DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Morning All from a windy Fredericton NB.

Another day in the office getting ready for our annual sport awards. Trying to write the bios for the program but I tend to get stuck trying to keep each a bit different. Spending part of the day watching this live stream from the Project Play Summit.


This one day summit on youth sport takes place every year in Washington DC, I would love to get there one year soon. Two of their main speakers today are Kobe Bryant and Tony Hawk.

Have a good one all.

Here is the latest posing from the Pirate Queen...

See this Instagram video by @andriana_marine: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo-iUyNBMUn/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet

Wow! I can't imagine doing that.

Well, yeah it has been vacant all that time. But thing is, they live in a small fishing village. When my wife grew up there it was still small at 500-600 people, but they (and a nearby village) could support a small school, a couple stores, church. As with many rural places, any young people don't want to stay there, so the population has been declining for years, it's around 250 now. The school was torn down years ago, the church cut back to one service a month, there is one small corner store that tries to survive by doubling as a post office, even the only bar closed a few years back, so that's saying something. Anyway, long story short, when people die, the houses sit empty because they just can't sell when there are no buyers. The choice is A) tear it down B) let it sit and rot away. Sadly, the latter is done more often than not. On a rare occasion if the house is architecturally unique or on a nice piece of land, it will be bought by someone as a summer cottage, but that's definitely the exception not the rule.

Sad thing to happen to small communities. We've had some of that here but not to that extent.
'Morning all...
Another Day; Another 0.32 of a Dollar
(according to the inflation calculator based on when I started working, at least)

Well, yeah it has been vacant all that time. But thing is, they live in a small fishing village. When my wife grew up there it was still small at 500-600 people, but they (and a nearby village) could support a small school, a couple stores, church. As with many rural places, any young people don't want to stay there, so the population has been declining for years, it's around 250 now. The school was torn down years ago, the church cut back to one service a month, there is one small corner store that tries to survive by doubling as a post office, even the only bar closed a few years back, so that's saying something. Anyway, long story short, when people die, the houses sit empty because they just can't sell when there are no buyers. The choice is A) tear it down B) let it sit and rot away. Sadly, the latter is done more often than not. On a rare occasion if the house is architecturally unique or on a nice piece of land, it will be bought by someone as a summer cottage, but that's definitely the exception not the rule.
That would 'splain it.
Tough spot to be in, there (and a mite disheartening from a cultural stand point).

We'll likely not encounter any similar issue in our situation.
We should be able to sell the various titled assets if that's what they want.
Now, as to whether they'll make as much off them as they think they ought...
Um yeah, we'll see how that goes.
I think for most of us, it would be considered too early.

For you (late night shift again I presume)

Yup. Heading to bed in 3... 2.. 1...

and Dan, possibly too late. Speaking of Dan, I hope he's doing okay...haven't heard much from him lately.

Think... didn't he say something about being scarce for a while?

You must never have seen the kid use a shiv. That shark wouldn't stand a chance.

eep! I'll remember to keep a good distance from her, just in case.
Morning All from a windy Fredericton NB.
Windy here today too and heavy rain predicted this afternoon. 80-100 km/hr winds and 20-40 mm rain (sorry southern gentlemen, you'll have to google yourselves to convert that). I tied down the patio furniture last night to be sure. Thankfully I took the kid's trampoline down a couple weeks ago.
The news seems to be making a big deal of it, but it's really not that extreme for this part of the world.

This one day summit on youth sport takes place every year in Washington DC, I would love to get there one year soon. Two of their main speakers today are Kobe Bryant and Tony Hawk.
Sounds like it would be good.

Think... didn't he say something about being scarce for a while?
I think so but I can't remember the details. It's too many pages back now...

I'll have to shoot him a message on FB if I think of it tonight (can't use FB in the office, they have it blocked. Thankfully they haven't figured out my DIS usage yet.)
Windy here today too and heavy rain predicted this afternoon. 80-100 km/hr winds and 20-40 mm rain (sorry southern gentlemen, you'll have to google yourselves to convert that). I tied down the patio furniture last night to be sure. Thankfully I took the kid's trampoline down a couple weeks ago.
The news seems to be making a big deal of it, but it's really not that extreme for this part of the world.

