Debt Dumpers 2021

Yes! :goodvibes:yay: A few weeks is huge now. I’m hoping dh can get some OT soon.
Dh is not quite as passionate about it as I am. When we realized the bedroom TV is too old to stream Disney+ he wanted to buy a more modern one. He says,”They’re cheap now, a couple hundred bucks.” Noooooo!!! I will watch it on living room TV. I only got the D+ for one month to watch Luca. That is my summer splurge spending. $8.26.:rotfl2:
Get a fire stick from Amazon it turns any old tv with an hdmi plug into a “smart” one. They are on sale with prime day right now. That’s what we did for our old Pioneer plasma TV that we paid way too much for back in the day that we will keep until it dies.
Good for you! :cheer2:Mid-October will be here before you know it.

That's how we were in the final stretch. EVERY SPARE PENNY WENT TO THE MORTGAGE! And then I'd update my countdown and spreadsheet and it would motivate me to find more $ in the budget to devote to the mortgage and speed up the payoff, even if only by a few weeks.

I remember at the end I broke it down by paycheck. I knew it wasn't really saving any interest to make a partial payment early, but it was so satisfying to lower the balance.
This summer has been and is going to continue to be crazy. Everyone has been cooped up for the last year+ and seem to be packing their weekends with activities now that they are vaccinated. I've been able to cash flow most things, but my savings rate will definitely slow down this summer.

This past weekend I went to 6 Flags, babysat my nephew and took him to the zoo, and went to a family friend's party.

This weekend I'm going on a pontoon boat for my nephew's birthday (it was postponed from last summer) and heading up to Michigan for a day to go to a winery and do an elevated wine tasting.

Then I have an outdoor family reunion July 10th and a wedding at the end of July in Michigan.

Finally, some of our closest friends in the world eloped about 2 months ago. The bride is my boyfriend's best friend and she is actually who introduced us 10 years ago. They live in LA and decided to have a "celebration" with family and friends in Palm Springs this September. She's having a dinner and drinks and all that (a mini reception) for all of her guests. But, she also booked an ENTIRE boutique hotel for about 15 of their very close family and friends to stay at for the weekend. We were included. They are having us pay what amounts to our portion of one night. So, $300 for the whole weekend at this beautiful boutique hotel. It has 7 bungalows, fire pits, a 40ft pool, etc.

I am so excited, but still trying to figure out travel arrangements. Because of the pandemic, they stopped direct flights from Chicago to Palm Springs. They haven't started back up again. We can either fly to Palm Springs with a 2+ hour layover in Denver or fly to LAX and rent a car for the weekend. It's about a 2 hour drive from LAX to Palm Springs. Flying to Palm Springs is more money than flying to LAX, but with the addition of a rental car, flying to LAX would be the more expensive thing (just by a bit). I'm currently leaning toward just flying into LAX. We could get lunch in LA on the drive over and it would be nice to have the convenience of a car instead of relying on Ubers with luggage, etc. Plus, with the super low hotel cost, it really doesn't make a difference if we add a rental car.

Anyway, things have just been really busy and pricey recently. I could probably say no to some of the things going on, but it's been so long since we've spent time with people that it's just nice to see everyone and get out. No added debt, so all is well.
Get a fire stick from Amazon it turns any old tv with an hdmi plug into a “smart” one. They are on sale with prime day right now. That’s what we did for our old Pioneer plasma TV that we paid way too much for back in the day that we will keep until it dies.
This was gonna be my suggestion also. I love that I can move our firestick from room to room. We have a "smart" TV in the living room but our TV is older so using the apps doesn't work very well. The small TV we have in the spare room isn't a smart TV at all.
I’ve never tried uploading pictures before so we will see if this works. But pictures of my completed patio project. we are loving it!

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i think the 2 new chairs i got for my deck are from the same collection as your sectional! they are so freaking comfortable (they rock and swivel as well). i was so paranoid about getting a lighter color so i got a can of scotch-guard and sprayed the heck out of them. is that a fire table i see? we just got one and if the wind/heat will cooperate we hope to get allot of enjoyment out of it this summer.

your oasis looks awesome!!!!!
I remember at the end I broke it down by paycheck. I knew it wasn't really saving any interest to make a partial payment early, but it was so satisfying to lower the balance.

