Disboutiquers Part 21 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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I finally have something I can share. I swear, I feel like I've been sewing constantly lately, but I have nothing to show for it. This took forever & I still have another one just like it to make, but it's going to have to wait a bit. That's too much applique to do again just yet.






Sad, dark pic of the shirt that goes with it & was actually finished for her birthday party last weekend.
Has anyone made anything for their Mom for Mother's Day? I made mine a boxy bag and filled it with travel stuff cause she is always on the road!!


Aisling - I LOVE your dress - great colors!!! Even if mom things its wild!!! Seriously, wearing brighter or just different clothing is so helpful when you need to keep an eye on everyone - I totally learned that on our trip!! Stephen wore his zebra shorts twice!!!

Geesh. I could have sworn I was on here after 9:15 and I still missed the move! Oh well, page for a Saturday move isn't too bad!

I'll even post some stuff.


Thanks for looking!

AWESOME!!!! I really love it!!

I love the pooh skirt too- that lumpy is just adorable!!!!

Could everyone please post any Very Hungry Caterpillar outfits? I think I want to make one for Hannah's 4th birthday, and am just not sure what to put where or if I want to cut the fabric!! I have the one that is white with little caterpillars and wording all over it, the one with the rows of food, and the panel that has a 2 large caterpillars, 2 large butterflies and 2 large leaves on it surrounded by all the different colored dots......It would be a size 4.
Just had to share this, only you guys would appreciate it.
I just started Toy Story 3 for DGD4 to watch. Every time I start a Disney movie and the castle comes on the tv my DGD4 screams "MY CASTLE!!!". :lmao:She thinks that is her castle (and the one at the park) and no one else's!!!

How cute is that ...... I love that innocence
I know that you all are going to pass out of pure shock but I actually sewed today!!! Aisling's Sea World Simply Sweet (with the crazy fabric she picked out) is finished with 19 days to spare ;) :rotfl:

My toothless model!

Awww looks great on your little sweetie! I like the fabric she picked out!

Geesh. I could have sworn I was on here after 9:15 and I still missed the move! Oh well, page for a Saturday move isn't too bad!

I'll even post some stuff.

This turned out so cute.

I finally have something I can share. I swear, I feel like I've been sewing constantly lately, but I have nothing to show for it. This took forever & I still have another one just like it to make, but it's going to have to wait a bit. That's too much applique to do again just yet.

Wow that is a lot of applique, looks awesome.

Has anyone made anything for their Mom for Mother's Day? I made mine a boxy bag and filled it with travel stuff cause she is always on the road!!

So sweet! I bet she will love it!
Has anyone made anything for their Mom for Mother's Day? I made mine a boxy bag and filled it with travel stuff cause she is always on the road!!


That is a great idea, I may try and whip one up before my mum comes for dinner tomorrow. She doesn't travel much anymore because my dad has dementia and it is too hard to get travel insurance, but she still comes here for overnights sometimes. Thanks for the idea
Wow you all move fast! I still have to catch up on the last thread, but just thought I would share something else I made. I made this Fancy Nancy dress for Taylor, she wore it to my brother and future sister in laws wedding shower today. She thought the fancy nancy dress was her flower girl dress lol, we are going to have to convince her she can't wear it to the wedding.






Here is the Fancy Nancy bow that is on her head


Here is me with Taylor, and she was too excited and gave me my mother's day present early.... it's on my arm.... the girl has good taste, she insisted Daddy take her to buy me a new coach purse and she picked it herself!


Now I need to go catch up, and then start working on the 24 applique t-shirts I need to make for Taylor's class to wear to Sesame Street Live
Did you get there yesterday after the sale?
Yep- but it turns out I ALSO needed a new emissions test, so after I saw you I went to the DMV, then to Firestone to get an emissions test, then back to the DMV for a ridiculously long wait today. Lets see- ticket- $117, Temp Reg- $20, Emissions- $20, Reg fee- $95. OY VEY!
oh, this is my first time moving, I'm glad I made it!!!

