Disboutiquers Part 5 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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OK, as promised . . . Fancy Nancy pics!!

The setup:

The cake (I had major frosting issues, so it's not as cute as it should have been):

I had no idea there were Fancy Nancy party plates also... how cute!!

I received that cake pan for Christmas. I haven't used it yet, but plan on making it for my daughter's cupcake-themed 1st birthday party. And now I see there is a smaller version of the pan... I think it makes 3 smaller cupcakes. I'm on a mission to find it... it would be perfect for her "smash" cake.

Flea - I lost your post... but thanks for for the link to the pants. I passed it along to my mom. She doesn't think her knitting skills are quite up to par, but she is eager to try!

Captain No-Hook is hysterical! :rotfl2: That is so cute! And how stinkin cute is Cooper on the slide? You must write a trip report!

Wow my head is spinning! :dance3: So you would suggest I use one or two sets of 40 FQ? Plus a yard ( 1/2 for each skirt) for the waist band plus extra patches, in order to do two twirl skirts.

Here is where I am confused. Carla is saying in the directions that I need 6 quarter yd cuts of fabric for the patches. That would be 6 strips 9" x "45" and the Jolly Patch is only 9" x 11" but I would get 40 of them. I am thinking out loud here! So lets see, 4 Jolly Patches make up one 9 x 45 and I need 6 per skirt times 2 skirts so 6 x 4 x 2 = 48 . Hmmmmm thats a different # than you.....I must be doing something wrong. :confused3

I would help, but math is not my forte. If it was me, I would just get them and see if it works out, lol!
:offtopic: Little off topic, im heading to the hospital tommorow morning. I will be in surgery from 9-11 to have this football sized cyst and my right ovary removed. Please think aobut me and say a prayer. I will miss you all.

I'll be praying! Hope all goes well!

Hi everyone! I used to visit daily but have been away for a while. wanted to say hello and share 3 new things I finished since I was away.
Getting ready for that next trip!




The skirts both have some appliques on the back as well. I am off to catch up on everyone!

LORI! Those are all gorgeous! Great work!

how's THAT for drama?! Would y'all believe that I've had similar situations in the past...eerily similar actually.

just another day in the life!!!


popcorn:: HEY! I didn't even have a chance to get popcorn before that drama!popcorn::
:scared1: :scared1: :scared1: WOW! Just WOW! :scared1: :scared1: :scared1:
Just a few pics from the trip. I am thinking of writing a trip report. I kept a journal and stayed up at least an hour each night writing in it. there were so many little things that I didn't want to forget.

Jackson hugging eeyore. he really loved the characters. It was nice to see the "little boy" come out in him. He wasn't worried in the slightest what his friends might think

Cooper as Captain Hook with Hook and Smee (Jackson as Jack Sparrow). Cooper didn't want to wear the shoe covers or the hook that I made- it was less for me to keep up with, so I didn't argue. He also kept pushing his shorts up over his knees, it looks like he is wearing a dress

the boys with jack sparrow. this guy was GREAT. He spent a lot of time with the kids. he made Jackson spin around so he could check him out. When Jackson told him that Cooper was Captain Hook, he said "we have a problem, mate, he doesn't have a hook. Do you think we can call him captain-no-hook?"

And finally one of Cooper in the boneyard. I like this picture because it makes Cooper look big, not that I want my baby to grow- he is just so little. Just for reference, the shorts are 12-18 months and the shirt is a 2T. Cooper turned 3 last month.

That is all for now. As I am going through the pics, if I see a good one of the custom, I will post it.

Oh what great pictures. :cool1: The boys are adorable!!!!! I am so glad you took notes cause we are going to beg and plead with you for a trip report! Hey, you can always print out your installments and put them in a scrapbook!:thumbsup2
Oh, Miss Cammie, Miss Cammie....I'm stunned! Speechless!

My life as a financial planner has never seen excitement like that. :worship: So glad we have skilled professionals like you to deal with situations like that. I think I would have run and hid in a closet. Hopefully this young man will get the treatment he needs.

see now I'd run screaming from anything that involved math of any kind! So you have my :worship: cuz I could NOT even fathom the brain power financial planning requires!

Just a few pics from the trip. I am thinking of writing a trip report. I kept a journal and stayed up at least an hour each night writing in it. there were so many little things that I didn't want to forget.

