DINKS--some more

So, the surgery is scheduled for Feb. 28th, less than a week after we get back from WDW. Can we say planning overdrive...oh, about NOW? And how, thank god we don't have kids because that would be one more thing that i'd have to deal with planning for while I'm laid up for a month. This is a hugely busy time of year for my work. March is usually when I am in the midst of getting the June show ready...but oh, not this year, this year I'm doing it all RIGHT NOW. Can we say nightly martinis? It's not just that I'm having to take off of work and make sure that there's help around the house...oh no, it's much more than that, oh so much more.

But, I need a brain break...so...on to
Thursday, Day Six!

Woohoo! something fun to plan!

I know that EMH lends itself to bigger crowds during the day, but we don't care, we're going for it! And we want those Tom Sawyer paint brushes!

We'll wake up, have some tasty, tasty food, get the first boat to MK, and hit Space Mountain along with some fastpasses for later. Squeeze in Buzz, Stitch, and Monster's Inc. before making our way to Frontierland for a fastpass at Splash, and then making sure we are on that first raft over to the Island.

We want those paintbrushes. It is our mission. We will get one. We will. Also, the last three times we've been at DL, the Island has been closed. We love it, we miss it, we need it now! Perhaps a little kissy kissy in a cave too?

We're guessing that by the time we get off the Island, things will be getting crowded. We'll hit Country Bears (which I've never been party to, but I want some Blood on the Saddal--especially after reading that thread about how horrible it was to expose children to it), before heading to Liberty Square for the Riverboat and Hall of Presidents...and, depending on the line, Haunted Mansion.

About that time we'll give up, go to the Columbia Harbor House for that amazing hummas sandwich that I still have dreams about. And, yes, we'll eat upstairs, we know how to roll. Then we'll wander and shop around Liberty Square and Frontierland, before hopping the train to Toontown and taking the back walkway to Space Mountain for fastpass action. Then some peoplemover and carousel of Progress (why oh why do I love this ride?) before heading back to the lodge for a nap!

Ok...this is where I get peeved. When I first starting making reservations, the earliest I could get a Cinderella's table was for 5:40, the entire week! Really? I asked, it's 180 days before we get there and it's 4am my time on the west coast...you sure about that? Yup, they were closing at 6pm the entire week. Huh? Then when I called back two months later I was suddenly about to get an 8:20? This just made me so angry because if I could have scheduled it late like that on a Sunday evening, our entire planning would have changed. But no...I can deal, it's ok, but why weren't they available then? Even the people at reservations thought it odd that the entire week was that way. One day I can understand, but the entire week? Just...ugh.

At least we have it though. And it's a late seating. One of my favorite things to do at WDW is to watch the fireworks from inside the castle. They're scheduled for 10pm, and I will draw out my dinner to the extreme just to be able to do that again. I'll be sure to bring tissues, because I will be boohooing from the romance of it all.

Anyhoo, after that's all done, we'll 'do' Fantasyland. Get in rides we didn't do, walk through shops, get in line for Peterpan right when the park is closing...you know the drill. Take our time, walk through Main Street and shop on our way out. Just in general, feel romantic as the park empties...waltz in the street, that sort of thing. *sigh*

Oh, yeah, then go back to the hotel to collapse.
Your planning sounds excellent for that day! I totally love it!

At least we have it though. And it's a late seating. One of my favorite things to do at WDW is to watch the fireworks from inside the castle. They're scheduled for 10pm, and I will draw out my dinner to the extreme just to be able to do that again. I'll be sure to bring tissues, because I will be boohooing from the romance of it all.

Anyhoo, after that's all done, we'll 'do' Fantasyland. Get in rides we didn't do, walk through shops, get in line for Peterpan right when the park is closing...you know the drill. Take our time, walk through Main Street and shop on our way out. Just in general, feel romantic as the park empties...waltz in the street, that sort of thing. *sigh*

Oh, yeah, then go back to the hotel to collapse.

Just out of curiosity, does it seem like there are less children in the evening for the late meals at CRT? I never thought to make a late ADR before and the idea of seeing fireworks from the inside sounds really cool!

Your under the 20 day mark! Woo Hoo!:yay:
omg, you're right 19 days...so much to do...so little time! lol It can't come soon enough.

