DISappearing Peeps...A fastpass to THIN! Part 4

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i am a SAMER this week. at first i was completely baffled by this because i worked out like a mad woman trying to make up for the two weeks of my trial that i didn't get to work out like normal and i ate well. but i think i've figured it out. i've heard that sore muscles retain water. and let me tell ya......i'm SORE!!!!! my calve muscles are so sore i can't even walk normal. DH has been making fun of me for two days now! anyway, i'll take it. i'm hoping for big numbers next week though because it'll be my last weigh-in before WDW!!!!!!!! 9 DAYS!!!!!!!! :yay:
After losing 5.5 pounds last week, I gained 1 pound this week. Doesn't surprise me, though. Because of moving out of our house, I ended up having pizza for supper Monday night and breakfast the following morning; and I had McDonalds twice. So I guess I am ok with only gaining one pound. But now that our lives are getting back to being somewhat normal (outside of living in separate houses), hopefully next week will be a better week.

Good luck everyone!
DSalmost18 is getting his other 2 wizzum teeth pulled today (full boney impaction). Poor Baby!!!!

He's so skeered! Last time (at the beginning of April) he didn't know what to expect. Yikes!

I feel so badly for him!

Keep my man/boy in your prayers today, pretty please!

Prayres and :wizard: coming his way! I had all 4 of mine at once, all impacted. OUCH.

I was fortunate enough to get to go to Rome and Monaco and the French Riviera in March. That picture is along the coast highway near Monaco. I have two pics of me (out of like 900) from the trip (and this is the only one I like). The twenty pounds I've lost is far from being enough, BUT it has made a difference in my face and I'm liking pictures better.

I've enjoyed getting to see everyone else's pictures so I knew I had to share too, but I had to figure out how to do it! Always something new to learn....
What a cool trip! Next time you travel, you'll be skinnier, so we'll expect lots more pics for you to choose from for posting!!!

Uma - Prayers send for your boyo! I'm sure he'll et lots of pampering from mom this weekend :rolleyes:
I stayed the same, for the 3rd week in a row! I couldn't do that if I tried!:) I'm so excited this is my last weigh in day before disney!!:yay:
DSalmost18 is getting his other 2 wizzum teeth pulled today (full boney impaction). Poor Baby!!!!

He's so skeered! Last time (at the beginning of April) he didn't know what to expect. Yikes!

I feel so badly for him!

Keep my man/boy in your prayers today, pretty please!

OUCH! Is he being put "under" or just numbed? When I had all 4 of mine out I went for the magic iv so I wouldn't be awake! Prayers coming your way!:love:
Would it be for the exact same dates?? I need to stop getting my oldest out of school....

and WHY do we have to stop taking our oldest out of school - they arent in high school yet are they? (I mean it is a break for dd,, she is always ahead of the class, so not challenged that taking her out gives the teachers a break from her and it gives her a break from them!!)

Sandy, You are beautiful!:)
Belle, I have to tell you right now I have my Peep thread "saved to fav" which when I go to that "fav" this sits at the top and I read this... and think "what a nice thought" Positive it helps take away some of my negative talk - thank you! :goodvibes (and I'm sure that doesnt make sense, expet for the thank you!)

How else do y'all save to favorites? Do you just go to the main wish page?

Sweet dreams peeps! Time for bed for me!:wave2:

Drink lots of water, because I'm pretty sure sore muscles retain water.

aHA so is that my problem, I have sore muscles and have not drank all my water the last 3 days... I dont drink enough water when I substitute teach!

Good taste! Rock on, sweetie baby.

I am so beat we had Open House in kindergarten tonight. One mom made a snarky comment, but guess what? It's April 26, and it's the first time I've seen this woman. Can you imagine not meeting your child's kinder teacher until April 26? So :snooty: hmph to her.

Harley- I dreamed I bought a Harley last night. You must be having an effect on me.

I'm afraid to weigh in tomorrow. I've been super diligent in counting calories this week. Around 1550 everyday, three of those days I burned between 300-500 calories with working out, but i got on the scales this morning and was up 2 lbs. Help me here. 140 lbs x 12 calories =1680 right? So within 150 calories should mean a little weight loss, right? WTH?

Love that the questionnaires and pics keep coming in. You ladies (and one South Park guy) are fabulous.

gotta run... literally
Morning, Peeps!