Ok, quickie question. I did an applique shirt late last night, and I had my fabric a teenie tiny bit off so when it did the tacking stitch, a tiny spot of the applique fabric didn't get tacked down, it was too small. I was hoping the satin stitch would get it (it was that close) Well, the shirt is certainly wearable and looks great but if I pull at that spot I can see that's it's going to pop out and fray, probably when I was it. Is there anything I can do to fix it? Something to permanently hold it down? I could always do a slightly larger satin stitch over it, but it might look funny? Clear nail polish maybe ??(that's all I could think of!)
I would put some liquid stitch on it.
Geesh. I could have sworn I was on here after 9:15 and I still missed the move! Oh well, page for a Saturday move isn't too bad!

I'll even post some stuff.


Thanks for looking!
Oh, I so love these!
We do tickets this way, and it has gotten to the point that people are camping or the night before starting when the kids get out of school, and sleeping in thier cars. They only allow 20 tickets to be purchased per space in line so that what you are talking about doesn't happen. We lucked out this year and had a friend on staff with enough extra tickets that we didn't have to camp out, but I have overnighted the last two years. I think it is so much better than general seating. I would much rather have a long night well in advance of the recital than have to get there way early on recital night. We are tired enought by the time we are there from 4:00 to midnight for rehersal the day before. DD6 really HAS to sleep in the next day if she is going to dance 5 numbers. We had people lining up outside the civic center doors at noon on recital day for a 6:30 pm performance. That makes for really cranky dancers by 11:00 when the last number rolls. It also cuts down on having to referee seat saving. That coudl be a nightmare in and of itself. This way no one has to get there before the doors open at 5:30 and vthe kids are in much better shape to dance.
I have been reading about you ladies and the recitals- I think it's awful you have to go through this at all- the whole concept turns my stomach- that you have to do this to see your own child perform!???
My kid wouldn't dance if I don't get to see her.
I know that you all are going to pass out of pure shock but I actually sewed today!!! Aisling's Sea World Simply Sweet (with the crazy fabric she picked out) is finished with 19 days to spare ;) :rotfl:

My toothless model!

NICE! Love the fabric
Has anyone made anything for their Mom for Mother's Day? I made mine a boxy bag and filled it with travel stuff cause she is always on the road!!


I can't believe it! I JUST bought that pattern on Monday!! So cute and roomy, I saw it done up in fabric with jelly beans and M&Ms and it made me think it would be great for kids to put their stuff in, or doll clothes, markers, etc
LOVE this Wendy!
I have been reading about you ladies and the recitals- I think it's awful you have to go through this at all- the whole concept turns my stomach- that you have to do this to see your own child perform!???
My kid wouldn't dance if I don't get to see her.

Oh, everyone that wants a seat gets one, the question is which seat. We do reserved seating on the floor and those tickets sell out almost completly that first day except for the far sides in the very back section. General admission seats are balcony and there are typically tickets for the balcony left the day of the show. It is those of us who want to be front and center that do the crazy lines. It's important for me to have a good seat so I do it. We typically get seats either left or right of center. Center section seats on the floor are usually exclusively staff tickets. There are other mothers at the studio that really don't care as long as they have seat, so they don't stand in line.
9 am?? C'mon TeresaJoy!! Don't you know I am sleeping then???
Hope you are having fun! Totally jealous!
Will catch up later.. off for some midnight wal mart shopping.
It's great to see such wonderful outfits! We were last in FL for vacation 2 1/2 yrs ago. We spent one day at VMCP and then a few days at Sea World. I couldn't find ANY Sea World customs anywhere. I had a few cute outfits for the girls and then found out the week before our trip that there were record setting high temps the week we were going in December so I had to resew everything for them a few days before we left. :scared1: I have since learned why sleeveless items are so amazing...you can add a t-shirt or turtleneck or leave them alone and then you've covered all FL seasons. :) I'll try to find the pictures and post some. It was wonderful at Sea World because the girls wore HUGE orange bows and I spotted them everywhere. I met up with hubby when we went to see Shamu and I spotted the girls in the completely crowded stadium because of their hairbows!!

