DISappearing Peeps...A fastpass to THIN!

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pixie dust 112 said:
I had to google that! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Doesn't look like diet food to me! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

But if you tell yourself it's good for you then it's okay!!! :thumbsup2 At least that's what I tell myself!!!!!:teeth:
Wow! Busy thread today.

So here is my food journal for the day

Yogart (sugarfree and lowfat) and 3/4 cup cereal
Some grapes
Tea with milk
1 bite size Snickers (darn Halloween candy)
Coffee with milk (but I forgot about it and only drank 1/4 of it)
High protien 'pasta' with fresh spinach, pine nuts, mushrooms, garlic and lemon (yum)
Mint Tea

I actually walked right buy the table with free samples of pie at the grocery store, turned down the cookies, even passed up the cheese samples... I was so proud.

I have company, which is always hard on me, I am a social eater.
Pumba I love your 15 carb snacks that you shared. I am always looking for ideas.

This week I bought only the single serving packages of cookies and chips for the kids lunchs. I know myself well enough to know that I will not open a package to get to a cookie, but if there is an open package sitting there looking at me I will take one.

I also bought extra fruit. I used to eat an apple every day, I need to get back in the habit.
Sandy :grouphug: You are NOT a fat old lady. (I am just now reading back) But I know exactly what you mean. I think I have lost a lot of confidance too, slowly over the last few years. I am always starting diets, I even do pretty well for awhile, but my bad habits creep back in.

We can do this together, I just know it.
does poutine have carbs? LOL!!! I had to google that too..it's some gravy covered french fries dish....NOT the thing I THOUGHT it was! ((never mind))

I know how you feel Haley about doing great at first then old habits...and I LOVE those "taster ladies" at Cosco peddling their creme puffs and barbie sized yummy things!

BUT! we wont fall (too far) off the wagon! That's why we're here! :cheer2:

I dont even want to elaborate on the MAD COW I become once a month...my poor family!!!
UtahMama said:
I dont even want to elaborate on the MAD COW I become once a month...my poor family!!!

OK, Uma - you got me with your MAD COW comments! Here are my goals for the first week:

1. Get myself back to swim class Tuesday and Thursday nights.
2. Increase my water intake. One ounce per pound of body weight of water per day would probably kill me DED!
3. Cut back food intake and figure out which plan to start.
looks like we're both up in the middle of the night, moo!

SOOOOO glad you are here! I'm anxious to know what diet your gonna pick. Do what ever works! We're here for ya!!!!! :grouphug:
Good morning, all! I am counting calories for this diet. I made a little spread sheet in excel so I could write down food and calories to keep a running total. Yesterday's total calories............1465.

I'm trying to keep it around 1450 so that's pretty close I guess.....a hershey kiss.....it was Saturday! OK?

Just wanted to explain my formula. All my coworkers have been doing the Calorie Queens diet with great success. You just multiply your goal weight times 12 calories and that's your max for the day. If you have a greater amount of weight to lose start out with a higher goal weight and when you reach that, adjust downward to your next goal.

I am also trying to eat healthier. Breakfast every morning will be maple/brown sugar instant oatmeal with 2 T. flax seed meal....you can get it at the grocery. It does all sorts of great things for women...my age. :blush: Not to mention this breakfast is under 300 calories and has 7 gr. of fiber, 2500 mg of omega-3, and tons of vitamins.

Here is my treadmill exercise for yesterday. OK....I don't have a treadmill...I just danced like no one was watching. Thanks for that advice UM. Have a great Sunday everyone!!!!
UtahMama said:
does poutine have carbs? LOL!!! I had to google that too..it's some gravy covered french fries dish....NOT the thing I THOUGHT it was! ((never mind))


:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: That's why I had to google. I thought no way did she post that! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Happy Sunday everyone! I'm off to weigh myself and start a journal. I'll try not to get on the scale again until Friday for the big weigh in!
So, glad that poutine thing was cleared up. :rotfl: :rotfl:

Sometime today I will walk the tread mill. Yes, I will.
today is a new day.

Haley, thanks for posting your food diary, it may not show, but it matters to me!! It motivates me!! I'm not good at that diary thing, esp when it comes to food... oh, and I find that I LOVE Hostess snack items, and dislike most of the Lil Debbie snack items - so I only buy Lil Debbie!!! I also buy the microwave popcorn - not that its particularly "lite" but "lite - r than most.... so when I'm desperate for the crunch, I do the popcorn thing!!