During the later ADR, I didn't really notice the kids...as in, they didn't bother me by being rowdy and such. There were kids there, but maybe with the absense of the princesses they aren't as crazy. We were also sat by the windows, so we weren't in the middle of it all. It actually felt quiet and romantic.

Our server asked if it was our anniversery, we said no and something to the affect of our it was still a treat for us, and he gave us anniversery champaigne flutes anyway without us ever asking. Still have them, still love to use them.

For the fireworks, they let everyone come and sit around the windows, they dim the lights and the music is piped in. Of course, you don't get the whole show, but there is something magical about it.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Anyone who thinks that taking their kid to CRT to make their dreams come true is missing out on something v. important. As a child I always wanted to dine in the castle, it was my great dream. I didn't get to until I was old enough to make it happen with my husband on our honeymoon...lol, I suppose you could say that we abstained from the castle until marriage. You know what? it was worth it. If I had eaten at the castle as a child, that moment would have been ruined. Being an adult on her honeymoon and eating in the castle for the first time was one of the most special moments in my life, it was that 'dreams do come true' moment. Thank you mom and dad for not taking me there as a child, no matter how much I begged.
Friday, Day Seven

Friday, the day of doing what we haven't done, or what we want to do again. No matter what, we'll end up at Epcot for EMH, but not sure of what will happen earlier in the day.

Magic Kingdom and Disney Studios closes at 7pm, Animal Kingdom at 8pm…of course now I'm thinking that every person in resort will be at Epcot that night…so, hmm, is it a good idea? Oh well, if they are we'll just go to Downtown Disney…or, oh darn, back to Wilderness Lodge. We'll need to hang out at the Territory Lounge at some point…right? Or…hey, are the booze carts in Epcot still open during EMH? j/k…sorta. I would imagine that they would at least let you wander around and enjoy the scenery during that time frame, so maybe some kissy kissy moments around the world?

We do have a 1pm ADR for Marrakesh, but I think I'm going to try and get it changed to a dinner time. That way we can go to one of the other parks earlier in the day if we want to.

I think I've done good this time, making sure that we have most of that day to just do what we still need/want to do. Heck, maybe just sleep in and do the Wilderness Lodge tour and a little hot tub action.

Oh yes, and we're planning to do the Adventurers Club on either day three, five or seven. Honestly, I think we should on day three just in case we want to go back a couple more times! So excited.

Oh, and 18 days left….and I got that one suitcase packed with all the snacks from Costco, brand new collapsible cane, amongst other things. Should I go ahead and put on the yellow magical express tag? Lol.
And ADR is changed! It really is easy to change a time at Marrakesh, I don't know why people are afraid of Morrorcan food, it's just so...so...yummmmmm. I mean, at Disney they even dumb down the spices and don't make you eat with your fingers...which sucks, granted. I'll be asking for authentic spices, maybe I'll even insist on eating with my fingers. Too bad they don't have floor seating.
And ADR is changed! It really is easy to change a time at Marrakesh, I don't know why people are afraid of Morrorcan food, it's just so...so...yummmmmm. I mean, at Disney they even dumb down the spices and don't make you eat with your fingers...which sucks, granted. I'll be asking for authentic spices, maybe I'll even insist on eating with my fingers. Too bad they don't have floor seating.

I loved Restaurant Marrakesh! We went there for the first time on our most recent vacation and really enjoyed the atmosphere and food. We will definitely be back! Plus we do love Morracan food. We have a local restaurant called Tandoor House. They have awesome Curry Shrimp (my fav!). Enjoy!!!:cool1:

There is no reason for this post, other than to say

16 DAYS!!!!!!

:woohoo: :cheer2: :banana: :banana: :cheer2: :woohoo:

...oh look, I actually used smilies...

:cheer2: :dance3: :yay: :cool1: :banana:
We have a local Marrakesh that we love to go to. I always have an issue trying to decide which I live best...the lentil soup, or the Morracan salad.

WDW was actually our first experience with Morracan, always wanted to try, never had...now it's one of our favorites.

I always get upset when I read about people afraid to try new foods. My favorite foods are all ones that I would have never tried if I had just stuck to what my parents ate. I love Thai and Vietnamese, I love Ethiopian and Greek food.

