Detailed Entertainment Schedules?


DIS Veteran
Aug 19, 1999

We are planning a quick trip to DL to see my step-daughter's band play at Disneyland.

Before we commit to the day we are going to Disneyland, I want to confirm that this will be the day they are playing.

According to her, they are playing the day after they arrive, but this information seems to be coming third hand. Does this make sense to someone who knows about Magic Music Days?

My DH is planning to fly in only for the day they are playing, so I would really hate to have him there on the wrong day. :sad1:

Is there anywhere online that posts the detailed schedules when they come out? Or anyone who is there regularly could check it out for me? (She says they are playing on the 17th, so not sure how far in advance the schedule would come out)

Thanks for anyone's help!

Edit to add: I have been doing some more research, and performing on the first day makes more sense to me now. It looks like they are going on a package, so they are only spending one day doing the MMD, and the rest of the days doing other things. I was concerned that they were there a week, and it didn't seem like it made sense for the DL performance to be the first day, but I have now seen several sample itineraries where that is the case. Still interested in confirming the venue and time if anyone can help me out though! :goodvibes
Have you tried calling Disney. They may be able to look it up for you. Though it may be a bit early for the phone operators to have the info you can try. You should be able to get the info the Friday before though, because that is when the weekly list comes out for the CMs.
Marching bands are not listed on any of the info guest can generally get ahold of. CMs might get it as they often have more detailed info (though it's occasionally incorrect as I've discovered in comparing notes with some).
Marching band info is listed on the weekly CM guides given to them, but like I said they only come out once a week, so most (like the ride operators, stores, etc) do not have anything handy for any other time. The CMs that you talk to when you call and at GS have access to much more info, and they may or may not have access to the exact list of marching bands.
Thanks for the help.

I will either phone the Friday before, or talk to step-daughter some more to see if she has an itinerary that lists when and where they will be playing.

With the band coming from so far away, I doubt there will be many audience/friends/relatives there to watch, so if anyone from DIS happens to be in the park that day (Wed, May 17), and looking for something to do, come watch the band from Airdrie, Alberta, Canada. They are a concert band, so will likely be performing in Carnation Gardens Plaza. (unless they are at CA, but I will confirm that before we go).

(Looking forward to touring DL too, I haven't been there since about 1997, and DH has never been) :cool1:


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