Defunding The Police

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As I have stated imo the non shooting officer should not be facing any charges. There are a couple of reasons he is but none are 'authentic' or should have been brought. Why are they? Political reasons, to avoid heat and to get name recognition. Time tested methods to get ahead. Pressure on the non shooter to 'tell the truth' or in other words what the prosecutor wants to hear (NOT suggesting he would or is lying).
I agree with you in this particular case, but this prosecutor is "special." I'm not sure what the non-shooting officer is charged with, but I don't see how he did anything wrong.

But reality is what it is. 2 years on the force I believe. How much money do you think he has saved? How much will his legal fees goes leaving aside go fund me things?
He does not get to hire an attorney only to get the charges dropped once the defense attorney is in only the judge can let him go.

I am really interested in what you, and others see as the legal fees coming his way. Unavoidable and devoid of reality outside impacting his life, family and friends.
I think your point about the expense of legal defense is legitimate in some cases.

But controversial cases are never good examples because they attract both attention and people wanting to help. In this particular case, I suspect he'll have no problem paying his legal fees. Some of the legal work will probably be done pro bono, the union might pay for some of it, but I don't think legal fees will be this officer's biggest worry.

His big worry is that he has lost his career, unless he gets acquitted or the charges are dropped, and he fights the termination and gets his job back. And even if he does, he's going to be working under a cloud.

The area where your point is most valid, IMO, is in the lower levels of offenses and courts -- things like DUI, for example.

If someone is charged with a serious crime like armed robbery and is looking at a long jail term, they will have a public defender or a court appointed attorney...and will pay little or nothing.

But a DUI defendant may be on their own, especially if they have a job and some assets. That's where the issue of legal expenses really becomes a big deal, although I don't think many people plead guilty to things they didn't do to avoid legal fees.
Here's a highly respected business leader who has an interesting idea. He thinks BLM should form an independent African-American political party.

For those who don't know who Robert Johnson is, he is a self-made billionaire and the founder of Black Entertainment Television. He's a strong advocate for African Americans and recently proposed $14 Trillion in reparations for slavery. He's also a world-class businessman who prefers real outcomes and positive results rather than gestures.
Ok so tell me what Elijah McClain did to deserve death.
Or Atatiana Jefferson?
or Sandra Bland
or Aiyana Jones

I'll wait here. Let me know what they did that deserved death.

I’m sorry, I’m not familiar with these names, but will gladly look them up. Are you saying all of these people were intentionally killed by cops??
As I have stated imo the non shooting officer should not be facing any charges. There are a couple of reasons he is but none are 'authentic' or should have been brought. Why are they? Political reasons, to avoid heat and to get name recognition. Time tested methods to get ahead. Pressure on the non shooter to 'tell the truth' or in other words what the prosecutor wants to hear (NOT suggesting he would or is lying).

But reality is what it is. 2 years on the force I believe. How much money do you think he has saved? How much will his legal fees goes leaving aside go fund me things?
He does not get to hire an attorney only to get the charges dropped once the defense attorney is in only the judge can let him go.

I am really interested in what you, and others see as the legal fees coming his way. Unavoidable and devoid of reality outside impacting his life, family and friends.
Here's Officer Brosnan's side of the story. He has not been fired; he's on administrative assignment which is normal procedure for many departments.
I’m sorry, I’m not familiar with these names, but will gladly look them up. Are you saying all of these people were intentionally killed by cops??
Why don't you read their stories and tell me what you think? Just to clarify from your question, are you implying that people deserve to be killed by police? Or are you asking intention like they meant to do harm? I again leave that up to you to tell me after you read these stories.
Why don't you read their stories and tell me what you think? Just to clarify from your question, are you implying that people deserve to be killed by police? Or are you asking intention like they meant to do harm? I again leave that up to you to tell me after you read these stories.

As I stated above, I am NOT familiar with the names you mentioned and I honestly asked a question asking if they were all intentionally killed by police.

This is not the first time you put words in my mouth and I will no longer reply to you.
As I stated above, I am NOT familiar with the names you mentioned and I honestly asked a question asking if they were all intentionally killed by police.

This is not the first time you put words in my mouth and I will no longer reply to you.
I asked what you meant because your comment of "intentionally killed" implies that the victims did something wrong to deserve death. Which again would cause me to ask you, why are police officers acting as trial, judge, and executioner? Why are we even asking if they were intentionally killed? Shouldn't you want to ask why that amount of force was used before asking me if they were intentionally killed? They were killed, by police officers.
I didn't put words in your mouth, I asked you to clarify what you meant by your question. Read their stories. You don't need to respond to me because you have shown that you refuse to actually understand. If you can sit there and say yes they deserved that ending then clearly I can't help you because you lack humanity and that is not something one can teach.
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If someone is charged with a serious crime like armed robbery and is looking at a long jail term, they will have a public defender or a court appointed attorney...and will pay little or nothing.

But a DUI defendant may be on their own, especially if they have a job and some assets. That's where the issue of legal expenses really becomes a big deal, although I don't think many people plead guilty to things they didn't do to avoid legal fees.
I did not make this clear but I assumed that a public defender was not an option. Primarily because it is a disney board and I can't see anyone on this board - but with respect to those who may have - allowing a public defender near their own case or the case of a loved one.

My point was to underline, highlight and bold print how coercive being charged is. How there is an immediate impact outside of touch/feel things. If you were charged with this what would you expect to pay and how much immediately as a retainer? I don't see any way this officer (I just don't like using his name in conjunction with criminal charges) can go to trial without at least 2 experts.
My point was to underline, highlight and bold print how coercive being charged is. How there is an immediate impact outside of touch/feel things. If you were charged with this what would you expect to pay and how much immediately as a retainer? I don't see any way this officer (I just don't like using his name in conjunction with criminal charges) can go to trial without at least 2 experts.
Sure. You're right that it's a looming financial hardship. But it's also a real crushing of a young guy's career dreams and who knows what it does to his family.

There are no winners in situations like this.

Mr. Brooks lost his life, his family lost him, and you can see from Officer Brosnan's comments that he is really troubled by that. The person who committed the arson of the Wendy's was apparently Brooks' girlfriend, and she's going to do serious jail time.

Lose, lose, lose, lose, lose, lose -- no winners.
And how is this Disney related?
About two months ago, the DIS relaxed the guidelines and is permitting some discussion of current events -- as long as the conversations are civil.

This is also the Community Board, and if you scroll down the thread titles, you'll probably find that most of them are not Disney-related.
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