DIS Unplugged Show Feedback and Suggestions

I love that you have such a great mix of people in different stages of life...single, married, people with young kids, older kids, grandkids. The multiple perspectives give such a well-rounded viewpoint to all the vacation issues you cover. And I love the different opinions.

Casual does not mean "un-professional". I love the chattiness and informality of the podcast. I love off-the-cuff, uncensored comments. I think that keeps things fresh and honest. And funny. You all make me laugh out loud during those times...and then my co-workers turn and stare at me, because I listen with my headset in an otherwise quiet work environment. :D

I love reviews. All kinds. I love feedback on new park experiences. Since I live 2,000 miles from WDW, when I go, I want to be prepared. The information you provide in those segments is invaluable to the traveler who may only have the chance of WDW vacation once a year. I know that what I need information-wise is so different with WDW than with Disneyland (which I visit much more frequently, due to proximity). Shooting more in the park, "remote" segments (pardon the broadcasting jargon, it's my former profession, lol), from something as simple as the new queue at Peter Pan would be something that I would appreciate a great deal.

I can't say enough good stuff about your ABD segments. They are so informative and interesting, and as I something I can't wait to do someday, I love seeing these destinations and hearing about how Disney operates this side of their business. As much money as we spend on going to WDW, we'll probably spend five to ten times more on an ABD adventure. I find myself soaking up the info on these trips like a sponge.

I love all aspects of Disney, especially Disney history. When you all discuss that, as well as interesting facts on people currently working for the company, and speculate about the future and the direction the company may go, I'm all ears. Some "historical Disney" segments with an expert on Walt and WDW would be really fun as well.

And, I think a field trip to Toyko Disney, Disney Seas, and Disneyland Paris is definitely in order. If you need a volunteer to accompany you all...look no further. "Pick me! Pick me!" ;)

Keep up the great work team!! I love listening (have to have the podcast at work), and I appreciate all the hard work that goes into what you do!!
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Some things I would like to see:
More dining reviews from John and Kevin
Segments with Teresa and Kathy out and about - they crack me up
Reviews of the different tours that disney offers. We did the Behind the Seeds Tour and loved it. Would love to do a different one, but with 6 in our family, I am hesitant to do one as I don't want to waste our money.
Very interested in Aulani. John mentioned that Oahu is now his favorite island. We are DVC members and would love to try the resort, but have been hesitant because of the many negative things we have heard about Oahu compared to the other islands. I would love to hear a more detailed discussion about why and what else there is to do on the island.
We love to take an afternoon break and tour a different resort than we are staying at that trip. I would love to hear what's the one thing to do and/or eat at each resort.
How about a best resort bar segment?
It seems like the DL edition has more segments about history and talks with disney imagineers/legends. Would love some of that on the WDW edition.

Thanks for an entertaining Tuesday afternoon!
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First of all, been listening since 2007 and love the show! Got me through some real crappy times.

Some general observations and suggestions (All my opinion obviously!) -

No more people talking on Skype, normally the lag just messes up the flow of the show and during the 7 in 7 I didn't get the feeling that will was very comfortable with it. Seemed like he was just speaking when spoken to.
I understand that ABD and DC are big sources of business, but in recent years Ive been sensing John and Kevin being less interested in Disney world. I think I remember them saying they didn't set foot in one of the parks for a year? Its still a primarily Disney world focused podcast so it seems crazy to me that two of the main members of the team don't seem to visit the parks anymore.
It can be bit a frustrating when a new show type is introduced (thinking things like tech talk, free from friday) and at the start it's implied it'll be a regular thing then more often than not it just never happens again. I love those different kinds of segments and would love them to be a more regular thing.
I've not been as much a fan of the universal show since the reboot. It used to feel like the dis unpluggeds slightly goofier cousin and I loved that but it's not the same to me now.
I've felt some of the second hour content to be a bit uninspiring recently, there's so much to do around Orlando and in Disney world that can be discussed

I'd feel remiss not to also talk about the things I love about the show too though!

The production quality of the video content
Craig Williams! As someone with a very dry sense of humor he is hilarious!
The fact you guys do this every single week, even with the comments I made above I don't want to minimise the amount of work I know you all put into the show every week
7 in 7 - realise they're a lot of work and I listened to every one the morning they were released
Your commitment to give kids the world
I like pretty much everything. LOOOVE 7 in 7 But my biggest feedback on that was How in the world did you stand shooting all of those podcasts in what seemed 2 days? Just going by the sun in the background and the clothes, it looks like you shot 4 in one day and 3 in the next. I know you all get along well, but 12-14 hours sitting in a room with the cameras and lights and gear. Yikes. What dedication.

