baking and decorating and even managed to squeeze a brunch in there at my cousins.
All in all... been hectic. Every year I say "next year will be different! I'll start earlier!"... never seems to happen, though.
Still... it's a good busy.
We are baking Christmas cookies tomorrow, I'm quite excited! My son is just past two now, and getting to be a lot of fun to play with and be around. I didn't mind him as a baby, but as a Dad this stage is definitely a lot more fun
Happy Christmas Eve Eve. Knee hurt again yesterday at tennis and brought the crutches and hydrocodone back out. But, had to go load tables and chairs for the 40+ outlaws arriving tomorrow. Hopefully, the pain will be gone before they arrive. If not, I'm mixing booze and alcohol tomorrow for a great time.

The rejects were low, but an unusual amount of broken cookies were successfully removed... :lmao:

Great job. We were all counting on you.


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