Dieting for Disney

Kimis I am going to tell you something that is one of the hardest things for someone to learn when on a diet. It is ok to cheat once every other week. This will keep your body guessing so you will keep loosing. That has been one of the hardest things for me to learn but it does work. Just keep everything in moderation. Don't sweat the small stuff. I know you will succeed.

Eva You are so wonderful. I love reading your posts. Even when you say you are having a bad week, you still seem very happy and upbeat. I love that. I also love your goal. We should all make that not just a goal but a lifestyle. Good job, Little Sis.

Hulagirl Sorry for not getting by sooner to welcome you to our family. You have picked a great spot for the encouragement or suggestions that you may desire to reach your goals. I hope to be able to get to know and hopefully help you along the way.

Update Well, my wrist is still hurting pretty badly. Everyone has told me that I need to stop drinking so I won't fall anymore. Problem with that is I don't drink. I did go back to the gym and did 30 miles on the bike tonight and I am planning on doing the same thing tomorrow. I may be injured but I am not dead and as long as I have breath in my body, I am going to train. I may not be able to lift but I will train.

I do hope everyone is having a great week (even though it just started). I look forward to hearing from all of you soon.

Bryan:woohoo: :cheer2: :grouphug:
Hi EVERYONE!!! :cheer2:

Oh how quiet it is this week....:confused3 but I am to blame too. I have been MIA too. :upsidedow I just wanted to wish everyone a GREAT WEEKEND and hope that all are doing great! :grouphug:

I wish I could say that I am just doing great with my workout this week, but, that would be a lie. Unfortunately, I have been sick! :sick: We all know how that goes...but I am NOT going to let me down! I am going to pick myself up and keep moving forward on Monday. :yay:

Hope the wrist is feeling better Bryan!! :flower3:

Ok, TEAM...We can do it!! :cool1: Also, I have a quote to help us this next week, I do not know who said it but it was said to me when I was having a hard day....

"Just when a caterpillar thought the world was over, it was THEN it became a butterfly..."

LOVE YOU GUYS!!! :cheer2: :grouphug:
Hi EVERYONE!!! :cheer2:

Oh how quiet it is this week....:confused3 but I am to blame too. I have been MIA too. :upsidedow I just wanted to wish everyone a GREAT WEEKEND and hope that all are doing great! :grouphug:

I wish I could say that I am just doing great with my workout this week, but, that would be a lie. Unfortunately, I have been sick! :sick: We all know how that goes...but I am NOT going to let me down! I am going to pick myself up and keep moving forward on Monday. :yay:

Hope the wrist is feeling better Bryan!! :flower3:

Ok, TEAM...We can do it!! :cool1: Also, I have a quote to help us this next week, I do not know who said it but it was said to me when I was having a hard day....

"Just when a caterpillar thought the world was over, it was THEN it became a butterfly..."

LOVE YOU GUYS!!! :cheer2: :grouphug:

Great quote Eva!

Hope everyone has a great weekend, I will try to post this weekend & bring everyone up to date on what's been happening here.

Eva So sorry that you have been ill. I sure hope you are better or are getting better. I also like your quote. There is a lot of truth to it.

Maria I know you said you were going to post an update this weekend. I am going to send a :hug: in hopes that it is good news. It seems like you have had a very tough time ever since your trip, after that spider bite. I am hopeful that you are almost or are over the pain. Not so much so you can exercise or post workout success stories or anything like that. I just want you to be free of that pain and discomfort.

My Update My wrist is getting some better. It is still sore and tender so I can't lift but I am still doing my cardio. I am not able to do as much as I would like too because of work but I have still gotten there. I am planning on giving it one more week and evaluating where I am at then. Hopefully, I will be able to start lifting again after next week. I will try to keep you as updated as I can but I will give you one piece of good news. Before I left the gym tonight, I got on the scale and weighed myself. For the first time in almost 8 years, I am below 180 pounds at 178. Remember, I am almost 6" tall so that's actually a real good weight for me right now. I still have a goal of getting down to 175 so I will let you know.

Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Love ya!
Hi Bryan, Eva. Marie and the rest of my new friends. You all are such an encouragement to me. I am down 12 pounds but that has taken 5 weeks. :( I did change my exercise video from the one I was doing to the "Biggest Loser" one. Man do I sweat! :) I am trying to stay postive but I know I have a loooonnnnnggggg way to go. I am sitting smal goals for my self. I will be in the world in 118 days do you think it is possible to loss another 30-40 pounds before then? Thanks again to you all! Keep me in your prayers please.
Hi Bryan, Eva. Marie and the rest of my new friends. You all are such an encouragement to me. I am down 12 pounds but that has taken 5 weeks. :( I did change my exercise video from the one I was doing to the "Biggest Loser" one. Man do I sweat! :) I am trying to stay postive but I know I have a loooonnnnnggggg way to go. I am sitting smal goals for my self. I will be in the world in 118 days do you think it is possible to loss another 30-40 pounds before then? Thanks again to you all! Keep me in your prayers please.

Hi Kimis!!!

Sounds like you are doing GREAT!!! :cheer2: I know it does not seem like it, but I think you are!! :hug: That is a good move changing up the exercise tape. Sometimes our bodies just get too used to our workout and we have to change it even just a little to get it to drop weight again.

No worries on how long it takes...we have all been there. The point is that we are changing our lifestyle so that we can stay healthy...not just rapid lose and only stay there a little while. I think 25 pounds in the next 118 days is a GREAT goal! (This is about 2 pounds a week) Don't worry, you can do it and remember we are all pulling for you!! :grouphug:

Bryan...I hope the wrist is continuing to heal! :hug: I know that can't be any fun, but I am glad you are still able to train. I am glad you are so close on your GOAL!! :woohoo:

Maria....I hope all is well with you. I know it has not been fun. I only wish I could help. :flower3: :hug:

Where is everyone else??? I miss you guys...:upsidedow

Just a quick update on me....

Thankfully I am feeling better and I am BACK in the pool!!! :yay: I sure did miss it last week. Almost went 2 hours but it started to rain and thunder and they had us exit the pool. I was like NOOOOOOOOOO!!! Oh well...more work next time.:banana: I guess that is the draw back of an outdoor pool. :rolleyes1

Hope you all are doing well. Have a wonderful week! We can do it! I LOVE you guys! :love:

Quote: "It does not matter how fast you run in the race called life, it only matters that you cross the finish line..."
Hi--sorry I've been MIA. DH is working overtime and taking classes to finish his apprenticeship, so after work all of the cooking, cleaning, and kid-care are done by yours truly. It doesn't leave a lot of time for non-essentials. I've continued to fit in my exercise routine 5 days/week, and the scales have continued to trend in the right direction.

It sounds like everyone else is staying on the right track. I just stopped by to give you all a quick pat on the back and let you know that I miss you all. I'm going to make a concentrated effort to stop by and check in because it helps me to stay accountable and resist the lure of the cookies!

Jen Cookies? Did someone mention cookies? I must have one. Where are they? I need some cookies!!!!:lmao: :rotfl: Ok. Now that I got that out of my system, it sounds like you are handling everything just fine. I am also glad that you are still getting your wanted results. We are all in a battle. The good and bad news of it sometimes is that the one that we are usually battling against is ourselves. Keep up what you are doing. You will succeed in the end.

Eve Thanks for your helpful words. My wrist is some better but it still hurts. I am soooo anxious to get back into the gym and be able to lift again but it just isn't feasible right now. I am going to give it another week and then go check back with the doc to see what they say I need to do. How are your training efforts coming? Are you still getting results from the pool classes?

Maria It has been a while since we have heard from you. I do hope all is going well. When you get a spare moment, drop us a line if you can.