I love the cast, it's all strong personalities with very respectful banter and good balance.

I'm not a huge fan of The Trip. Im not sure if there just needs a bit more work done on it or if it's just the topics. But I turn it off after the first few minutes. I know it's relatively new so perhaps after a few more it will figure out a groove, which is strange because I love the people.

Can we get more Pete and Kevin? I listen to the podcasts at work and these 2 always make me laugh. I think Pete and I are extremely similar in our views on things and love his rants, because it's often what I feel.

Can we get some more personal history of everyone? I'd love to hear about everyone's life and where they all came together and their previous Disney introduction.

How is your social media handled? Do you use a content calendar? Assets from the show? I think you could really capitalize on this to help with your reach and bring in new viewers. I can definitely help there ;) As that's what I do.

Maybe do a Q&A from social? (apparently this is coming lol)

WIll you pllllease take a tour of the studio? I love love love looking around at things in the background and wish I could see more.

Minor Issues:
Kevin's Mic covers his face during a lot of the shows. Not sure if this is intentional or not, but I love his facial expressions when I can see them.
I love the show. Been listening almost from the beginning. I love the honesty, good or bad. My fav parts are the WDW vacation planning segments.
I love dining, hotel and activity reviews. One of the first shows I listened to was Pete going to the Main Street starbucks for the first time. Loved hearing his thoughts as he experienced them. And one of my favorites was learning about Tokyo and disney there. And I always love the reviews of trips abroad. I also love the guest artists. It is so cool learning about their history, what it is like creating for disney and their inspirations.

Great show! I always look forward to new episodes and I love all the shows!
I think the main thing to keep in mind is that podcast listeners who listen long term aren't in it for the information. Yes, they enjoy hearing the information, but the main reason they tune in is because they enjoy the people on the podcast. They enjoy the synergy among the cast.

Sometimes, lately, the show has focused a little too much on the information at the cost of everyone's personalities. Yes personalities can pull things a bit off topic, but that's the fun of spontaneity. You really have to find that balance. There's an ebb and flow of when to let the conversation dally and when to reign it back in. It can be a really hard balance to strike and lately I feel like it's been a little too reigned in and tight.

Best of luck with future episodes, guys!!!
This is really great stuff everyone. I love the direction this thread is taking. I can't tell you all how important all of this feedback really is. I will say that some of the things mentioned we are very aware of an even in the works. Some of this stuff is a revelation to me and I can;t wait to find ways to tackle it! Thanks again!
I've been listening since about 2008. I remember the Bawb days, I remember the first Universal stuff. I still listen (I watched for the first time around the first of the year) because I use the podcast for when I run.

Things I like:

I LOVE JenniLyn. To be honest I was about to stop listening and then y'all brought her in and it was like someone finally had my questions and my personality and my answers. It was also a case of someone who felt relatable.

The separation of news/housekeeping/rapidfire and the segments. Some weeks I just listen to one and it's nice to be able to listen separately.

The start of the new Universal show and the realization that more of us are working Universal into our vacations.

Changes I'd like to see:

A refocus on the parks, their events, and reviews. I liked the 7 in 7 because it was on topic and useful. I really could care less for the "My dream resort" or "My dream park" type of talks. Those are fun discussions but I don't need to listen to other people have them on a podcast. I miss some of the more park focus segments such as dining reviews, the moms v. dads segment that JL did, the girls show Julie did, the shopping around the world.

More focus on average travel. It's great that y'all get to go stay concierge level, go on multiple cruises and ABDs, but that's not the reality for most of the listeners and often the attitude of some on the podcast becomes almost condescending when talking about Value resorts. I've felt like the trip does a really good job of this and I feel like JL and Theresa are really supportive of this group. I love back when Theresa had to plan the budget trip for her family.

I miss the question shows. They made me feel like I was contributing to the show. (And I still have my t-shirt.) And I enjoyed hearing others questions and felt like it kept the team connected to the real vacation experience.