I saw the weather forecast last night saying you were in for a weather bomb.
Top O the Mornin Dads!
Well, yeah it has been vacant all that time. But thing is, they live in a small fishing village. When my wife grew up there it was still small at 500-600 people, but they (and a nearby village) could support a small school, a couple stores, church. As with many rural places, any young people don't want to stay there, so the population has been declining for years, it's around 250 now. The school was torn down years ago, the church cut back to one service a month, there is one small corner store that tries to survive by doubling as a post office, even the only bar closed a few years back, so that's saying something. Anyway, long story short, when people die, the houses sit empty because they just can't sell when there are no buyers. The choice is A) tear it down B) let it sit and rot away. Sadly, the latter is done more often than not. On a rare occasion if the house is architecturally unique or on a nice piece of land, it will be bought by someone as a summer cottage, but that's definitely the exception not the rule.
Sorry to hear that and unfortunate that this is more and more the case of smaller towns. Sometimes I think it would be nice to return to simpler times.......
You must never have seen the kid use a shiv. That shark wouldn't stand a chance.
Yup. Heading to bed in 3... 2.. 1...
Good night, er day, er whatever
Bet that wasn't fun.
For us at least, there are only two people involved and dividing up the estate equitably

At my grandfather's death, there were 5 kids. Most of them hated my grandfather. He was an Air Force Captain & pilot. They called him the Great Santini after the movie, although, there were never any beating or other horror stories. I think my grandmother just liked to whine about him. He retired to a farm, and had no idea how to farm. But, I guess he had fun, and had enough money between air force retirement and social security to live on as well as my grandmother's retirement money.

At his funeral, some were negotiating selling cows and his farm equipment. Not sure any had standing to do so, but the others didn't care. It was really sad.

At one of DW's family's funeral, some of the outlaws skipped the church service to go clean out the house and make off with what they wanted. Again it was really sad.

Well, yeah it has been vacant all that time. But thing is, they live in a small fishing village. When my wife grew up there it was still small at 500-600 people, but they (and a nearby village) could support a small school, a couple stores, church. As with many rural places, any young people don't want to stay there, so the population has been declining for years, it's around 250 now. The school was torn down years ago, the church cut back to one service a month, there is one small corner store that tries to survive by doubling as a post office, even the only bar closed a few years back, so that's saying something. Anyway, long story short, when people die, the houses sit empty because they just can't sell when there are no buyers. The choice is A) tear it down B) let it sit and rot away. Sadly, the latter is done more often than not. On a rare occasion if the house is architecturally unique or on a nice piece of land, it will be bought by someone as a summer cottage, but that's definitely the exception not the rule.

My grandfather was a hoarder. And, he also lived in a city in decline (less than 2000 people). Although, when someone dies, the farm goes into another family members hand or is sold fairly cheap. They live 30? miles outside the main city for the county, so it will never completely disappear. Still, I liked visiting that area and perhaps the reason I search for small towns as opposed to the large cities.
It is 30 and snowing here.
Low 40's and rain. There is quite a bit of flooding up river and they have opened up the flood gates on one of the lakes. Looks like more rain and cold all week so no relief on the horizon.

Maybe some Chippendales' selfies might convince her.
Like these?

Or these?

Here is the latest posing from the Pirate Queen...

See this Instagram video by @andriana_marine: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo-iUyNBMUn/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet

Thats awesome. If I saw something that size swimming at me I would be back on the boat wishing the camera person good luck.
At his funeral, some were negotiating selling cows and his farm equipment. Not sure any had standing to do so, but the others didn't care. It was really sad.

At one of DW's family's funeral, some of the outlaws skipped the church service to go clean out the house and make off with what they wanted. Again it was really sad.
Its rough dealing with family members like that. Sadly there are some in every family.
Low 40's and rain. There is quite a bit of flooding up river and they have opened up the flood gates on one of the lakes. Looks like more rain and cold all week so no relief on the horizon.