Jackson hugging eeyore. he really loved the characters. It was nice to see the "little boy" come out in him. He wasn't worried in the slightest what his friends might think

Cooper as Captain Hook with Hook and Smee (Jackson as Jack Sparrow). Cooper didn't want to wear the shoe covers or the hook that I made- it was less for me to keep up with, so I didn't argue. He also kept pushing his shorts up over his knees, it looks like he is wearing a dress

the boys with jack sparrow. this guy was GREAT. He spent a lot of time with the kids. he made Jackson spin around so he could check him out. When Jackson told him that Cooper was Captain Hook, he said "we have a problem, mate, he doesn't have a hook. Do you think we can call him captain-no-hook?"

And finally one of Cooper in the boneyard. I like this picture because it makes Cooper look big, not that I want my baby to grow- he is just so little. Just for reference, the shorts are 12-18 months and the shirt is a 2T. Cooper turned 3 last month.

That is all for now. As I am going through the pics, if I see a good one of the custom, I will post it.

SO so cute!!! My little step son is a skinny little thing too...he was very similar in sizes when he was 3! But never fear!!! He is 6 now and wearing a size six in boys pants and size 6-8 in shirts...as opposed to a 4T which was large on him last year! (even though the 4T pants still fit him in the waist...they are just way too short! Thank goodness for those internal waist cinchers!!!)

Whew, that was really scarey!!!! I had a somewhat similar situation last summer. Every year for the past 4 years I go with a group from my church to Camp Promise in Bigfork, Mt. It is a camp for kids/adults with special needs. My friend Mike, who is also an OT was in the chapel with a non verbal, large autistic young man. The kiddo (about 15) was getting a big edgy. We were trying everything to help him communicate with us, but it was to no use. He ended up starting to hit himself very hard. As dear Mike (who is a small sized man) tried to intervene, he ended up in a headlock with the kiddo. So, me, being the only other person up at the chapel tried to pry the kids hands off Mike's head, as I did, the kiddo grabbed me and I could feel his fingernails just pierce through my skin. He then headbuts Mike right in the nose -the blood started to flow - So, Mike hollars for me to go get help - so I run out of the chapel and see the nurse at the bottom of the hill and hollar for help~ So she is running up = then we hollar for some big guys to help - one of them being my DH. My DH and another big guy get some kind of hold on the kiddo and mike is released - at that point the kiddo sinks his teeth very deeply into my DH's arm!!!! The nurse (who works in an ER) knows how to use sheets to swaddle and restrain the kiddo as they take him to the floor. She had to give him a vallum suppository and he finally calms down. They call the kids, mom and she comes to pick him up. All she said was - I wondered if this would work out!!! That was it~~ My poor DH and Mike had to go to urgent care for tetnus shots (mine was up to date)~~the poor kiddo just didnt know his own strength!! It was a scarey moment, but we cant wait to go back this year - we leave in 3 weeks!!! :duck: :hug:

YIKES!! Do y'all do CPI training before camp? If not, I would suggest it for all staff. It helps staff members avoid situations like the one you just described! Legally it protects everyone as well. It teaches ways to restrain a child that keep him or her safe and the person doing the restraining safe. That way you avoid broken noses and bites!

good luck!!! have fun at camp!!!:goodvibes
:rotfl2: All y'all absolutely CRACK me up!!! Ah yes...so much drama within the hallowed halls of schools!!

Okay...well...we have a rather large student...nearly 6' 4 and probably 375 pounds....and then some. He's just a great big person. He's profoundly autistic and prone to bouts of violence. He doesn't know his own strength. So imagine a six year old in that body having a temper tantrum. He can snap metal scissors in half like it's cardboard.

He showed up at school yesterday having shredded all of his clothing while on the private van that takes him to and from school. Including his shoes. He also shredded the inside of the van...tore out the ceiling and the seats. Not having a good morning. We were called and I went out to meet him as I know him well and can usually get him back on track. I opened the door to the van and he's nekkid as a jaybird. He says to me...

"hi...I'm naked."


He seems okay though, a little more calm than I was expecting. I called for sheets and stuff to be brought out...along with the very large custodian we have who helps out in situations where we need some heavy backup!

I got him wrapped up and covered and he walked calmly into the building with me all the way to the "calming down room"...(aka Padded room). We got him in there and he sat down. For about ten minutes. Then he wanted out. So he's pounding on the door...that we can't lock by law. So we've got the custodian, two male aides and the consulting psychiatrist holding the door.

