Disboutiquers Part 8 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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am I the only BAD MOTHER in this group :lmao:
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
that cannot wait for my children to go back to school:rotfl: so I can have the whole place for myself
and run naked thru the whole house doing the banana dance :banana: :banana: :rotfl2:


I'm on the fence - It's sad to see him going to preschool 4 days a week this year (2 days a week last year) but I'm also REALLY excited to have a couple hours of free time! I'll be able to make his shorts for the trip without any issues and I can go to the gym or shop (don't like shopping much, but it's sure a lot easier without a little one along!) or ... well, not running through the house naked. DH works from home and occasionally has his partner come over etc. That would be BAAAADDD. :rolleyes1

Does it make me a bad mom that I didn't take any first day of school pictures this morning?
OK, so we WON'T be seeing Fly Me to the Moon. I guess it is only in limited theaters - no AMC theater around here is playing it and only 2 Dickinson theaters in the country have it - one in Arizona and one in Arkansas. A bit too far of a drive, huh? Honestly, I'm a little miffed. I could be wrong, but I don't believe that they mention in the commercials for the movie that it will only be in a few theaters. Grrrrr. I'm glad we didn't mention the movie to Caleb yet. Now to think of something else to do this afternoon. . .

It's funny you say that because I was watching something the other day and saw the comercial for the first time. I thought it was weird that nobody I knew had mentioned seeing it. I guess it's because they would have to go cross country to do it!

I hope school goes well today. Is it just a half day because it's the begining of the school year or do you guys have half day?
Aleah's 5th birthday is today. Nothing exciting, though. I'm working and then she and Heidi have gymnastics. We'll do a cake later tonight. She's having a party on Saturday for all of the relatives.
:bday: :cake:party:Happy Birthday to Aleah!!! 5 is a wonderful age to be.
am I the only BAD MOTHER in this group :lmao:
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
that cannot wait for my children to go back to school:rotfl: so I can have the whole place for myself
and run naked thru the whole house doing the banana dance :banana: :banana: :rotfl2:

You are excused from being called a bad because you have bigger kids. Everybody knows that big kids are no fun to have around. ;):rotfl:

OK, so we WON'T be seeing Fly Me to the Moon. I guess it is only in limited theaters - no AMC theater around here is playing it and only 2 Dickinson theaters in the country have it - one in Arizona and one in Arkansas. A bit too far of a drive, huh? Honestly, I'm a little miffed. I could be wrong, but I don't believe that they mention in the commercials for the movie that it will only be in a few theaters. Grrrrr. I'm glad we didn't mention the movie to Caleb yet. Now to think of something else to do this afternoon. . .
It's not playing here either. I wanted to go see it. We only have the Grand theater here.:guilty:
I'm back to lurk some more. But first, I must ask:


How did you manage the "Woody" fabric? I ask because I made my son this:


And I'm wondering if you found an easier way than I did to make the shirt. (Just a hint - yellow fabric and TWO red fabric markers. I couldn't find the fabric for anything. If it exists.)

Pretty please. Inquiring minds want to know.

I'll go back to lurking now. I would post pictures, but I always seem to be copying someone else's creativity . . .
I'm back to lurk some more. But first, I must ask:

How did you manage the "Woody" fabric? I ask because I made my son this:


And I'm wondering if you found an easier way than I did to make the shirt. (Just a hint - yellow fabric and TWO red fabric markers. I couldn't find the fabric for anything. If it exists.)

Pretty please. Inquiring minds want to know.

I'll go back to lurking now. I would post pictures, but I always seem to be copying someone else's creativity . . .

I totally cheated...I bought the shirt on Ebay!!!:lmao:
I'm back to lurk some more. But first, I must ask:

How did you manage the "Woody" fabric? I ask because I made my son this:


And I'm wondering if you found an easier way than I did to make the shirt. (Just a hint - yellow fabric and TWO red fabric markers. I couldn't find the fabric for anything. If it exists.)

Pretty please. Inquiring minds want to know.

I'll go back to lurking now. I would post pictures, but I always seem to be copying someone else's creativity . . .

You should post pics! Just add a ruffle and call it your own!
Hmmm...looks like Fly Me to the Moon is playing at 2 theaters near me, I guess I'd better take the kids! Who knew? I survived my weigh-in. I didn't go last week because the kids had swimming lessons but I managed to lose 3.2 lbs. in 2 weeks :confused3 I was just hoping to break even so I'm :banana: :banana: :banana: Now I'm off to finish the Belle big-face jumper I'm making for Lily's friend. I just have buttonholes and 3 more fabric roses left.
Okay, I wanted to catch up on everything before I posted my big news. No, I'm not pregnant. ;) But, I am about ready to burst with excitement!!