Congrats to all the losers and samers!:yay: :cheer2:

I lost 3.5 lbs. since Monday. I am really excited!:banana:

UtahMama....I had all my wisdom teeth pulled the day before my junior year in high school started. They had me numbed and I didn't feel a thing. They even got a nerve and although I was sore later, I didn't feel it at the time. He will do great! Pixie dust headed your DS's way. :wizard:
Stayed the same ! Good since I ate out several nights this week.
I'm behind 20+ pages and I don't know if I'll get back to reading them. I'm so far behind that I feel lost. :confused3
Uma adding + + + thoughts + + + and prayers... What helped dh is I packed 2 frozen ice paks, so as soon as he got in the car, I packed his face in ice - and then of course finding tempting soups and soft foods -

when fdil had her teeth pulled, ds was able to convince her to come stay with me for 2 days - I gave her tomato soup made with half and half cream, she thought it was fantastic, but I knew I had to get protein in her!! Puddings made with milk...

so hard on them, ew the blood! You're younger ones are gonna luv that!!
Sandy, i didn't get your - or +. You've posted twice without posting your #. Silly! Are you taking a free pass? samer? loser?
I am at -4 lbs. from last Friday AM. Up 1 from Tuesday, but hey, I shouldn't weigh every day anyhow, right?

I am down a total of 21 from when I started this on Feb 6. Only have 37 more to go, sigh. So I am 218/197/160. Might shoot for 150 but it will depend on how I look/feel at 160.

Rome is gorgeous. I lived in Barcelona for a year in college, and it was the best year of my life. The "skinny" pic from before is from a town just south of there. I took a train along the same route you are discussing, through Monaco to Rome.

Wisdom teeth removal, yuck. Let him know I am thinking of him. I had mine out when I was 18, as well... except I had 8!

Hope everyone has a skinny day!! I am going to try and hit the gym today and avoid the Friday going-out-lunch that everyone does.

Hey punkin, I will be in WDW May 11-16... will you still be there?
Prayers and quick recovery wishes to UM DS! I reminded myself often in labor it was just a bad toothache. Nothing worse than a tooth pain!

Check in people! Don't make us come after you!

seriously! where are all the peeps?

Thanks for asking about me. I've been so busy with wrapping-up another semester at college, taking my son to Little League, and babysitting my new niece that I just haven't had time to log on this week. Also, I have had a really bad toothache this week and went to the dentist yesterday because of it. I go back Thursday to have the tooth pulled.

Hello to all --

Well after lurking for several months over on the DIS Disney Cruise boards and dreaming of a relaxing cruise with the mouse himself, I somehow found my way this morning over to the WISH board and this thread.

Talk about serendipity! :wizard:

About two weeks ago, I embarked on a crusade to get healthy. That means I need to exercise, eat better, and LOSE serious amounts of poundage. I’ve tried the whole weight loss thing before, but never really stuck to it for any amount of time. So I decided that I would raise my accountability level and tell some of the people in my life about my decision. However, after two weeks of trying (and mostly succeeding) to integrate healthier habits into my life and telling people what and how I was doing, I think that I have bent my friends and families ears as far as they will go. Sooooo, I hope that you won’t mind if I crash this thread for a little inspiration!

Anywho, a bit about me: I’m 27, have a desk job, and up until two weeks ago I was a certified couch potato (actually I think that I’d progressed from couch potato to one of those potatoes that you find rotting at the bottom of the drawer with the eyes growing out of it). But that’s all about to change… (Big Breath)… I hope. Scratch that, I know it will change.

I’ve been the “heavy friend” my whole life, but my weight absolutely ballooned about 6 or 7 years ago and has been creeping up and out of control ever since. So the real question is: why now? Well it’s been coming for a long, long time and there have been lots of little catalysts along the way (innocent and not so innocent comments, worry about fitting in plane seats, disgust at the fact that I plan my life and what I do around how much walking will be involved). However the real thing that started all of this was -- over Easter weekend I agreed to chaperon my younger sister and her friend for a girl’s weekend in NYC sometime in June. That was all well and good; I was excited about the shows and sightseeing. Then I realized – these girls are 17 yo and dance for an hour and a half each day. I will never keep up with them. Thus, I decided to dust off the treadmill and start walking and to make an effort to refine my diet.