He also wee'd all over the floor...wee'd on the observation window. And I can't have him in there with urine on the floor. But we can't open the door. Somehow I manage to get his attention and tell him in my firmest voice that he needs to SIT DOWN in the corner b/c there is a mess we need to have cleaned. So he sat. And stayed sitting while the custodian did a quick mop up and tried to sanitize a little. As soon as the custodian left though, he was pounding on the door again which required four large men to keep it shut and he was still managing to move them.

at this point I think he needs to go to the psychiatric unit. he's a danger to himself and to others and we need a more secure situation.

He actually transferred really smoothly. The paramedics came in. Thankfully they listened to me and let me lead him out and sit on the stretcher with him. He rode nicely in the ambulance. Almost comatose like. But as soon as we got him into a room in the hospital, he throws a chair out of the blue...which hit a nurse in the face...so her nose is bleeding...my "student" is screaming bloody murder as blood freaks him out. He's scratching himself to bits and grabbing at me, so now I'm covered in blood.

it was insanity.

finally he had to be restrained and medicated. It was sad. But in a way it needed to happen for mom to see that it's time to think about permanent placement. He's too volatile...sweet as he can be...but unstable.

it was a long dang day. I have a bruises all over my arms and legs...but I survived!!!

how's THAT for drama?! Would y'all believe that I've had similar situations in the past...eerily similar actually.

just another day in the life!!!

Wow Miss Cammie, I guess you could use a hug:hug: What a scary day.
I hope you can have a nice relaxing evening and a better day tomorrow.

I hope your "student" gets the help he needs. Poor guy.
Just a few pics from the trip. I am thinking of writing a trip report. I kept a journal and stayed up at least an hour each night writing in it. there were so many little things that I didn't want to forget.

Jackson hugging eeyore. he really loved the characters. It was nice to see the "little boy" come out in him. He wasn't worried in the slightest what his friends might think

Cooper as Captain Hook with Hook and Smee (Jackson as Jack Sparrow). Cooper didn't want to wear the shoe covers or the hook that I made- it was less for me to keep up with, so I didn't argue. He also kept pushing his shorts up over his knees, it looks like he is wearing a dress

the boys with jack sparrow. this guy was GREAT. He spent a lot of time with the kids. he made Jackson spin around so he could check him out. When Jackson told him that Cooper was Captain Hook, he said "we have a problem, mate, he doesn't have a hook. Do you think we can call him captain-no-hook?"

And finally one of Cooper in the boneyard. I like this picture because it makes Cooper look big, not that I want my baby to grow- he is just so little. Just for reference, the shorts are 12-18 months and the shirt is a 2T. Cooper turned 3 last month.

That is all for now. As I am going through the pics, if I see a good one of the custom, I will post it.

Love the photos from the trip! I'm also awaiting that trip report popcorn:: :rotfl:

Goodness! How scary. I had a deer stop in front of my car once and I was the scariest thing ever. Just sat there in the middle of the road as I am barreling toward it. Anyway, glad no one was hurt and the insurance will cover most of it. Really sucks how you just got everything looking nice though. :hug:

Hey, next week I am taking the kiddos up to the grandparents for 10 days so it would a perfect time to work on appliqués together (hint).:)

Megan says that Ella looks more like Fancy Nancy than the doll and I think she's right! And when she saw the cake, let's just say that I am glad she doesn't know that some mommies bake birthday cakes because she just gasped and said, "how perfect!" She also likes the Hannah Montana guitar (with microphone, she was sure to point out). It looks like a great party: you did good mom!

The whole thing is great, including the bows! Did you use a pattern because I really like the front of the dress (the ruffles are of course gorgeous). You can tell it was made with a lot of love so I know Isabelle will love it.

:hug: I hope everything goes well, we'll be thinking of you.

What is a RTW? I love skorts. Megan is a little less than modest and they are perfect for active girls on the go. I think you did a great job salvaging it. I would probably do a little t-shirt with a mickey head with the plaid, but I am not the creative type. I'm so happy you were able to fix it; I would have probably cried and given up! :woohoo:

Owen is too stinkin' cute! What a sweetie.