We had a family reunion at a park yesterday and I was chatting with my cousin. She was a hot-shot in the sewing industry and even wrote a few books (her name was Tracy Helmer, she has since gotten a divorce and remarried and stopped sewing). I am ashamed to say that I had never read her books and didn't even know what they were about. Apparently, they were about machine embroidery! Wow, I just did a search for her on amazon and there are 3 books on there written by her. I'm so ashamed. Anyway, we were chatting and I told her that Teresa sewed Tessa's shirt (the ice cream cone one) and that I did the applique. She said "You're not ready for a $5,000 embroidery machine yet, are you?" I laughed and said "I would love one and I was looking at them on the internet yesterday." She said "Well, I've got the Husqvarna Designer 1 just sitting in my basement. Do you want to use it?" Her husband chimed in with "I'll even carry it out to your car for you."


This is the EXACT same machine I had been drooling over online, thinking that I would NEVER be able to afford it!!!

It is the most fantastic looking machine ever!!! It does EVERYTHING!!!!! It has a HUGE embroidery hoop, you can customize your own designs, I have no idea what else it does!!!!!! Here's a link to all the info on the sewing machine:


She's going to be gone this week (taking her son to college), but she said I could come over and pick it up next Tuesday. She'll even show me how to use it. As I understand it, I can borrow it as long as I want. I still need to discuss with her how much she will hate me if I break her machine and things like that.

I am beside myself with excitement!!!! I am positively GIDDY!!!!!!!

:banana: :banana: :banana:

that is so cool! I am excited for you. and I had to leave all your smileys because Sara Beth thinks they are really cool!

First question and I already know the answer...

If you were told on Friday that you were going to the zoo on Sunday with your kids what would you do? Would you really go ahead with your yard sale and decide they needed outfits made by you? why yes you would!!!! So I did!

I worked all day Friday setting up for the YS then sold all day Satuday. Then sewed until 1am!!!

Really it should have not taken so long...but I really didn't have any fabric to make the boys any shorts and no time to go shopping. I had a few fat quarters from several years back that looked like different animal furs...so I decided to make patch work shorts for the boys.

While dropping off the leftover yardsale items at Goodwill...I found these great yellow shirts that would match Katie's yellow in the outfit I had made back in the spring.

So...here are too many pics!

It was raining when we got up yesterday and when we first got to the park.

Patrick was our guide for the day.

There are some wonderful sculptures all over our zoo...

One with the elephant in the back...no that is me in the green shirt...the elephant in the brown one in the back..:lmao:

What a great day!!!!

Ya'll look like you had a great time! We almost went to the zoo Saturday, but decided to head west to Asheville instead and went to the WNC nAture center. The weather was cool up there. felt great!

Aleah's 5th birthday is today. Nothing exciting, though. I'm working and then she and Heidi have gymnastics. We'll do a cake later tonight. She's having a party on Saturday for all of the relatives.

Happy Birthday Aleah!

Whew! I made it over!

Pics, of course!

Ella giving her buddy some kisses goodbye.



It's only a half day today, so I think we may go see a movie and out to eat tonight, Caleb's pick, of course! So, I'm sure we'll be seeing Fly Me to the Moon and eating at either Red Robin or Chili's! LOL! I miss him already . . .

How sweet. That first day is always hard!

I thought I would post some more pics from my April trip. Here are the girls at Epcot in the HSM outfits I made them.

I love these, but Caity (the oldest) is already growing out of the top I made. :sad2: Her, um, girls are developing, which makes me sad. She is growing up and I want her to stay little. I guess you can't stop time from passing, no matter how much you want to.

And one more, here are the pics of them at Ohana's in the shirts I made them.


They look cute! It is amazing how fast they grow. I have a hard time sewing for Ashley (13) because I keep forgetting how she has something up there now!

I know we have some NC people here..Any great fabric stores there?

Not really. :( We have a hancocks right off of 85, some joanns scattered near raleigh and greensboro, and hobby lobbys. Where exactly are you going to be?

I can't believe I'm WAYYYY back on page 5...geesh..oh well. The girls got off to a good start this morning...I forgot to put their lunches in their backpacks...Neither one wants to go through the lunch line but today they will have too. Here is a photo of them before they seperated for the day.

Ireland wanted a messenger bag this year, and to wear her Hanna Montana shirt...she's never even watched the showshe also wouldn't let me pull up her hair, she wanted it down....whatever... and so another year begins....