My updates are still more of the same. I still can't do any lifting but I am trying to keep my cardio up. I am also getting in full swing for training for the Half in January. That is only about 13 weeks away.:eek: I better go for a run. :scared: But the good news is that my weight is still going down some. Since I started doing as much cardio training as I have been since February, I am down almost 40 pounds. Now, if I could only add some more muscle and get a tan, I might be content with the way I look.:laughing:

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!
Good morning everyone! Wow what at week. I couldn't exercise much because of the millions of things going on this week. I plan on getting back to exercising today. I have only lost 13 pounds and I am getting discouraged so I am hoping the exercise will kick it up some. Please keep me in your prayers. Thank you all!
First day back on the diet since June (and the start of a feeding frenzy in both DL and WDW on two back-to-back trips!). I managed to put over 20 lbs. back on in those few months. The only shining light is the 13 I'm still down from my highest.

I've done it before, so I know it can be done. My issue is keeping it off. I hit my goal weight for a few days back in 1998 and then promptly got pregnant and put on 50 lbs. I was down almost 40 between last October and June, but I let the 3-week vacation throw me and never got back on track when we got back.

Any words of inspiration for me as I begin the journey again? I could especially use some success stories from those of you who had a nasty soda habit--I'm sure I'll be dealing with a lack of caffeine headache sometime this afternoon or tomorrow for a few days until my body breaks the addiction (I absolutely will not drink diet, so that's not a replacement option).
Hi Astamm! I too was addicted to pepsi but quit in 1999, I too refuse to drink diet. t was so hard but that year I lost 60 pounds and then had to have emergency surgery. I put most of it back on. I just found this site about 7 weeks ago when I started my journey to take the weight off again. I am down 14 pounds and it is hard. I did find a new exercise tape "The Biggest Loser". I like it alot.
The people on this site are full of words of encouragement. I check in here about once a week. I can tell them my weight but no one else.
Stick around. There aren't any easy wieght loss tips just your diet and exercise but we are all are there with you.
Let us know how you are doing!
Astamm :welcome: :yay: We're so glad you're here. I am also a closet soda addict, but my addiction is Diet Pepsi. My only words of advice are to possibly cut down slowly to try to avoid the headache and stay hydrated. It sounds like you have done fantastic in the past, so I know you'll do great on this journey!

kimis--The weight just keeps falling off you! You go girl :banana: I know we would all like things to be faster, but you just can't rush things too much if you want it to be permanent. Focus on all of the great things you have done so far!

Eva--I'm glad you're feeling better and back in the pool. I loved your quote about the caterpillar/butterfly. Thanks for continuing to be a source of support and inspiration for everyone here.

Bryan--Hope your wrist continues to heal. I know it's hard, but you're doing the right thing by letting it heal completely before stressing it so you don't risk chronic injury with it. Fantastic job with the cardio! I don't know that I'll ever log the number of miles that you manage on the bike and on foot. Tan or no tan, I'm sure you look fantastic!

Maria--I hope everything is going well for you. You've certainly gone through a rough stretch. Don't forget that we're all here for you whether the news is good or bad!

Update--The weather here has been fantastic, so I've moved my workout to the outdoors. I also took my kids to flashlight night at the corn maze last night. I swear we must have walked for at least 80 miles before we found our way out (okay, possibly an exaggeration). I'm set for a really good week.
Hi everyone and thanks so much for your kind words. Today is my monday morning weigh in. I am done 13 pounds but it seems like forever.

Today will be a hard day. I tend to eat when I am sad, mad, depressed, bored (well you get the idea). Today is the second anniversary of my moms passing. All I want is food. You know pie, cake, candies, anything I haven't had in the past 7 weeks. Please say a prayer for me that I stay focused on my goal. It is a sad day for me.

Thank you all for caring.
Hi, I am new to the boards and I too am trying to loose for DW in May '09. In an ideal world I would manage to loose 100 pounds by then but would be stoked to hit 60 pounds. I have lost 25 in the last 2 1/2 months so I am thinking it is do able. I have a huge fear of not being able to fit in the seats on the rides and want to get small enough to not worry. And I don't want to scare small children at the pool :).

It will be a trip of just me and my 7 year old daughter since I recently split up with her father. He was a sour puss at DL in '07 so we wouldn't have taken him anyway.