OK, all ya'll with sergers wish me luck. I have only used my serger for finishing seams on the inside but I want to tried on of the rolled hems so I bought matching thread and am going to give it a go. I think I am going to clean and oil everything while I am in there since I haven't done it since I have started using the machine. Any advice and experience would be appreciated: I am scared I am going to screw something up.

Let me know if you need help, we have the same serger and I have done several rolled hems now! But I cheat and don't take the needle out, I just clip the thread.
Just a few pics from the trip. I am thinking of writing a trip report. I kept a journal and stayed up at least an hour each night writing in it. there were so many little things that I didn't want to forget.

Jackson hugging eeyore. he really loved the characters. It was nice to see the "little boy" come out in him. He wasn't worried in the slightest what his friends might think

Cooper as Captain Hook with Hook and Smee (Jackson as Jack Sparrow). Cooper didn't want to wear the shoe covers or the hook that I made- it was less for me to keep up with, so I didn't argue. He also kept pushing his shorts up over his knees, it looks like he is wearing a dress

the boys with jack sparrow. this guy was GREAT. He spent a lot of time with the kids. he made Jackson spin around so he could check him out. When Jackson told him that Cooper was Captain Hook, he said "we have a problem, mate, he doesn't have a hook. Do you think we can call him captain-no-hook?"

And finally one of Cooper in the boneyard. I like this picture because it makes Cooper look big, not that I want my baby to grow- he is just so little. Just for reference, the shorts are 12-18 months and the shirt is a 2T. Cooper turned 3 last month.

That is all for now. As I am going through the pics, if I see a good one of the custom, I will post it.

Yea! Your boys are adorable! I love the costumes did you make them?. Did you make the elephant shirt? It is so cute. :love:
Little off topic, im heading to the hospital tommorow morning. I will be in surgery from 9-11 to have this football sized cyst and my right ovary removed. Please think aobut me and say a prayer. I will miss you all.
Oh I wish you the best with the surgery. I will be praying for you!

Hi everyone! I used to visit daily but have been away for a while. wanted to say hello and share 3 new things I finished since I was away.
Getting ready for that next trip!




The skirts both have some appliques on the back as well. I am off to catch up on everyone!
Those are all very cute, you did a great job. Okay, I must ask though.....just HOW MANY pairs of sunglasses does that little model of yours own?? Hahahaha...her sunglasses always match!!! :cool1:

:rotfl2: All y'all absolutely CRACK me up!!! Ah yes...so much drama within the hallowed halls of schools!!

Okay...well...we have a rather large student...nearly 6' 4 and probably 375 pounds....and then some. He's just a great big person. He's profoundly autistic and prone to bouts of violence. He doesn't know his own strength. So imagine a six year old in that body having a temper tantrum. He can snap metal scissors in half like it's cardboard.

He showed up at school yesterday having shredded all of his clothing while on the private van that takes him to and from school. Including his shoes. He also shredded the inside of the van...tore out the ceiling and the seats. Not having a good morning. We were called and I went out to meet him as I know him well and can usually get him back on track. I opened the door to the van and he's nekkid as a jaybird. He says to me...

"hi...I'm naked."


He seems okay though, a little more calm than I was expecting. I called for sheets and stuff to be brought out...along with the very large custodian we have who helps out in situations where we need some heavy backup!

I got him wrapped up and covered and he walked calmly into the building with me all the way to the "calming down room"...(aka Padded room). We got him in there and he sat down. For about ten minutes. Then he wanted out. So he's pounding on the door...that we can't lock by law. So we've got the custodian, two male aides and the consulting psychiatrist holding the door.
YOWSERS is all I can say....YOWSERS!!! :scared1: :scared1: :scared1:

Just a few pics from the trip. I am thinking of writing a trip report. I kept a journal and stayed up at least an hour each night writing in it. there were so many little things that I didn't want to forget.

Jackson hugging eeyore. he really loved the characters. It was nice to see the "little boy" come out in him. He wasn't worried in the slightest what his friends might think

Cooper as Captain Hook with Hook and Smee (Jackson as Jack Sparrow). Cooper didn't want to wear the shoe covers or the hook that I made- it was less for me to keep up with, so I didn't argue. He also kept pushing his shorts up over his knees, it looks like he is wearing a dress

the boys with jack sparrow. this guy was GREAT. He spent a lot of time with the kids. he made Jackson spin around so he could check him out. When Jackson told him that Cooper was Captain Hook, he said "we have a problem, mate, he doesn't have a hook. Do you think we can call him captain-no-hook?"