Happy first day!

am I the only BAD MOTHER in this group :lmao:
:banana: :
that cannot wait for my children to go back to school:: so I can have the whole place for myself
and run naked thru the whole house doing the banana dance ::


He, I homeschool my girls now, so I don't think running around naked would be a good thing! Although Sara Beth did do her schoolwork today in her undies!
Hmmm...looks like Fly Me to the Moon is playing at 2 theaters near me, I guess I'd better take the kids! Who knew? I survived my weigh-in. I didn't go last week because the kids had swimming lessons but I managed to lose 3.2 lbs. in 2 weeks :confused3 I was just hoping to break even so I'm :banana: :banana: :banana: Now I'm off to finish the Belle big-face jumper I'm making for Lily's friend. I just have buttonholes and 3 more fabric roses left.

The add looked really cute. You should see it and tell us all that it was horrible, so we don't feel like we are missing out!
Not really. :( We have a hancocks right off of 85, some joanns scattered near raleigh and greensboro, and hobby lobbys. Where exactly are you going to be?


We are going to be visiting my sister and family in Burlington, but we sometimes make it to Greensboro or Raliegh-Durham.
Okay, I wanted to catch up on everything before I posted my big news. No, I'm not pregnant. ;) But, I am about ready to burst with excitement!!

We had a family reunion at a park yesterday and I was chatting with my cousin. She was a hot-shot in the sewing industry and even wrote a few books (her name was Tracy Helmer, she has since gotten a divorce and remarried and stopped sewing). I am ashamed to say that I had never read her books and didn't even know what they were about. Apparently, they were about machine embroidery! Wow, I just did a search for her on amazon and there are 3 books on there written by her. I'm so ashamed. Anyway, we were chatting and I told her that Teresa sewed Tessa's shirt (the ice cream cone one) and that I did the applique. She said "You're not ready for a $5,000 embroidery machine yet, are you?" I laughed and said "I would love one and I was looking at them on the internet yesterday." She said "Well, I've got the Husqvarna Designer 1 just sitting in my basement. Do you want to use it?" Her husband chimed in with "I'll even carry it out to your car for you."


This is the EXACT same machine I had been drooling over online, thinking that I would NEVER be able to afford it!!!

It is the most fantastic looking machine ever!!! It does EVERYTHING!!!!! It has a HUGE embroidery hoop, you can customize your own designs, I have no idea what else it does!!!!!! Here's a link to all the info on the sewing machine:


She's going to be gone this week (taking her son to college), but she said I could come over and pick it up next Tuesday. She'll even show me how to use it. As I understand it, I can borrow it as long as I want. I still need to discuss with her how much she will hate me if I break her machine and things like that.

I am beside myself with excitement!!!! I am positively GIDDY!!!!!!!

:banana: :banana: :banana:

How very cool!!! We'll be expecting loads of cool new stuff now, you know.

A friend of mine finally got her serger back from her cousin in CA & offered to let me "store" it for her ;) for a while since I sew more than she does right now. Sadly, I have NOWHERE to put the thing. Unless I could convince dh that he doesn't need to use the other end of the dining room table to eat & work from. :rolleyes1
He, I homeschool my girls now, so I don't think running around naked would be a good thing! Although Sara Beth did do her schoolwork today in her undies!

We also homeschool. We are starting today after weeks of dreading it on my part. But we are ready! Everyone is dressed though :)

We use to be in Holly Springs but moved to Texas over a year ago. We miss the trees! But love our house!
I know we have some NC people here..Any great fabric stores there?

Oh! I saw you were going to Burlington...I just moved from up there!!!! Actually the next town over, Mebane...

Ok...no good places in Burlington that I ever found. There is a bunch of new malls that have opened since we moved...so there may be now. There is a Hancock's in Durham on Hillsborough Road that is okay. There are some places in Chapel Hill for vintage that a girlfriend was telling me about. I will try to find out where they are. Other than that...I think you are looking at Hobby Lobby in Greensboro or Raleigh. And there is a Joanne's between Chapel Hill and Durham on 15-501 that I used to go to a lot that was pretty good.

Oh! And for my other favorite subject...FOOD...be sure to go eat at Hursey's BBQ in Graham...if you don't like BBQ get the broasted chicken. YUMMMY! And any cobbler from there is good...oh I want some now!

