Dinosaur ride- is it scary for grown ups?

I love Dinosaur! It is loud, dark, and fun. I don't find it really scary because I know it isn't real... but I love it.
Have near been on the Dinosaur ride. Have watched it on YouTube, but can't tell much from the videos. Is it super jerky/bumpy? I suspect at some point, in the dark, a dinosaur comes out and growls. I am clearly an (older) adult, but just don't know what to really expect. Any insights friends?

You actually get eaten by a T-rex at the very end so plan your ride accordingly.
I had to comment on this... I LOVE this ride. But that being said, I do a mixture of laughing and screaming like a little kid at the most intense part and usually cover my eyes. Its all in good fun though. I am someone who gets anxiety on rides that are too high, too claustrophobic, etc and this is not something to be truly scared or anxious about. I think its really fun!

As for darkness and noise, I have never noticed anything out of the ordinary. Yes it is dark, like most "dark rides." It is slightly loud. And it is very jerky.. like being in a Jeep off-roading... not like something whipping you around.

Hope that helps! This is a must-do for us always.
We sound like we have similar taste in rides! I absolutely LOVE dinosaur and will ride it as many times in a row as we can get on. It is loud and very bumpy. I love it!
OK, that settles it. Had a herniated disc a few years ago, and am so cautious now! Probably not worth it for me to ride Dinosaur.
BTW.... We could not believe how bad the Matterhorn ride at DL was- sooooooo joltingly bumpy and jerky!!!
it's not nearly as painful as matterhorn. that left my DD and myself bruised up just a few weeks ago. i swear it's worse every time they "fix" it. if you rode Indy at DL, it's essentially the same ride, just with dinosaurs and a big dino instead of a rolling boulder.
I don't think it's scary but it's pretty rough. I think that if you have back issues or don't like bumpy rides then you probably wouldn't like it.
I don't find it horrific in the least or anything like that. That said, the ride itself is pretty short, but for its duration, it is bumpy, jerky, and quite a bit loud (animatronic dinosaurs around you roaring and lunging and whatnot, while the ride car flings you around in your sit a bit). If that sounds like the worst thing in the world to you, then by all means, skip this one.
I am scared to death of the ride, but I am also the person who gets nightmares from Jurassic Park. I always end up riding it though and keep telling myself that the dinosaurs aren't real.
OK, that settles it. Had a herniated disc a few years ago, and am so cautious now! Probably not worth it for me to ride Dinosaur.
BTW.... We could not believe how bad the Matterhorn ride at DL was- sooooooo joltingly bumpy and jerky!!!

it's not nearly as painful as matterhorn. that left my DD and myself bruised up just a few weeks ago. i swear it's worse every time they "fix" it. if you rode Indy at DL, it's essentially the same ride, just with dinosaurs and a big dino instead of a rolling boulder.

Holy Bananas! My body was in decent condition before I rode the Matterhorn. Now, a year later, my lower back and butt are finally recovering.

Dinosaur is jerky but nothing compared to the Matterhorn. That was a one and done for me.
Anyone with sensitive ears should bring ear plugs to WDW (and universal)! Ear plugs make everything so much more pleasant.

many, many years ago, I went on Space Mountain. HATED IT and swore I would never ride it again- and haven't. Have been on the Indiana Jones ride once, also years ago, and remember it was fun, but so jerky! Rode Expedition Everest in 2015. It was great- until we got to the bottom of the backward drop. Felt like I was having a heart attack or something! Must have been the g force?- very weird feeling! Maybe I am just getting too old for this stuff? So...which is better/worse- Space Mountain, dinosaur, or Expedition Overset?? I've got to ride something! LOL!!!!

Space at MK is rotten. It's like Matterhorn to me. EE has some intense forces when going backwards. I find that a long slow exhale works to keep those feelings at bay. Many people think they are going upside down during the backwards section. But you're not. It's just intense.

Only scary part IMO was wondering if my spine was going to remain intact. Pretty much the roughest ride I've ever been on, anywhere.

Don't you wish themeparks would keep a chiropractor and an acupuncturist onsite?

OK, that settles it. Had a herniated disc a few years ago, and am so cautious now! Probably not worth it for me to ride Dinosaur.
BTW.... We could not believe how bad the Matterhorn ride at DL was- sooooooo joltingly bumpy and jerky!!!

And try made Matterhorn worse a few years back. On purpose!

it's not nearly as painful as matterhorn. that left my DD and myself bruised up just a few weeks ago. i swear it's worse every time they "fix" it. if you rode Indy at DL, it's essentially the same ride, just with dinosaurs and a big dino instead of a rolling boulder.

The fix was to make it more like a real bobsled. No lie; that's a quote from CMs there. It was done on purpose.

Dino can feel a little scary if you're an adult with an imagination that likes the "what if" questions. I've only ridden once so my memory isn't perfect, but that's the sort of thing that gets me.

But I'm the adult at universal Hollywood being just a touch freaked out by the *walking* velociraptors there. Sure they look like they have a person in there, but I can't prove it. :)
For me, I find being startled to be terrifying. I know that it's not "real", I'm not afraid I'm going to get hurt. I just have an overactive startle reflex and it's stressful for me.
But I'm the adult at universal Hollywood being just a touch freaked out by the *walking* velociraptors there. Sure they look like they have a person in there, but I can't prove it. :)

I quite enjoyed feeding my (adult) daughter to a Velociraptor in January

How bad is the sound level, exactly? I'm a little sensitive when it comes to sound (I always jump at loud sounds in movie theaters, it's so annoying), and I'm a little worried about how loud this ride supposedly is.

VERY jerky and VERY loud.
I consider it more violent than scary.

It definitely jerks you around. If you have neck injury, you should not go on it. If you want a neck injury, it's a prime candidate. :-)

It's on my must do at animal kingdom, but that's more for lack of other "rides" in animal kingdom more than anything else.
It is a bit jerky, but I love this ride - one of my favorites! Like a few others said it's scary in a fun way.
It's interesting, but not relaxing. Bumpy and jerky. Was the first ride we went on at AK. I was worried about my 10 year old son who rode this as his first theme park ride EVER! I was ok until the dinasaur at the end. I don't handle jump scares very well. The second time around was worse than the first on each visit. I'm only going on this once next time we visit and I will bury my face into the side of whoever is sitting next to me. :scared:
Have near been on the Dinosaur ride. Have watched it on YouTube, but can't tell much from the videos. Is it super jerky/bumpy? I suspect at some point, in the dark, a dinosaur comes out and growls. I am clearly an (older) adult, but just don't know what to really expect. Any insights friends?

Unless you think the Dino's are real you will fine. What terrifies me is the hard jerking and feeling afraid it will throw my neck or back out!. Same with Space mountain..no thanks!
It's loud and jerky and it's DS5's favorite ride. When we were there in December we caught it right near the end of the day at AK and he led us on 4 consecutive trips back in time looking for the iguanadon. He was upset that it was closing time and we couldn't keep going.
My three year old liked it (although she did get spooked by the dark). The jerking can be a bit much.
I was absolutely terrified of this ride lol. There's this commentary while you're on the ride and it almost gave me a panic attack when the guy starts yelling and screaming about the T-Rex coming. I hated it.


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