And finally one of Cooper in the boneyard. I like this picture because it makes Cooper look big, not that I want my baby to grow- he is just so little. Just for reference, the shorts are 12-18 months and the shirt is a 2T. Cooper turned 3 last month.

That is all for now. As I am going through the pics, if I see a good one of the custom, I will post it.
Oh my goodness, your boys are just the cutest ever!!! Please, please, please do a trip report!!! I can't wait to read it!:banana:
Let me know if you need help, we have the same serger and I have done several rolled hems now! But I cheat and don't take the needle out, I just clip the thread.

Thanks, I think I remember you saying that. I will have to read the manual :scared1: and see if I can figure it out. How often do you oil your machine? I took a class and the teacher told us we should do it often if we used it a lot. I am askeered to!
Just a few pics from the trip. I am thinking of writing a trip report. I kept a journal and stayed up at least an hour each night writing in it. there were so many little things that I didn't want to forget.

Jackson hugging eeyore. he really loved the characters. It was nice to see the "little boy" come out in him. He wasn't worried in the slightest what his friends might think

Cooper as Captain Hook with Hook and Smee (Jackson as Jack Sparrow). Cooper didn't want to wear the shoe covers or the hook that I made- it was less for me to keep up with, so I didn't argue. He also kept pushing his shorts up over his knees, it looks like he is wearing a dress

the boys with jack sparrow. this guy was GREAT. He spent a lot of time with the kids. he made Jackson spin around so he could check him out. When Jackson told him that Cooper was Captain Hook, he said "we have a problem, mate, he doesn't have a hook. Do you think we can call him captain-no-hook?"

And finally one of Cooper in the boneyard. I like this picture because it makes Cooper look big, not that I want my baby to grow- he is just so little. Just for reference, the shorts are 12-18 months and the shirt is a 2T. Cooper turned 3 last month.

That is all for now. As I am going through the pics, if I see a good one of the custom, I will post it.
GREAT photos!!!! Looks like a very magical trip. That last photo of Cooper is a wonderful shot!!!!

What is a RTW?
Ready to Wear-I think-store bought.

Wow my head is spinning! :dance3: So you would suggest I use one or two sets of 40 FQ? Plus a yard ( 1/2 for each skirt) for the waist band plus extra patches, in order to do two twirl skirts.

Here is where I am confused. Carla is saying in the directions that I need 6 quarter yd cuts of fabric for the patches. That would be 6 strips 9" x "45" and the Jolly Patch is only 9" x 11" but I would get 40 of them. I am thinking out loud here! So lets see, 4 Jolly Patches make up one 9 x 45 and I need 6 per skirt times 2 skirts so 6 x 4 x 2 = 48 . Hmmmmm thats a different # than you.....I must be doing something wrong. :confused3
When you cut the 6 fabrics you actually end up with 1 extra 4 1/2 x 11 patch (that you can use for a dolly skirt) for each fabric.

It depends how long you want the skirts but 1/3 of a yard per skirt for waistband would be about enough-1/2 yard would be safer. You make the waistband about 34" for size 6 so you would have extra width to mak up for missing blocks from the fat quarters.
Hi All,

I need a bit of help with the Aline - I have a little puckering around the curves on the top - do I need to snip more around the edge or ????? I dont know what I did wrong......I also am having a tricky time with the whole finished side seam - inside - outside - upside down!!!!! help??????

Thanks, Wen
Hi All,

I need a bit of help with the Aline - I have a little puckering around the curves on the top - do I need to snip more around the edge or ????? I dont know what I did wrong......I also am having a tricky time with the whole finished side seam - inside - outside - upside down!!!!! help??????

Thanks, Wen

You do need to clip the seams on the curves (not trim them). Then you need to press them. I have a little tool that helps when your turning the seams. Something like this but mine is wooden:

Side seam....hum...how to explain it.....start by pinning the right sides of the 'fashion' fabric together then pull on the lining fabric so that you can pin some of that on both ends of the fashion fabric seam. I start sewing on the lining and sew all of the fashion fabric and the other end of the lining until it gets too tight. :wizard: good luck!
A few pages back there were some questions about bias tape. I used it to finish the sleeve area on this outfit. So I took a few pictures as I went.