I know things are live, but I miss some of the editing. Often there seem to be off-topic discussions (by which I mean not about Disney/Universal) at the beginning of the show and then things run out of time at the end.
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I think the main thing to keep in mind is that podcast listeners who listen long term aren't in it for the information. Yes, they enjoy hearing the information, but the main reason they tune in is because they enjoy the people on the podcast. They enjoy the synergy among the cast.

Sometimes, lately, the show has focused a little too much on the information at the cost of everyone's personalities.
To Kevin's point above about not pleasing everyone...my view is 180 degrees from this. I don't tune in to listen to a group of people I've never met just chat away in their clubhouse. I certainly enjoy the fact that these folks all get along. But Disney information is the raison d'etre for the show. Or at least the "News, Housekeeping and Rapidfire" shows.
I'm actually surprised that there haven't been MORE re-visits of things.
We all know how things change over time (hence, the original post this threat branched off from) and I think it is actually better to rehash some things, especially dining and the 7in7, as restaurants and resorts change.
Though I have listened to quite old episodes for some of these things, I like listening to the team, to the point that I don't even listen to the radio in the car anymore, just podcasts, but at the same time, I'm taking most of it for entertainment value as I feel that it might be redundant by now...
Things we'd like to see:
More Kevin and John dining reviews. Always well done, even if the food is not.
One podcast was done in the last couple of years about runDisney events, perhaps Marathon weekend. It would be interesting to hear more, especially since the races seem to be very popular.
The Bizarro episode: instead of the regular cast (possibly with the exception of a regular doing hosting duties, and the production nook), a second hour segment where the table is filled by spouses and family members of the regular group.
Craig Williams' masterpiece dining. Where Craig and his fiancée do a dining review. Perhaps with Kevin and John, or possibly just them. Let me be very clear: this is not mocking Craig in any way. I think his perspective and wit would make for an interesting dining review.
The how to take photographs podcast was very interesting. I must go back and find that one, to listen to again.
Kevin John and the artist who created the Endor artwork were very good guests.
Some time ago, I'd suggested Pete give the story/history behind the items in the studio. He did do that once or twice, and it was a neat segment. I think that was a podcast in the #550-590 range.
More later if we think of them.
Okay, let me start off by saying that I love the Universal show and I love the whole Universal crew. That being said, I get the feeling a lot that the discussion is being "dumbed down" to meet the average Disney fans level of knowledge of Universal. I know that is the primary audience of the podcast, but for those of us who already love Universal, it is a bit of a drag. It seems like Craig has to explain every little thing, whereas on the Disney show, there's no way Pete would have to do that. Like I said, I do love the show, but I do need to be honest as well.

As for what I would like to see...I would also like to see more discussion about the legitimate rumors of what's coming to the resort over the next 5 years, even if they originate on other sites.
To Kevin's point above about not pleasing everyone...my view is 180 degrees from this. I don't tune in to listen to a group of people I've never met just chat away in their clubhouse. I certainly enjoy the fact that these folks all get along. But Disney information is the raison d'etre for the show. Or at least the "News, Housekeeping and Rapidfire" shows.
I'm not saying you are wrong, but I think it depends on how long you've been listening. I've been listening since the show began. They could be talking about how they decorated their homes and I'd still download and listen. That's why I still listen to the "dream resort" or "dream park" episodes (sorry Dustin - I love you, just not those segments). But I honestly love these people and all they do to put out these shows week after week. I know this is about feedback but I feel protective as I'm sure many people who have listened a long time do. I'm just thankful they show up and put these shows together! Like so many others, this great group of people have gotten me through some tough times through the years. I do love when Kevin is able to tell stories :) and I love that he doesn't always agree with Pete. And John's dry humor cracks me up! I love hearing Corey and Julie's perspective with the kiddos and love Julie on the Universal show now too! The ladies are spectacular - Teresa and her crying - I'm with ya girl! And aren't so many of us just like Kathy - we just want to be there to experience the magic and get those goosebumps? I love that Dustin was a FAN first! JL offers such a great view on both the WDW show as well as the Universal Show. And Craig -- I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Universal show now!!! I liked it before but now, I WANT to plan a trip! I guess this is more of a love fest than feedback. I know you can't plan for those moments where everyone comes to the boards and types things like, "I was laughing so hard, I almost drove off the road!" (those are the best!) But really, I just wanted to say thanks. :grouphug:
New listener perspective: I mentioned some of this in the original thread. I only listen, don't "watch", so maybe I'm missing body language, but the few I listened to, the vibe I got was very much of a group of people attending a meeting at work with coworkers they were afraid to be themselves around. Awkward and stilted.