This time we are going the week after Thanksgiving and I'm attempting to make many, many more outfits. I'm so glad there are organization nuts like me. :goodvibes
Okay, I made it back. After 6 weeks of cleaning and getting our house back into shape after my parents/brother lived with us, I am ready to start sewing. Only 41 days until DW and I don't have any of the outfits done. That is plenty of time, right? :lmao: Hopefully I will be back soon to share some photos of some finished outfits!
Oh, everyone that wants a seat gets one, the question is which seat. We do reserved seating on the floor and those tickets sell out almost completly that first day except for the far sides in the very back section. General admission seats are balcony and there are typically tickets for the balcony left the day of the show. It is those of us who want to be front and center that do the crazy lines. It's important for me to have a good seat so I do it. We typically get seats either left or right of center. Center section seats on the floor are usually exclusively staff tickets. There are other mothers at the studio that really don't care as long as they have seat, so they don't stand in line.

That's pretty much how it happens here, the good ones go fast. I just feel bad for the mom's of tiny dancers who aren't in a great seat because the little ones (the cutest dancers!) are hardest to see.

It's great to see such wonderful outfits! We were last in FL for vacation 2 1/2 yrs ago. We spent one day at VMCP and then a few days at Sea World. I couldn't find ANY Sea World customs anywhere. I had a few cute outfits for the girls and then found out the week before our trip that there were record setting high temps the week we were going in December so I had to resew everything for them a few days before we left. :scared1: I have since learned why sleeveless items are so amazing...you can add a t-shirt or turtleneck or leave them alone and then you've covered all FL seasons. :) I'll try to find the pictures and post some. It was wonderful at Sea World because the girls wore HUGE orange bows and I spotted them everywhere. I met up with hubby when we went to see Shamu and I spotted the girls in the completely crowded stadium because of their hairbows!!

We have both Sea World and WDW anual passes, and I never see customs at SW, and sometimes very few at WDW. The majority of my sewing is sleeveless just for the reason you wrote...and we've got leggings every color of the rainbow for the same reason. Too funny about the hairbows!
We were busy playing outside in the pool yesterday and then had friends over...good thing I checked in this morning before Mother's Day activities or I would've been lost! LOL.

I loved all the creations on the last thread...I've been so busy with work that I haven't had time to post or sew! Soon though.
I so want to post some pictures of what I am working on...but my camera doesn't love me any more! Everytime I try to take a picture, it won't come on...like it is a dead battery. Hubby gets it and it works fine for him. I try again, and it shuts off as soon as I get my hands on it. You think it is trying to tell me something?

So...I'll just tell you what I'm doing. (of course a picture is worth a thousand words....)

I've finished the Minnie Mouse dress for Chef Mickey using a Precious Dress; I've finished a Santa Pooh Vida for Crystal Palace; finished a black and white Steamboat Willie Stripwork dress for Hollywood and Vine;and I am working on a Precious/Peek-a-Book skirt for a Snow White/Dwarfs dress for Biergarten. Once I finish this I will be half way to Disney! Only 4 more sets of dresses to go...and about a million t shirts! (actually only 95 more to go)

I am also working on modifying a diaper bag pattern to work as a Mickey bag for in the parks. While I real;l;y love my baggallinni,I really want something more Disney-fied for the parks....

Hope everyone has a great Mother's Day!

Auh MAN!! It's going to be 45-50 today and Mommy wants to go to Mystic Aquarium!

BOO!!! Where's all the nice weather we have been having?

AND Hannah woke up at 1am, and refused to sleep in her crib, then I slipped her back at 3am, only to have her cry at like 6- but I tapped Daddy- knowing I can use the Mother's Day card....
I want a nice mild day. Oh well. cool and windy it is.

And you girls better get busy- I want to see more outfits when I get back!
I can see doing this for preschool, that's so much more important than a dance recital IMO. But the sad part is the parents who did this are vetrans, and the mommies of new dancers (preschool age) probably aren't aware how fast tickets sell out. And believe it or not, this way is probably better than general admission free-for-all when they line up at the theatre door 2 hours early and then save 40 seats with tape and ribbon...it did get ugly in there a few years ago from what I understand, lol. I missed it because we were at another studio then, and had 2 shows.

As someone who works for a theatre that has LOTS of dance recitals...we like it much better than general admission also! :lmao: You wouldn't believe some of the parents pushing and shoving to get the "best" seat. In our theatre there really are not any bad seats so it's so silly.
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