Oh! I almost forgot ...there is a Not Just Linens on 15-501 too across from the Target too (that may not be 15-501...it may be university there??) Anyway...if you say across from the old South Square mall...most people know where it is...and you can eat at the Mayflower right next door for good seafood...see it's a food thing for me!
I'm lucky I guess, dd4 doesn't start school under Wednesday. I got the top for her jumper finished today since it's actually supposed to be cooler this week (like the low 80's she complains about being cold easily). I had planned on waiting & making it long sleeved. Oh well.

My camera & I had issues today so the pics aren't great.


After that I got 'My picture too, Mommy' from dd2 so:


It really twirls (that was dd4's only real request - make it twirl-y).

Why yes, dd2 IS playing peek-a-boo with a measureing spoon. :lmao: Either that or it was supposed to be a camera & she was taking my picture. :rotfl:

OK. So I want to make a bag for my school things. I have Amy Butlers nappy bag pattern but I'm missing the instructions. But also, I think I want more of a hobo or swing bag look. Anyone know of a good free pattern (YES I CHECKED THE BOOKMARKS!!!) or tutorial? There is another AB pattern I like but I hate to spend 12.95 on a pattern. I'm cheap and broke!!!

Ya'll look like you had a great time! We almost went to the zoo Saturday, but decided to head west to Asheville instead and went to the WNC nAture center. The weather was cool up there. felt great!

Not really. :( We have a hancocks right off of 85, some joanns scattered near raleigh and greensboro, and hobby lobbys. Where exactly are you going to be?

It was fun at the zoo. It was really a good day to go. We are planning a trip to the mountains...my parents have a place in Cullowhee over where Western Carolina is so it comes out as a cheap trip.

Oh! Have you been to fabric world yet? Katie (my fabric watchdog daughter) saw a commercial for them in Charollotte...I thought about going and checking it out but didn't know if you had been yet.
It is funny! I like to think he has a sense of humor. I mean, I am actually kind of counting on it!
Me too girlie! Me too!!! If He doesn't....... I'm in B-I-G Trouble!!

HEY!!! You guys moved without me:confused3 What gives? Too bad, cause I found ya'll anyway!
So here I am.

Liliana wore big girl undies to school today (Tink ones) and when we were getting dressed she said "NO MORE DIAPERS FOR ME!!!"

Heather........ I told you we needed to be more cat like in our slinking away from the other thread! T has found us now..... and we have to wait for 250 pages to pass before we can try to lose her again! DRAT!!! FOILED AGAIN!:rotfl2:

Congrats on the big girl pants! No more baby....:guilty:

am I the only BAD MOTHER in this group :lmao:
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
that cannot wait for my children to go back to school:rotfl: so I can have the whole place for myself
and run naked thru the whole house doing the banana dance :banana: :banana: :rotfl2:


I'm SHOCKED!!! :scared1: I never would've guessed it Linette!!:laughing:

How do you guys know I'm not naked right now? I love my kids, but they were begging for some structure in their lives!

OMG........ are we going to need a moderator for this thread? Is it becoming "R" rated right in front of my eyes?? Will I ever be able to read this thread again and be the same??

Hmmm...looks like Fly Me to the Moon is playing at 2 theaters near me, I guess I'd better take the kids! Who knew? I survived my weigh-in. I didn't go last week because the kids had swimming lessons but I managed to lose 3.2 lbs. in 2 weeks :confused3 I was just hoping to break even so I'm :banana: :banana: :banana: Now I'm off to finish the Belle big-face jumper I'm making for Lily's friend. I just have buttonholes and 3 more fabric roses left.

Congrats on your weight loss and successful reporting in today! I know it's a scary thing to do- but you did it anyway! I'm doing pretty good as well., but I dare not say how much because I always jinx myself when I do!
One with the elephant in the back...no that is me in the green shirt...the elephant in the brown one in the back..:lmao:
You guys are so cute! What a fun day! You do NOT look like an elephant!

Congrats on the new machine! Just a pointer...... get that puppy out and start working on it while you are all fresh with excitement! I don't like to rat myself out usually, but I have a machine that I had to have 2 years ago and bought off of ebay, because I'd just die if I didn't get it, and I have never ever touched it! I was waiting till the just right perfect moment that I would have hours and hours of creative uninterupted time to sew and my house was perfectly clean and my husband was 100% happy with me and my kids were giggling in the background....... Well, that never happened and there it sits, unused and feeling unloved.
Don't tell my husband though. I am sure that he has no idea that I never used it and that is the type of thing I would be so mad at him about! By the way, I could buy that thing today for about half of what I paid for it 2 years ago.

