Details, Details, Oh how I LOVE the Details! UPDATE 5/30

Oh, how I know about not being able to stop buying all those little things for the trip! Oh well, it's the little things that make it all come together.

I really think that having an excuse to do extra shopping is part of the fun. Of course, almost everything I am buying is for the kids.
I am about to wrap up my planning book as well! I am laminating my plans soon! I am such a nerd but last year we rode Kali River and our plans were in my pocket...they were useless after that!! I saw someone that had laminated their's and thought that is what I will do next time!!

I think laminating your plans is a great idea. I am planning to keep my little notebook in a ziplock bag just in case. Now if I could only figure out where the little fingers hid my tabs....
With 4 days to go, all the little things are in the works.

Yesterday, I pretty much took the day off to enjoy the holiday. We had a great time going to a cookout with some friends. The girls also started swim lessons yesterday. They are both doing pretty well. DD6 seems to have forgotten a little over the winter. In November, she could swim freestyle across the pool. Right now, she only makes it 5-6 feet. DD4 is taking real swimming lessons for the first time this year and so far is doing OK. She jumped in yesterday which I considered to be a huge accomplishment since her older sister never even got in the pool on the first day of lessons when she was 4.

My little notebook is still in a stage of "almost" finished. I will probably still be making notes in it as DH drags me out to the van Saturday morning!

Today was DD6's last day of first grade. Where did the year go? Her teacher had her first baby this morning! I used the time to finish a welcome letter from Tiana as well as one from the Fairy Godmother inviting them to BBB. I had to do those with DD6 out of the house because she has to be into everything I am doing.

This afternoon, I started working on lining DD4's dress. It is not going well. Apparently, I don't sew well enough to do this. I wonder if Walmart or Target have girls slips...

Tonight, I re-checked all of my ADRs. After the Akershus snafu I wanted to triple check all the days/times. We also pre-purchased our Photopass CD, bought Seaworld tickets, and did on-line check-in to POR!! Doing our check-in really made the trip feel close!!
Wow, the last day of first grade! That's exciting!

I don't know the last time I saw a slip. LOL. I always overestimate my sewing skills, so I know what that is like!

Online check-in must make you feel REALLY close. How far in advance can you do that? It's right around the corner!

Now, when does excitement turn into panic that you're forgetting things?
Online check-in must make you feel REALLY close. How far in advance can you do that? It's right around the corner!

Now, when does excitement turn into panic that you're forgetting things?

You can do online check in up to 10 days before your arrival. It is really easy and YES it did make it feel really close!

The panic starts......NOW! OK, just kidding, it started a couple of days ago!
Well, this will probably be my last post of the pre-trip nature! We leave in just 6 hours. Of course, sleep is probably nowhere in my future. :rolleyes1

DH has already packed everything but the food and toiletries in the van. He and the kids are all asleep.

Today was a crazy day. DH had to teach this morning and get his final grades in so he could come home and help me pack. The kids and I worked on packing in the morning and made great progress. One thing that had really been stressing me out was that we had decided to buy a Leapster for DD4. I bought one on ebay on May 8 - it still has not arrived! :headache: So, I am trying to get a refund for that transaction and I bought another one on ebay on May 25 - it arrived at noon today - talk about cutting it close!!! :eek:

In the afternoon, we did some errands (bank, post office, all the usual stuff). DH returned the stroller fan that I bought a couple weeks ago because somehow I got one that needed to be plugged in! :confused3
Then I took both girls to swim lessons. DD6 is doing really well. DD4 does not like to get her head wet. :rolleyes: After swim lessons we inhaled some supper because DD4 had a dance recital (we had 75 minutes to get from the pool to the recital - in costume, hair and make-up). The show was fabulous! Lots of great :dance3:! DH and DD6 left at intermission (after DD4's performance) to come home and pack the car. By the time we got home, they were almost done. :yay:

Of course, just in case, you thought that meant I could relax a little, as I was finishing cleaning up the kitchen, DH checked facebook and found out that his cousin, her DH and their 3 kids are planning "to join us for a few days"! I don't mean to be :eek:, but I admit this makes me feel a little :headache: and a little :mad:. My in-laws are "everyone together or nobody at all" types which is nice because nobody ever feels left out, but I didn't get up at 5 AM on my 180 day to make ADRs that get cancelled because they can't increase a party of 9 to a party of 13! At least I have 2 days of driving to find my :) because if I show up with :mad: I am certain to be labeled :snooty:! Oh well. DH said we can go to DisneyLAND next time so all his FL relatives won't join in. :laughing:

pixiedust: to all those leaving soon! I hope you all have a great trip. Maybe we will see you around the World. We will be easy to recognize - I will be the pale person of German descent trying to get 12 relaxed Hispanics to stop analyzing the tree leaves and get on a ride already!
Busy last day! You're probably leaving about now (or, if you're like us, planning on leaving now but nowhere close!) :laughing:

That's crazy that you're having last minute vacation visitors like that. Hopefully it all works out.

Have a great time! I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!
We got home last night at about 6 PM. So far today, I have made it to the grocery store and unpacked one suitcase. Hopefully, I will start a trip report tonight. We had a WONDERFUL time!
So glad you made it home! I hope your trip went well!! Looking forward to hearing about it! :yay:

I started my TR but it is slow going. I have been so busy and we leave Friday for a long weekend in Arkansas...more delays. But I guess that just prolongs the memories!!
Glad you made it home safe and sound and had a great time! I can't wait to read all about it!
The trip report is started! There is a link to it in my signature! Thanks to all who read along here and helped me plan our WONDERFUL trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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