Ever since I started the debt snowball back in 2013, I’ve broken it down by paycheck. I can’t function any other way. So our regular monthly payment is on autopay but I schedule additional payments for each payday plus any extra when I can.
My dad insists on giving me cash every time I pick him up and bring him over for dinner which is usually twice per week. He is very hurt if I refuse it so I gave up on that a while ago. It’s an extra $80/week and it all goes to the mortgage. So that’s usually 3 extra payments per week that I schedule online. I often think that “normal” people probably save up some extra then apply it but I know I’m crazy obsessed and would schedule an extra $5 immediately if I could. :crazy:
This was gonna be my suggestion also. I love that I can move our firestick from room to room. We have a "smart" TV in the living room but our TV is older so using the apps doesn't work very well. The small TV we have in the spare room isn't a smart TV at all.
We love our fire stick we bring it to Disney when we go too since we do a lot of resort only stays with our DVC points.
Moving along here. Made a large payment to one credit card and it is almost paid off. Moving forward on purchasing the place we currently rent. Can't wait for that to be done and over with. I don't think our monthly payment will go up, but we then have to add on the HOA fees. I am working on a budget for that. I believe between not having a payment in September (at least I think we won't if we close mid-August) and either no rent or prorated rent in August, our deposit return, and my husband's longevity check in September, we should be able to have all the money for the rest of the year HOA and the money for all of next year's HOA payments, and the money to rent my husband's parking spot next year.

In order to hopefully not change our monthly budget, I think if I can have the money for 2022 HOA ahead of time then I can just budget the two times where we have 3 checks in a month to cover the next year. In my head and on paper it works. Hopefully, that will translate to working in real life!
Today's budget expenditure: buying a new bathroom door handle after the lever would go up and down but you could not get in or out (and our dog was stuck in the bathroom). Hence, drilling the handle and now a new one installed.

Who knew door handles could thwart you so easily?

*mumbles* oh, and I bought concert tickets for my family for a concert in SoCal in October...
Today's budget expenditure: buying a new bathroom door handle after the lever would go up and down but you could not get in or out (and our dog was stuck in the bathroom). Hence, drilling the handle and now a new one installed.

Who knew door handles could thwart you so easily?

*mumbles* oh, and I bought concert tickets for my family for a concert in SoCal in October...
This reminds me of the time when I was a kid, before we had shower doors installed so I had to be around 7 or 8. I turned on the tub to start filling for a bath and I ran back to my room to grab pajamas and somehow the door locked behind me with the tub still filling. Luckily my dad was home at the time. He had to kick the door in. Luckily the water was about 1" from the top of the tub. Also lucky he was a carpenter and could easily fix the door.
Needless to say, I was very careful after that to make sure I bring everything I need into the bathroom the first time.

Glad your doggie is ok and your door knob is fixed.
What concert are you seeing?
Did however take time out tonight to look at the IRS opt out.

I've debated on this one for a little bit and I think have decided to go ahead with the monthly pay out for the girls and just claim this baby with our taxes. I'm unsure how it would work with claiming him since he isn't born yet and I don't think he'll be here by the cut off (although I would be MORE than happy to have him any day now 🤣).

I plan to use the monthly payments to supplement my maternity pay while I'm on leave and then the extra couple months put it towards Christmas and my oldest daughter's birthday.
It's been awhile since I have been able to be on here consistently but have updates.