Have fun with your machine!
I plan to start using it as soon as I get it!! I'm not skerred. Okay, I'm a little scared, but that was one of her conditions- I have to use it. I just looked the machine up on ebay and it's selling for between $1000-$1500 now. So, it's dropped $3500 since she bought it!! I think she said she's had it 3 years. Yikes!

I had to send my Caleb to kindergarten today, so I'm a little ferklempt.
Your pictures made me all teary. Caleb looks very handsome for his first day. I think his haircut looks cute! :hug: for Mommy and Ella.

I thought I would post some more pics from my April trip. Here are the girls at Epcot in the HSM outfits I made them.
I love seeing Disney outfits in action. Thanks for the pictures!!

Last night B put together her toddler bed:sad1: and we set it up w/ a pillow w/ a princess pillow case I had bought to make a dress and her fleece princess blanket for now and an Aurora night light. She slept in it but it took a while to get her to sleep. When we left her alone in there she was talking to her stuffed animals and we were listening at the door. It broke my heart. She was saying "My dada's out there and he's sitting by the fish tank. I love the fish. And I love my mama and dada. I don't know why their not here, cause I love them."
It was enough to make me want to go in and get her. BUT I didn't. Eventually she bumped her head on her head board and came out to get it kissed. I went in and lay down with her for a while but she kept talking. so I left. Eventually her dad lay down with her and she went to sleep. But she told him I was mad at her He told her I wasn't but she was bigger now and has to sleep in her own bed. She did come into my bed at about 6:30 this morning. It's a start. I'm on the way to getting my bed back and maybe Lily can get a little brother or sister now:rotfl:

Happy thoughts to all of you who sent your littles off to school this morning!:grouphug:
:hug: to you for your kids growing up too fast!

]WAIT WAIT HEATHER!!!!! You did try Steph's method, remember??? With your old machine, the one that BROKE! Right after you tried it!

Well, well, she gave ME her mother's 25 year old machine to use! and she TOLD me about this great embroidery machine that she had.....

Yes, I remember now! But, that was not Steph's fault! I thought I had upholstery thread, but it was some other kind of thread that was WAY too thick to ever use in a machine!

I'll embroider stuff for yah!

:banana: :banana: :banana: That is soooo cool! Okay now, I'll be sending you some fabric pieces to embroider for me. I"ll buy the design for you and you put it on, okay? :laughing:
Good luck at WW!! I would be happy to embroider stuff for you once I figure out how to do it!

HeatherSue, I think God blessed you back for all the time you and Teresa spend maintaining the thread and encouraging everyone! ( I say and Teresa because I'm sure you're going to let her use it, right?)

I know we have some NC people here..Any great fabric stores there?
:hug: You're so sweet!! My cousin did say that we have to share it. But, I'm not sure how that'll work!! I will let Teresa use it if she wants, but I'm willing to bet she'd rather just have me embroider stuff for her.

WOW Heather, color me jealous!!! I was just looking at a used machine in the flea market for about 450. But it just wasn't what I want. I told B to start saving b/c It's going to cost him thousands of dollars to get a machine to do what I want it to. You are sooooo lucky!!!! I can't wait to see what you make!!
This machine is going for between $1000 and $1500 on ebay. It does everything I could ever imagine a sewing machine doing! So, start saving and by the time you have the $$, it might be even cheaper!

am I the only BAD MOTHER in this group
that cannot wait for my children to go back to school so I can have the whole place for myself
and run naked thru the whole house doing the banana dance

Okay, let's see. No, I'm sure you're not the only mother who's excited about their kids going to school and that certainly doesn't make you a bad mother.

However, you may be the only one who wants to run through the house naked, doing this- :banana:

:rotfl2: You're so funny!

What? That is not true at all. I was sticking my tongue at Teresa because she says I need supervision at the dismeet! :snooty:

Why do I always get blamed? A time out and accused of breaking a sewing machine? :sad1:

I was thinking that too, but now I am rethinking since I have been accused of breaking her old machine. :snooty:

All is forgiven then. Wait- why wouldn't you hold my haaaaaaand???

I did NOT accuse you of breaking my machine. Besides, it was all Tom's fault!!!;)

I broke my machine while trying to gather up the sides of Tessa's Cinderella dress by putting REALLY thick bobbin thread in. It was more like thin rope than thread. So, it was totally my own stupidity.

How do you guys know I'm not naked right now? I love my kids, but they were begging for some structure in their lives! They think they were fighting over the t.v. station, but what they were really wanting is to go to school!!!
:rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl:
First pantless sewing and now this!!
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