I officially started two weeks ago yesterday and I am up to walking three miles on the TM and have lost 10 lbs!!!!! :cool1:

Now you may say – “5 lbs a week is bordering on too much weight loss” (??too much??), cuz we all know that slow and steady wins this race for the long term. BUT, I really haven’t done anything too extreme (although I guess that it is extreme for my body). I’ve been exercising for 30 – 60 minutes every evening at a moderate to brisk pace (for my little legs). I also am making sure to eat breakfast, proteins, whole grains, salads, and fruits/veggies. Take out is a rare treat and delivery is an absolute no-no. I’m still eating the stuff that I love (pizza, pizza, pizza), but limiting it to reasonable portions once or twice a week. My biggest change and challenge is that I gave up my sugary sodas. I’m a bit ashamed to admit this, but I realized yesterday (after weighing myself and being shocked at the big weight loss) that I had been consuming 700-1000 calories a day in soda and juice. AAACCCKKK! I don’t know how I never realized. I’ve substituted diet soda during the day (gotta love diet Pepsi) and water after 7 pm. I hope to be down to one or two diet sodas a day in a few months, but for now just drinking diet is a huge leap!

Wow, didn’t mean to have such a long first post! Sorry about that.


Stayed the sAME!

Sandy, i didn't get your - or +. You've posted twice without posting your #. Silly! Are you taking a free pass? samer? loser?

I did so post... I'll even go quote myself.... <harumph...>

:confused3 :confused3 :confused3 ITS NOT THERE!! :rotfl2:

I know I added a diatribe and everything!!! :rotfl2:

(you see I gained 2# from wedding, bad eating, no exercise - yeah, well, now I"m at 214# today - the weight I said to start the SEPT CHALLENGE!!)
Attention WENDY! - I will most likely be giving you my weigh in info later today or tomorrow. According to my scale this morning, I gained something like 12 lbs since last Friday morning! :scared1: I worked my butt off this week, and my scale seems to be doing a lot of jumping around lately, so I am questioning its accuracy. I DO have sore muscles and more importantly (TMI alert!!!), I have a pain in my side which I believe to be because things are not moving through my system like they should. I am going to try to correct my tummy issues today, and I'll be taking the day off from working out. I will re-weigh later tonight and/or in the morning, and I'll let you know what I find out. I am trying not to be frustrated at the moment. I had that huge loss a couple of weeks ago after staying almost the same for 3 weeks, and then I lost again last week so I thought things were just moving along again. :confused3 I received my Old Navy online order last night, and it is definite that I am down a size there. The new pants, shorts, and capris all fit great! :thumbsup2 Well, I do most definitely remember why I didn't own a scale before! This up and down that doesn't make any sense makes me CRAZY! :crazy:

DSalmost18 is getting his other 2 wizzum teeth pulled today (full boney impaction). Poor Baby!!!!

He's so skeered! Last time (at the beginning of April) he didn't know what to expect. Yikes!

I feel so badly for him!

Keep my man/boy in your prayers today, pretty please!

I'll be thinking of him. Prayers headed his way! :goodvibes

i am a SAMER this week. at first i was completely baffled by this because i worked out like a mad woman trying to make up for the two weeks of my trial that i didn't get to work out like normal and i ate well. but i think i've figured it out. i've heard that sore muscles retain water. and let me tell ya......i'm SORE!!!!! my calve muscles are so sore i can't even walk normal. DH has been making fun of me for two days now! anyway, i'll take it. i'm hoping for big numbers next week though because it'll be my last weigh-in before WDW!!!!!!!! 9 DAYS!!!!!!!! :yay:

I hope this is true for both our sakes! Sounds like you are more sore than I am though. Hope you can walk properly again soon! :)
oh Wow Lynda!! :hug:

didnt you have a surprise loss last week? There is some kind of mischief inside that scale of yours!!

I am concerned that you have zeroed in on your health - so follow your instincts!! Do follow your instincts - see a doctor, get a check up!! (of course our minds may be playing tricks, I wondered last night in a dream if I dont have some kind of tumor riding inside my belly area to make my belly so large!! you've seen those "women has 50# tumor non cancerous removed")

I'll be looking for your update!!
I lost 2lb's

I would just like to inform everyone that at three minutes, four
> seconds after 2 AM on the 6th of May this year, the time and date
> be: 02:03:04 05/06/07.
> This won't happen again until 3007, a thousand years from now!
Oh yes it will, 5th June in England :cool1: :rotfl2: (we put our day and month the other way round!)
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