:rotfl2: at sex comment - I remember going on the WW online message board forum, and that question always came up!!! (there's a formula for points and exercise gives you more points!!! :rotfl2: )

Well I only managed 70 ounces of water yesterday, much more than the whole week before combined I might add!! and I wasnt running to the potty every 5 min!! :rotfl2:

I ate... 1 bowl of homemade chicken rice soup (went to church yesterday we worked on a Linus Blanket project, and knitting scarves for kids - so I have FOUND something to do with my HANDS besides put food in my mouth!! :cheer2: ) (oh, but I still cant pearl right!!! :rolleyes: )

but I ate 2 pieces of banana nut bread - wait, make that one - they cut them in half I got one for me, one for dd, she didnt like it, so of course I ate her half :rolleyes:

I made meatloaf patties with lean ground beef, but havent check the caloric count of them...

1. tell me how that arm behind you raise and slowly come together is - do 25 more NOW!! (for the first week you may sit at your computer, but eventually you can stand and do this one!!)

2. How about some waist wittlers? Stand tall - feet apart (shoulder width_ Now raise your right hand, Left hand on your hip - do not put pressure on your hip - again we want small slow movements... SLOWLY bend towards left (I'm thinking of a clock hand straight up at 12, bend towards 11).. The secret to this move is slowly to 11 and slowly up to 12 - make sure that hand reaches way up high.. bend your knees slightly (as in dont lock up your knees!!) You should work up to doing 100 on each side - aim for 50 this week!!

These two exercises are amazing - I really see results, and feel the results - Hope you try them!!
Good Morning to all!!!

Seems like this thread is off to a hopping start!! So many great people, so much helpful advice and most importantly....lots of love and support!!! Oh...and NO MORE POUTINE LISA!!!(that's me, by the way!!;) )

Anyhoo....I'll be doing the groceries today and here's another little Body for Life thing that I found (somewhat) helpful....85% of your grocery cart items should only come from the PERIMETER OF THE STORE!!! That's where you always find your: fresh fruits and veggies, meat, dairy and bakery items. When I follow this faithfully I tell ya, there's not a whole lot that I can find in my home that's 'bad' for me to eat!!! Trouble is, and I'm sure most of us are in the same boat, my 21, 18 and 10 year old sons DID NOT appreciate my sudden switch of avoiding the processed, junk food, sugary cereal and pop aisles!!! All my caring-mom preaching was, for some odd reason, lost on them!! Oh well....so I can't totally avoid the 'evil middle, BUT I am MUCH more aware and it's quite a big help!!!

Oh and a (George) Forman Grill is the cat's behind for grilling meat without the fat!!! I do boneless, skinless chicken breasts on it several times a week.....used in Chicken Caesar salad, whole wheat pita pockets, well, sooo many things actually!!! Great investment!

I'll report later on how well I did today with the grocery order!!!:thumbsup2
I have a recipe for an Oriental chicken salad that has a great marinade. The salad isn't exactly low cal (due to the homemade salad dressing), but the chicken is great and I cook it on my George Foreman grill. It is good plain or in a salad with honey mustard dressing, green pepper, bean sprouts and chow mein noodles. Some people like to put Mandarin oranges on this salad.

The marinade calls for four parts orange juice to one part soy sauce and a bit of diced garlic. Mix in a ziploc bag, add boneless chicken breasts and marinate in the fridge for an hour or two before grilling.
Minnie_Moo said:
I have a recipe for an Oriental chicken salad that has a great marinade. The salad isn't exactly low cal (due to the homemade salad dressing), but the chicken is great and I cook it on my George Foreman grill. It is good plain or in a salad with honey mustard dressing, green pepper, bean sprouts and chow mein noodles. Some people like to put Mandarin oranges on this salad.

The marinade calls for four parts orange juice to one part soy sauce and a bit of diced garlic. Mix in a ziploc bag, add boneless chicken breasts and marinate in the fridge for an hour or two before grilling.

Sounds YUMMY!!!!! I'll be trying this one ASAP!!! :thumbsup2
Hi :wave2:

Ok, I start tomorrow. I plan to wake up a little early and do the tread mill to start my day.

I have lots of SB recipes that we like here.
I make chilli, ham roll ups, shish kabobs, soy chicken, eggplant lasangna, mushroom american beef patties, and chop suey for phase 2. (to name a few)

Hope everyone has a successful week. If I can lose a few pounds before my disney trip, I'll be happy. I know the tread mill will get me in shape for walking the parks.

The weigh in is Friday?
monymony3471 said:
Hi :wave2:

Ok, I start tomorrow. I plan to wake up a little early and do the tread mill to start my day.

I have lots of SB recipes that we like here.
I make chilli, ham roll ups, shish kabobs, soy chicken, eggplant lasangna, mushroom american beef patties, and chop suey for phase 2. (to name a few)

Hope everyone has a successful week. If I can lose a few pounds before my disney trip, I'll be happy. I know the tread mill will get me in shape for walking the parks.

The weigh in is Friday?

Sounds like a good plan!!

Yep...Friday is the Big Day!!!!!
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