The one thing that I would like to try more of is French food. I wanted to make an ADR for Bistro de Paris this trip, but just ran out of times.
Sweet! 13 days! :cheer2:

Ok, on to the final day

Saturday, Day Eight

Check out day *sigh*

Originally, we were going to do a 9am flight, then we changed it to 8pm...and not sure what to do with the day. Our parkhoppers will be all gone by then, and we could just buy another day in the parks, but we should probably try to do other things

So, what to do?

Wilderness Lodge tour
Hang out at Wilderness Lodge
go to Downtown Disney to hang out and have lunch...but where to eat?!??!!
do some mini-golf...but which mini-golf course is the best?
go to the Boardwalk...maybe have lunch there instead...but where?
any other ideas that I'm missing?

I mean, if there's somewhere particular that we want to have lunch then I need to make an ADR, but I have no idea what to do...panic attack! lol j/k

...who am I kidding, we'll probably just go to one of the parks...but I don't think we should do that, I feel we should try to do some of the other things that we've never done.

AH! what to do
what to do?

Just have to be back at the hotel by 5pm...thats all.
So, what to do?

Wilderness Lodge tour
Hang out at Wilderness Lodge or the Animal Kingdom Lodge? Lots of animals to see at various lookouts & a great atmosphere.
go to Downtown Disney to hang out and have lunch...but where to eat?!??!! We enjoyed eating at Raglan Road one day for lunch or House of Blues, very cool!
do some mini-golf...but which mini-golf course is the best? We have also enjoyed Fantasia Gardens in the past, just a suggestion.:)
go to the Boardwalk...maybe have lunch there instead...but where? The ESPN Club has a pretty good lunch and there's lots going on in there. Or the Big River Grille and Brewing Works.
any other ideas that I'm missing? Hop on the monorail at the Transporation & Ticket Center and stop at each of the monorail resorts and eat at one of the resorts & check out the different shops.

Almost all of our previous visits we have had early flights out, but there was one vacation that we had a 6:00 p.m. flight out. We had enjoyed staying out late the night before, sleeping in our last morning and packing at a leisurely pace. We then took the bus to Downtown Disney and had lunch at the Rainforest Cafe and finished up our shopping before heading back to the resort to catch the bus to the airport.

Good luck with your last day planning!
mental note...Fantasia Gardens...check

Raglan Road sounds tasty, we love a good Irish pub. Give me some shephards pie!

Thank you, gives me some food for thought...on food.
So, I think I got DH the perfect Valentine's gift today. I found the playlist for the music loop for the Condor Flats area and Soarin que at California Adventure...and I managed to get almost all of it on Itunes. I just need to buy the soundtracks for American President and Dave, and we're golden.

Whenever we talk about trips to DL, that's his favorite memory, the music in those areas. So, I'm a good wife, yes? yes?


On the downside, I'll be so sick of that music, that I'll refuse to even go near Soarin in the future. I'll especially be sick of The Last Starfighter. Oy.

--On the planning front, I found our old ponchos and umbrellas from a few years ago. Sweet!
10 days!

...and I just woke up from a nightmare. We were taking a nap at the hotel and slept to long, and missed our Le Celliar time! In the nightmare I threw a full on temper tantrum, I was so upset.

Of course, we know that would never happen. My planning has us in Epcot all morning before our reservation.

I'm not commenting on wether or not the temper tantrum would happen, though.
8 Days! I wish there was a booty shaking dance smilie, 'cus that's what I'd be doing.

And planning reports are great, because if, say, you save all your information on your phone's calendar and your phone dies, well, you just come back to the report to find the info!

*sigh* Well, at least when I called Disney Dining to get all my numbers and times, it served as a time to confirm said things, and everything was correct.

--and good, i've got my next DL trip secure in my brain. Do you think DH will let me do it solo?
8 Days! I wish there was a booty shaking dance smilie, 'cus that's what I'd be doing.

And planning reports are great, because if, say, you save all your information on your phone's calendar and your phone dies, well, you just come back to the report to find the info!

*sigh* Well, at least when I called Disney Dining to get all my numbers and times, it served as a time to confirm said things, and everything was correct.

--and good, i've got my next DL trip secure in my brain. Do you think DH will let me do it solo?

This is you the next eight days -----> :hyper:


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