Dirtiest DVC resort?


Nov 4, 2012
My husband and I are new owners with our first visit (as DVC owners) this Oct - a 2 BR at Jambo AKL. I've seen quite a few posts in random threads about dirty rooms, used towels and sheets and I'm a bit worried. What are the resorts that you find are the dirtiest? Cleanest? Old & needs a refurb but clean? TIA!
My husband and I are new owners with our first visit (as DVC owners) this Oct - a 2 BR at Jambo AKL. I've seen quite a few posts in random threads about dirty rooms, used towels and sheets and I'm a bit worried. What are the resorts that you find are the dirtiest? Cleanest? Old & needs a refurb but clean? TIA!

I have to say that I've never stayed in the room that was so dirty I had to switch. Most every time is very clean. That said, Disney's Vero Beach is in a need for an update. However it is my one of my favorite resorts and I don't really notice that it is worn. Easy to look past when you're just a couple feet from the ocean.
As an owner at AKV it pains me to say that AKV Jambo house was the only place I've had issues with cleanliness, and with both rooms we had reserved! The front desk took care of it, but not the quality I expected to introduce my in-laws to :-(
I've been a member almost 15 years, stayed at all WDW DVC's except SSR and have never experienced that. I think it's hit or miss, depending on the particular housekeeper assigned to the room rather than a resort wide issue.

Regarding the dirty blanket post, I think someone used the blanket for the pullout and then folded it up and put it back in the closet and housekeeping didn't catch it. Anytime we use the sofabed, we always strip everything off and leave it on the floor so housekeeping knows it needs changed.
We have only had one dirty room in our 10+ stays. It was at BWV, and it was quite disgusting! However, we have stayed there two times since and those rooms were great. It is a random experience IMHO.
None of the rooms should be dirty and it they are, why didn't a member report it until it was fixed? Being a member comes with responsibilities and that means taking the time to report rooms that need cleaning, and getting broken or missing items in the rooms replaced or fixed.
There is a difference between dirty and worn.

The longer time between refurbs, the more a resort shows wear. There is also damage caused buy guests, we have had broken lamps, holes in the wall/ceiling, scratches in tables, cabinets, and floor. Stains caused by who knows what and writing or scribbling with markers of crayons.

Dirty is a different issue, that seems to happen at all resorts so I blame housekeeping for not doing their job and Disney for not doing theirs. We always wash our dishes, flatware, glasses, and pans before use after finding dirty dishes several times. Wipe down with wipes, and clean the jet tub.

Common problems are dust/dirt, objects on the floor, in the bed or sofa, burned out light bulbs, dirty windows, dirty refrigerator, dirty microwave, dirty counter tops.

Our issues have been over years and we vacation 1 to 3 times per year. 1 year we stayed in 8 different rooms so the odds of finding problems are greater than the normal guest.

:earsboy: Bill
I clean everything myself on day 1 and refuse housekeeping. I am much more worried about what I can't see then what I can see.
The thought that someone is using the same supplies to clean the bathroom as they are the kitchen, the same gloves to clean the bathroom as they are when they change the pillow cases... I will say no more. I do it myself and then I can relax.
DenLo said:
None of the rooms should be dirty and it they are, why didn't a member report it until it was fixed? Being a member comes with responsibilities and that means taking the time to report rooms that need cleaning, and getting broken or missing items in the rooms replaced or fixed.

Many times they do. If I write a trip report, you get the unvarnished truth. Doesn't mean I didn't report the problem. I stayed at the grand Floridian one year and the service was so bad we actually got a 1 night stay credit (it was the year that outsourced much if they services). Now just because Disney attempted to correct the issues doesn't mean I don't report it.
If I get a nasty room no matter the outcome, that goes on my trip report. I also make sure I write about the resolution
Op truthfully I think it's not the resort it's Disney. Disney has cut back on staff to the bare minimum. My next door neighbor just left her job as a mousekeeper at the Contemporary after 7 years, she really complained that since 2010 they were constantly working short staffed. Only one view
Many times they do. If I write a trip report, you get the unvarnished truth. Doesn't mean I didn't report the problem. I stayed at the grand Floridian one year and the service was so bad we actually got a 1 night stay credit (it was the year that outsourced much if they services). Now just because Disney attempted to correct the issues doesn't mean I don't report it.
If I get a nasty room no matter the outcome, that goes on my trip report. I also make sure I write about the resolution

I agree with your comments, but I think the majority do not "waste their vacation reporting time consuming problems". I know on our last trip I gave up after a third call about problems with the sliding balcony door. It had major problems and probably needed to be removed and replaced. I just got on with my vacation. But what I should have done was written to Member Satisfaction afterwards. I didn't and now I cannot remember the details. Who knows if it ever got fixed?
I agree with your comments, but I think the majority do not "waste their vacation reporting time consuming problems". I know on our last trip I gave up after a third call about problems with the sliding balcony door. It had major problems and probably needed to be removed and replaced. I just got on with my vacation. But what I should have done was written to Member Satisfaction afterwards. I didn't and now I cannot remember the details. Who knows if it ever got fixed?

Sadly member satisfaction calls maintenance at the resort just like we do. I have been told by MS in the past that guests on site have a better chance of getting things done.

Big corporations with different units or divisions often don't work well together.

:earsboy: Bill


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