I see that you're getting some conflicting demands here (info vs chatter vs different segment types, etc), but in my experience people will come for the info and stay for the personalities. Maybe if, as some people are suggesting, the podcast is more "edited" or conservative than it used to be, the answer is to put out a separate product for listeners who don't need to be spoon-fed info OR demand a completely g-rated/whitewashed product.

But I'm just spitballing here--I suppose it's questionable whether you care about hooking new listeners like me who are admittedly looking for info AND entertainment in their podcasts. You probably have a very strong built in listener base of Disney fanatics.
I'm not saying you are wrong, but I think it depends on how long you've been listening. I've been listening since the show began. They could be talking about how they decorated their homes and I'd still download and listen. That's why I still listen to the "dream resort" or "dream park" episodes (sorry Dustin - I love you, just not those segments). But I honestly love these people and all they do to put out these shows week after week. I know this is about feedback but I feel protective as I'm sure many people who have listened a long time do. I'm just thankful they show up and put these shows together! Like so many others, this great group of people have gotten me through some tough times through the years. I do love when Kevin is able to tell stories :) and I love that he doesn't always agree with Pete. And John's dry humor cracks me up! I love hearing Corey and Julie's perspective with the kiddos and love Julie on the Universal show now too! The ladies are spectacular - Teresa and her crying - I'm with ya girl! And aren't so many of us just like Kathy - we just want to be there to experience the magic and get those goosebumps? I love that Dustin was a FAN first! JL offers such a great view on both the WDW show as well as the Universal Show. And Craig -- I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Universal show now!!! I liked it before but now, I WANT to plan a trip! I guess this is more of a love fest than feedback. I know you can't plan for those moments where everyone comes to the boards and types things like, "I was laughing so hard, I almost drove off the road!" (those are the best!) But really, I just wanted to say thanks. :grouphug:
That's all great. So ask Dustin for an additional podcast on home decorating. But a show called "News, Housekeeping and Rapidfire" ought to be a whole lot more than what you are describing. Thankfully, it is. Kevin mentioned in another thread that perhaps the amount of sharing that the podcast crew has given us has caused people to perhaps be a bit too invested in their personal lives. Looks like he is right. You don't want a Disney podcast as much as you want a window into the lives of your Internet buddies. An informative podcast should have both content and banter. The Dis provides that. Let's not try to push it into something purely social. The crew wouldn't want that. And I would venture to guess, neither do most of the listeners.
I like things like the 7 in 7 and the dinning reviews and though of what if it was mostly segment like once a month thee would be a dining review and a resort review but only the one resort with maybe a one or two day stay with members of the team or maybe have Jeni Lynn stay on site and plan a vacation for her family like they had Terasa do one year a few years back.
That's all great. So ask Dustin for an additional podcast on home decorating. But a show called "News, Housekeeping and Rapidfire" ought to be a whole lot more than what you are describing. Thankfully, it is. Kevin mentioned in another thread that perhaps the amount of sharing that the podcast crew has given us has caused people to perhaps be a bit too invested in their personal lives. Looks like he is right. You don't want a Disney podcast as much as you want a window into the lives of your Internet buddies. An informative podcast should have both content and banter. The Dis provides that. Let's not try to push it into something purely social. The crew wouldn't want that. And I would venture to guess, neither do most of the listeners.

I don't think that is what either of us is saying at all. What I am saying, at least, is that I like both the information and the banter. And, in the past few months the banter has been a bit less than it used to be. I would enjoy a bit more of it.

I'm not out here hoping for some crazy, aimless, chit-chat show. I don't want all banter and I don't want anyone to share more than they feel comfortable. (Please don't! I'm not asking anyone to let me into their lives like a fly on the wall!) I just enjoy everyone's feelings and opinions on the topics discussed on the news and secondary segment shows.

By the time the show airs I have usually already read all the breaking news. I listen because I'm always curious what the DIS team's take on the stories are. They usually have some interesting input and angles on Disney stories that I had never considered. I listen because I like not just the topic they speak about but the way they talk about a topic that I am interested in. I enjoy that they have a diverse set of opinions and can come at things from a variety of angles. Without any banter we lose the richness of the team's points of view.


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