Found this screen grab of the flood gates.

The water on the right should be 70' below the water on the left.
And there it is...
I can't make that suggestion because - "kind of a hoarder" - runs in the family.
I may have married the one with the least amount of this trait, but we're now dealing with an estate full of it and a senior executor with serious amounts of it.

(combined with a Herculean proclivity toward procrastination, utter inability to hear any other point of view and no possibility of relenting on any argument; things generally go one way or they don't go at all)

I'd have this worked through in a month or so (depending on the probate), but I don't get a say.
This will be taking a while I 'spect.

Well, then. I'd say the best thing to do is duck for cover and come out when the storm blows over.

I'll have to shoot him a message on FB if I think of it tonight (can't use FB in the office, they have it blocked. Thankfully they haven't figured out my DIS usage yet.)

May our IT departments never discover the DISboards!

Windy here today too and heavy rain predicted this afternoon. 80-100 km/hr winds and 20-40 mm rain (sorry southern gentlemen, you'll have to google yourselves to convert that).

Keep the bigger numbers! The storm seems scarier that way.

He retired to a farm, and had no idea how to farm.

This does not sound like a good plan.

At one of DW's family's funeral, some of the outlaws skipped the church service to go clean out the house and make off with what they wanted. Again it was really sad.

Oh, man. That's brutal.
Like these?

Or these?


I am the Chris Farley photo. I need more like the Patrick Swayze photo.

Its rough dealing with family members like that. Sadly there are some in every family.


So, I was wondering....

Once I move, can I just post every day "Morning from a sunny, then raining and then hot Orlando"?

Just realize you never get to complain ever again.

This does not sound like a good plan.


Well, he had the money. Air force pension, private sector, and social security. It was his mom's farmland hr inherited. So, it was just having 25 acres his tractor around. He tried beans, corn, and cattle (not at the same time). Lots of stories about him falling asleep in his truck and running into mailboxes as drove home. I'd rather walk around WDW all day, but everyone does their thing.
I am blessed to have a great team here at work. Most have been with me for a long time in one role or another and are not only very skilled at what they do but are a great group of people. Main reason for staying at the place I'm at are the folks. Well, my leadership team decided to make sure that I had a "magical bosses day", knowing my enjoyment of Disney, by dressing up as Disney Princesses, guys included - thought you guys would get a kick out of this. The guy in the Leia garb looks like the stunt double from Space Balls.

I am blessed to have a great team here at work. Most have been with me for a long time in one role or another and are not only very skilled at what they do but are a great group of people. Main reason for staying at the place I'm at are the folks. Well, my leadership team decided to make sure that I had a "magical bosses day", knowing my enjoyment of Disney, by dressing up as Disney Princesses, guys included - thought you guys would get a kick out of this. The guy in the Leia garb looks like the stunt double from Space Balls.

View attachment 358848

Now that is cool!
Thankfully they haven't figured out my DIS usage yet.)


Good night, er day, er whatever

It was short. Got about 4 hours sleep. Now I'm back at work.

Its rough dealing with family members like that. Sadly there are some in every family.

Amen to that.


The water on the right should be 70' below the water on the left.

Whoa. Holy crap!

Once I move, can I just post every day "Morning from a sunny, then raining and then hot Orlando"?

Technically you can... but then we'd all hate you.

Well.... hate you more.

I am the Chris Farley photo. I need more like the Patrick Swayze photo.

Then again, you're on this side of the ground, so that's a bonus right there.

That's just.... wow. Really super impressed that they did that. Bravo.
I am blessed to have a great team here at work. Most have been with me for a long time in one role or another and are not only very skilled at what they do but are a great group of people. Main reason for staying at the place I'm at are the folks. Well, my leadership team decided to make sure that I had a "magical bosses day", knowing my enjoyment of Disney, by dressing up as Disney Princesses, guys included - thought you guys would get a kick out of this. The guy in the Leia garb looks like the stunt double from Space Balls.

View attachment 358848

That's terrific. Way to go boss.

Then again, you're on this side of the ground, so that's a bonus right there



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