So I was using Single fold Bias tape.
First you pin it right sides together to the edge.

Then you stitch it down in the fold

Turn it over pinning it in place

and stitch near the other edge.

THis finishes the edge.

I hope that helps.

Double fold bias tape is a little different. For that you just insert the fabric of your garment inside the tape. THen stitch along the edge. One side is slightly narrower than the other side so if you have that side up you are less likely to miss the other edge as you sew.::yes::
Those are all very cute, you did a great job. Okay, I must ask though.....just HOW MANY pairs of sunglasses does that little model of yours own?? Hahahaha...her sunglasses always match!!! :cool1:

That is kind of funny... she has at leat 8 pairs. It is her way of not saying the hot az sun hurts her eyes. I get better pics and I think it is her trademark now!
Jackson hugging eeyore. he really loved the characters. It was nice to see the "little boy" come out in him. He wasn't worried in the slightest what his friends might think

That is all for now. As I am going through the pics, if I see a good one of the custom, I will post it.

I think you should do a TR!!!!! Awesome pictures
You absolutely OUTDID yourself. It's artwork. I just love it. Really, wow!

:rotfl2: All y'all absolutely CRACK me up!!! Ah yes...so much drama within the hallowed halls of schools!!

Okay...well...we have a rather large student...nearly 6' 4 and probably 375 pounds....and then some. He's just a great big person. He's profoundly autistic and prone to bouts of violence. He doesn't know his own strength. So imagine a six year old in that body having a temper tantrum. He can snap metal scissors in half like it's cardboard.

He showed up at school yesterday having shredded all of his clothing while on the private van that takes him to and from school. Including his shoes. He also shredded the inside of the van...tore out the ceiling and the seats. Not having a good morning. We were called and I went out to meet him as I know him well and can usually get him back on track. I opened the door to the van and he's nekkid as a jaybird. He says to me...

"hi...I'm naked."


He seems okay though, a little more calm than I was expecting. I called for sheets and stuff to be brought out...along with the very large custodian we have who helps out in situations where we need some heavy backup!

I got him wrapped up and covered and he walked calmly into the building with me all the way to the "calming down room"...(aka Padded room). We got him in there and he sat down. For about ten minutes. Then he wanted out. So he's pounding on the door...that we can't lock by law. So we've got the custodian, two male aides and the consulting psychiatrist holding the door.

He also wee'd all over the floor...wee'd on the observation window. And I can't have him in there with urine on the floor. But we can't open the door. Somehow I manage to get his attention and tell him in my firmest voice that he needs to SIT DOWN in the corner b/c there is a mess we need to have cleaned. So he sat. And stayed sitting while the custodian did a quick mop up and tried to sanitize a little. As soon as the custodian left though, he was pounding on the door again which required four large men to keep it shut and he was still managing to move them.

at this point I think he needs to go to the psychiatric unit. he's a danger to himself and to others and we need a more secure situation.

He actually transferred really smoothly. The paramedics came in. Thankfully they listened to me and let me lead him out and sit on the stretcher with him. He rode nicely in the ambulance. Almost comatose like. But as soon as we got him into a room in the hospital, he throws a chair out of the blue...which hit a nurse in the face...so her nose is bleeding...my "student" is screaming bloody murder as blood freaks him out. He's scratching himself to bits and grabbing at me, so now I'm covered in blood.

it was insanity.

finally he had to be restrained and medicated. It was sad. But in a way it needed to happen for mom to see that it's time to think about permanent placement. He's too volatile...sweet as he can be...but unstable.

it was a long dang day. I have a bruises all over my arms and legs...but I survived!!!

how's THAT for drama?! Would y'all believe that I've had similar situations in the past...eerily similar actually.

just another day in the life!!!


My first contractual job as a teacher (besides subbing) was as a BD (behavior disorder - the term is different in every state) teacher. My placement was in a state run mental hospital servicing their patients 21 and under who had not completed high school. I got all kinds of "fun" students! The hospital had civil patients (who were hospitalized either by parents or by themselves) and a medium security facility for those who had committed a crime (and were not guilty by reason of insanity, unfit to stand trial, etc.). Thankfully I never had any incidents myself but the nurses seemed to get the worst of the problems. One poor nurse ended up with a broken nose, jaw, arm, ribs and a skull fracture from one patient (who they determined needed a more restrictive environment, DUH!). The scariest part of that job was that I was never certain who exactly worked there and who was a patient until I saw them carrying keys. Some of the staff would argue with a patient! Which always made me chuckle to myself - who is crazy here - you are arguing with someone who is insane! Do you really think the rules of logic are in play? Anyway, it was a funny job!