Revised 2021 Financial Goals

88.5% Complete
Payoff PayPal Credit Balance by end of July (0% interest through July)
100% Complete Complete 4.9% Complete Payoff Balance of Amex Card by end of August (with 0% interest through August) took the $1000 of stimulus money I had moved to savings and threw it at the remaining balance of this/started attacking the car repairs that I put on this 0% card
3/11 0/11
Make additional $100 monthly payment towards principal of SSR DVC Loan starting in February - on the backburner for now
2/11 0/11 Make additional $100 monthly payment towards principal of CCV DVC Loan starting in February on the backburner for now
5/11 Save $200/month towards down payment of a new vehicle starting in February
35.8% complete - 1263.36/3532.29 Car Repair A paid in full by September 10th
0% complete - 0/2194.33 Car Repair B pay as much as possible by September 23rd to minimize additional savings withdrawal on September 24th to avoid interest

2021 Reach Financial Goals (Goals that are a bit of a stretch but trying for them anyway 🦸‍♀️)
Abandon ship! See above car repair situation :upsidedow

March 2027 Current Projected Payoff Date November 2027 Current Projected Payoff Date Payoff SSR DVC Loan by end of December
$8007.03/$10,000 $7001.78/$10,000 Grow Emergency Savings to $10,000
This summer has been and is going to continue to be crazy. Everyone has been cooped up for the last year+ and seem to be packing their weekends with activities now that they are vaccinated. I've been able to cash flow most things, but my savings rate will definitely slow down this summer.

This past weekend I went to 6 Flags, babysat my nephew and took him to the zoo, and went to a family friend's party.

This weekend I'm going on a pontoon boat for my nephew's birthday (it was postponed from last summer) and heading up to Michigan for a day to go to a winery and do an elevated wine tasting.

Then I have an outdoor family reunion July 10th and a wedding at the end of July in Michigan.

Finally, some of our closest friends in the world eloped about 2 months ago. The bride is my boyfriend's best friend and she is actually who introduced us 10 years ago. They live in LA and decided to have a "celebration" with family and friends in Palm Springs this September. She's having a dinner and drinks and all that (a mini reception) for all of her guests. But, she also booked an ENTIRE boutique hotel for about 15 of their very close family and friends to stay at for the weekend. We were included. They are having us pay what amounts to our portion of one night. So, $300 for the whole weekend at this beautiful boutique hotel. It has 7 bungalows, fire pits, a 40ft pool, etc.

I am so excited, but still trying to figure out travel arrangements. Because of the pandemic, they stopped direct flights from Chicago to Palm Springs. They haven't started back up again. We can either fly to Palm Springs with a 2+ hour layover in Denver or fly to LAX and rent a car for the weekend. It's about a 2 hour drive from LAX to Palm Springs. Flying to Palm Springs is more money than flying to LAX, but with the addition of a rental car, flying to LAX would be the more expensive thing (just by a bit). I'm currently leaning toward just flying into LAX. We could get lunch in LA on the drive over and it would be nice to have the convenience of a car instead of relying on Ubers with luggage, etc. Plus, with the super low hotel cost, it really doesn't make a difference if we add a rental car.

Anyway, things have just been really busy and pricey recently. I could probably say no to some of the things going on, but it's been so long since we've spent time with people that it's just nice to see everyone and get out. No added debt, so all is well.
Booked flights and rental car!

Decided to fly into LA and rent a car for the weekend! SO excited. Comes to just over $1200 total for two people over 4 days in Palm Springs with flights, hotel, and rental car. Not too terrible in my opinion, but I rarely travel over to CA so not too sure. Two of our dinners will be paid for by the bride so our food costs should be low too!
Hi all, checking in. June has been a really difficult month for me. I haven't been around because my father passed away unexpectedly in a car accident on June 1. He was 62 years old. I've been dealing with the fallout of that both from an estate perspective and grief perspective, as well as trying to help emotionally support his mother who is 82 years old and has now lost both of her children in 3 years.

To add to that, my other grandma (mom's mom) entered hospice three days after my dad died and passed four days later. So I attended two funerals in 72 hours. I would not recommend that.

I'm thankful for a healthy emergency fund. I was able to pay for my father's cremation and service without worrying about that. Basically just hoping things improve from here.
Hi all, checking in. June has been a really difficult month for me. I haven't been around because my father passed away unexpectedly in a car accident on June 1. He was 62 years old. I've been dealing with the fallout of that both from an estate perspective and grief perspective, as well as trying to help emotionally support his mother who is 82 years old and has now lost both of her children in 3 years.