But I am excited I found this thread and can read and share with people connected by the same goal! Good luck everyone!
Hi clr055 and :welcome:

Hi Everyone!
Just checking in to see how everyone's doing.
Work has been really crazy and I just
don't have the time to do anything it seems.
My workouts have been sporadic, but
my eating has been good, so the few extra
pounds from my August trip are almost gone :thumbsup2

I'll try to check in more often.
Happy workouts everyone :goodvibes
Hi All,

kimis--you're doing great! I'm really sorry about the loss of your mom, and I hope you were able to turn to your happy memories of her instead of food to make it through the anniversary of her passing. Keep focusing on the positive--that's 13 pounds gone and never to return.

clr055--we're so glad you're here! This is a great group. We've been a little quiet because everyone is busy, but you won't find a group with nicer, more supportive people than you'll find right here. It's so great that you have a motivator (May Disney Trip) for your weight loss. When I got started, that was half the battle. My son is close to your daughter's age, and he loves to be a part of my exercise routine (especially trying to beat me on the Wii Fit...where I swear he must cheat)!

I don't have much of an update. I'm just trying to keep on keeping on. The battery on my scales died, and ...gotta go, crying child!
Hey everyone! I know I have been silent and sporatic lately. All I can say is I am truly sorry. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of everyone here. Just the last several weeks have been extremely stressful at work. I have had it for the last 6 weeks where during the week, I would average 3 hours of sleep a night. Everynight, when I would lie down, my mind would be racing about everything that was going on and it wouldn't allow me to go to sleep. 2 days in a row last week, I was having anxiety attacks. So finally, I had to go in and tell work I need some time off to shut down and relax. Otherwise, I was scared that I was going to end up in the hospital. So as of now, I am on vacation for the next week and I have left strict instructions for them NOT to call me for anything. I am in the process of trying to arrange a couple of days where I can get up to the Smokies so I can just chill and train. This week, I am basically planning on training as much as my body will allow me too without hurting myself as that is a form of relaxation for me so I will keep everyone up to date on how it goes.

I will get back soon to follow up with everyone and see how you are all doing. I do hope all is well!

Keep training everyone!
Hi all! I need help! I am so bummed! It has been 8 weeks today that I have been losing weight and it isn't going as fast as I thought it would. I have lost 16 pounds and 29 inches. It is taking forever. It would be different if I were cheating with food I wasn't supposed to have but I am not. I have not cheated!
I know I haven't gotten to exercise much the past two weeks because we have had company, I have had extra work and we had another granddaughter born so we have been busy. I am going to make myself exercise today.
Please keep me in your prayers! I really need to get this fat off and keep it off! Thank you for your support!
Hi all! I need help! I am so bummed! It has been 8 weeks today that I have been losing weight and it isn't going as fast as I thought it would. I have lost 16 pounds and 29 inches. It is taking forever. It would be different if I were cheating with food I wasn't supposed to have but I am not. I have not cheated!
I know I haven't gotten to exercise much the past two weeks because we have had company, I have had extra work and we had another granddaughter born so we have been busy. I am going to make myself exercise today.
Please keep me in your prayers! I really need to get this fat off and keep it off! Thank you for your support!

Kimis Relax. This is actually the safe way to loose weight. When you average 2-3 pounds a week, that means you are doing everything in a healthy and easy way. When you drop weight like they do on the Biggest Loser, there is a higher chance for that weight to come back on you. Your way is a lifestyle change. Their way is a drastic change that you can't keep forever. But if you want to do some minor adjustments, I would suggest looking at the food that you are intaking. Check out how much sodium is in everything. All that sodium is making you retain the water weight that you are trying to loose so I would check there first and then next, add another 5-10 minutes of cardio extra. That should help some.

You are doing great! Keep it up!
Thanks Bryan. Good idea I can certainly had a few minutes to my exercise. It is hard losing weight the in the real world when you see people on tv shows losing 7 or more pounds a week. GRRRRRR!!! It is my plan to keep this weight off!!!!!
thanks again


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