Funny story and sorry I'm so :offtopic: ! I had one girl who was in the jail side of the hospital. She really wasn't mentally ill but she had a very low IQ (probably around 70) that would have made life in a regular prison dangerous for her. She really was one of my favorites and we were working and she kept saying Jesus. I said, "You've got his attention now, you had better talk to him." She looked at me and said, "I did, and you're still here!" Cracked me up! She was able to come up with funny one liners all the time! Okay, sorry, I"ll try to get back on topic now!

Just a few pics from the trip. I am thinking of writing a trip report. I kept a journal and stayed up at least an hour each night writing in it. there were so many little things that I didn't want to forget.

Jackson hugging eeyore. he really loved the characters. It was nice to see the "little boy" come out in him. He wasn't worried in the slightest what his friends might think

Cooper as Captain Hook with Hook and Smee (Jackson as Jack Sparrow). Cooper didn't want to wear the shoe covers or the hook that I made- it was less for me to keep up with, so I didn't argue. He also kept pushing his shorts up over his knees, it looks like he is wearing a dress

the boys with jack sparrow. this guy was GREAT. He spent a lot of time with the kids. he made Jackson spin around so he could check him out. When Jackson told him that Cooper was Captain Hook, he said "we have a problem, mate, he doesn't have a hook. Do you think we can call him captain-no-hook?"

And finally one of Cooper in the boneyard. I like this picture because it makes Cooper look big, not that I want my baby to grow- he is just so little. Just for reference, the shorts are 12-18 months and the shirt is a 2T. Cooper turned 3 last month.

That is all for now. As I am going through the pics, if I see a good one of the custom, I will post it.

Love your pictures! Captain Un-Hook is pretty clever! Looks a lot like Johnny Depp too! Lucky you!

Whew, that was really scarey!!!! I had a somewhat similar situation last summer. Every year for the past 4 years I go with a group from my church to Camp Promise in Bigfork, Mt. It is a camp for kids/adults with special needs. My friend Mike, who is also an OT was in the chapel with a non verbal, large autistic young man. The kiddo (about 15) was getting a big edgy. We were trying everything to help him communicate with us, but it was to no use. He ended up starting to hit himself very hard. As dear Mike (who is a small sized man) tried to intervene, he ended up in a headlock with the kiddo. So, me, being the only other person up at the chapel tried to pry the kids hands off Mike's head, as I did, the kiddo grabbed me and I could feel his fingernails just pierce through my skin. He then headbuts Mike right in the nose -the blood started to flow - So, Mike hollars for me to go get help - so I run out of the chapel and see the nurse at the bottom of the hill and hollar for help~ So she is running up = then we hollar for some big guys to help - one of them being my DH. My DH and another big guy get some kind of hold on the kiddo and mike is released - at that point the kiddo sinks his teeth very deeply into my DH's arm!!!! The nurse (who works in an ER) knows how to use sheets to swaddle and restrain the kiddo as they take him to the floor. She had to give him a vallum suppository and he finally calms down. They call the kids, mom and she comes to pick him up. All she said was - I wondered if this would work out!!! That was it~~ My poor DH and Mike had to go to urgent care for tetnus shots (mine was up to date)~~the poor kiddo just didnt know his own strength!! It was a scarey moment, but we cant wait to go back this year - we leave in 3 weeks!!! :duck: :hug:

Ooh, tetanus shots! Those are the worst! They really HURT afterwards! My whole arm is sore when I get one for 2 days! Poor guys. Lucky nurse too, a valium suppository, that sounds like good times!
I've now gone from this

to this...


Now, what should I do for a shirt? I was thinking about a RTW because DS2 and DS7 will have matching shorts with a polo top.
Just because he's cute. Owen picked up the finished folded shirt and told me to take a picture!
Nice save on the dress and that shirt for your little guy is really cute on him.

Miss Cammie- :scared1: on your drama. You are very strong to deal with that. I don't think I could stick with it much longer than a month or so.

I love the pirate outfits. Those guys are just too cute.
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