To add to that, my other grandma (mom's mom) entered hospice three days after my dad died and passed four days later. So I attended two funerals in 72 hours. I would not recommend that.

I'm thankful for a healthy emergency fund. I was able to pay for my father's cremation and service without worrying about that. Basically just hoping things improve from here.

I'm so sorry for your losses. That's so much to deal with, especially in such a short period of time. Thinking of you and your family.
Hi all, checking in. June has been a really difficult month for me. I haven't been around because my father passed away unexpectedly in a car accident on June 1. He was 62 years old. I've been dealing with the fallout of that both from an estate perspective and grief perspective, as well as trying to help emotionally support his mother who is 82 years old and has now lost both of her children in 3 years.

To add to that, my other grandma (mom's mom) entered hospice three days after my dad died and passed four days later. So I attended two funerals in 72 hours. I would not recommend that.

I'm thankful for a healthy emergency fund. I was able to pay for my father's cremation and service without worrying about that. Basically just hoping things improve from here.

I am so very sorry for your losses and the difficult time you are going through. Sending virtual hugs.
Hi all, checking in. June has been a really difficult month for me. I haven't been around because my father passed away unexpectedly in a car accident on June 1. He was 62 years old. I've been dealing with the fallout of that both from an estate perspective and grief perspective, as well as trying to help emotionally support his mother who is 82 years old and has now lost both of her children in 3 years.

To add to that, my other grandma (mom's mom) entered hospice three days after my dad died and passed four days later. So I attended two funerals in 72 hours. I would not recommend that.

I'm thankful for a healthy emergency fund. I was able to pay for my father's cremation and service without worrying about that. Basically just hoping things improve from here.

So sorry to hear this. When you're ready, if you need someone to talk with or just listen, let me know. I lost my dad and stepdad two weeks apart to the day over 6 years ago, doesn't seem like it's been that long. It sucks.
@DisneyMandC much love to you. Hoping you find peace and respite.

This reminds me of the time when I was a kid, before we had shower doors installed so I had to be around 7 or 8. I turned on the tub to start filling for a bath and I ran back to my room to grab pajamas and somehow the door locked behind me with the tub still filling. Luckily my dad was home at the time. He had to kick the door in. Luckily the water was about 1" from the top of the tub. Also lucky he was a carpenter and could easily fix the door.
Needless to say, I was very careful after that to make sure I bring everything I need into the bathroom the first time.

Glad your doggie is ok and your door knob is fixed.
What concert are you seeing?
The new handle looks great! And, drilling the handle out from the other side worked like a charm (in case anyone has this issue). :crazy2:

We're going to see Twenty One Pilots! As a family, we've attended all of their tours, so we're coming together from different places to meet and go to this one. :love:
End of June check-in (because I'm going on vacay to the beach next weeeeeeek)

  • CC 1 - $2198.01 (balance 12/9/20 - one more payment to come out in December).
  • CC 2 - $2119.84 (balance 3/22/21 and 0%). Stimulus will pay the balance 4/6/21. Just ran into transfer max between banks.
  • Start deposits back into Roth no later than June. Still depositing $40/week.
  • Savings to stay above $1000 at all times. Work to be at $3000 by the end of the year (minimum). - Staying above $2k
  • Start a vacation fund for 2023 WDW trip ONLY after the credit cards are paid off - We still have our tickets to the Star Wars Convention for next year, so that's first now!
  • Addition: save $2000 for a Christmas trip to the coast. This was decided yesterday after a rather interesting Christmas. Owner sold the house, so this is canceled.
  • Car purchase = payments. Loan rate is only 2.7% - Extra payment made in May

  • Finish the second book manuscript
  • Second bathroom painting update with leftover paint and create "frames" for the mirror
  • Replace flooring in living room and hallway (already purchased and delayed by surgeries) Started this project! Just a couple of hours per day in prep work.
  • Learn to be okay with my scars - give myself more grace
  • Continue to purge unused household items - Has been on hold. Will continue this in June.
  • Addition: learn to be professional with a coworker who is terrible to me. - Still polite and try not to talk with her after finding out she'd worked hard to try and get me fired. Good times.


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